IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

I never had cramps as such more twinges in ovary area. I did have a very strong tightness around the naval area. I am still having this tightness. feeling tired still on and off. got my letter today for my scan also. its in 2 weeks time, which works out that its exactly 6 weeks after egg collection. I am still scared jackdoll as well, I totally know how your feeling...its crazy!!.... I am still checking for AF I don't think I ever wont!!
its your official test day Jackdoll!!!!!..... so how are you today....how has POAS been?
Thanks nette, even though I've been testing for 7 days lol... My line today was darker than the control line yeepeeee.. Just the odd cramp and tightness... How are you? Hurry up scans xx i worked out I'm 4weeks 2days due 2nd feb
yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh that's fantastic, congratulations, I have roughly counted mine, I am, 6 and half weeks, due 21st jan!!.... well done Jackdoll!! have u sent your letter off?
next Wednesday 11th June, I think it works out the same day as your egg collection only 6 weeks later. I am at my gp's tomorrow getting a wee lump removed on my arm, but I am going to ask them about the cramps I have got over the weekend.... on Saturday I got a slightly painful cramp, think maybe I had to go to the toilet, so went to the bathroom, sitting there I felt extremely faint so I thought it best to lie on the floor out in the hall, but by this stage the cramps where so over powering... I literally had to haul myself onto the hall floor and remained there for about 10 mins.... but then total disappeared, I did look this up and apparently its due to re positioning and stretch of the uterus and surrounding muscle tissues.... so just be prepared.... my sister she got extreme back pain around 6 - 9 weeks.... to the point where she couldn't make it back down the stairs. so I am going to check with dr tomorrow that this is normal! but no bleeding or anything like that, apparently its normal as long as u don't get bleeding!
Hey nette, I've had cramps for a week and just about gone now. I was speaking with the royal & my doctor and they said cramps are normal as long as no blood. My doctor also said that pain/cramps in the middle belly area is ok and if it ventures out to the sides then call and see her because this is a sign of ectopic pregnancy. My doctor was going to do my bloods but I just left it because that's more worrying...
surely there is no chance of ectopic preg with IVF, as this could only happen if the egg was moving down the tubes when fertilisation occurred.... on saturday this was cramps to a different level. i had mild to moderate for a week or two. but on sat it was extreme. but yeah no bleeding. i am happy enough to be honest but might double check with dr anyways. ..... exciting stuff!!
I know I was thinking that too, but I don't know, hopefully all will be ok with us both. just feels like forever waiting on a scan...
it took me a week after I posted letter to get the app, and then it was about 2 weeks after that for app... hopefully urs wont be long.... we have waited this long, a week or two knowing that it will be the best scan ever is definitely worth the wait!
Hey nette how are you? Any pregnancy symptoms? I got my appointment letter, 25th June. Feels ages away but hopefully it will fly by..
not so much now.... I am finding I am a lot more tired... plus I am starving all the time. but apart from that I feel great! how are you?.... yeah if your date is the 25th, that's roughly 6 weeks after your egg collection, same as me. it must be the way they do it. I have mine this wed.... super excited and nervous. it will be good though as if you get a scan too early you don't get to see that much but surely at 8weeks the wee heart will be fluttering away.

hopefully they will be able to confirm for defo how far on I am, as I am just guessing I am 8 weeks ( flippin 2 months already!!)... and then I will get a super accurate due date? its a strange feeling still trying to get my head around it... doesn't feel real yet, and its hard to let yourself get excited and think about names, prams etc when it was such a big no no before......

