IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you don't mind me adding myself to this thread. I am having my IVF privately in Germany as my husband is in the British Army and we are posted here so if we wanted to use the NHS we had to go back to Hammersmith in the uK which would have meant me spending a lot of time over there alone. I am on puregon at the moment and start my orgalutran saturday 27th November. Fingers crossed, if I respond as they are planning, we will have eggs out around the 30th nov / 1st dec and back in around the 3rd december.

I am so excited, nervous and anxious all at once. We have been TTC for 3 years, had 2 laporoscopys and a hysteroscopy, I have PCOS and an underactive thryroid, all is ok with o/h. I have blocked tubes on both times so fingers crossed. I have having a positive day today and wish everybody here all of the luck in the world that we have BFP's xx
welcome, rchurchlow, and good luck!!!! You'll find lots of long-time TTC'ers here, and it really does help to have people who understand the details and the ups and downs of IVF. Feel free to drop in and obsess with us, right everyone??!! ;)
Right!!! The more obsessing the merrier hahaha!! I just received the day 2 call from the embryologist.

All 5 are still going strong, she said they are of good quality and that she's optimistic that we wil reach Day 5 but they call us tomorrow morning to let us know if we need to come in. She said by Day 2 they should be at least 2 cells and I have 2-2 cells, 1 -3 cells and 2-4 cells. I'm soooo happy. I was worried that one wouldnt make it and it would bring my odds to have any to freeze way down. I'd love to have one to freeze. After nearly 3 years I actually feel positive and that this is happening for me. Can I get a woot woot????
WOOT WOOT! Mama!!!

Welcome rchurchlow!!! You will love the support here!

Nvr2late - I am so excited for you that you are starting with more follies!!! I have the opposite problem with too many follies but shite quality and last time they overstimulated me which compromised the quality of all them - so this time I am "coasting" along too. FXD for us.

AFM - I had a mini crisis last night. I was almost out of lupron and I had to use every last drop of lupron and it was so hard to get every drop out. So I called the clinic to let them know and found out they didn't have anymore in stock and so they called all around this morning to find somewhere that had it - we had to drive 2 hours to get it - what a waste of a day. Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow mornings ultrasound and bloodwork to see what my body is up to.

:dust: to everyone!!!
Hi Everyone,

I hope you don't mind me adding myself to this thread. I am having my IVF privately in Germany as my husband is in the British Army and we are posted here so if we wanted to use the NHS we had to go back to Hammersmith in the uK which would have meant me spending a lot of time over there alone. I am on puregon at the moment and start my orgalutran saturday 27th November. Fingers crossed, if I respond as they are planning, we will have eggs out around the 30th nov / 1st dec and back in around the 3rd december.

I am so excited, nervous and anxious all at once. We have been TTC for 3 years, had 2 laporoscopys and a hysteroscopy, I have PCOS and an underactive thryroid, all is ok with o/h. I have blocked tubes on both times so fingers crossed. I have having a positive day today and wish everybody here all of the luck in the world that we have BFP's xx

Ooh! Good luck! Feel free to join us in our excitement, worry, and obsessing! I'm always to have more ladies! :hugs:

Right!!! The more obsessing the merrier hahaha!! I just received the day 2 call from the embryologist.

All 5 are still going strong, she said they are of good quality and that she's optimistic that we wil reach Day 5 but they call us tomorrow morning to let us know if we need to come in. She said by Day 2 they should be at least 2 cells and I have 2-2 cells, 1 -3 cells and 2-4 cells. I'm soooo happy. I was worried that one wouldnt make it and it would bring my odds to have any to freeze way down. I'd love to have one to freeze. After nearly 3 years I actually feel positive and that this is happening for me. Can I get a woot woot????

WOOT WOOT!!! That's GREAT! :yipee:

WOOT WOOT! Mama!!!

Welcome rchurchlow!!! You will love the support here!

Nvr2late - I am so excited for you that you are starting with more follies!!! I have the opposite problem with too many follies and last time they overstimulated me which compromised the quality of all them - so this time I am "coasting" along too. FXD for us.

AFM - I had a mini crisis last night. I was almost out of lupron and I had to use every last drop of lupron and it was so hard to get every drop out. So I called the clinic to let them know and found out they didn't have anymore in stock and so they called all around this morning to find somewhere that had it - we had to drive 2 hours to get it - what a waste of a day. Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow mornings ultrasound and bloodwork to see what my body is up to.

:dust: to everyone!!!

Oh no! That sucks! I actually went through and figured exactly how much Lupron I had compared to how much I need... and I think I'm okay. But, I'm still worried I'll run out. Maybe I'll re-order it Monday, just in case! :wacko:
I would have had enough lupron on the "regular" protocol - but based on my ohss last time they have me on double the dose this time - so they forgot that I would go through it twice as fast.
WOOT WOOT! Mama!!!

Welcome rchurchlow!!! You will love the support here!

