IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Day 8

Today's blood work: Estrogen is 1,030 staying on the same dosage for all the shots.

Ultrasound/Scan: I have size 15 & 17 follices, so egg retrieval could be on Thursday :D the other follices are less than 12 :)

I go in for more blood work and another ultrasound tomorrow.
Pcct- Ah right. I thought you had both tubes removed hun?? do they think there is a strong chance of a ectopic elsewhere? cos i have no tubes either x

Pizza- Great news! wow that is a lot of follies! good luck for EC! x
No they just asked if I had any history of ectopics or tubal issues I said no I have had both my tubes removed and she said they will still have to scan me early in case of Any scar tissue as it can stick to the womb :shrug: I'll have to ask more about it when am there
Ohhh suppose there is a chance then... im sure all will be fine. Let me know what they say so i can be prepared if we get our BFP hun xxx

OMG ladies, sat here watching tv a hr ago, dh in bedroom prepping for his interview for wednesday an then we hear a almighty crash, run to the window an there is our lovely car, in the middle of the road, smashed to pieces!! it is a complete write off!! the lad who was driving the other car which is also a write off, ran off with his 2 mates so we called the police an turns out they had stolen the car earlier! cannot believe our luck! dh finally has a job interview for a decent job for a car showroom and now he wont be able to get there! just when we think things are looking a bit better, something crap happens! guess its just lucky we were not in our car or we would be seriously injured so gotta count our blessings, just feel so annoyed! xxx
AQ- That is CRAZY!!! I am sorry to hear about the car. Can he get a ride from someone else?!!

Word to the Wise: DO NOT POAS!

Today I did something dumb..I POAS. And I got a :bfn: and of coarse, I was upset. Today is the anniversary one of my best friends death. I thought maybe I would be lucky today and it would be a little sign or blessing from her. I was wrong. I know it's early-ish. But I have heard people getting BFPs as early as 4dpt. Today I am 6dp5dFET. I should have know better. So all those PUPO...don't do it. It just ruins your day. :cry:
AQ : oh my goodness! You guys must be so upset.. Agree that thankfully you guys were not in the car.. Any other alternatives for hubby to get to the interview?

Cali: hey chin up dear, I'm sure it's still early.. Try to hang in there awhile longer before the test :hugs:
africaqueen waiting sucks, and not knowing what to expect sucks even more, have everything crossed for you that you hear good news :hugs:. soooo sorry about the car dear, hope your DH gets another means to attend the interview.

oh cali :hugs:, just hang in there hun, not evryone gets their bfp early. praying for you dear.
AQ Oh no!! I can't believe that :( what awful timing, is there no other way your dh can get to his interview? So happy neither of you were in it though.

cali sorry it was bfn for you, but it is still early! Your warning has really helped convince me - I don't want to poas but thought I'd probably give in, but definitely won't be!
AQ - That is crazy about your car! Just glad you guys were inside safe and not outside! I hope they catch the guys that did that. I also hope your DH can catch a ride from someone.

Cali - still early girl! Sending good vibes your way.

AFM: I am feeling much better this week! My hubby and I went to a couple wineries this weekend and relaxed. I think I am ready for a little break before we start this again in May. :thumbup: I am still keeping with my accupunture just because I LOVE IT! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you! This crazy rollercoaster we have to go through only makes us stronger!
AQ! I'm glad you're okay, that's the main thing. I'm sorry you're going through that--when ti rains it pours. But that goes for good things too, so I think all this stress and bad stuff is just leading you to a much happier time!!

Cali-- It's so early hon! Don't lose out hope!!! I understand the urge to POAS so bad ( My transfer was Saturday, today is Tuesday...so that makes me 3 or 4? days past transfer ) I promised my DH I wouldnt do it this time ( I did every other time with IUI and got obsessed about it. ) Stay strong! Stay positive!


AFM-- I'm just waiting and waiting!! 6 days until OTD. I feel no signs or symptoms, although I know it's early. Anyone out there have any signs 4 days past a 5 days transfer?
Cali- Ah hun, this is why i made a big song and dance about ladies testing early. Some will get a early result and some won't. Please don't be disheartened as you have lots of chance as it is still early. Enjoy being pupo and wait until otd to test x

Momma- Glad you an dh enjoyed some couple time and that your all ready for May x

Sunshine- Not long now! don't seek signs as the progetserone mimics pregnancy or af symptoms so you have as much chance as anyone else. Its only early days x

Hi to all the girls. Thanks for concern regarding hubby's interview. He has nobody to take him so he will have to take the train as it is out of town. Only big issue would be if he got the job as it would be difficult for him to get to every day with no car... hoping something turns up. He is waiting on insurance to sort out a courtesy car but wont be until friday they have said.

