Where we are upto list - I think :wacko:

Tansey - testing 25th Aug
hopesforababy - ET 16th Aug
loobylou_01 - ET 17th Aug
BizyBee - EC 16th Aug
helenttc - stimming
tinybutterfly - stimming
TrixieLox - Baseline scan 16th Aug

If I haven't put you here please forgive me and remind me and tell me where you are up to - it's late in Turkey and I have preggo brain :blush:
Also if I've read it wrong just tell me and i'll update :kiss:

Good list there Tans, that should help us all keep up to date! :thumbup:
Where we are upto list - I think :wacko:

Tansey - testing 25th Aug
hopesforababy - ET 16th Aug
loobylou_01 - ET 17th Aug
BizyBee - EC 16th Aug
helenttc - stimming
tinybutterfly - stimming
TrixieLox - Baseline scan 16th Aug

If I haven't put you here please forgive me and remind me and tell me where you are up to - it's late in Turkey and I have preggo brain :blush:
Also if I've read it wrong just tell me and i'll update :kiss:

Thanks Tans!
amazing Tans!!! thankyou!

just got back from my follow-up scan, it was GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!

(copy/paste from other thread)
i have good news!
got back from my scan now
my lining is excellent for being day 7
lots of follies on both sides.
they're a bit smaller on the left so my dose of gonal-f is upped for two days
so they can catch up!
also have to set two shots of cetrotide to
make sure my body doesn't ovulate on it's own.

he says, the way it's going now, we're looking at a pick-up this friday or saturday!!!

OMG i'm sooo happy!!!! this really is following my natural cycle, amazing!

next scan is wednesday, then they'll tell me when we'll have the pick-up.

the other shot is with a regular seringe, the nurse showed me how to prep it
and then she asked if i wanted to set it myself since i was going to do it
tomorrow as well... so i agreed, great idea, i can do it myself while she's looking,
if i was gonna do something stupid she could help me.
it went better than i thought, very easy, yay!
Thanks for the list Tans!

Great news tinybutterfly!

My downreg scan today went really well and start stimms Wedn!!! But was very surprised to hear they want us to do ICSI! My hubby's sperm is really good but they said with unexplained infertility, they're increasingly finding ICSI has better success rates. I did explain that my infertility is now more explained: low antral follicle count and thin lining but they still seem to think it will work best for us. But £900 more, yikes, so hubby currently breathing into a brown paper back to calm his hyperventilations over yet more money to fork out, ha ha! I donno, what does everyone think? Of course, if they recommend this, I'd be a fool to say no. But seems odd...
it does seem odd, there's nothing that pleads against IVF actually, so why would they do that?
other than the obvious money reason of course...

i know here, they try IVF first, and if that doesn't seem to work they interfere and fertilize
through ICSI after all, but they do give the spermies a chance to do it themselves first.
maybe ask if they can do this too (probably not but you can try...they're your eggs, you should decide what you want to happen no?)
Trix 1st go we did IVF and all fertilised even though DH has 55% sperm antibodies,
this time the clinic only does ICSI which is included in the price and 2 out of 3 fertilised.
Thanks girls. They did say they might do a mixture: some IVF, some ICSI. Bet they still charge us £900 though!

Gah, start Gonal-F Wednesday and saw on sticker it says to refrigerate and yet nurse mentioned nothing about it needing to be refrigerated. The only thing in our fridge is Gonadatrophin, which we start next week! Bit worried now. Will call to check tomorrow but anyone know about whether Gonal-F needs to be refrigerated?

On a personal note, hubby getting really stressed about stuff: about cost of ICSI (even though we have enough savings to cover it) and this refrigeration thing now. He's such a stress-head! It's making me stressed!
Hey girls! I'm back. They were able to get 7 eggs, which is less than I hoped, but I'm ok with it now. I'm grateful to have enough to continue this process. Some follicles did not contain eggs (thanks PCOS) and others had not been able to catch up. Thankfully, they are doing ICSI, so I have a good chance of fertilization. ICSI is standard procedure in their office, but we could've opted out. If I had a bunch more eggs, I probably would have done traditional IVF.

They'll call tomorrow with the fertilization report and let me know when the estimated ET will be. Still praying I can have 2 blasts to transfer. I'm not concerned about extras to freeze at this point. It would be nice, but I can't be greedy!

Fantastic news Tiny! Go follies go!

