IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Todays report: WE GOT 7 EMBIES!!!!!

BUT jesus i cannot believe just how freaking awkward and stupid my OH is... for days now I have been waiting for the fertility report and so they ring at 9am this morning, transfer is at 1pm and im like WTF???? How many fertilized...? he ignores me.... i'm like "dont let her go off the phone i need to speak to her about 5 day transfer..." he ok's her conversation and hangs up!!!! Sparks fly! I ring them back and speak to the nurse and said i need to know how many have fertilized... we dont know that blah blah blah... i'm like "well i need to know... i need to know if its worth risking the number I have until blast stage" shes like "its the weekend now why didnt you mention this earlier?" The fact is that I asked OH to speak to them about this when he took the eggs and he didnt apparently!

So anyway I call them back and say that i would like a 5 day and they say they dont normally do this lalalala.... She finds out that I have 7 embryos (two are a little slow right now but she expects them to catch up on Day 4) and the rest are of a fantastic standard :happydance: and that they have already selected two perfect ones to transfer today! So I say again i would like a 5 day since we have 7 embryos (anything 6+ i was going to do day 5 otherwise i didnt want to risk it) and she says that there is two perfect ones and at the moment 3 Grade A to freeze (they will not freeze unless they are absolutely top notch)

She says that they cannot freeze blasts at their hospital as they dont have the equipment that is needed to do this... only Day 4 embryos so we finally agree that tomorrow they will select 3 of the best embryos to use for Day 5 (Monday) and freeze whatever is good enough to freeze of the Day 4 embies. I have decided to take 3 for Day 5 in case one arrests or starts to keel over and then we will have two left. Sadly the left over embie will have to be discarded whatever state it is in since they cannot freeze it but thats the way it has to be this time. I have to cover my back in every way I think I can and I cannot risk just taking two out in case somethings happens to one of them. I would prefer to risk a Day 5 trans and lose some along the way than freeze them since 2/2 of my FET's have failed and most of the time the embies dont even make it to transfer! So ET is on Monday.... fingers crossed I have made the right decision here. Last time 2 x 3 day embies were transfered and I was BFN so its time to try something new. Worried now....
sammy- Thats sounds so well thought out! Monday is just around the corner, how exciting! Fingers crossed for you x
I hope Sammy, that's a good decision for you. Good luck :hugs:
sammy- Thats sounds so well thought out! Monday is just around the corner, how exciting! Fingers crossed for you x

Thanks hun... it was an on the spot decision as i wasnt expecting such a fuss and didnt know they could not freeze on Day 5. I only had a few minutes to think and try and work out a plan. The embryologist helped me out where she could but really it has frazzled my brain having to deal with that at 9am!!!! :wacko:
Back from the scan and things are going well.

CD 8 - I have 7 follicles at 10 or 1.0 and my lining is 9mm. I kind of feel like my lining is too thick - but at this point I am not hung up on numbers or worrying what any of it means good or bad because that won't change anything about this process.

I am feeling good to have 7 follicles. My hope is to only get 12, and not 24 like last time.
awesome news, sammy! Good luck with the transfer!
Blue, sounds like you're cruising right along... praying for you :)

AF came today... I'm both sad and happy. I thought for some reason we'd be able to make it happen without IVF, but we didn't manage it. So, tomorrow is first scan, get the bag of drugs, and start injections Monday night. I must admit, I'm frightened... not of the drugs or the shots, because they don't bug met all at. It's the thought of "What can we do next?" if this doesn't work. We're already looking into an egg donor program if this doesn't work, but I'm just getting so tired of the merry-go-round. 2.5 years is taking its toll.
Anyway, sorry to pull the mood down... I should be happy, not sad, I know!!!
Thanks Nvr2late!!! So sorry to hear AF came today! Its a nightmare isnt it? Dont worry about the IVF, really, although its not nice to go through, after a few days you will think its a walk in the park. You just learn to accept it i think... (in my case i have no choice! lol) We will all be here to help and support you through it. Good luck x

Blue - 7 is a good number at this stage. My lining was the same at CD 10 so dont worry about that its not too thick. My FS said ideally they like to see 10 - 15 follicles but always considered my 7-11 follies as a good number. They said that they dont like to see anything over this as normally it means that the egg quality is weaker and sometimes means the fertilization rate is not good or the egg quality resulting in weaker embies. I was devasted when i got 6 the first time but apparently i produced 4 beautiful embies, 2 transfered and BFP... now i dont care about having lots of follicles, i would prefer my egg quality to be better! Good luck x
Good luck Sammy for your 5 day transfer.

Blue - sounds like good progress.

Nvr2late - sorry she got you but at least the IVF will give you something to focus on.