AFM- Well ladies, after 7 long mths, we got our appeal decision today, and we lost :( i am angry and upset but glad i went as far as i could go so i have no regrets and we are lucky my dad is helping with this cycle or we could of never managed to afford it. Praying its 3rd time lucky and trying to be positive xxx
AQ- so sorry to hear you lost! That seems unfair!!

Please keep you head up though--this 3rd IVF will be it for you. Third time is the charm!! :) :)
Hi ladies, just a quick question - trying to decide whether to phone my clinic or not :S I've done 3 days of stims now and am due for a scan on Thursday to check how things are going (I'm on a lower dose as at risk of ohss). Yesterday I was uncomfortable, kept telling dh i could 'feel' my ovaries working, but today it's getting really sore :( feel very uncomfortable and getting pains quite frequently, when I coughed earlier it was so sore. Is this normal? Sorry if I'm being pathetic - first ivf and not sure what's good or bad!

I know I'm late to reply but I just wanted to respond with ... you have to be your own advocate and sometimes if you're not feeling right you should call even if the doctors or nurses think it's ridiculous. We know our bodies best. I'm sure you'll be fine though, best of luck! And you will be sore, but if it's anything you can't handle then you should definitely call.

Cali and Mells - please let me know what you think of the book. It has really helped me through some of the rough times of LTTTC

ASH - ugh, soooo jealous you are going to the borgata! I love that place!

Yea the borgata is always a nice place to go to ... relax and have fun! I won so that made it 10x better!

Ash. I told my DH that he is to wait on me hand and foot until March 22nd. :haha:

How are you feeling?

Welcome Sam! How is being PUPO treating you? Are you having your DH wait on you? :haha:

I'm feeling great! I'm not sure if I'm preggo or not but I'll find out tomorrow! How are you doing? Feeling the urge to POAS yet?!

Day 8

Today's blood work: Estrogen is 1,030 staying on the same dosage for all the shots.

Ultrasound/Scan: I have size 15 & 17 follices, so egg retrieval could be on Thursday :D the other follices are less than 12 :)

I go in for more blood work and another ultrasound tomorrow.

Good luck with your ER! You sound like you have a lot of good sized follicles!

AQ- That is CRAZY!!! I am sorry to hear about the car. Can he get a ride from someone else?!!

Word to the Wise: DO NOT POAS!

Today I did something dumb..I POAS. And I got a :bfn: and of coarse, I was upset. Today is the anniversary one of my best friends death. I thought maybe I would be lucky today and it would be a little sign or blessing from her. I was wrong. I know it's early-ish. But I have heard people getting BFPs as early as 4dpt. Today I am 6dp5dFET. I should have know better. So all those PUPO...don't do it. It just ruins your day. :cry:

:hugs: Doesn't mean you're out yet, I've heard and I'm pretty sure it was on this thread, that FET's take longer to implant sometimes ... I still have my FX'd for you!

AQ - That is crazy about your car! Just glad you guys were inside safe and not outside! I hope they catch the guys that did that. I also hope your DH can catch a ride from someone.

Cali - still early girl! Sending good vibes your way.

AFM: I am feeling much better this week! My hubby and I went to a couple wineries this weekend and relaxed. I think I am ready for a little break before we start this again in May. :thumbup: I am still keeping with my accupunture just because I LOVE IT! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you! This crazy rollercoaster we have to go through only makes us stronger!

Winery sounds nice! I'm happy to hear you and your DH had a good time. Good luck in May! :flower:

AQ! I'm glad you're okay, that's the main thing. I'm sorry you're going through that--when ti rains it pours. But that goes for good things too, so I think all this stress and bad stuff is just leading you to a much happier time!!

Cali-- It's so early hon! Don't lose out hope!!! I understand the urge to POAS so bad ( My transfer was Saturday, today is Tuesday...so that makes me 3 or 4? days past transfer ) I promised my DH I wouldnt do it this time ( I did every other time with IUI and got obsessed about it. ) Stay strong! Stay positive!


AFM-- I'm just waiting and waiting!! 6 days until OTD. I feel no signs or symptoms, although I know it's early. Anyone out there have any signs 4 days past a 5 days transfer?

Yes, tomorrow and I can't wait! I'm starting to go a little crazy and feeling the urge to POAS but I haven't and won't. If I did, I would feel so awful because I made it this far ... caving would not be good at this point. I've been dizzy all day, and having some serious pinching going on down there .... I'm wondering if I maybe have a UTI because sometimes I feel like I have to pee so bad and then I go to the bathroom and I do pee but not a ton ... not equal to have bad I feel like I have to go anyways .. I guess I can ask them to test me for it when I go in tomorrow. It also might just be that my huge lining in my uterus is pushing against my bladder or something. Not sure but will ask tomorrow when I'm in the office. I'm going to be so nervous tomorrow all day! Good thing I don't have work.

