IVF/ICSI/FET in September!!!

I think Blue go with what you wouldn't regret. Our clinic always says do what you think is best and which would leave you with least regret. I would want to see data to back up what they're saying and then make my decision. I guess if they're recommending it they must believe that's the best option. Good luck!
Wow Mummy - I didn't realize you were only 2 days until ec!! How exciting - how are you feeling?

Good luck Mummy hope they get all 8 for you :)

Blue sorry you have such a hard decision to make... hope whatever you choose works out the best for you.

Leilani how is it all going with you?
Blue-hmmmm decisions decisions can't offer any help on that one because I haven't heard of it before. Would be interesting to find out what is actually involved in it and how many sucesses there have been. Would it be kind of like a D and C where they scrape away the lining. I'm sure whatever decision you come to will be the right one. Good Luck hun.

Mummy glad to hear your cooking up those follies nice and well. Good Luck for ec hun.

AFM I'm sat patiently waiting for my drugs to arrive, well I say patiently actually I'm pacing the floor. Trying to do housework to keep my mind off it but it's not working out that way.
Thanks girls, feeling "ok" very tender, bit sicky, just want to get in and get out! :)

Last time I didn't have eggs in every follicle, it was about half so we shall see. All out of my hands so just have to deal with what comes!!
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you hun that you have lots of eggs in there.

Well my drugs have just arrived and all I can say is "OH MY GOD" what am I letting myself in for. I'm absolutely s******g myself (excuse the language) but I'm petrified. Does anyone know why the cetrotide needle is twice the size of the menopur needle. The menopur needle I could probably just about put up with but the cetrotide one I'm not so sure. Does anyone know I could if I could use the smaller needles on the cetrotide. I'm not sure I can do this.
The cetrotide needle should come with 2 needles, a large one to mix the solution into the vile and then you swap it over for a smaller needle. i noticed the small needle is still bigger than the menopur small needle but there's def 2 sizes one to mix and 1 to inject.
Oh my days.....you have me shaking already, Doodar :wacko:. I don't have my drugs yet but have been sooo scared about them needles. Oh dear me!!

Good luck with the EC, Mummy!

Blue....have you decided if you'll go ahead with FET this cycle?

A question from a newbie :blush: . Please, what day of your cycle did you start the very first set of drugs/injections. I know it depends on which protocol, but I just want to know what to expect. Thanks ladies!
Hi ladies.
Good luck with your EC mummy! its sounding really good :flower:

Blue - wow this is a really tough one, i really dont know what i would do other than find out as much info as possible, i have never heard about this before. The agony of waiting another month aarghhh! The problem is that if you go ahead this month and it doesnt work you might end up feeling like would it have worked if you did what they recommended? On the other hand if your lining looks good then what is to stop it working? I did go against the advide of my clinic with regards to my FET as they said i needed to have 1 normal af first but i opted not to and so far it has turned out to be the right choice as the waiting would have killed me! I guess the difference though is that they were only thawing one for the single transfer rather than all of them so not as much riding on it. When are you scheduled for the transfer if you go ahead?

Good luck kat f -where in australia r u? I am in adelaide. I too begged for a multiple transfer and they wouldnt have it at all. Such as shame cos twins would be so nice as i would never have to think about going through all this awful stuff again.

good luck to everyone else stimming and down regging :flower:

I am anxiously awaiting my scan booked for next monday at 6w2d. I could pass out from the nerves just thinking about it, i think they might have to sedate me. My hair is still falling out too. I really want this to stop :growlmad:
short protocol - day 3
long protocol day 19 tablets, day 21 injections

That was for me anyway :) xx
The cetrotide needle should come with 2 needles, a large one to mix the solution into the vile and then you swap it over for a smaller needle. i noticed the small needle is still bigger than the menopur small needle but there's def 2 sizes one to mix and 1 to inject.

Yes its definately the small needle of the cetrotide that I'm worried about its about half inch bigger than the menopur one. If I could use the menopur one on the cetrotide then I would be much happier about it. I wouldn't be ecstatic but I'd be happier. Think I'm gonna have to talk the clinic about it. I really am so nervous.

Buttercup I'm new to all this too. I'm on SP and I start on day 2. I think LP you start on day 21, correct me if I'm wrong girls.

Gracy I hope your hair stops falling out soon. It must be such a worry. Good Luck for your scan hun. Bet your so excited.
Ahh yeh it is about half an inch bigger, it hurts more i think lol I get bruises from that one but not the menopur. Talk to your clinic, I have no idea why the needle is bigger unless it needs to go further into the body? Who knows! :shrug:

when do you start doodar?
I am definately going to ask them what the reason is behind it. It's only because I'm such a wuss when it comes to needles. Sheesh! just hope I can do it. I'm hoping to start next Fri 17th if AF behaves herself and visits on time. Hubby is booked in for his SSR this Fri and I'm booked in for injection training while he is down in theatre. (eeek bites finger nails).
Gracy I'm in Perth but was born in Adelaide - Morphet vale :)

Good luck with your scan next week.... I hope everything is ok this time xo

Well I rang today my estrogen is at 9800 and when they counted my follicles and gave me sizes etc yesterday I had a range of them all diff sizes (11, 15, 18, 10, 12 etc) on both sides. I can't really remember how many but it sounded like about 10? or 11? I'm not sure... In any case I'm off for EC on Friday so I do my trigger 10pm tonight.

Wish me luck- I'm nervous as ever.....
hi ladies i would like to join you on your journey i have just had 6 months on clomid with no success i have unexplained infertirlity i do already have 3 children an i have been tryin with my husband now for 5 years with no success my children are too a previous marriage an my husband has no children of his own. i am 36 years old an i have started with all the test at ivf clinic we get all results on the 27th of sept an dependin on those reults is wether or not we go forward . i had internal scan on my ovaries this week an there was 3 folicles in each but we dont know how good they are until we get my blood results but the nurse told me that we have a 15 to 20% chance of ivf workin which i thought was very low odds so now i have lost a little hope sorry for going on xxx
Hello samfitz - have you had hubby's sperm count tested? If you have had 3 successes before might mean it is his sperm?
kat my hubby has been tested an everythin was normal x
Oh ok... well 15 - 20% chance is not too bad really because normal IVF is only 25% on any given time :)

I hope it works for you I wish you the best of luck for your results xo
Recovering from EC today.

Had 10 eggs but only 4 were mature :cry: they don't know why. They're going to try ivf with the 6 immature eggs and ICSI with the 4 mature ones.

Geez I don't think my body is cut out for this. I pray I get 1 or 2 to transfer but I may get none at this rate! :nope:
Mummy - praying for you. I am sure this news must be shocking - but try to have faith in your little eggs!!! I know I was devastated when I only had 3 fertilize out of 22, but I kept telling myself I have to believe in those 3. I know it isn't the same situation - but just hope as much as possible - and know that we are hoping for you.

Millions of :hugs:

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