H xx
Nvr2late - Totally understand what you mean. The first 2 days of stims I went into absolute panick mode - thinking "here we go again" and "then what if it doesn't work". I felt much better on day 3 and on. Hope you feel better about it all soon too. xo

:hugs: to everyone!
The embryologist called this morning.....out of the 7 the retrieved...6 were mature. they injected all 6 (we're doing ICSI) and 5 fertilized. They will call each day and let me know :)
Just wondered if anyone starts down regging tomorrow?
They have cauculated that it will be around 10th Dec or there abouts for embie transfer....which would mean test date would be around xmas!!
Omg it could be a good Xmas or a disaster arghh
I am thinking the sensible thing to do is to test after New Year incase of disapointment ....what would you all do?

Hope your all well
Nat x

Hi Nat,

I started DR on Monday & have Scan on 24th. If I'm DR'd enough, clinic said Stimms for 10/11 days from 24th & another scan 9 days later on the Friday. If all goes to plan (which I'm sure often doesn't) my EC will be w/c 6th Dec & our clinic likes to go to blast stage if there's more than 6 embies.

I'm guessing whether it's a 3 day or a 5 day, my OTD will be Christmas eve or even Christmas Day!

If all goes well, I fully intend to test 14 days after EC, which should be 1-3 days before OTD . If I'm PG, it will be a nice Christmas suprise, if not, I will get drunk as a lord!

I wouldn't have the will power to wait until after New Year, & besides that, if it's a BFN, our bodies will tell us in no uncertain terms with a visit from AF! ...I also have a wedding on the 29th & go to Ireland for New Year, so if I'm missing out on the Champagne, it needs to be for the best reason!

.....Do you know when your 1st scan is before stims?


Maaybe ....Did you get a start date?

Hello Hun

My schedule is very similar to yours,but I go for my base line scan a day later on 25th Nov.
If I am honest I will test like you will, if I ain't preggers our be drowning my sorrows :-(
How has the down regging been so far?
I am really nervous as my AF hasn't come and I am been scanned next week, just makes me wonder if this will delay stimms.
Keep me updated on how it goes Hun
Chucking baby dust your way :)
Nat x
Just wondered if anyone starts down regging tomorrow?
They have cauculated that it will be around 10th Dec or there abouts for embie transfer....which would mean test date would be around xmas!!
Omg it could be a good Xmas or a disaster arghh
I am thinking the sensible thing to do is to test after New Year incase of disapointment ....what would you all do?

Hope your all well
Nat x

I'm DR'ing in 4 days... and my ET should be around Dec 10-12. I won't be doing an HPT to find out, as some way that they do things with 2 HCG injections or something would make it come out BFP regardless of the result. So, I'll get my beta result between Dec 21-23! I'm freaking out about the premise of a monumentally disappointing Christmas if it goes wrong. Last year, I had just lost my first pregnancy on Dec 15... and this year I could face a failed IVF at Christmas. I'm terrified of how I would handle it so close to the holidays. :(
Hi Hun
Sorry don't know if I have already replied to your post. I just wanted to say I totally get what your saying. We lost our daughter just before Xmas last year and I don't think I could handle a bfn or another mc this Xmas either. Just wondered why they give you 2 hcg jabs? I am given a small amount 5000ml which is def out of my system by day 10 after transfer
Hope ya doing well
Baby dust your way hun x
I know how you feel... I gave birth to Shaylee on 10th Jan this year but we were going through all these MRI scans and tests just before Xmas and during Xmas so Xmas last year was ruined and now this year I will test around 9th Dec.... Maybe I would have got over any disappointment by then if there is any but its not what i need around this time of year and with Shaylee's one year anniversary looming over us.... :dohh:

Just wanted to send hugs your way and I remember you, purely because we lost our iccles one a couple of months apart. I am praying you have some happiness this Xmas and new year
Nat x
Just wondered if anyone starts down regging tomorrow?
They have cauculated that it will be around 10th Dec or there abouts for embie transfer....which would mean test date would be around xmas!!
Omg it could be a good Xmas or a disaster arghh
I am thinking the sensible thing to do is to test after New Year incase of disapointment ....what would you all do?

