IVF/ICSI/FET in September!!!

Best of luck with fertilization mummy. I think your 4 matures will be ready and raring to go - Will they transfer one or two?
Waiting for a call between 10-12. Feel so sick worrying about it.

They will transfer 2 if I have them. As long as I get something to transfer I will be happy.
Oh good luck mummy I have everything crossed for you. One of those little embies is gonna bring you your bfp I just know it. :flower:
Had my EC yesterday and got 10 eggs but 6 were immature

I'm wondering whether my FS sent me too early for EC or whether I need more trigger shot.

That aside the clinic called and the other 4 - 3 out of 4 fertilised with the fourth possibly - have to call back tomorrow to see.

The 6 immature were germinal vesicle the most immature and today they are M1.

They need to be M2 to fertilise and the clinic said there's nothing they can do with them. Can't they keep watching them to see if they get to M2 and then try ivf with them and then i could freeze them or does it not work like that?

i asked the clinic if there was anything they could do and they said not at this stage. what does that mean?

Should I call again and ask why they can't keep watching them?

Anyone else had this or know what I should do?
Mummy I have no idea but I hope someone can give you some answers hun. yay! for the 3 embies though thats good I'm sure you'll be announcing your bfp very soon. Try not to worry hun I know it's hard. I should try to listen to my own advice I am so nervous about tomorrow. Hubby's ssr. I just hope they find lots of swimmers. Take care hun x
Hi all - had EC today and they got 10 eggs from me. I'll find out quality and fertilization etc tomorrow. My abdomen is pretty sore but all in all the procedure was not too bad....
Thanks mummy well the ssr is all done thank god. They didn't manage to retrieve any sperm via aspiration apparently they were all dead so they took a tissue sample of the testicle and they saw moving sperm on that so they will scrape them from that. At the moment I don't know how many we have. i have to phone the clinic tomorrow morning to find out how they are doing and how many we have. At least they saw movement so that has to be a positive thing.
How are things with you hun. Anymore news from the clinic?
Glad they saw movement doodar :hugs:

AFM: 3 embies, the fourth didn't make it.

I feel really sad as this time our FS wanted to see top quality embroyos but its the same as last time.

2 fair embies at 2 cells (they expect between 2-4 cells on day 2)
and 1 poor at 5 cells (it's poor as they said it's uneven)

I feel like it's all over already why can't I get good quality embryos...
mummy :hugs::hugs:.
I know you must be feeling down about it. I remeber our dreaded may thread and it was mrs r i think who only had two embryos after everything and she was devastated as well, then in the end they transferred both and she was one of only two people on the thread to have an ongoing pregnancy with twins! So it definately can happen with a small number of embies. My EC from our fresh cycle had a really large percentage of immature eggs as well and i remember wondering the same thing - did they collect too early as it was a friday and they didnt do it on weekends and they said monday was too late. I'm not sure but i guess the only option is to trust that they are specialists and they know what they are doing. Hang in there mate :flower:

KatF great news about your EC, cant wait to see how fertilisation went!

Dodar - great news that they found some sperm in the tissue. Is your poor OH walking like a cowboy? What is the next step for you?

I have had the smallest amount of spotting last thursday and a fair bit of low level cramping and low back pain. I have been feeling pretty down as it all seems a bit familiar, i just have to wait until monday. On the up side i threw my guts up at 11:30 this morning! Never had that before so i am taking some encouragement from this but i am too scared to go to the loo incase spotting there again. My nerves are shot!
Blue - i've been thinking about you and wondering what you decided? :flower:
Gracy - hope you're ok, try not to fret = easier said than done! spotting is very very common. It's annoying as you'd think having gone through all this we should sail by but throwing up must be a good sign!!

