IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Hi Girls
Sammy - Thanks, i am still all nervous and scared of the whole being pregnant, got to stop reading horror stories and listening to them as well.. I am trying to stop worrying and enjoy the pregnancy but like you all when you waited so long its real hard to stop worrying over things and enjoy it, i am a little ahead on my ticket by few days per the meansurments from scans but cause i did IVF/ICIS i know that the ticker below is correct due to the eggs being replaced on 3 day transfer.

I didnt make it to blast but we did try but we had two real strong embroys going and the other two were not so good so clinic advised to get the 2 strong ones in which meant a 3 day transfer.. And one strong one has stuck around which was amazing, never thought i would see a positive pregnancy test EVER!! So ladies it can and will happen for you. I think i did around 20 tests all together girls, i was a serial tester, i think i did my 1st test from around cd9 which made embroys 12 days old which was very faint and then i continuted to test with the line getting darker and darker each day. I had half the pregnal 5,000 as i was suffering mild OHSS so clinic only advised 5,000.. I know its all personal preference when to start testing etc, but i think with me i thought right bugger it test!! And i tested!!

I avoided chat sites when going through treatment as I found it easier, as i had no idea on what to expect or how i would respond as it being my first cycle and due to eggsharing as well i felt a whole load of pressure and just didnt think these sites would of helped me through treatment as i seem to read things and panic and then start researching the net and getting all worked up and upset so many of you didnt know i had been through treatment (sorry girls) just had to do what suited me better at the time.

I did eggshare so I managed 17 eggs all in and kept 9 for myself, only 4 fertizilsed tho and it didnt go without problems. My poor DP had to do 3 samples for them that day of EC as his sperm was more lower than the tests we done in the past (which were real low anyway), (i swear it was nerves more than anything for him) but they managed to get enough sperm for us to do carry on with the ICIS so we were and the clinic were very pleased with 4 good embroys!!

I do come on and read the thread now and again and will be jumping in from time to time to see how you ladies are getting on if you all dont mind. I wish you ladies loads of luck with your treatment and cant wait to see your exciting news next time i pop on

Well done Sammy on being PUPO. Sounds like things are going well Blue and fingers crossed your scan goes well Fluffy.

Not so good for me, just had my latest scan and they are worried on two counts. One is that the follicles on my right side are smaller than they should be and secondly it looks like there is a problem with my left tube which means that it will be unlikely they can access the left side (for the second time).

They have put me on an extra day of stimms and put EC back til Friday. It looks like its the Professor who will do my op on Friday but she has warned me there is a chance my cycle will be cancelled on Friday. They won't know until I've been sedated and they've had a good prod about.

If it is cancelled I'll probably end up with my left tube being removed so that will delay things even further.:cry:

The only hope I can take is that my follicles looked small on my right side the last time and they still managed to get 8 eggs. Please wish me luck ladies, I can't bear the thought of getting this far and then failing.:cry:

H xx
Helen - Hugs to you hunny. Though dont give up yet, as you said, last time they looked small and then they caught up. Keep positive xxx

Beauty - Sounds like it didnt go easily for you, but so pleased for you that it had a positive result at the end xx

AFM - Whooo hooooo I can start stimms today! Im going to banish that damn depression now with the new drugs! Consultant also said I could reduce the suprecur from 0.5ml to 0.3ml due to the side effects and that should also help; otherwise it would take a few days for the new dugs to make the effects of the suprecur subside.

Scan was ok, but only 4 follies on one side and 3 on the other were visible. Thats not that many is it? He did stress that there may well be more and when I have done a week of stimms and am scanned again we could see more. I have a provisional EC date of tues 7th dec which is really exciting.

So what did I do with the rest of my "sick" day? I went shopping to celebrate stimming of course!
Well done Sammy on being PUPO. Sounds like things are going well Blue and fingers crossed your scan goes well Fluffy.

Not so good for me, just had my latest scan and they are worried on two counts. One is that the follicles on my right side are smaller than they should be and secondly it looks like there is a problem with my left tube which means that it will be unlikely they can access the left side (for the second time).

They have put me on an extra day of stimms and put EC back til Friday. It looks like its the Professor who will do my op on Friday but she has warned me there is a chance my cycle will be cancelled on Friday. They won't know until I've been sedated and they've had a good prod about.