Hope your all well
Nat x

I'm DR'ing in 4 days... and my ET should be around Dec 10-12. I won't be doing an HPT to find out, as some way that they do things with 2 HCG injections or something would make it come out BFP regardless of the result. So, I'll get my beta result between Dec 21-23! I'm freaking out about the premise of a monumentally disappointing Christmas if it goes wrong. Last year, I had just lost my first pregnancy on Dec 15... and this year I could face a failed IVF at Christmas. I'm terrified of how I would handle it so close to the holidays. :(
Hi Hun
Sorry don't know if I have already replied to your post. I just wanted to say I totally get what your saying. We lost our daughter just before Xmas last year and I don't think I could handle a bfn or another mc this Xmas either. Just wondered why they give you 2 hcg jabs? I am given a small amount 5000ml which is def out of my system by day 10 after transfer
Hope ya doing well
Baby dust your way hun x

All I know is that I was sent 2 vials with 2 different syringes. That leads me to believe that I'll be doing 2 different injections. I've heard of some people doing one a week after transfer to "aid in implantation" or something. I don't know if that's what is actually going to happen with me or if I'm just having a double dose shot. I won't know until close to trigger shot time.
Fluffy - how are you doing? Where are you at in the process? xo

I hadnt written anything about me as I didnt want to ruin the nice positive vibe we have going on this thread! Ive been down regging for 15 days now and AF finally showed yesterday which was pretty late.

Im not doing too well with the side effects - I dont remember them saying that a reccurrence of depression in those that had it previously was likely when they explained the list of side effects. When I rang to say that I am having to consider abandoning it as my head is getting dangerous the nurse said that depression coming back is quite common! She did say that once I start stimming the effects should subside but im not due my first scan so that I can start until tuesday. I dont really want to darken this thread with the thoughts in my head but I thought I was free of those and my visits to a&e were behind me.

It just doesnt all make sense why I feel like this as I would usually get warning signs well before getting this bad but I guess its because its drug induced! Im just holding on to the fact that im doing this for a reason and that tuesday is now only 5 days away and then hopefully I can start stimming and feel better.

Im really sorry to be doom and gloom but glad that everything seems to be going well for everyone xxx

Just wanted to send you some hugs, as someone who has suffered depression and now with a recent diagnoses of post traumatic stress I know that these drugs can make it all worse. I must admit I haven't been honest with the clinic about this as I was scared they would delay treatment. In a weird way ivf is a ray of light but the down regging is herenous for me:-(
My advice is make sure OH is 100% supportive and can help you through down regging:)
Anyway I am waffling on with myself , I just wanted to send u hugs x
Hello everyone,

Not been able to get on here for a couple of days.

Well done Sammy, fantastic news - 10 is a great result! Hope fertilization goes well :)

Sorry that you're not so good Fluffy, I have been quite hormonal during the process, particular whilst DR. As if this thing wasn't hard enough!

Nv2late - whilst I hope that AF doesn't show for you, if she is going to show for you then I hope she doesn't keep you waiting.

AFM - had my first scan whilst stimming. I had the Professor who runs the clinic do my scan, I always feel happier when it's her although to be fair all the team at the clinic are great. It looks like there is plenty of activity in my ovaries, I think about 8 or so on my right and a few on my left. Last time they couldn't get to my left but she said the position looked better this time and she'd be hopeful they could reach it - YAY!!!!! So I'm booked in for another scan next Tues and then EC next Thurs, getting close now!!

This time in 3 weeks I'll know if its worked. I was laughing at myself today because when they test you then class you as being 4 weeks pregnant. Therefore I am potentially 1 week's pregnant today, do you think I should get a ticker lol??!!

All sounds posative Hun, fingers crossed for that left ovary xx

Hope everyone is well. :dust::dust: to us all.

H xx

All sounds posative Hun, def sounds better about your left ovary.
Fingers crossed Hun x
Hello Everyone

I have not been on for a few days, omg it's all go on here at the mo :)

Hope your all coping :)

I am really concerned that my af hasn't arrived and my baseline scan is Thursday :-(
does anyone know if my af dosent come will it delay treatment?

I have started giving myself jabs now instead of OH doing it. I actually prefer me doing it and I actually don't mind them any more lol.

Anyway I am gonna catch up on everyones post,but wishing you all gd luck

Nat x
The embryologist called this morning.....out of the 7 the retrieved...6 were mature. they injected all 6 (we're doing ICSI) and 5 fertilized. They will call each day and let me know :)

Great news Mamamirfy!!!! I missed the post where you went for EC, there was a lot going on yesterday! But fab.... all the very best of luck!!! :hugs:
Awesome, Mamamirfy!!!! That's a great result! Major fingers crossed for you!

AF started yesterday, so today was CD2... went to the clinic, had the baseline scan, bought my meds.

I know this will sound low to many of you, but I was very happy when the tech told me I have 6 follies on CD2... 2 on the right and 4 on the left. For the last few months, I've had 2-3 follies on CD3, so this is looking like a good month for IVF! I just hope even more follies will pop up once I start the stims. I'm so hopeful that the reduced dosage will help my eggs come along more gently and consistently this time (last time, one folly grew very quickly and they couldn't suppress it, other eggs didn't have time to catch up, so cycle was cancelled).

Excited now... the ride has begun!!!

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