IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

NATP18 - I started stims the same day as AF arrived BUT I was always going to be starting on the Friday and they had thought AF would have arrived earlier. I had been put on BCP for two weeks and after I went off it took 5 days to start. Sooo...what I'm trying to say is that they had thought I would have AF for two days before I was going to start stims. Hope that makes sense.
Oh I feel so anxious about tomorrow! I know its only a scan but I dont think I can bear it if they say something is up and I cant start stimming tomorrow.

Im also worried about pulling a sickie tomorrow for the scan appointment. I dont feel I have much choice but its not something that I would normally do. I had originally told my manager when we were going for tests etc which made it easier for appointments and getting time off etc. Then when we were told IVF was our next step I had a chat with her as I was quite upset and we had just had a change around so I had a new line manager. I told her that I was stressing that now two people would have to know what I was up to: my new manager as I would have to request leave from him as well as her who would also know as I am working with her on a big project so if I had to miss meetings at last minute she knew why.

I then find she just went and told him anyway as he told me I could continue to request my leave from my old manager if I wished due to my "personal circumstances"! When I asked him what he meant he blurted out in the middle of an open plan office that as I was having IVF they both thought that might be better for me. He couldnt have said it any louder if he tried, especially when there were people 2m away!!! I was furious with them both!!!!

Therefore I now dont feel I can tell either of them that we have started and therefore keep worring about getting time off work with out giving an explanation. In fact making sure I get time off stresses me more right now than the actual process (though im sure that will change). I just feel that work is sh*t and so are my managers even though im sure they were actually trying to help. Most my appointments should be ok and I can take time off but tomorrow I have meetings which I wouldnt be allowed to miss by taking the morning off without explanation.

To top it off, I had to see occupational health last week as a follow up from being off with stress a few months ago. I find that HR have sent him a letter which mentions that im being referred for fertility treatment - is nothing private!!!!!

Rant over, sorry for that.
Oh I feel so anxious about tomorrow! I know its only a scan but I dont think I can bear it if they say something is up and I cant start stimming tomorrow.

Im also worried about pulling a sickie tomorrow for the scan appointment. I dont feel I have much choice but its not something that I would normally do. I had originally told my manager when we were going for tests etc which made it easier for appointments and getting time off etc. Then when we were told IVF was our next step I had a chat with her as I was quite upset and we had just had a change around so I had a new line manager. I told her that I was stressing that now two people would have to know what I was up to: my new manager as I would have to request leave from him as well as her who would also know as I am working with her on a big project so if I had to miss meetings at last minute she knew why.

I then find she just went and told him anyway as he told me I could continue to request my leave from my old manager if I wished due to my "personal circumstances"! When I asked him what he meant he blurted out in the middle of an open plan office that as I was having IVF they both thought that might be better for me. He couldnt have said it any louder if he tried, especially when there were people 2m away!!! I was furious with them both!!!!

Therefore I now dont feel I can tell either of them that we have started and therefore keep worring about getting time off work with out giving an explanation. In fact making sure I get time off stresses me more right now than the actual process (though im sure that will change). I just feel that work is sh*t and so are my managers even though im sure they were actually trying to help. Most my appointments should be ok and I can take time off but tomorrow I have meetings which I wouldnt be allowed to miss by taking the morning off without explanation.

To top it off, I had to see occupational health last week as a follow up from being off with stress a few months ago. I find that HR have sent him a letter which mentions that im being referred for fertility treatment - is nothing private!!!!!

Rant over, sorry for that.

hey hon - its was silly of your managers to talk about your health openly like that, not to mention totally unprofessional. I would ask the manager in question for a casual chat and just explain that it is NOT a matter to be discussed in the open. Would they talk about a miscarriage or cancer or herpes so openly ?!?! i doubt it.
sod it mate pull the sickie - they cant really say much - plus if all goes to plan you will be on maternity leave soon anyway ! LOL
am pulling sickies for my collection and transfer..........
Totally pull the sickie! And, sod your managers for telling your business like that! :hugs:
SAMMY that is SO exciting !!! PUPO - cant wait to folloow your journey.
Am really jealous that am 3 weeks behind you !
Same here, Evie! 3 WEEKS! Its SOOOOOOOOOO long!
Same here, Evie! 3 WEEKS! Its SOOOOOOOOOO long!

too bloody long - everyone else will have their results by then and we'll just be getting going !! am literally so over waiting - feel like i have been waiting since my wedding day !x:growlmad:
Sammy, congratulations on being PUPO with two blasts, that's amazing. Hopefully you're on to a winner there! :hugs:

hi to everyone else. Hope you're all doing fine.