If it is cancelled I'll probably end up with my left tube being removed so that will delay things even further.:cry:

The only hope I can take is that my follicles looked small on my right side the last time and they still managed to get 8 eggs. Please wish me luck ladies, I can't bear the thought of getting this far and then failing.:cry:

H xx

Oh, I hope it doesn't get cancelled for you, that would be even more heartbreaking at this point. :hugs:
Hi Girls
Sammy - Thanks, i am still all nervous and scared of the whole being pregnant, got to stop reading horror stories and listening to them as well.. I am trying to stop worrying and enjoy the pregnancy but like you all when you waited so long its real hard to stop worrying over things and enjoy it, i am a little ahead on my ticket by few days per the meansurments from scans but cause i did IVF/ICIS i know that the ticker below is correct due to the eggs being replaced on 3 day transfer.

I didnt make it to blast but we did try but we had two real strong embroys going and the other two were not so good so clinic advised to get the 2 strong ones in which meant a 3 day transfer.. And one strong one has stuck around which was amazing, never thought i would see a positive pregnancy test EVER!! So ladies it can and will happen for you. I think i did around 20 tests all together girls, i was a serial tester, i think i did my 1st test from around cd9 which made embroys 12 days old which was very faint and then i continuted to test with the line getting darker and darker each day. I had half the pregnal 5,000 as i was suffering mild OHSS so clinic only advised 5,000.. I know its all personal preference when to start testing etc, but i think with me i thought right bugger it test!! And i tested!!

I avoided chat sites when going through treatment as I found it easier, as i had no idea on what to expect or how i would respond as it being my first cycle and due to eggsharing as well i felt a whole load of pressure and just didnt think these sites would of helped me through treatment as i seem to read things and panic and then start researching the net and getting all worked up and upset so many of you didnt know i had been through treatment (sorry girls) just had to do what suited me better at the time.

I did eggshare so I managed 17 eggs all in and kept 9 for myself, only 4 fertizilsed tho and it didnt go without problems. My poor DP had to do 3 samples for them that day of EC as his sperm was more lower than the tests we done in the past (which were real low anyway), (i swear it was nerves more than anything for him) but they managed to get enough sperm for us to do carry on with the ICIS so we were and the clinic were very pleased with 4 good embroys!!

I do come on and read the thread now and again and will be jumping in from time to time to see how you ladies are getting on if you all dont mind. I wish you ladies loads of luck with your treatment and cant wait to see your exciting news next time i pop on


Your story made me cry! It wasn't perfect or without issue... but you're almost halfway through a healthy pregnancy! OMG! I think that's amazing! I love to hear happy endings to the less than perfect stories... because almost no one gets a perfect story! No matter how difficult or stressful your treatment was, we now all envy the position it put you in... and none of that matters anymore. You get to be our hero! So, please do keep popping by! :hugs: CONGRATS a million times over!

Well done Sammy on being PUPO. Sounds like things are going well Blue and fingers crossed your scan goes well Fluffy.

Not so good for me, just had my latest scan and they are worried on two counts. One is that the follicles on my right side are smaller than they should be and secondly it looks like there is a problem with my left tube which means that it will be unlikely they can access the left side (for the second time).

They have put me on an extra day of stimms and put EC back til Friday. It looks like its the Professor who will do my op on Friday but she has warned me there is a chance my cycle will be cancelled on Friday. They won't know until I've been sedated and they've had a good prod about.

If it is cancelled I'll probably end up with my left tube being removed so that will delay things even further.:cry:

The only hope I can take is that my follicles looked small on my right side the last time and they still managed to get 8 eggs. Please wish me luck ladies, I can't bear the thought of getting this far and then failing.:cry:

H xx

Oh, Helen! I hope it doesn't get cancelled honey! Everything crossed for a good outcome on Friday! :hugs:

Helen - Hugs to you hunny. Though dont give up yet, as you said, last time they looked small and then they caught up. Keep positive xxx

Beauty - Sounds like it didnt go easily for you, but so pleased for you that it had a positive result at the end xx

AFM - Whooo hooooo I can start stimms today! Im going to banish that damn depression now with the new drugs! Consultant also said I could reduce the suprecur from 0.5ml to 0.3ml due to the side effects and that should also help; otherwise it would take a few days for the new dugs to make the effects of the suprecur subside.