Trix, I believe the gonal says to keep it refrigerated so it will last longer. If it isn't refrigerated, the shelf life is shorter (maybe 3 months or so) so it shouldn't affect you.
Glad you can get started soon.

How are you tans?
Gah, start Gonal-F Wednesday and saw on sticker it says to refrigerate and yet nurse mentioned nothing about it needing to be refrigerated. The only thing in our fridge is Gonadatrophin, which we start next week! Bit worried now. Will call to check tomorrow but anyone know about whether Gonal-F needs to be refrigerated?

On a personal note, hubby getting really stressed about stuff: about cost of ICSI (even though we have enough savings to cover it) and this refrigeration thing now. He's such a stress-head! It's making me stressed!

you're doing no harm putting it in the fridge :)
i did, look at my outcome lol hahaha

but my nurse didn't say anything about that either, i just read it in the "manual"
and decided to play it safe... now any meds i get (ivf related) go into the fridge hehe.

you doing it yourself?
i hope i don't forget to record myself tomorrow, probably one of the last
times i have to do the injections before the trigger shot.
hehe i'm the type to document everything!!!
so wednesday i'm asking if i can take a picture of the screen during my echo.

your poor OH, refridgerating meds isn't even something to stress over...
men...thankgod they don't have to do the pregnancy part hehehe
Well done Bizzy Bee. How was the procedure? Did it hurt? How you feeling now? As fertility expert Zita West says, it's not the number of eggs but the quality so all good!

Tinybutterfly, problem, haven't been refrigerating it since we got it 2 weeks ago. Nurse didn't mention anything to us but might call just to check.

Hubby fine now, he's happily watching football.
Hi Trixie,

I don't remember any of the procedure, as they put me to sleep. But, my hubby said it was pretty cool to watch. I have some very minor cramping right now and a tiny bit of spotting, but feel fine otherwise. I slept for hours this afternoon though! You're right, quality versus quantity. Hope they are looking good tomorrow!
Glad all went well Bizy, 7 is a good number! Let us know how you get on tomorrow and get lots of sleep tonight! I know i was exhausted on Thursday when we got out, i think it was a combination of anaesthetic and emotion! xxx
Wow, I only missed a day on here, but I missed so much!

Bizy, way to go on EC! Hope you get a fab fert report tomorrow!

Tiny, yeah for your upcoming EC!

Looby, glad to hear that all of your embies are still growing and good luck with transfer tomorrow!

Trixie, it might be a good thing that your DH stresses so you don't have to!

So, I am officially PUPO now! (although I just like to leave off the UPO part and tell myself that I am pregnant!!) I was happily surprised that all 8 from Saturday made it to today. My first round, 8 of 12 died between days 3 and 5. One was a good quality blast and one was an early blast. Because of my history of 2 failed cycles, my doctor went ahead and transferred one more, but it was only a morela today. The other 5 were also behind in development, but they'll know tomorrow if they develop enough to be frozen. So I'm laying around this afternoon and praying that my little ones attach in the next few days!

Also, I wanted to post a couple of things that I have heard that helps implantation and other "wives tales." If any of you have heard anything, please share. At this point, I'll do pretty much anything!
Eat pineapple, especially the core. Eat walnuts. Keep your feet warm. Having orange flowers around is good. And I also read that drinking pomegranate juice to help increase your lining.
Hopes, congrats on being PUPO!

Looby, good luck tomorrow.

I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow's call.
BB 7 is a good number! Hope you are ok waiting for the call - that is the worst thing ever! :dust:

Hopes have you got 3 onboard then? :dust:
I have a random question. I want to dye my hair again before I start treatment at end of next week. Do you think it's OK to do this and that it won't affect my egg quality? i used to be blonde but i dye it all over now a dark brown.

what do you think? all the celebs still dye their hair when they're preggo so surely I'll be ok not to affect egg quality?! Mine's already rubbish so far! :cry:

I've read that the hair dye thing is crap science turned into an old wives' tale... That the initial study was done on hair dressers who were touching & breathing in hair dye for hours a day & weeks upon weeks -- and it had a very slight effect on fertility. I don't think anyone says that hair dying is bad anymore, except for the most extreme "if it can't be proven harmless, then don't do it" crowd (which, as we know, is the short path to fertility madness!!). :wacko:
Well I'm back from transfer and we've had one blasto put back! All went well and it was amazing to watch so just back and now laying out on the sofa with dh to wait on me! and we got 2 good blasts to freeze too so quite happy with the outcome so far. OTD is 30th Aug! xxx

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