btw I've been waiting since my last IUI was unsuccessful (Sept)to start private IVF, still no date yet but I'm hoping my blood test results come in on Friday. I'll phone them in the afternoon to chase. I'm hoping to get my IVF start date very very soon or I'll go nuts. Actually I think I already am!!!
I'm hoping to get my IVF start date very very soon or I'll go nuts. Actually I think I already am!!!

think we are all nuts hear Willie ! LOL
I hope you get your date really soon, its nice to have a "end date" to focus on.
Same here, Evie! 3 WEEKS! Its SOOOOOOOOOO long!

too bloody long - everyone else will have their results by then and we'll just be getting going !! am literally so over waiting - feel like i have been waiting since my wedding day !x:growlmad:

I know it! Jeezus! I'm so sick of waiting! But, the time is nearly upon us! Just a bit longer!!! :wacko:

Sammy, congratulations on being PUPO with two blasts, that's amazing. Hopefully you're on to a winner there! :hugs:

hi to everyone else. Hope you're all doing fine.

btw I've been waiting since my last IUI was unsuccessful (Sept)to start private IVF, still no date yet but I'm hoping my blood test results come in on Friday. I'll phone them in the afternoon to chase. I'm hoping to get my IVF start date very very soon or I'll go nuts. Actually I think I already am!!!

I'm sure you are ready! You've been waiting as long as I have since your IUI. Damn! I'm so sorry you're still waiting, honey! Look at us complaining about 3 more weeks and you're still waiting on bloods! :hugs:
awwww fluffy! I'm sorry your manger(s) are so inconsiderate. I'd pull a sickie too.
Fluffy - I hope you get the go ahead to start the stimms but im sure you will so dont worry! x

Megg - Thanks hun - I think its awful all the stress they put me through before I actually got there. I mean first they called the wrong number and then they never even bothered to try it again! They called me on the right number Saturday. Useless.

Natp18 - Here you don't pay NHS contributions but you have to pay for Private Medical insurance... its a must and everyone has to do it but you get 3 free IVF/ICSI tries, as many IUI as you want and as many FET's for which you have frozen embryos for. ALso if you carry a baby past 12 weeks but you have to terminate for some reason (was our case at 24 weeks) then they give you that free try back, so we have 4 IVF in total. Our hospital is by far not the best for communication but the doctor did double up all the meds last time for this protocol meaning that if the next try doesnt work (will be our last one) then we have all the meds and dont have to pay out for those! He gave us about 4,000 euros worth which are in a big bag in the fridge. A t least if we have to fund ourselves we have all the meds and will only have to pay for the procedure.

Beauty - Thanks for that information... i have seen it before but lost it so its really helpful to me. How you doing? You must be relieved to be at 17 weeks... over the crucial stage!

Mamamirfy - Great news on the 5 day transfer.... I had one to freeze as well. Usually if any are slow they catch up and are frozen but not this time, 2 didnt make the grade to be frozen. I has to let one go cos I took 3 out for today but i think that migfht have been a good thing since they could pick the best two out of 3 and also that its clear one made it to blast and the other one was very borderline and nearly there and the other was maybe further behind? I never asked at the time, wished i had but it was such a rush I never even had tim to even think about asking for an OTD! Oh well.

Baby Dust to each and everyone of you (including me! lol)
so true - i should stop beedin moaning ! spend my life moaning me ! LOL

okay i have a Q re my vile of med - i start it on Thurs - how does it work once you have "pierced the seal" ?? do you just put your needle back into the same hole each time ?
Oh I feel so anxious about tomorrow! I know its only a scan but I dont think I can bear it if they say something is up and I cant start stimming tomorrow.

Im also worried about pulling a sickie tomorrow for the scan appointment. I dont feel I have much choice but its not something that I would normally do. I had originally told my manager when we were going for tests etc which made it easier for appointments and getting time off etc. Then when we were told IVF was our next step I had a chat with her as I was quite upset and we had just had a change around so I had a new line manager. I told her that I was stressing that now two people would have to know what I was up to: my new manager as I would have to request leave from him as well as her who would also know as I am working with her on a big project so if I had to miss meetings at last minute she knew why.

I then find she just went and told him anyway as he told me I could continue to request my leave from my old manager if I wished due to my "personal circumstances"! When I asked him what he meant he blurted out in the middle of an open plan office that as I was having IVF they both thought that might be better for me. He couldnt have said it any louder if he tried, especially when there were people 2m away!!! I was furious with them both!!!!

Therefore I now dont feel I can tell either of them that we have started and therefore keep worring about getting time off work with out giving an explanation. In fact making sure I get time off stresses me more right now than the actual process (though im sure that will change). I just feel that work is sh*t and so are my managers even though im sure they were actually trying to help. Most my appointments should be ok and I can take time off but tomorrow I have meetings which I wouldnt be allowed to miss by taking the morning off without explanation.