Scan was ok, but only 4 follies on one side and 3 on the other were visible. Thats not that many is it? He did stress that there may well be more and when I have done a week of stimms and am scanned again we could see more. I have a provisional EC date of tues 7th dec which is really exciting.

So what did I do with the rest of my "sick" day? I went shopping to celebrate stimming of course!

Woohoo! Get stimming, girly! I love that you went shopping to celebrate! :)

I think I'll do some shopping to celebrate my stimming on Saturday! Its also my due date from my 2nd loss... So, I've committed to buying something baby-related that day as a goodbye to my lost little one and a gift to start welcoming my forever baby into the world!
Hello Hun

My schedule is very similar to yours,but I go for my base line scan a day later on 25th Nov.
If I am honest I will test like you will, if I ain't preggers our be drowning my sorrows :-(
How has the down regging been so far?
I am really nervous as my AF hasn't come and I am been scanned next week, just makes me wonder if this will delay stimms.
Keep me updated on how it goes Hun
Chucking baby dust your way :)
Nat x

Hi Nat,

Can't complain about the DR, think I've got off lightly. AF was a few days late, but boy did she have a sting in her tail. I've got my scan in the morning, so hopefully things will stay simple! ...not much does in my life!

Hope you're ok, chat soon. x
Nvr2late, congrats on starting your stims. 6 follies sounds lovely. I’ll be quite happy if I get that many. Nicely stimmed, but not overly so.

Rchurchlow – Halllloooooo, welcome.

Mamamirfy – Congrats on the embies, & fingers crossed they stay nice & strong .

Sammy – Congrats on being PUPO.

Megg – best of luck for your blood test tomorrow. Are you starting stims this week too?

Scomar – 3 weeks will fly, I promise. It’s just over a year since my initial referral for investigations & looking back, it’s flown by. Kinda glad I had the time to try & get used to things.

Wallie, with Private IVF, you could get going this cycle? Hope you get a start date soon. Did they give you a rough idea how long the blood results would be? Mine on NHS were back within 10 days.

Blue – your EC is so close! Scary/exciting times. Eat lots of protein & plenty of water. Hope your ‘Oceans 11’ stay nice & tidy & grow beautifully!

Helen – (hugs) Fingers crossed you get positive news on Friday.

Fluffy – Yipee! Stims-a-go-go. Hopefully I’m one day behind you! 7 follies is fine & there may be more come out of hiding as you go along.

AFM, Had a good-ish weekend. PMT was pretty bad. Was on a hen night on Sat (v sober ) & the hen got drunk & abused everyone! Nice. Had a go at me for not dancing/not drinking. I was silently seething – only my best mate knows about this & she went crackers at her!
AF was a total nightmare yesterday & today. She’s packing her bags now though & I’ve got my scan in the morning along with Menopur injection training. Bit nervous, but sure it will be fine.

Hope you are all well / hope I haven’t missed anyone – feel free to call me names if I have.
Teapot - I like that "oceans 11" lol.

I am on menopur and it takes some getting used to - but you will find you will be just fine. Congrats on getting to started on stims (tomorrow).

Megg - When do you start stims - saturday right?

Helen - fxd everything goes okay. I will be praying for you. xo

:dust: to everyone!!!
Nvr2late, congrats on starting your stims. 6 follies sounds lovely. I’ll be quite happy if I get that many. Nicely stimmed, but not overly so.

Rchurchlow – Halllloooooo, welcome.

Mamamirfy – Congrats on the embies, & fingers crossed they stay nice & strong .

Sammy – Congrats on being PUPO.

Megg – best of luck for your blood test tomorrow. Are you starting stims this week too?

Scomar – 3 weeks will fly, I promise. It’s just over a year since my initial referral for investigations & looking back, it’s flown by. Kinda glad I had the time to try & get used to things.

Wallie, with Private IVF, you could get going this cycle? Hope you get a start date soon. Did they give you a rough idea how long the blood results would be? Mine on NHS were back within 10 days.

Blue – your EC is so close! Scary/exciting times. Eat lots of protein & plenty of water. Hope your ‘Oceans 11’ stay nice & tidy & grow beautifully!

Helen – (hugs) Fingers crossed you get positive news on Friday.

Fluffy – Yipee! Stims-a-go-go. Hopefully I’m one day behind you! 7 follies is fine & there may be more come out of hiding as you go along.

