IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

so not much today, had a terrible nights sleep last night, went to bed around 11:30pm and got up at 8:30 this morning but woke numerous times and was too hot at some points and just overall uncomfortable. Then today I have been feeling like I'm going to fall to sleep, and this morning for about 3 hours I felt sick and lightheaded, I don't feel ill but I definitely don't feel right. Anyway hope I feel better tomorrow
It's just been confirmed that my EC is on Mon, so I trigger tomorrow evening! :wacko:

So nice to think that I've only got 1 more day of injecting to get through (only 8 days of stims this time). I can't believe how well I have felt this time around compared to the previous cycle....PMA hey! I think knowing what to expect has made a huge difference.

DH will be going in the same morning for his aspiration so we'll both be druggy and sore on Mon evening.

I've got 12 follicles with 6 that are looking like good contenders and we'll just have to see if anymore have a last minute growth spurt over the weekend. Last time I had 5 good ones at this point and they managed to find 3 more at EC so here's hoping.... :thumbup:
Sounds great bumpsprakle :) I'll bet you're glad the stimming part is over... I know I was, I did the same as you, only about 8 days injections and felt pretty good actually haha. Let us know on Monday how many you got :)
Peachy, I'm in Singapore. Moved here abt 3 years ago.;)
Can't wait for your beta! :D

angielude, thank you! :hugs: congrats to you as well!

Bumpsparkle, I only stimmed for 8 days as well! Good luck with your EC on Monday! :D
Dandan - During my ttw and still sometimes now I get this "drunk feeling" I cant describe it other than feeling like I have a nice little buzz on from drinking a glass or two of wine...... now I have not been drinking but that is how it feels!! I think its from major doses of hormones going through your body!! kinda light headed and dizzy?

I also have hot flashes and mostly at night............all sounds good to me:)
Wanna - yeah it felt like when I've had a couple of drinks (I don't drink) I feel fine now just tired, but for a couple of hours this morning I did feel like it and a bit sick too. Hopefully it's a good sign :)
Bumpsparkle- Yay that sounds very encouraging I hope you get a few more than expected!

Beta today came at 180. She said they like to see anything at least 100 at this point so not sure if mine is really promising or not I will have a repeat beta on Tues. She did say my progesterone is at 57 and that is excellent. Who the hell knows anymore :winkwink:
Bumpsparkle- Yay that sounds very encouraging I hope you get a few more than expected!

Beta today came at 180. She said they like to see anything at least 100 at this point so not sure if mine is really promising or not I will have a repeat beta on Tues. She did say my progesterone is at 57 and that is excellent. Who the hell knows anymore :winkwink:

Peachy, I think it sounds promising. If they want 100 you are 80% higher than the minimum. Don't get too caught up in the numbers bc that will make your crazy! :hugs:
Thanks Mells. How are you doing? Is everything still going as planned? Do they keep you up to date on all the specifics?
Peachy, things are going well. The donor starts stimming tomorrow, and her baseline looked goof for antral follicles. Basically, I can call anytime for an update, and if something doesn't go as planned (fx'd that doesn't happen) they will call me. My lining check is Monday so hoping for positive news.
Mells- That sounds great. I have everything crossed for your lining check too and I'm sure stims will go well. I don't know if she has been through it before but they seem to be able to adjust things just fine to make it work. I just hope she gets a lot for you.
Peachy, she has never donated before, but she has a son...so we know she is fertile. My lining has never been a problem so I'm confident I'll have a good check on Monday.
BabyD, thank you! :hugs: really hoping that little bean will stick with me for the next 9 months!

peachy, I think that's a good beta number. It's still early so, next time you test it'll be much higher!

mells, best of luck! Hope to hear good news from you on Monday. :)
Morning ladies, so yesterday I had a bit of spotting (9dp3dt) it was pink earlier in the day then brown in the evening, I only spotted twice, then this morning I spotted a tiny bit and it was brown, and I took a hot and it was BFN (10dp3dt) :( really discouraged now
Goodmorning ladies!!!!!!!!!

AFM... So ladies.. we have a decision to make... So the clinic emailed me. It seems like my next cycle falls at a time the lab is closed for quality control. So 1) I can either force this cycle and go to another clinic or go on drugs 2) not go on my trip to Europe and do it in August 3) do it the end of September when I get back. My birthday is coming up the end of this month. I feel like so much time went by from my last cycle in March and I've lost a lot of time. I am not getting any younger and September is a long time away. I could either go to the other clinic or go on drugs to delay my period to June 28th when the clinic is back open. I'm leaving on my trip August 14th and will be back the first week in September. The pros to September is I can work on getting myself in shape and I'll come back from a very relaxing trip from Europe. I will be away for almost 3 weeks. I also have a wedding the end of October...(but that really isn't an influence in my decision) Advice? Opinions?

I also thought maybe in the interim try a iui session... but why after ive jumped into ivf.... All my drugs have been delivered for ivf.....

I feel like im never going to get my bfp!
I know I posted in ur journal dan but wanted to send u tones of hugs!!! Thinking of u chick xxx
Dan- Hopefully it's just a late implanter or there just isn't enough hcg in your urine yet. Hpt's are evil! Beta day is almost here and I am praying for you :hugs:

Samsfan- It really is a personal choice and it's tough. If you force it and it doesn't work you may blame yourself and if you wait you may do the same (I would gain weight if I went to Europe : ) . Talk to your doc and see if doing either would a difference and make sure chances would be the same so there is no blame game. That being said if it were me and I had an awesome trip to look forward to I would do it before so I still had something to look forward to and a way to relax after. However having so much on your plate at once may prove to be to stressful and that isn't good either! I am probably no help lol but I do wish you the best and hope you get it all figured out :hugs:
Peachy - I'm hoping it may be a late implantation, as I spotted yesterday and a bit this morning

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