IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Twinkle that's brilliant we'll done! them numbers are brilliant..stay positive... I can't wait until Saturday night and ill be finished all drugs..

Where is GCRM? Is Dr Truab the consultant there?

How is everyone else at the moment?? Xx
Yay! We've got 6 lovely embryos! They're in the EEVA incubator now and we'll get a call in the morning to let us know how they're doing and whether it looks like a 3 or 5 day transfer. I'm really hoping for 5 this time, we've never got that far before.

Jack doll, gcrm is over at duncrue industrial estate. It's a bit of a random place for it, but the building is lovely and there's a great view from the consulting rooms. The dr's there are Agbaje, McFaul, Traub and Moohan. They're all brilliant, and the nurses are lovely too. I can honestly say our experience has been great with them, and we'll definitely be staying with them if this cycle doesn't work out. The embryologist seems to really know his stuff too. He's called Robbie Kerr, he's come over from Scotland to head up the lab. He's really chuffed with his results so far (75% fertilisation rate for icsi! which is higher than glasgows rate and the national average). He was like a wee boy being all proud yesterday when he was telling us about it lol! How are u getting on with your injections? This week will fly in for u with scans and the count down to EC!

Hey to everyone else xo
Thats fab news Twinkle. And great to hear that you had such s good experience at GCRM Belf - its so good to now have this other option in NI. Good luck for the transfer! X
hey ladies, so just to give u an update: dr Agbaje carried out my egg collection at the Royal, 11 embryos we good, and I managed to get up to a 5 day transfer, which is fab. I got one blastocyte transferred this morning, while my husband was running the marathon, of which he done in 3 hrs 30( well done him). it took a lot of persuadtion to get him to do it and not to come with me, transfer took literally less than 5 mins which would have been a waste of all DH marathon training. blastocyte was excellent grade and they are hoping to 4-5 other good quality ones to freeze.... so from here on its a waiting game.... only annoyance is the gel, it makes me extremely nauseas 24hrs a day and dr said my bodoy should get used to it, but it aint enjoyable...

well done twinklemama, that's great news and a good amount as well. hope you get the 5 day transfer and all is sweet and stress free!
Nette that's fab news! Congrats on being PUPO! And congrats to ur hubby! I couldn't run the length of myself! 2ww is the worst bit I think, first week is fine cos u know nothing noticeable will happen to ur body, but the second week is "knicker watch" lol! Fingers crossed u get ur bfp!

Threebirds, how are u getting on?

It's day 3 for our lovely embryos today, and we're going for a day 5 transfer on Thursday! Embryologist said EEVA has predicted that 3 have a high chance of making it to blastocyst and 3 have a medium chance, so fingers crossed!
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well. I'm officially PUPO with 2 "beautiful" blastocysts, to quote the embryologist!! She was very enthusiastic! Had the transfer yesterday and it went very smoothly. We had 3 early blasts left yesterday but unfortunately they weren't suitable for freezing after another day in the incubator. I'm seriously impressed with gcrm-we got a report from EEVA with images of our two embies, plus a memory stick with footage of the 2 of them aswell, very cool. I'm easily impressed by technology lol!
Anyway, just the 2ww to endure now, really bad episode of cramping a couple of hours ago which I'm trying to be positive about- maybe it's implantation cramps!

Nette, how are u getting on with your 2ww pet?

Twinkle congrats, that is brilliant results, good they put 2 blasts back in, I hate the 2ww, it really is the worse part, try get yourself busy!xx

I have been for scans & bloods all week, still not confirmed egg collection day yet! Could be tue or wed, maybe even thur. So more drugs for me :((
Really thought today would have been my last day and egg collection on Monday as originally planned..

Good luck nette...

Thanks Jackdoll, fingers crossed for your egg collection this week! Can't wait to hear how you get on xo
twinklemama!!! well the day after transfer, I managed to go and get myself a massive chest infection... currently on steroids and antibiotics.... as it was having complications with my asthma. dr was worried that the if it was treated it would have worse effect on outcome of ivf..... so feeling not to bad now... coughing like a mad woman which cant be helping emby trying to implant.... the sickness has settle though after taking gels for about 5 days... which is good.... but yeah I totally get ya, sat is my testing day.... and it was alarms went of in my yesterday and was getting really paranoid.... but yes getting paranoid with every twinge etc.... how are you getting on?
Hey girls, my egg collection is Tuesday. So excited, tonight is my trigger and that's me drug free, well apart from the internal gels which I don't mind...

Can't believe I'm doing this all over again, such an emotional journey. So many ups & downs...