AFM, Had a good-ish weekend. PMT was pretty bad. Was on a hen night on Sat (v sober ) & the hen got drunk & abused everyone! Nice. Had a go at me for not dancing/not drinking. I was silently seething – only my best mate knows about this & she went crackers at her!
AF was a total nightmare yesterday & today. She’s packing her bags now though & I’ve got my scan in the morning along with Menopur injection training. Bit nervous, but sure it will be fine.

Hope you are all well / hope I haven’t missed anyone – feel free to call me names if I have.

Ended up having bloods done already... more on that in a moment! :dohh:

Good luck for the scan and the Menopur training. I had my training weeks ago. I hope I remember! LOL

Teapot - I like that "oceans 11" lol.

I am on menopur and it takes some getting used to - but you will find you will be just fine. Congrats on getting to started on stims (tomorrow).

Megg - When do you start stims - saturday right?

Helen - fxd everything goes okay. I will be praying for you. xo

:dust: to everyone!!!

Saturday if my E2 was okay!

AFM... I got a call from my clinic asking if I'd done my blood draw today. I said I hadn't because the calendar said to do it tomorrow. She said it was fine to do it tomorrow as long as it was early in the morning. I told her I could do it today. She said either was fine... blahblahblah. I told her I'd go this afternoon because I was leaving town tomorrow. She sort of freaks... "What do you mean? When are you leaving town?" I tell her tomorrow at 5. She says, "Well, you can't go until we know if your levels are okay or not." Uhm... Okay? She said it like I'm "not allowed" to go if my E2 is too high. Uhm... Screw you, lady. I'm not missing Thanksgiving for an E2 level. I don't know what she would hope to accomplish with me staying anyway. If she wants it tested daily or something, she can write me the effing orders and I'll take the damn things with me. She's bonkers if she thinks I'm skipping Thanksgiving with my family over a blood test. If it was EC, or ET, or even an U/S... maaaaaaaaaaaybe! But not for a stinkin' blood test! So, that's my story. It better be good... It was 56 on my last CD3 test... That's within the 25-75 range and "good." Let's hope for similar in the morning. I'll know in 9 hours!
Sammy - Thanks, i am still all nervous and scared of the whole being pregnant, got to stop reading horror stories and listening to them as well.. I am trying to stop worrying and enjoy the pregnancy but like you all when you waited so long its real hard to stop worrying over things and enjoy it, i am a little ahead on my ticket by few days per the meansurments from scans but cause i did IVF/ICIS i know that the ticker below is correct due to the eggs being replaced on 3 day transfer.

Sadly I would never be able to relax again.... i never knew what i did when i had DD 12 years ago but after reading all these things on the forum and then what happened to us at the 20 week scan, I will always be a nervous wreck throughout. I am so envious of those normal every day people i see walking in the street, nonchalent of all the things that can/might happen and wish I could relax like them and enjoy a pregnancy. I had that stripped away from me though so I now just have to be happy if I even get to a pregnancy let alone feel let down that I can't enjoy it. I know how you feel totally!

Well done Sammy on being PUPO. Sounds like things are going well Blue and fingers crossed your scan goes well Fluffy.

Not so good for me, just had my latest scan and they are worried on two counts. One is that the follicles on my right side are smaller than they should be and secondly it looks like there is a problem with my left tube which means that it will be unlikely they can access the left side (for the second time).

They have put me on an extra day of stimms and put EC back til Friday. It looks like its the Professor who will do my op on Friday but she has warned me there is a chance my cycle will be cancelled on Friday. They won't know until I've been sedated and they've had a good prod about.

If it is cancelled I'll probably end up with my left tube being removed so that will delay things even further.

The only hope I can take is that my follicles looked small on my right side the last time and they still managed to get 8 eggs. Please wish me luck ladies, I can't bear the thought of getting this far and then failing.

I so hope your protocol doesnt get cancelled hun.... BTW I think 8 eggs off one follicle is flipping GREAT! Good luck x

AFM - Whooo hooooo I can start stimms today! Im going to banish that damn depression now with the new drugs! Consultant also said I could reduce the suprecur from 0.5ml to 0.3ml due to the side effects and that should also help; otherwise it would take a few days for the new dugs to make the effects of the suprecur subside.

Scan was ok, but only 4 follies on one side and 3 on the other were visible. Thats not that many is it? He did stress that there may well be more and when I have done a week of stimms and am scanned again we could see more. I have a provisional EC date of tues 7th dec which is really exciting.