To top it off, I had to see occupational health last week as a follow up from being off with stress a few months ago. I find that HR have sent him a letter which mentions that im being referred for fertility treatment - is nothing private!!!!!

Rant over, sorry for that.

Jesus christ I would go absolutely MENTAL if my boss did that to me! Why on earth would they do that? Its such a personal thing and you dont want work colleagues gossiping and knowing all your private business. That is truly shit and not acceptable! :growlmad:

I never told work.... the first IVF i just went to the scan as a dental apt then started the meds and took 2 weeks off for the EC and ET and some of the 2WW because having taken my 4 months maternity leave after losing Shaylee I dare not even go there with more time off since my colleague was on 2 months parental leave and only me there to run the UK team. With IVF number 2, well it got cancelled so never made it as far as EC. This IVF i took the scan apt as half a days holiday. EC was a right nightmare as we had no cover in the dept and with little notice it was terrible having to beg people to cover and i just said to my team (not boss) that i was having a small procedure in hospital and would be back the next day. Of course they started emailing to ask if i was ok... fishing basically but i just told them yeah i was fine! :haha: I booked today tomorrow and weds off to cover ET but then we get a lot of holidays at my company so its easier for me. I could have blagged it but on top of my mat leave I had taken 3 weeks off for the death of my dad in Spain and i then fell down the stairs and broke my arm, perforated my ear drum, sprained my other wrist and shoulder and was off for 4 weeks. This is the only reason I didnt want to do all this in their time, I was worried they would think I was taking the mick. I have hardly really been there in the last year! :blush: Plus i didnt want them to know my business... my boss is great and she would give me the time off i know it but i dont want my work mates knowing since they love a bit of gossip and the whole company would know within minutes so i just told two close work pals who i trust. Companies often give you time off for IVF though and it should be kept as confidential. I would go to HR if i were you because that is just bang out of order and it sounds very deliberate and why was it better for the other office staff to know? Its got freaking nothing to do with them! :growlmad:
Thanks Scomar & wallie for the well wishes

Scomar - You will be there before you know it... and dont forget to pull loads of sickies for the apts since your company have treated you like that! :growl:

Wallie - I hope you get your apt through soon to start IVF. I know its a logn wait. I had to wait from mid August to mid October for this IVF because we went on holiday. I found out i had BFN 2 weeks before my holiday and then when we came back OH started a new job and was training for a month. It seemed to go on forever but as soon as the treatment started it whizzed by really. It seemed to go quicker than any of the other protocols and this one was longer by a few days! Wishing you both the best of luck xxx
Congrats Sammy!

Fluffy - that is very upsetting that your managers were inconsiderate, although they were trying to be "helpful". :hugs:

Nat - I started stims on cd 3 (with af) that is very normal

Wallie - It must be so frustrating to wait - I hope you get some answers really soon. xo

I am on cd 10 - todays scan showed 11 follies at about 1.2. They think that I will have EC next Monday (a week today!). I am surprised to have this many follies (same as last time) but they are growing at a slower rate which is good.
Congrats Sammy!

Fluffy - that is very upsetting that your managers were inconsiderate, although they were trying to be "helpful". :hugs:

Nat - I started stims on cd 3 (with af) that is very normal

Wallie - It must be so frustrating to wait - I hope you get some answers really soon. xo

I am on cd 10 - todays scan showed 11 follies at about 1.2. They think that I will have EC next Monday (a week today!). I am surprised to have this many follies (same as last time) but they are growing at a slower rate which is good.

Thanks Blue.... :hugs:

Oh that sounds more controlled... 11 follies is great and EC a week away! Are you going to be doing 3 day or 5 day transfer? :hugs:
so true - i should stop beedin moaning ! spend my life moaning me ! LOL

okay i have a Q re my vile of med - i start it on Thurs - how does it work once you have "pierced the seal" ?? do you just put your needle back into the same hole each time ?

As long as you wipe the seal each time, it doesn't matter. You'll likely never hit the same hole twice. Don't over-think it! :thumubup:

Congrats Sammy!

Fluffy - that is very upsetting that your managers were inconsiderate, although they were trying to be "helpful". :hugs:

Nat - I started stims on cd 3 (with af) that is very normal

Wallie - It must be so frustrating to wait - I hope you get some answers really soon. xo

I am on cd 10 - todays scan showed 11 follies at about 1.2. They think that I will have EC next Monday (a week today!). I am surprised to have this many follies (same as last time) but they are growing at a slower rate which is good.

