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IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Rosie- Ooh not long for you now! ;-) yes your right a lot can happen in a year. I just pray that this year its something joyous as last 3yrs have been heartbreaking x

Futuremama- Welcome and best of luck with your AMH results :) x

Right ladies im off to bed so nite all xxx
Night Hun am off to mine eyes r nippy lol
Africa, surprisingly, Af has eased up. I thought for sure it would be a wk of torture. I joked with my husband & said I may need a blood transfusion. Lol the holidays aren't the best time for me, but I'm going to make the best of it. I removed the FcBk friends with kids from news feed-- less torture. This would've been my baby's first Chistmas.:cry:

Pcct, good luck! It makes it feel more real when you get your plan!

Future, good luck with your cycle... Not much time left!
Thank you Hun :) we will be starting cd21 in January and it all feels so real now !
Hope everyone is doing well
Hi ladies,

This is my first time posting in this forum, now that I know for sure we're going ahead with ivf and icsi. DH and I had our first appointment at our fertility clinic and (trying to be positive!) it all went as well as it could. All my testing is done and I have no problems, we knew DH has a very low count but didn't realise just how low :( He's going in January to give another 'donation' which will be frozen for backup and the doctors were really happy to tell us we will be hopefully be looking at early spring for transfer.

Total mixed emotions, delighted that things are starting but sad and scared that this is going to now be our journey - what if it doesn't work? What should I expect next? Would really love some buddies to help me through all this xx
Hey all!! I know what you mean about it all feeling real..got my drugs delivered yesterday and am pretty scared now!! I was trying to see how big the needles are but they are in pen like dispensers so I can't see! I start injecting on day 1 of next cycle so really near now!!

I also know how rubbish Christmas time is...my mc was on Christmas day so people wishing me Merry Christmas I just want to shout at!
Czwife - I totally understand. I think removing feed from FB is a good idea-I've done that too, otherwise its just tons of baby pics in christmas outfits..BUT think positively and next Christmas will be all our babies first Christmas and it will be us with the pics on FB!!!

Welcome RAF wife, theres lots of support on here xxx
Hello! Can I join you? I found out a few weeks ago that I have severe endometriosis and that my only shot at getting pregnant is to do IVF, so I have my first appointment to discuss IVF and sign consent forms on January 17th. My DH and I have already decided to go ahead with it straight away though, so the appointment is more of a formality. I'm hoping to begin the protocol in January!

Hope we can all do this journey together xx
Welcome Ladies! This is a roller coaster of a journey so be prepared for a huge mix of emotions. But I found that this forum is a great resource. Everything you are feeling and will feel along the way, someone else here has felt as well.
CzWife- I can understand you removing friends with kids from news feeds as i have done it with a few myself. Can't cope with constant pregnancy/kids updates right now with certain people. Christmas is a sad time of year for childless couples but next year we will be mummies or mummies to be so we gotta stay hopeful and just enjoy time with loved ones the best we can x

RAFWife- Welcome! it is very daunting waiting for 1st cycle of IVF, but what i can say, is that it does get easier to accept and it becomes a way of life. We have our 3rd cycle in March and i can honestly say it feels like the norm to me now to be having jabs, hospital appts etc. lol. Its all to help get our babies here and if that happens as a result of treatment then everything has been worth it ;-) x

KLemoncake- Yayy for the drugs being delivered! i always get so excited when i get mine cos i see it as 'baby ingredients'. Haha. I love the idea of us all saturating everyones fb feed with pics of our scans, bumps and babies on fb! :) x

Poco- Welcome and best of luck! we can all support eachother and like myself there are a few of us that are having cycle 3, 4 or even 5 so lots of advice we can give if needed too :) x

