BB I am good thank you - flying back home tomorrow early morning, can't wait to get in my own bed etc

Started knickerwatch days ago though - can't help it. Trying to be positive but tomorrow is a big day for me as last cycle I started spotting 6dpt. Fingers crossed :dust:
Hey girls,

Had first dose of Gonal-F earlier - a whole 450! Hubby and I nervous that we got it all wrong as ages ago since we saw nurse but looked at videos online and sure it's all ok - draw whole vial of liquid into powder, then draw out 450 of combined and shoot! (I hope).

BizyBee, I'm fine but feeling incredibly tired today with awful headaches but otherwise ok. Got 2 days of intense training tomorrow just outside London and due in back home at 6.30, just hope trains don't get jammed up and I'm late! I'm pleased I have 2 weeks off from 29 August!

Tans, fingers crossed for a spotting-free day tomorrow... but even if you do get some spotting, it doesn't mean game over.

Hello everyone

Sorry not been on for some time. Just catching up on everyones news.
I went for my baseline scan and all was ok, well apart from the fact my AF was still there when they did the internal scan. As for my Af it's been so heavy and painful,has anyone else experienced a bad AF when down regging?....
Anyway scan was ok and told to start stimm drugs tomorrow, nervous about another injection but oh well! I am on 2 vials of menopau which they said is a low dosage....what has everyone else been on?
I now have to go for 2 scans next Wednesday and Friday to check on what the stimm drugs have done...excited but scared as I don't want any bad news...
I asked the nurse when egg collect would likely be and she seems to think bank holiday Monday if all goes well....
Anyway that's where I am at, hope to get on here more and keep up todate with everyones future news

Chucking buckets of baby dust to all you lovely lasts

Nay x
Glad you're heading home Tans! FX for no spotting (unless it's IB, of course)!

Trixie, sorry about the headache! Hope your training goes well. Not long before you are off from work.

Hi Natp! :hi: good luck with your stims. I was on a different medication (gonal f) and took 75 units. Hope the menopau works well for you!
Trix, congrats on starting stims!!

Tiny and Helen, hope you are both doing well!

Glad you are heading home Tansey! Have a safe trip.

Bizy, any updates on your embies?

Hi Nat!! Hope you're doing well!

Nothing to report from me. I have beta on the 25th, but I'm going to POAS this weekend.
i hope those were my last two shots of cetrotide and menopur, not liking those buggers
and my tummy is starting to look like a spaghetti strainer lol
No updates yet. It's early here, so can't call the Dr. for a while. I have technology training at school, so I'll have to sneak out for a few. I'll try to update from my phone!
I'm home :yipee: and so far all ok :)

This is what happens in a 5dt:

0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secrete HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

this is what happens in a 3dt :

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining (this is me today hopefully)
7dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secrete HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
Well, no news from me. I left a message with the Dr., but they close early on Thursdays and didn't hear back. They said they'd call with problems, so I am going to assume everything is going well. (Easier said than done!)

Tansey, thanks for the info. I haven't even had ET yet and I'm already thinking about testing. :dohh:
Sounds like its going well Tansey, fingers crossed!

I'm sure you're right Bizy and no news is good news.

Hope the next few days go quickly for you Hopes and Tans.

Hi Natp - hope your injections go okay. Trix - hope you're doing okay also.

I've got to go back for another scan Sat and then will have EC on Tuesday.

This is my first time at IVF, do people normally wait for the blood tests or test beforehand? My intention at this stage (although I've not even had EC yet!) is to wait for the blood test as I think it would crush me seeing a HPT BFN and I would feel like I've jinxed myself :wacko: Honestly this TTC sends me doolally sometimes!!

H xx
It's all a matter of preference but I think I may poas ahead of time. I would like to be prepared for my blood results. It's not going to change the outcome either way but i'd rather know before hearing the dr. say it was negative.

However, I have pma this will work so hoping I don't have to worry about all that.
Hey everyone! Nothing new to report today, but just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone! Hope you are all having a good day!
it'll depend what meds i get after ET, if they give me hcg my tests could be false positive

good news! tonight i get the trigger shot, EC on sunday!!!!!!!
Yay Tiny! Good luck with the trigger.

Hopes, FX all is well. xx

How's everyone else? Thinking of you girls!
Wow, it's all go in this thread! Am doing well, had a minor panic last night when me and hubby suddenly got scared we weren't doing injections right but he saw nurse today and she reassured him. I've just been through 2 days of video editing training, exhausting but feel fine otherwise.

GOD, I hope this works! It HAS to work!
Good luck with trigger tonight Tiny! I hope you get lots of good eggies on Sunday!

Yeah for transfer Bizy! Keep us posted on how it goes!

Trixie, hope you are doing well with stims.

Nothing really going with me. Trying to be patient, but it's not working very well! Having some lower back pain and some tingles in my stomach, but nothing big. I hope those little ones are getting cozy in there!

Have a great weekend ladies!
It will work trix!!!

Hopes, think those are good signs.
Good luck today BB!

hopesforababy & loobylou - hope you're coping ok with the wait!

TrixieLox - i'm sure you and DH are doing just fine. Stay positive!

tinybutterfly - hope the trigger went ok and loads of luck for tomorrow!

helenttc - hope your scan is ok today.

natp & Inky - hope your stimming injections are going ok.

AFM - I have booked my blood test at the GP for 24th Aug - they couldn't fit me in on 25th and I reckon 1 day isn't going to make a huge difference. I won't get the result for days so I will probably have caved and tested anyway!

Where we are upto list (I think)

Tansey - testing 25th Aug
hopesforababy - testing 25 Aug
loobylou_01 - testing 30th Aug
BizyBee - ET 21st Aug testing 30th Aug
tinybutterfly - EC 22nd Aug
helenttc - stimming
TrixieLox - stimming
NatP - stimming
Inky2006 - stimming

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi everyone,

Scan went okay today. 14 follicles, 3 are 15mm plus, the rest are 10mm-14mm. They're hopeful that more will grow enough in time for Tuesday when my EC is. Still a risk that my left ovary is too high and they might not be able to extract from it but the best follicles are on my right ovary thankfully.

Have my shot tomorrow and then in at the Clinic at 8.30am on Tues!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, good luck for the EC tomorrow Tiny and good luck for Tuesday Tansey.

H xx
Hi everyone,

Scan went okay today. 14 follicles, 3 are 15mm plus, the rest are 10mm-14mm. They're hopeful that more will grow enough in time for Tuesday when my EC is. Still a risk that my left ovary is too high and they might not be able to extract from it but the best follicles are on my right ovary thankfully.

Have my shot tomorrow and then in at the Clinic at 8.30am on Tues!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, good luck for the EC tomorrow Tiny and good luck for Tuesday Tansey.

H xx

Hi Hun

Good news about your scan, I am sure all the other follicles will catch up by Tuesday'have my fingers and toes crossed for you'
As for you ovary being to high,did they pick that up on the base line scan? It's another ivf complication I had never considered, I have been worried because of my tummy and had heard excess abdominal fat can make EC hard for them but never thought if my ovarys might be to high. I am sure they will do there best to get to it.
Keep us updated Hun and I am chucking bucket loads of baby dust your way x

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