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IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Hey mells good luck :)

Yeah hun I think I will I have to do what makes me happy
Hello ladies, how are we doing? its sooo cold today isnt it?!
It is our 3rd wedding anniversary today and we had a lovely day out in Liverpool for meal and shopping and a few drinks :) back to healthy eating tomorrow! lol xxx
Hello ladies, how are we doing? its sooo cold today isnt it?!
It is our 3rd wedding anniversary today and we had a lovely day out in Liverpool for meal and shopping and a few drinks :) back to healthy eating tomorrow! lol xxx

hey were great thanks freezing but great! looking forward to christmas only got 2moro and friday and next thurs friday then off for xmas! seems to be coming round really quickly

Happy anniversary you deserve a treat every once in a while!!! hope youve had a good day xx
Hello ladies,
I'm hoping I can join you guys as I feel like I have no one to talk to about this and need the support. I just finished a failed medicated IUI cycle and began spotting today n so I'm waiting for AF. After a frank conversation with my RE he suggested that I move on to IVF with ICSI to maximize our chances...I guess I wasn't expecting that response. He told me that I could do one last IUI this month but I really don't want to waste time and money if the chances are slim for us.
Congrats on the anniversary Queen!

Welcome Lucinda!
Hia everyone!! I wandered off after joining for a little as i was feeling quite sorry for myself but am back now and trying to keep positive!! Think I was still secretly hoping for a natural bfp before going down this route but its not to be. Is everyone getting excited?!?! I moved my start date to Jan so getting very scared and excited now. Just ordered my drugs, and a special culture medium called embryogen, and have booked in for my endometrial scratch on 2/1/13 so its all getting going!!

what protocols are you all doing? Im doing short, its my first go so no idea what to expect!!!! lots of love xx
hi lucinda welcome! fxd for you!

klemoncake hiya, you sound a bit more positive in your post looks like we will be doing a cycle the same time although im doing long protocol not sure what happens on short protocol as only ever done long, do you have an expected date for egg collection yet mine is roughhly w/c 18th feb x
Lucinda- Welcome and best of luck. I think IVF will give you a much greater chance. Do you want me to add you to our 1st page? :) x

Klemoncake- Lovely to see you back and with renewed optimism ;-) i will add you to our 1st page and we all support eachother on here so your not alone. I have done long and short protocol and much prefer short! we are doing SP again in March. I have max dose of stimms and also cetrotide. Any questions feel free to ask x

Hi Mells, Rosie, Lovetoeatcake, Pcct and all the gang x

For the ladies who have not posted in a while, hope your reading an that you update us soon xxx

AFM - Had my Gynae appt today and my ECG, bp etc was all fine so i am booked in for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy on the 31st of Jan and if they find scar tissue or Endo they will laser it away whilst im under if possible. They are also going to do a uterine scratch which lasts for 3mths and is said to aid implantation so praying it does the trick for our 3rd cycle which we will now be having in March as want to recover from the surgery and lose some weight an get generally fitter. If the ICSI works we will be due this time next year which is a weird thought but very exciting! i am determined to be optimistic. I have 2 very special guardian angels to watch over me now. My mum and my best friend Jane who passed away last month. Praying 2013 brings all of us our miracles xxx
ahhh happy anniversary!! did u have a champagne?? I'm gonna miss a cheeky glass of fizz over christmas! oh your having the scratch too africa? i didn't know it lasted 3 months, thats good to know!

hi rosie, don't really know about egg collection to be honest but i think i will only be stimming for about 2 weeks so i guess towards end of jan... they said i have lots of follies on ovaries though, although not polycystic, so they are going to start on really low doses so i suppose it depends how that goes.

hi lucinda, we were offered iui too but chose to go straight to ivf, i think the chances are higher..

has anyone thought about 1 or 2 embryos yet? my clinic are pushing for eSET but not suer how i feel about that?!?! xx
Yes i am having the scratch too as its recommended after 2 fails to aid implantation so hope it does the trick! :) as regards 1 or 2 embies, we only ever got 1 so didnt have the choice to make but if we get 2 next cycle we will be having both transferred. I would say if you get a decent amount of embies then have 1 transferred as a singleton pregnancy is less problematic and you would have some frosties for future use. All depends on what you can cope with and what your clinic recommends based on your fertility etc xxx
Hi ladies, mind if I join?

I'm 28, dh 32. I have lean pcos with anovulatory cycles. We have been ttc number 1 for almost 2 years.

We are starting the short protocol either end of Dec or beginning of Jan depending what my lining is doing at a scan booked for 27th of Dec. They well decide on icsi on the day of ec.

I'm pretty excited about it all but scared too. We are having to pay for the ivf privately so it's a big financial commitment.
Thanks Africaqueen, I too think that IVF will give us a better chance. Once I have a date planned ill have you add me to the first page ;)
LPEAR- Welcome and lots of luck! we are all here to support eachother so you have came to the right place :) x

Lucinda- No probs. Il add you once you know ;-) x

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
Hi all! Been away for a while busy with work and got sick. I'm happy to report I got AF Saturday!! Woohooo. So BCP start monday and if my baseline scan goes well- I start Lupron on Christmas Eve! Anyone else close to this timing?
Hi Cali, I just started my Lupron shots yesterday, so I'm only a week or so ahead of you!
Such an exciting time...
Wooohooo! Glad to have a buddy! Did you have any side effects from the last time you used Lupron? What is it like?
Wooohooo! Glad to have a buddy! Did you have any side effects from the last time you used Lupron? What is it like?

This is my first time using Lupron. Last time I was on a different protocol and my E2 dropped right before ER and that's why my IVF was converted to IUI. Lupron is supposed to prevent that from happening again.
I've only had one shot so far and it isn't bad.
Hi Ladies, I just started my first IVF cycle which is very exciting for me and my hubby since my insurance company has been denying us this procedure for months now. I just started the cycle last Monday by taking the birth control pills, then on new years eve I go for blood work and an ultrasound. If everything looks good then either that night or the next day I will start all of the at home injections. Those injections sure make me nervous though and I really hope I don't screw any of them up :(

I'm still not too sure as to why I'm taking the birth control for 21 days though, that is one of the only things that my RE didn't fully explain to us.

Can any of you ladies give me any tips or ideas or things that worked for you to get that BFP with your IVF?

Thank you :)
Just wanted to say hello :wave: and welcome! I'm starting my BCP tomorrow. And hopefully on Lupron on Christmas Eve. I know all the REs have different protocols and dependent on situation. So I don't know why some are on BCP longer or shorter amount of times. :shrug: I'm still a rookie!
Wanted to wish you lots of luck... sounds liek we are on similar time schedules!
It seems with my RE, he only does so many IVFs a week. So the time on BCP for me is determined by his schedule and when there is an available spot. He pretty much finds the first available week, and back tracks from there. Then it also depends on when you get AF and can start BCP.

I don't know if that is how it is everywhere, but that seems the trend here.

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