Mells- Well said! :) hope your doing ok x

Hi to all the gang xxx
Hi everyone! I'm a mom of a beautiful little 18 month of girl who was conceived naturally by the graces of God....doctors call her the miracle baby! With that said hubby and I are blessed to have and we thank god for her everyday! Anyway I have struggled with endometriosis and PCOS most of my life and I have had 3 laps! Hubby and I have been trying since June to conceive our 2nd child knowing my fertility window is closing quickly...and we haven't had any luck! My OB referred us to a fertility clinic for IVF & we had our consult and it turns out I gave a 1-2% chance of conceiving so the doc said I won't conceive naturally! I'm full of cysts just 6 months after my latest lap super sad! So hubby and I are doing our first IVF cycle in january and we are looking forward to it and praying we get our 2nd baby out of it! We are doing two embryo transfer to better our chances of conception! I have to have an HSG test next week to make sure I don't have any tubal blockages! Anyone here ever have one...comments? And anyone on here previously done ivf? Good to all....baby dust! Hope its our lucky months!
Hi everyone! I'm a mom of a beautiful little 18 month of girl who was conceived naturally by the graces of God....doctors call her the miracle baby! With that said hubby and I are blessed to have and we thank god for her everyday! Anyway I have struggled with endometriosis and PCOS most of my life and I have had 3 laps! Hubby and I have been trying since June to conceive our 2nd child knowing my fertility window is closing quickly...and we haven't had any luck! My OB referred us to a fertility clinic for IVF & we had our consult and it turns out I gave a 1-2% chance of conceiving so the doc said I won't conceive naturally! I'm full of cysts just 6 months after my latest lap super sad! So hubby and I are doing our first IVF cycle in january and we are looking forward to it and praying we get our 2nd baby out of it! We are doing two embryo transfer to better our chances of conception! I have to have an HSG test next week to make sure I don't have any tubal blockages! Anyone here ever have one...comments? And anyone on here previously done ivf? Good to all....baby dust! Hope its our lucky months!

Welcome! I have had two HSGs and they aren't painful, just uncomfortable. They insert a catheter and then push some dye through it. I was able to watch as the X-ray took the pictures of the dye going through (in my case not going through) the tubes. I drove myself there and home both times. Don't worry, it's not that bad. Good luck!!!
Thank you! Good to know the doctors office told me to take motrin before hand because it is painful! But I'm glad to know its not bad! Have you done ivf before? The doctors office said I would also be in some pain after the egg retrevial!? Hubby and I are praying the first cycle works for us! We chose to do two embryo transfers since it will give us a better chance of conception! I'm interested in any advice or opinions people have!
I started IVF in Nov, but my cycle was converted to an IUI because my estrogen levels started dropping. I didn't get to retrieval so I can't offer any advice on that. When is your ER scheduled?
It was to late this cycle to do ivf since I was cycle day 3 on my consult day! And I have to start meds on cycle day 3! It takes my insurance 2-3 weeks to ship my meds! And I had to get my approval codes for ivf for my husband and I first! So I am doing the hsg the 26th and my hubby is doing his sperm analysis the same day! And then I have to call them on my first day of my January period to schedule my baseline appt and b/w and u/s! And then starts meds cycle day 3 and they said my ER would be 10-14 days after starting meds! And then they will do egg hatching and inject my hubby sperm into my eggs and fertilize them and then a few days later go back for embryo transfers! So I have a few weeks until the process starts! But I wish it was sooner!
Woohoo I just saw your ER is soon....awesome! Good luck I'm hoping you get your bfp!
Hey ladies

I'm starting my first IVF in March hopefully! Really exited and nervous!

Em xxx
Hi! Good luck! My first ivf is January! Good luck! Do you have any kids yet? What's your story? I have an 18 month old daughter and she is amazing my miracle baby! My hubby is almost 27 with no fertility issues! I'm 25 I have stage 4 endometriosis and have had 3 laps and I have PCOS! We are doing IVF as my gun and fertility doctor say I have a 1-2% chance of conceiving every month so highly unlikely and hubby and I have been trying since June without any luck!
I am 26, hubby 29. Hubby's sa all normal. I've got severe endo, he didn't ever use the word stage, just said very severe. I've had 2 laps this year removing it all and endo cysts off my ovaries. My left ovary is so damaged he said it won't work even when stimulated for IVF and apparently ill be lucky if the right one works. My right tube is blocked, both ovaries have dropped down behind my uterus and my uterus is retroverted. The endo has also now spread to my bowel. I'm on decapeptyl now to try to stop it till IVF and on HRT for the side effects.
We don't have any children, have been ttc since December 2010 with no bfp at all.
Em xxx
Hey ladies hope everyone is well :) hope u r all ready or Xmas! Really exicted to start our ivf in January cycle :)
Aww wow I'm so sorry that's awful! I hate to hear that its so emotionally destructive! I also have endo on my bowels it actually put a hole in my large bowel and its on my bladder! I don't have any permanent damage thankfully! I'm having an hsg test done Wednesday to make sure I don't have any tubal blockages...I pray I don't! I wish you the best of luck!

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