That sounds great! Yay! :)
Congrats Sammy!

Fluffy - that is very upsetting that your managers were inconsiderate, although they were trying to be "helpful". :hugs:

Nat - I started stims on cd 3 (with af) that is very normal

Wallie - It must be so frustrating to wait - I hope you get some answers really soon. xo

I am on cd 10 - todays scan showed 11 follies at about 1.2. They think that I will have EC next Monday (a week today!). I am surprised to have this many follies (same as last time) but they are growing at a slower rate which is good.

Thanks Blue.... :hugs:

Oh that sounds more controlled... 11 follies is great and EC a week away! Are you going to be doing 3 day or 5 day transfer? :hugs:

We will see if it is more controlled. Last time I had 11 and then next thing you know it I had 24. Hopefully I keep just about 11.

The clinic plans on me having a day 3 transfer, but I am going to see if they would suggest a day 5 transfer depending on how many I have. Many have had success with a day 3 so whatever it is, it is. I am not going to get too hung up on it, at least at this point lol.
Oh I feel so anxious about tomorrow! I know its only a scan but I dont think I can bear it if they say something is up and I cant start stimming tomorrow.

Im also worried about pulling a sickie tomorrow for the scan appointment. I dont feel I have much choice but its not something that I would normally do. I had originally told my manager when we were going for tests etc which made it easier for appointments and getting time off etc. Then when we were told IVF was our next step I had a chat with her as I was quite upset and we had just had a change around so I had a new line manager. I told her that I was stressing that now two people would have to know what I was up to: my new manager as I would have to request leave from him as well as her who would also know as I am working with her on a big project so if I had to miss meetings at last minute she knew why.

I then find she just went and told him anyway as he told me I could continue to request my leave from my old manager if I wished due to my "personal circumstances"! When I asked him what he meant he blurted out in the middle of an open plan office that as I was having IVF they both thought that might be better for me. He couldnt have said it any louder if he tried, especially when there were people 2m away!!! I was furious with them both!!!!

Therefore I now dont feel I can tell either of them that we have started and therefore keep worring about getting time off work with out giving an explanation. In fact making sure I get time off stresses me more right now than the actual process (though im sure that will change). I just feel that work is sh*t and so are my managers even though im sure they were actually trying to help. Most my appointments should be ok and I can take time off but tomorrow I have meetings which I wouldnt be allowed to miss by taking the morning off without explanation.

To top it off, I had to see occupational health last week as a follow up from being off with stress a few months ago. I find that HR have sent him a letter which mentions that im being referred for fertility treatment - is nothing private!!!!!

Rant over, sorry for that.

Jesus christ I would go absolutely MENTAL if my boss did that to me! Why on earth would they do that? Its such a personal thing and you dont want work colleagues gossiping and knowing all your private business. That is truly shit and not acceptable! :growlmad:

I never told work.... the first IVF i just went to the scan as a dental apt then started the meds and took 2 weeks off for the EC and ET and some of the 2WW because having taken my 4 months maternity leave after losing Shaylee I dare not even go there with more time off since my colleague was on 2 months parental leave and only me there to run the UK team. With IVF number 2, well it got cancelled so never made it as far as EC. This IVF i took the scan apt as half a days holiday. EC was a right nightmare as we had no cover in the dept and with little notice it was terrible having to beg people to cover and i just said to my team (not boss) that i was having a small procedure in hospital and would be back the next day. Of course they started emailing to ask if i was ok... fishing basically but i just told them yeah i was fine! :haha: I booked today tomorrow and weds off to cover ET but then we get a lot of holidays at my company so its easier for me. I could have blagged it but on top of my mat leave I had taken 3 weeks off for the death of my dad in Spain and i then fell down the stairs and broke my arm, perforated my ear drum, sprained my other wrist and shoulder and was off for 4 weeks. This is the only reason I didnt want to do all this in their time, I was worried they would think I was taking the mick. I have hardly really been there in the last year! :blush: Plus i didnt want them to know my business... my boss is great and she would give me the time off i know it but i dont want my work mates knowing since they love a bit of gossip and the whole company would know within minutes so i just told two close work pals who i trust. Companies often give you time off for IVF though and it should be kept as confidential. I would go to HR if i were you because that is just bang out of order and it sounds very deliberate and why was it better for the other office staff to know? Its got freaking nothing to do with them! :growlmad:

Im glad that you, and others, seem as mad as I am about this. I started to think I was being over sensitive and over reacting! I havent even been able to say anything to them about it as it still upsets me! I have just rung in "sick" but neither of my managers are in and we had a meeting in 5 minutes!

Blue - thats great! Hopefully it stays at 11 x

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