I Got 2 embies transferred today and they made it to 8 cells! so pleased! still fair quality and bit of a turn around from 2 cells yest! Please please work!!
Good luck Mummy! Congratulations on being pupo!!! :hugs:

I am going ahead with the FET (without the biopsy). Although I believe it could improve chances I am upset that they didn't recommend it for my fresh cycle. So dh and I decided we will go ahead without the biopsy and then if FET doesn't work, we will do a biopsy for the next fresh cycle.

It's been a really busy week and I haven't written much on here - but I am thinking of all of you!!! :dust:
I'm on a bit of a downer. Get ready for a rant. I phoned clinic this morning to be told that they managed to freeze 2 straws of sperm from yesterdays tissue sample. They said that the sperm was of poor quality and it was highly likely that it wouldn't make the thaw, so they recommended that hubby be on standby to have another tissue sample taken when I have my eggs retrieved, so that the sperm is fresh, baring in mind that the op cost us £1500 and we would have to pay another £1500 to have it done again. I am so angry. Why the hell didn't they just do that in the first place. They said they had cultured some of the tissue and would phone me back to let me know if they managed to freeze anymore. I told hubby what they had said and he point blank refused to go through it again. Obviously I don't blame him in the slightist but I have been left totally devastated and where do I go from here. Do I still carry on with treatment and risk going through it all only for the sperm not to make the thaw process or do we just forget it all. Which would mean we have wasted so much money just getting to this stage. I have been crying for most of the morning. They have since phoned me back and said they managed to get 2 more straws to freeze but that it was still poor quality and majority was non motile. They would have to thaw all 4 straws just for one treatment cycle and would probably at the most get 4 viable sperm to use if they survived the thaw, but she wasn't hopefull and again said hubby should be on stanby. I told her that he doesn't want to go through it again and she said well in that case the only option you have is try and use the non motile sperm,again if that survives the thaw and pray. Apparently the sperm was at the lowest stage of freezing, if it had been any worse they wouldn't have frozen it. I just don't know what to do. I'm gutted.
Doodar dear this is devastating news. It sounds like even if they did it again the quality would be the same. Would you consider donor sperm? I know that isn't a decision to take lightly. (And with donor sperm could you do IUI instead?)

I can't even imagine the thoughts and difficult decisions that you are having to make right now. My heart is broken for you. I hope you and your dh can just cuddle each other today and find a next step together.

doodar - so sorry to hear your sad news :(
perhaps your DH will feel differently when the dust settles and time goes on. It's not the same but I know when my first cycle failed and with all the horrible stuff us ladies have to endure to go through it all I thought no way I can't do it again but here I am and here we all are. I hope your DH may have a change of heart :hugs:

blue - glad to hear you're going ahead with FET! exciting! fingers crossed this time for your bfp!
Doodar - have you had a look at this thread - probably a good support... thinking of you all day.... :hugs:

Mummy - congratulations :) two little embies at 8 cell that is excellent :) How would you feel about twins?

Doodar - so sorry to hear of your disheartening news... I would still go through the EC and they can freeze the eggs if hubby's sperm doesn't thaw well? When are you due for EC? Will he come around by then? He might change his mind when he sees how sad you are and go through the procedure again... xo I'm so sorry this is costing you a fortune :(

Blue - good luck with your FET I think you have made the right decision :)

AFM - They injected 9 out of my 10 eggs (1 must have been no good), and 6 of them have fertilized. Yesterday 3 out of the 6 looked like they were supposed to look after 24 hours (with two circles or something) so I will ring today to find out how the little embies are growing.
Kat F - that's good news Re your eggies, hope the little embies are growing strong today! When are you having them transferred? how many have you decided on?

I would LOVE twins, but 1 would just be a blessing to be honest. If I could have just 1 baby my whole life I'd be happy, I want it to work so bad. The thought of doing a third ICSI is just horrible :nope:
Mummy - they will transfer to me one blastocyst on Day 5 (Wednesday) Good news was DH sperm count was up to 10 million! Huge improvement on his first one.. we are feeling positive :)
Best of luck with your little ones hope they are growing and implanting well :) Must be weird to think you have already living embryos inside...

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