All being well, would you like to find out if yours is a boy or girl?...strange to think the sex has already been decided... I know we wount find out any info like this at this scan... next big scan after the first is it 12 weeks, 14wks or 16 wks?
Yea I'm happy it's the 25th and will be roughly 8weeks nette.. Will you be staying with the royal? It's usually 12 week scan then 20 week scan, we have talked about names, boy/girl, nursery, pram etc then as soon as we start talking we just stop because dont want to jinx it if you know what I mean, no we won't be finding out, I want a surprise and either way a boy or a girl it really doesn't matter to us. As long as baby healthy.. I can picture a wee boy running wild in my house & hubby sees a wee girl.. Time will tell. Can't wait to hear how your scan goes. Do you ever think about embryo splitting and having twins?? It is possible... And scares me but obviously would be perfect x
No symptoms really only I'm not feeling very hungry, and sore boobs.. I have sciatica during the week which has now passed thankfully.x
yes I will keep u posted... no I wouldn't want to know either what I was having! happy with anything! would be happy with 14 to be honest... no I will prob go to my local hospital in Craigavon its only 5 mins away, so it would be silly to stay with the royal, although they have been great. we are the same I see it a girl my husband sees a boy, so we wind each other up I always say she, and he says he...lol....I cant believe its actually happening... my little sis had a little girl this morning also this is her 1st, which leaves me being so happy for her, cause if it hadn't worked I don't know how I would cope!... glad you back is better... you just kinda want to be able to enjoy things... we are soooo close in our timings!! its so exciting!!!
Ahh congrats aunty,, I bet she's absolutely gorgeous.. Any names? Hope alls well with your sis & baby. I totally understand where your coming from. If things had of been different..
Any sickness yet ? I'm totally normal. Sore boobs but not overlay sore...
Not long now for your scan, can't wait to hear every single detail lol xxx
Haven't been on here for a good while and looks like there has been plenty happening!
Nette and Jackdoll, huge congratulations, I'm really delighted for you both, here's to a pregnancy full of health & happiness for you both. It is so good to see local success stories. :thumbup:
Twinkle, I am so sorry that you cycle ended in a chemical, that is so gutting. I know you are strong, but just want to let you know I'm thinking of you. From my experience of crap cycles, it's just important to keep going. We were about to go for a icsi cycle at the Lister in London when I found out I was pregnant naturally at the start of the year. That was a complete surprise for us. This is our fourth pregnancy and hopefully our first take home baby. :hugs:

Good luck to any NI girls cycling at the moment or preparing for a cycle at RFC / Origin / GCRM Belfast, or elsewhere xx
Hi threebirds!!! So good to hear from you! How are u and bump?? How far along are you now? Hope all is going well xo
Hi threebirds!!! So good to hear from you! How are u and bump?? How far along are you now? Hope all is going well xo

Thanks Twinkle, Im 23 wks - still can't believe it!! And looks like all going well :) got quite a bump! Due date is 5 Oct. although at last apt the dr (a different one each visit) thought fibroid may cause me to go a bit early. xx
three birds that great news!!!! congratulations!
thanks she is going to be called elise. she is very cute!
well I had my scan yesterday morning and I am now officially pregnant and am currently 8 weeks on the 11th june. I will be due on the 21st January 2015, hopefully. so I was asked to fully empty my bladder before the internal scan, firstly they should be the ovaries where they still are slightly swollen but its completely normal, then she scanned down and I could spot my little baby straight away and could see the strong little heart beat with out even being shown, she then showed me the yolk sack, which will feed the baby for another few weeks then the placenta takes over, she measured the size of the yolk and the baby and she said the sizes are totally inkeeping with my due dates. my and DH just looked at each other in shock, we got 3 pics to bring home and a letter to give to my gp, so I can be transferred to my local hospital.... because guess what?? we are now classified as 'normal'!!! who would have thought!!.... it was amazing, you don't get to hear the heart beat or anthing yet but seeing the little bean was confirmation enough.

I was asking her about the cramping and she said if it comes back to go to hospital but thankfully it hasn't been that bad, she said it sometimes comes from a twisting of the ovaries and if it has went away its more than likely its sorted itself out.

I have been feeling very fainty lately and she said I have low blood pressure, but as long as when I feel faint that I get down on the floor or sit down even if its on the street. lol!! so we happened to be iin town yesterday and I was seriously feeling very faint and shakey since the scan, I had to run into a shop and grab a top and pretend to try it on just so I could lie on the changing room floor! lol
to be honest most of yesterday I was very faint, even had to pull the car over.

so hopefully all will go well for you too jackdoll, looking forward to hear all about yours too!
Congratulations threebirds, oct will be round in no time.xx

Nette, I have been waiting patiently on your message.lol, that sounds fantastic, I am so pleased for you. Makes me even more excited for my scan. so exciting.. I have to wait another 2 weeks. I'm sure yous had every emotion under the sun seeing your wee baby for the first time xxx sorry to hear about the faintness, hope it passes quickly, I'm still feeling very normal, don't know if that a good thing or bad thing..that wee name is beautiful..

Twinkle hope your feeling well, x

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