IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

thanks for the support, ladies... I'm so angry at those little givers-of-false-hope!

Anyway, it's 11 DPO, and AF should show soon which means my IVF cycle will start!!!! So that is definitely something to look forward to. I just hope I get to the EC stage this time. Hopefully the lower med dosage will work for me.

Wishing you all major :dust:
Fluffy - how are you doing? Where are you at in the process? xo

I hadnt written anything about me as I didnt want to ruin the nice positive vibe we have going on this thread! Ive been down regging for 15 days now and AF finally showed yesterday which was pretty late.

Im not doing too well with the side effects - I dont remember them saying that a reccurrence of depression in those that had it previously was likely when they explained the list of side effects. When I rang to say that I am having to consider abandoning it as my head is getting dangerous the nurse said that depression coming back is quite common! She did say that once I start stimming the effects should subside but im not due my first scan so that I can start until tuesday. I dont really want to darken this thread with the thoughts in my head but I thought I was free of those and my visits to a&e were behind me.

It just doesnt all make sense why I feel like this as I would usually get warning signs well before getting this bad but I guess its because its drug induced! Im just holding on to the fact that im doing this for a reason and that tuesday is now only 5 days away and then hopefully I can start stimming and feel better.

Im really sorry to be doom and gloom but glad that everything seems to be going well for everyone xxx
Oh you poor thing Fluffy. I really do hope once you start stimming you feel alot better. Take care of youself. :hugs:
Hello everyone,

Not been able to get on here for a couple of days.

Well done Sammy, fantastic news - 10 is a great result! Hope fertilization goes well :)

Sorry that you're not so good Fluffy, I have been quite hormonal during the process, particular whilst DR. As if this thing wasn't hard enough!

Nv2late - whilst I hope that AF doesn't show for you, if she is going to show for you then I hope she doesn't keep you waiting.

AFM - had my first scan whilst stimming. I had the Professor who runs the clinic do my scan, I always feel happier when it's her although to be fair all the team at the clinic are great. It looks like there is plenty of activity in my ovaries, I think about 8 or so on my right and a few on my left. Last time they couldn't get to my left but she said the position looked better this time and she'd be hopeful they could reach it - YAY!!!!! So I'm booked in for another scan next Tues and then EC next Thurs, getting close now!!

This time in 3 weeks I'll know if its worked. I was laughing at myself today because when they test you then class you as being 4 weeks pregnant. Therefore I am potentially 1 week's pregnant today, do you think I should get a ticker lol??!!

Hope everyone is well. :dust::dust: to us all.

H xx
LOVE LOVE LOVE the attitude helenttc - that you are technically 1 week pg!!!

Fluffy - please don't ever worry about sharing how you are feeling. We want to be able to be there for you no matter how you are feeling. I am really sorry that you are feeling this way. I really hope that time flies by quickly. xo Tons of :hugs: still keep us updated hun and don't be afraid to share your thoughts - you may be surprised how many similar other people are feeling.

AFM I had blood work this morning (3 days of stims so far) and my levels are already quite high so they are reducing my dose - hard to believe this early in the game. Time will tell I guess.

:dust: to all!!!
Fluffy - how are you doing? Where are you at in the process? xo

I hadnt written anything about me as I didnt want to ruin the nice positive vibe we have going on this thread! Ive been down regging for 15 days now and AF finally showed yesterday which was pretty late.

Im not doing too well with the side effects - I dont remember them saying that a reccurrence of depression in those that had it previously was likely when they explained the list of side effects. When I rang to say that I am having to consider abandoning it as my head is getting dangerous the nurse said that depression coming back is quite common! She did say that once I start stimming the effects should subside but im not due my first scan so that I can start until tuesday. I dont really want to darken this thread with the thoughts in my head but I thought I was free of those and my visits to a&e were behind me.

It just doesnt all make sense why I feel like this as I would usually get warning signs well before getting this bad but I guess its because its drug induced! Im just holding on to the fact that im doing this for a reason and that tuesday is now only 5 days away and then hopefully I can start stimming and feel better.

Im really sorry to be doom and gloom but glad that everything seems to be going well for everyone xxx

It seems that your DR'ing drugs treat you like my BCP treated me. Sometimes there are few words for how bad I got from time to time on them. They were awful. Similarly, all the things that I'm happy to be rid of from my head just flood back in, and I can't stop it. It was utter hell! :hugs: So, I feel you! I'm luckily just off the BCP as of today. I got confused and thought yesterday was my last, and then I looked at my calendar today and it said TODAY was my last. Well, yesterday was still my last. I can't do this another day, and I'm convinced that 1 lousy pill will NOT make or break my cycle. So, I'm not taking it today. :nope: I was on it for over 3 weeks this time! It nearly killed me. :cry: So, if you need a rant... I'm the one to rant to! I don't mind a bit! :hugs:

Hello everyone,

Not been able to get on here for a couple of days.