Congrats on the starting of the stimming and good luck for your new cycle!!!

Can't complain about the DR, think I've got off lightly. AF was a few days late, but boy did she have a sting in her tail. I've got my scan in the morning, so hopefully things will stay simple! ...not much does in my life!

Good luck for the scan today... I hope everything stays simple for you! The hen night sounded... ermmm... interesting!!! lol
Cd 12 scan today.

Lining 11.

15 follicles - 3 largest at 1.7 (she didn't tell me the sizes of the rest).

She mentioned doubling my dose and I kind of freaked out saying that last time I was fine until they double my dose. Not sure what they will do now. Ahh this is stressful.
Teapot - I had hoped to get started this cycle but probably no hope in hell of that. My blood test take 3-4 weeks to come back with the NHS, even though we're paying for it ourselves this round. Nightmare eh! It's Christmas and New Year that mucks us up. Why is it everytime I am waiting on something there's always a holiday of some sort to muck it all up :dohh: I'll chase Friday though.
Cd 12 scan today.

Lining 11.

15 follicles - 3 largest at 1.7 (she didn't tell me the sizes of the rest).

She mentioned doubling my dose and I kind of freaked out saying that last time I was fine until they double my dose. Not sure what they will do now. Ahh this is stressful.

Sounds good except the doubling your dose bit! :hugs: Hoping it all works out perfectly in the end!

AFM... Good news! I got the green light to start my stims Saturday! This is really happening!!!

And, thought you girls might find this interesting! My FS and clinic were on the news! You can watch here: https://centralillinoisproud.com/fulltext?nxd_id=149477
My FS is the older guy with white hair (Dr. Gary Horowitz) and it was shot inside the clinic I go to. Those are the people I work with on a weekly basis! I'd love to be as lucky as the couple they were talking to!
Well girls, back of the class for me & detention after school.

My scan today was ok, Ovaries are quiet (well the one she could find was!!?? no sign of my left ovary even with all the prodding & shoving! BUT ...My womb lining is far too thick considering AF started on Monday. It's still 9mm - means nothing to me - what was yours ladies?
She said this is far too thick & not even a "nearly there that she could fudge it for me".

So i'm on DR for another week. boo.
If lining not thin enough by next wednesday, my cycle will be cancelled due to the Christmas close down. Brilliant. So much for sailing through the side effects - that'll teach me.

I'm OK about it. More concerned that she couldn't find my ovary! Although my sis is a Doctor & she said it's common/could have been hiding behind my bowel.

I'm off to a friends house now for a takeaway & a gossip - should take my mind off this as only one of them knows.

'Chat' to you all tomorrow. x
Blue - did they give any rationale behind the bright idea of doubling your dose?

Megg - woohoo for stims!

Wallie - that sucks.

Sammy - hope you're resting up.

Oh, I hope it works out, teapot! :hugs: Everything crossed for you!
Well girls, back of the class for me & detention after school.

My scan today was ok, Ovaries are quiet (well the one she could find was!!?? no sign of my left ovary even with all the prodding & shoving! BUT ...My womb lining is far too thick considering AF started on Monday. It's still 9mm - means nothing to me - what was yours ladies?

At my baseline scan yesterday mine was 1mm which the consultant said was fine. I was on day 7 of my cycle, as they seem to make you wait that long after AF at my clinic, so all the lining should have well and trully shed! I was then allowed to start stimming. Im sure that by wednesday, your lining will be "outter there" and you will get the go ahead to start :happydance: keep positive xx
Megg - while I remember, can you stick my stimming date on the front? I know that you asked to be reminded of all the dates - I dont blame you as there is a lot to keep up with!!
Teapot I think your lining has to be 5mm, maybe someone can correct/confirm that though. I remember when I was doing IUI.
Thanks for all the kind words ladies. Have just taken my final injection so I am officially drug free!! Just got to hope and pray the extra day of stimms does the trick for me.

Teapot - I had the same problem with my left ovary. Hopefully next time they'll be able to see it, its quite common for the little b*gg*rs to hide! With me they couldn't get to it at EC but I think that is unusual and I managed to get pregnant with the eggs they got from my right side so try not to worry too much.

Fantastic news on stimming Megg!!

Fingers crossed for Friday Wallie, it is such a pain how this whole thing drags on and on.

Hope everyone else is okay :hi:

H xx

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