4dp my transfer I don't think I was feeling anything either. Maybe a pinching here or there but that is probably the progesterone. I've been reading a lot about symptoms and many many women don't have any symptoms at all and feel like they're out and then lo and behold they get their bfp. I just don't think anyone can rely on symptoms unless they've been pregnant before and even then it's not a for sure thing.

Cali- Ah hun, this is why i made a big song and dance about ladies testing early. Some will get a early result and some won't. Please don't be disheartened as you have lots of chance as it is still early. Enjoy being pupo and wait until otd to test x

Momma- Glad you an dh enjoyed some couple time and that your all ready for May x

Sunshine- Not long now! don't seek signs as the progetserone mimics pregnancy or af symptoms so you have as much chance as anyone else. Its only early days x

Hi to all the girls. Thanks for concern regarding hubby's interview. He has nobody to take him so he will have to take the train as it is out of town. Only big issue would be if he got the job as it would be difficult for him to get to every day with no car... hoping something turns up. He is waiting on insurance to sort out a courtesy car but wont be until friday they have said.

AFM- Well ladies, after 7 long mths, we got our appeal decision today, and we lost :( i am angry and upset but glad i went as far as i could go so i have no regrets and we are lucky my dad is helping with this cycle or we could of never managed to afford it. Praying its 3rd time lucky and trying to be positive xxx

First off AQ, I can't believe what happened to you car! I was like wha?! when I read that. I hope everything gets sorted out and that your OH can still make it to his interview. As far as the appeal goes, I'm so sorry you guys lost but it is good that you did everything you could and that you don't have any regrets. You also sound like you have a wonderful dad! Best of luck to you on your 3rd IVF! They say it takes 3 to really have the best chance of getting pregnant so FX'd!!

I hope I got everyone :hugs: I'm feeling very dizzy, tired, and having cramps so I'm going to lay down. Will let you all know how it goes tomorrow as soon as I know!
Oh my gosh, can I just complain for a second- I AM SO BLOATED from this progesterone! I feel like I am going to pop out of my pants and I literally feel like AF is coming any second.

I know these are the meds side effects, so that probably also means it's working, but sheesh, I am more uncomfortable now that when i was sitmming!

SIx more days til OTD, six more days......
So I had my ultrasound yesterday and I think everything went well. I had an antral follicle count of eight. Four on the right and four on the left! Can anybody tell me if this is good? Also will I develop more than this? Or is this the number I will have for egg retrieval? I start stims Saturday. I will be taking 450 gonal-f and mixing it with 10iu of Low dose hcg. We have male factor infertility.
africaqueen :hugs::cry: so sorry you lost dear, but glad you have your dad to help out. You are in my prayers dear, this will be your forever baby God's willing.

Ash will you all the best tomorrow, hope you hear good news :hugs:

Sunshine hang in there hun :hugs:
Ash- Thanks. It has not been the best start to the week but onwards and upwards :) hope your feeling ok and been resting? x

Sunshine- Ah the bloating is the worst! not long to go now x

Angielude- Glad your U/S went well. I think they said they seen 5 antral follicles with me on our 2nd cycle and we ended up with 8 follicles at collection and 6 eggs. Good luck x

Hi to all the ladies and thank you for the support. Means a lot. I am sad we lost the appeal but very thankful to my wonderful dad for giving us another chance. It means the world to us. Not long before my mum died, she gave me a note saying 'your dad will help you get your baby'. This was even before we had our 1st cycle of IVF as we started it a mth after my mum passed away, so i am hoping this outcome is a sign. My mum had a very good sixth sense about many things and she always promised me i would have our baby xxx
AQ- So sorry for the decision and the car!

Sunshine- Be patient. I did ET on Sunday and I feel a lot of pinching and bloating, but I think it's from the progesterone. I test March 22nd. So hopefully we both have. :bfp::happydance::happydance:

Ash- Good luck tomorrow... can't wait for the good news!:flower:

Angielude- You will get more as the time gets closer to ER. I ended up with 10from my left side. On the first day they only saw 2 and by day 5 they discovered 7

Ash- Thanks. It has not been the best start to the week but onwards and upwards :) hope your feeling ok and been resting? x

Sunshine- Ah the bloating is the worst! not long to go now x

Angielude- Glad your U/S went well. I think they said they seen 5 antral follicles with me on our 2nd cycle and we ended up with 8 follicles at collection and 6 eggs. Good luck x

Hi to all the ladies and thank you for the support. Means a lot. I am sad we lost the appeal but very thankful to my wonderful dad for giving us another chance. It means the world to us. Not long before my mum died, she gave me a note saying 'your dad will help you get your baby'. This was even before we had our 1st cycle of IVF as we started it a mth after my mum passed away, so i am hoping this outcome is a sign. My mum had a very good sixth sense about many things and she always promised me i would have our baby xxx
I trigger tonight :D The size of my follices are 19, 18, 16, 3 at 15, 12 & 10. Egg retrieval is on Thursday :D I'm super excited!

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