Well done Sammy, fantastic news - 10 is a great result! Hope fertilization goes well :)

Sorry that you're not so good Fluffy, I have been quite hormonal during the process, particular whilst DR. As if this thing wasn't hard enough!

Nv2late - whilst I hope that AF doesn't show for you, if she is going to show for you then I hope she doesn't keep you waiting.

AFM - had my first scan whilst stimming. I had the Professor who runs the clinic do my scan, I always feel happier when it's her although to be fair all the team at the clinic are great. It looks like there is plenty of activity in my ovaries, I think about 8 or so on my right and a few on my left. Last time they couldn't get to my left but she said the position looked better this time and she'd be hopeful they could reach it - YAY!!!!! So I'm booked in for another scan next Tues and then EC next Thurs, getting close now!!

This time in 3 weeks I'll know if its worked. I was laughing at myself today because when they test you then class you as being 4 weeks pregnant. Therefore I am potentially 1 week's pregnant today, do you think I should get a ticker lol??!!

Hope everyone is well. :dust::dust: to us all.

H xx

Sounds good! I like the thought of being 1 week pregnant. I'll be 1 week pregnant around Dec 4! LOL
Hi Girls

I do read all the threads and thinking of all of you x

I have got a scan tom to see lining of womb. It was 8.9 on Monday and they are seeing what it is tom then apparent will give me pessaries for at least four days before FET can take place. I am hoping to be PUPO on Wed/Thursday next week if all goes well.

Tory x
hi everyone,

I was just wondering if any of you guys could explain the process and timescales of IVF. We will be doing our third IUI this month and probably start IVF in january but I have to go away to the states for a week in the middle of the month so am wondering will this affect things.

When does regging start in your cycle and when does the stimmulation bit start? does the whole thing take just one 28day cycle or much longer?

sorry for being a bit clueless but would like to try get my head around what is involved incase we have to do it.
hi everyone,

I was just wondering if any of you guys could explain the process and timescales of IVF. We will be doing our third IUI this month and probably start IVF in january but I have to go away to the states for a week in the middle of the month so am wondering will this affect things.

When does regging start in your cycle and when does the stimmulation bit start? does the whole thing take just one 28day cycle or much longer?

sorry for being a bit clueless but would like to try get my head around what is involved incase we have to do it.

Hi Pluto,

I'll try & help, but this is only my 1st go. Timings can vary between clinics, I believe the standard is a 'long protocol' (which I'm on). I can only tell you my own timescale, but it will hopefully help.

Assuming you've had all the blood tests to check hormone levels etc & they've checked your tubes are open, then you start down-regulation (DR) drugs on CD21. You will DR for approx 2 weeks/poss longer & you should have an AF.
...I've been DR for 12 days & no sign of AF yet, however DR drugs can delay it. I'm booked in for a scan next wednesday, hopefully AF will have been by then, as that scan is to check my ovaries are quiet, no cysts & that the womb lining is thin.

If not, I think them DR for longer. If all is well, I will start stims. This is for between 10-12 days, with a scan at day 10 of stims. When the follies are big enough, there's a different injection to ripen the eggs. This is the crucial part & timing of the jab is important. I think Egg Collection is 36 hours later & DH has to attend on that day to 'do his bit'.

Embryo transfer can be either 3 or 5 days later & then it's the 2WW. All in, the process can be 6 or 7 weeks.

If your cycles are regular, count the days to see what CD's will clash with your trip to the states, & talk to your clinic about it. Hopefully though, this months IUI will work & you won't have to worry!

Hope it all goes well for you.

...Which part of Kerry are you in? My DH is from there. x
Fluffy - hope Tuesday comes quickly for you. Is the weather any good there? Would a long walk in the wintery sunshine help? Don't be afraid to post how you're feeling, that's what this is for.

Megg - I'm with you on the pill thing, I was like an AntiChrist when I was on it.

Blue - Day 3 stims already? Time is flying isn't it. I couldn't believe it this morning when I realised I've done 12 days of DR! Good that they're keeping a close eye on you.

Helenttc - that sounds like a nice number of follies, well done. x

Nvrtolate, hope AF arrives quickly, she's on a tight schedule now, 2 days late for me.

Tory - hope you get the go ahead today & Wallie - hope you're hanging in there, won't be long now. x

Everyone else, hope you are well. x

AFM, I've f*cked up a couple of my DR jabs & think I might not have got the full 0.5ml - maybe 0.48/0.47 or so on 2 occasions. Do you think this matters? AF is late, but I know thats normal. My boobs feel stupidly heavy, I've had weird AF style cramps, but not even spotting (very strange for me). No headaches, no crankiness (again, strange for me!!), but I do feel tired. Is this ok?

Worrying that the tiny amounts I missed means I won't DR properly....
Thanks teapot, that's really helpful. I hope your scan is good and best of luck with the IVF. When you see what so many people go through on here, you really hope that everyone gets their BFP.