Twinkle when is ur testing day? Nette good luck for saturday. Are yous planning on testing early? I made it right up to the day before testing my last cycle. But I've decided not to test until the day I'm given! Xxxx
Oh nette, I'm so sorry to hear you're sick. I suppose tho the steroids might well help with treatment tho, u often hear of girls being put on them. Hopefully you will get better soon tho. I'm doing ok, just analysing every twinge! I can't seem to think of anything else.

Jackdoll, so glad to hear today is ur last day of drugs, good luck for Tuesday! Will keep everything crossed for u. I'm prob gonna test next Saturday or Sunday, if I get that far, both cycles before I've started bleeding before then so we'll see how it goes. Gcrm didn't actually give me a test date for poas tho, just a date for bloods. Praying I make it that far! xo
Good luck on tues, jackdoll!!.....

I am planning to test on the sat, which was the date I was given, but already I am super tempted to try it a bit early.... Saturday is day 13th...I don't know what to do. I got a lot of back pain this last few days and am really paranoid that its start of AF... anyone else getting symptoms at the minute. I am also getting the odd cramping pain, but surely either way that normal. If its Af, its normal symptoms & if its actually worked, it would be normal for this as well as emby would be burrowing well in, which Is why my mind is up in the air!!

how you getting on now twinklemama, what day where you told to test on?
I'm probably going to test on Sunday nette, it will be 10dp5dt so I should definitely get a reliable result, that's if I don't start AF before then. I can imagine I won't hold out til then tho!! I don't have any tests in the house tho so maybe I'll make it! I'm having the odd cramp now, not as bad as it was the first 2 days after transfer tho, I'm hoping it's a good sign. Boobs are sore and I'm constantly tired. Dreading going back to work on Wednesday. How are u feeling today? Xo
i am getting really nervous. its so weird, i am getting crampy on and off, i will be 10days after 5 day transfer on wed, so i am going to try and hold of until at least thurs...arrgghhhhh.... sorry to be so graphic with this next question, are you getting a lot of creamy discharge with the gel?.... i just seem to be stock piling it all in there...lol.... boobs are sore too, ah man this is crazy!!
Nette don't panic, that's normal! Sometimes it's like cottage cheese! It's just the gel inside you..

Girls I'm so exited for egg collection tomorrow! I went through a dramatic time my last cycle but I'm ready to do this again!! Looks like there only 4-7 follicles from my scan, but hey we only need 1..xxx

I would advise to hold off as possible! If you get a BFN you feel really disappointed and regret testing early. I know it's easier said than done but that feeling when you do the test and its not the right result is the worce feeling in the world!

Scarlet rose how are you? Been thinking about you xx
Nette, are u using crinone? It's disgusting. I've had to "clear myself out" a bit as I could literally feel it building up. Not too much discharge I suppose cos I've cleared some of it away. My boobs are aching too, and the cramps are still there on and off. I'm having pains also which feel like my left ovary and my cervix. Also a bit of an ache on the wall between my lady bits and back package (sorry tmi!). I'm putting it all down to the gels. However this morning I woke up with a weird sense of smell. Thought I could smell roast chicken lol! Maybe I was just dreaming about it. Anyway, enough rambling!

Good luck for EC Jackdoll xo

Hope everyone is well xo
twinklemama, yes I am using Crinone... not nice stuff..so I am on 9dp5dt (14 days after egg collection)....boobs still sore, lower back pain still, no spotting or anything of that kind down below, just plenty of cream gel!!.... I also get the odd weird pains, like a cramping in one ovary, last for about 10secs then goes away, but it can be quite sore.was tempted to test in the morning but I am literally too scared.... some sat, sun mon I bet ya I still wont have tested. I am such a chicken!.... that's if AF hasn't come long before.... Saturday is my testing day which they have given me... I love rollercoasters but this one is in a league of its own...

Jackdoll..... how did your egg collection go today?
Hey nette, EC went ok, better than the last cycle, I got 12 eggs and today I have 4 embryos.xxxx

How are you? Have you decided about your testing, are you going to wait until test day x
that's great Jack Doll!! glad it went well, fingers crossed for a 5 day transfer!... how are you feeling today?.... yes well.... I was planning on waiting but, this morning I decided the impatient me was going to win.... so I tested this morning... got a BFP!... I am not excited yet and probably wont until sat. to be honest even the sight of a positive one, even if its a false positive is extremely weird to see... at present I still have back pain. and I am now feeling a weird sensation just below my belly button, it feels like I have been doing situps and muscles have been pulled. but I only get this if I reach or stretch out... still the odd crampy pain. what do you think... was it tooo early to get and accurate result?

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