Nvr2late - I am so excited for you that you are starting with more follies!!! I have the opposite problem with too many follies and last time they overstimulated me which compromised the quality of all them - so this time I am "coasting" along too. FXD for us.

AFM - I had a mini crisis last night. I was almost out of lupron and I had to use every last drop of lupron and it was so hard to get every drop out. So I called the clinic to let them know and found out they didn't have anymore in stock and so they called all around this morning to find somewhere that had it - we had to drive 2 hours to get it - what a waste of a day. Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow mornings ultrasound and bloodwork to see what my body is up to.

:dust: to everyone!!!

I had the same with Pregnyl once... we had covered most of the district before we got any and then OH had to virtually beg. So stupid... Good luck with the scan tomorrow. Are you on a short protocol? :hugs:
Right!!! The more obsessing the merrier hahaha!! I just received the day 2 call from the embryologist.

All 5 are still going strong, she said they are of good quality and that she's optimistic that we wil reach Day 5 but they call us tomorrow morning to let us know if we need to come in. She said by Day 2 they should be at least 2 cells and I have 2-2 cells, 1 -3 cells and 2-4 cells. I'm soooo happy. I was worried that one wouldnt make it and it would bring my odds to have any to freeze way down. I'd love to have one to freeze. After nearly 3 years I actually feel positive and that this is happening for me. Can I get a woot woot????

Great news mamamirfy! :happydance: Its a worrying time eh? I am going through the same right now but it looks like we are on for the transfer tomorrow since I have had no calls. I just hope im not landed with a blow tomorrow morning for one reason or another and will be glad when im back from the ET and can relax. Good luck with the embies! :hugs:
WOOT WOOT! Mama!!!

Welcome rchurchlow!!! You will love the support here!

Nvr2late - I am so excited for you that you are starting with more follies!!! I have the opposite problem with too many follies and last time they overstimulated me which compromised the quality of all them - so this time I am "coasting" along too. FXD for us.

AFM - I had a mini crisis last night. I was almost out of lupron and I had to use every last drop of lupron and it was so hard to get every drop out. So I called the clinic to let them know and found out they didn't have anymore in stock and so they called all around this morning to find somewhere that had it - we had to drive 2 hours to get it - what a waste of a day. Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow mornings ultrasound and bloodwork to see what my body is up to.

:dust: to everyone!!!

I had the same with Pregnyl once... we had covered most of the district before we got any and then OH had to virtually beg. So stupid... Good luck with the scan tomorrow. Are you on a short protocol? :hugs:

I am on long protocol. So I took lupron from cd 31 (supposed to be cd21 - stupid delayed ovulation) until af arrived (9 days later). Then I continue taking it right up until EC except at half the dose I was taking prior to starting stims.

My first ivf cycle I took .1 for DR phase and then .05 during stim phase.

This cycle I took .2 for DR phase and then .1 for stim phase.

I am very nervous/excited about the scan tomorrow. Actually more curious to see what my body is up to.
WOOT WOOT! Mama!!!

Welcome rchurchlow!!! You will love the support here!

Nvr2late - I am so excited for you that you are starting with more follies!!! I have the opposite problem with too many follies and last time they overstimulated me which compromised the quality of all them - so this time I am "coasting" along too. FXD for us.

AFM - I had a mini crisis last night. I was almost out of lupron and I had to use every last drop of lupron and it was so hard to get every drop out. So I called the clinic to let them know and found out they didn't have anymore in stock and so they called all around this morning to find somewhere that had it - we had to drive 2 hours to get it - what a waste of a day. Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow mornings ultrasound and bloodwork to see what my body is up to.

:dust: to everyone!!!

I had the same with Pregnyl once... we had covered most of the district before we got any and then OH had to virtually beg. So stupid... Good luck with the scan tomorrow. Are you on a short protocol? :hugs:

I am on long protocol. So I took lupron from cd 31 (supposed to be cd21 - stupid delayed ovulation) until af arrived (9 days later). Then I continue taking it right up until EC except at half the dose I was taking prior to starting stims.

My first ivf cycle I took .1 for DR phase and then .05 during stim phase.

This cycle I took .2 for DR phase and then .1 for stim phase.

I am very nervous/excited about the scan tomorrow. Actually more curious to see what my body is up to.

I can imagine your concern but i think everything will be fine.... good luck with the scan.

AFM i panicking now.... no call from the hospital yet, i know they said the transfer would be in the afternoon but please someone call me just to say everything is ok. Im starting to worry and panic and feel a little unwell with it all.... :cry:
Right well i'm back and I'M PUPO WITH 2 BLASTS!!!!!