Who ever knew it would be so hard!
I'm from Tralee-where is your OH from?

Hopefully we won't have to do IVF, but I want to be prepared as it helps me to cope with the disapointment if I have something else to focus on.
Hi Ladies
Thanks for all those that replied to say im not alone in the deppresion and down regging thing. I went to see my friend who does crystal work today who has been a lifesaver over the last few years when I have been ill. We came up with some interesting stuff that I wanted to share with you all as it really helps to explain and make sense of our moods during IVF down regging and also possibly those feeling the same way on the BCP.

I wont type it all out again as I just finished doing this on my blog here. I hope you dont think its all a little too far out talking about energy fields and energy centres but I do have a scientific background so I naturally scrutinise and question it all and it actually makes perfect sense to me!

Im actually feeling much better now and actually am quite curious to see what effect the stimming drugs have!

fluffy xx
Pluto I found this IVF calender thingy. Here's the link: Link
Fluffy - hope Tuesday comes quickly for you. Is the weather any good there? Would a long walk in the wintery sunshine help? Don't be afraid to post how you're feeling, that's what this is for.

Megg - I'm with you on the pill thing, I was like an AntiChrist when I was on it.

Blue - Day 3 stims already? Time is flying isn't it. I couldn't believe it this morning when I realised I've done 12 days of DR! Good that they're keeping a close eye on you.

Helenttc - that sounds like a nice number of follies, well done. x

Nvrtolate, hope AF arrives quickly, she's on a tight schedule now, 2 days late for me.

Tory - hope you get the go ahead today & Wallie - hope you're hanging in there, won't be long now. x

Everyone else, hope you are well. x

AFM, I've f*cked up a couple of my DR jabs & think I might not have got the full 0.5ml - maybe 0.48/0.47 or so on 2 occasions. Do you think this matters? AF is late, but I know thats normal. My boobs feel stupidly heavy, I've had weird AF style cramps, but not even spotting (very strange for me). No headaches, no crankiness (again, strange for me!!), but I do feel tired. Is this ok?

Worrying that the tiny amounts I missed means I won't DR properly....

I don't think you have anything to worry about, honey! I do mine when my eyes have been open for all of about 2 min. I'm sure we've all missed the mark by teeny tiny bits. They have to account for some degree of error, because its just lines on a syringe. There's no way to be THAT accurate. Just take a deep breath and have some faith in yourself!

Hi Ladies
Thanks for all those that replied to say im not alone in the deppresion and down regging thing. I went to see my friend who does crystal work today who has been a lifesaver over the last few years when I have been ill. We came up with some interesting stuff that I wanted to share with you all as it really helps to explain and make sense of our moods during IVF down regging and also possibly those feeling the same way on the BCP.

I wont type it all out again as I just finished doing this on my blog here. I hope you dont think its all a little too far out talking about energy fields and energy centres but I do have a scientific background so I naturally scrutinise and question it all and it actually makes perfect sense to me!

Im actually feeling much better now and actually am quite curious to see what effect the stimming drugs have!

fluffy xx

I don't think its far out at all. I totally believe in the power of crystals. So, no strange looks coming from my camp! :)

It's picking up speed on the team November's thread!

The FS said lining fine and transfer will happen Thursday 25th. I am exictied and nervous all in one. I am worrying that the four snowbabies won't thaw and as they are not great quality wont take. My DH keeps telling me off for being negitive before it has even starts but trying to prepare myself. He said if it does happen he is going to wrap me up in cotton wool bless. He will need alot of cotton wool lol

Tory x
Hey all,

I had my egg retrieval today...they got 7. I can't wait for emrbryologist to call in the am and let me know how many fertilized... yiipee! I feel like everything is finally happening :)

It's picking up speed on the team November's thread!

The FS said lining fine and transfer will happen Thursday 25th. I am exictied and nervous all in one. I am worrying that the four snowbabies won't thaw and as they are not great quality wont take. My DH keeps telling me off for being negitive before it has even starts but trying to prepare myself. He said if it does happen he is going to wrap me up in cotton wool bless. He will need alot of cotton wool lol

Tory x

Ooh! Exciting! Can't wait for your test! :hugs:

Hey all,

I had my egg retrieval today...they got 7. I can't wait for emrbryologist to call in the am and let me know how many fertilized... yiipee! I feel like everything is finally happening :)

EEK! Yay! Let us know how the fertilization goes!
With the exception of Mamamifry (because my memory isn't THAT bad)... If you've had egg retrieval, please let me know how many you got and then the # fertilized. I'd love to keep accurate track for future girls who come across this thread!
Teapot - have you tested just to be on the safe side or is it not possible you could be pregnant? Don't want to build your hopes up but it might be worth doing a test just to be sure.

Good luck for ET Tory and great news Mamamirfy Keep us posted.

Off to read Fluffy's blog in a bit.....

Hope everyone is okay.

H xx

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