This morning was a total nightmare... by 10am I still hadn't been called by the hospital so i just though that since they said it would be an afternoon transfer they would call me later. By 12pm i started to flap and told OH that we would call them if they had not called us before 1pm. AT 1pm he tried to call them and another department said WE were supposed to call this morning... absolutely NOT true, they said they would look at their schedules this morning and call ME! Anyway then we were told that nobody was available to speak to us and the dept only opened again at 1.30pm. I started to get worried, shaking and finally ended up in tears thinking it was all over. AT 1.30pm they were still not picking up and then at 1.45pm we finally managed to speak to someone who said they had tried to call us an hour ago (yeah like i dont think so since the phone has been on standby since this morning and never out of out site!) They told us to come in at 2.15pm with a full bladder (I had just been to the loo!) pm and by now it was 1.50pm and we had to get into Rotterdam city and then across it. The traffic was ok but when we arrived at the hospital they must have been having a seminar there or something because there was a queue of about 20 cars and move arriving! I was slowly losing the will to live so i jumped out the car, now realising that I had drank too much water and my kidneys were beginning to ache. I ran into the hospital asking anyone i could for directions and then sat and waited. I knew i had to go to the loo... I couldnt hold out but then she called us in. I let out a little pee while in the changing room toilet just to relief the pain and sat down in the chair, legs akimbo.

The Verdict

She told us they had frozen one embie I was expecting the other two to catch up but they obviously never did and we all know where "expecting" gets you with this procedure... nowhere. Also that they were transfering one blast and one just about to become a blast, right on the borderline. I was quite happy about this because i thought since I have never had blasts then if my body doesnt like it then maybe the other embie will be liked instead and that one will implant. It was quite cool knowing I had two different kinds of embryos even though one is about to go to blast any minute! It was quite funny when they did the scan because they said "oooh full bladder eh?" I said "yeah you better believe it so dont go pressing too hard on that ultrasound gadget otherwise you may see the entire contents of it like a small tsunami" She looked a little shall we say "worried" after that The proceure was pain free as they inserted the speculum and under that humungous bladder you could see my uterus. The got the catheter with the embies and I saw them whizzing in like they had just gone down a slide. The previous times they had sort of been placed but this time they went swooshing in. I was then allowed to go to the loo which was the most wanted toilet break EVER and now i'm home relaxing. Finally, we got there in the end. They never gave me a test date (how crap is that?) I thought OH was discussing this with them while i got dressed but nooooo.... so I dont know when I am supposed to test. Great!

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing - ET
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & etal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
This is what happens in a 5dt :

0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst - ET
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
Just thought you might find this helpful the above posts on telling you what is happening with your embroys or blasts x
Blue- How'd your scan go?

Sammy - Soooooo happy for you! Little Miss PUPO!

As for me......
They have just called to let me know that we will be doing a Day 5 transfer. She said that out of the 5 I have 2 x 7 cells and 2 x 8 cells. She said one is at 3 cells so she's assuming it stopped growing at 3 cells. But she said they are all either Grade 1 or 2 and it would be too hard to decide which are the best two to transfer. She also said I need to really think about if I want to put two back in because there's a very high chance of twins because the quality is so good. Hrrrmpph. What's a girl to do? I don't think I can go through this allover again, we always had 2 in our heads and well....I just want two! I'm soooo happy...it would be lovely to have one to freeze just in case. 2 more sleeps til im PUPO!
Sammy fab news Hun, sounds very stressful. What are the costs like for ivf in Holland?
I am feeling really posative for you Hun xx

Well everyone my AF finally arrived, very painful and heavy though. I am hoping it clears by my base line scan on Thursday. Worried if it hasn't cleared then they won't allow me to start stimms. Has anyone else started stimms whilst on there period?

Wishing you all the luck in the world
Nat x
Sammy - CONGRATS on PUPO!!! :hugs:

Beauty- Thank you for that info! Great to read through!

Mamamirfy - OMG! That's amazing! :happydance: I'd do 2 for sure anyway!

Nat - I believe people do start on stims during AF frequently.
Sammy - Thats great, sounds stresfull but you got there in the end!!

Beauty - Great posts, really usefull thanks xx

Mamamirfy - Great news to get to blast stage, I cant believe how quickly things are moving for every one on the thread now!

Nat - I agree with megg, I hear of plenty of clinics that start you stimming whilst you are still on AF. Apparently mine would have if I was private but as im NHS funded, I had to wait a week!

Blue - How did your scan go? Im afraid I lose track, is it your baseline scan or are you already stimming?

AFM - Baseline scan tomorrow and if they say that I cant start stimming for some reason I think I will simply break down and cry. Im just holding on to the fact that I can start tomorrow so that I can say goodbye to the side effects of the suprecur (DR) injections. It will be my 19th injection today after starting them on cd30 due to late ovulation and then carrying on forever as AF took 5 days longer to arrive than usual.

:dust: for everyone xx
I hope you get the green light, Fluffy!

I just spoke with my clinic and she said that the bits of red spotting I'm seeing are enough to consider CD1. So, I'm apparently on CD2 actually! She said I should entirely expect a normal period, just some type of bleeding. And, since the pink spotting stopped for a day or two and then this started, that's a new cycle where they're concerned. So, I'm good to go on the Follistim injections on Saturday.

I have my baseline E2 blood test on Wednesday. Let's hope it comes back good as well! I really don't know what is considered "good" though!

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