IVF/ICSI Jan/Feb/March 2013 lucky thread :-) 24 BFPS so far!! :-)

Well the clinic finally called and beta went from 180 @14dpo to 960@ 18dpo. I don't get any more blood work and have to wait for ultrasound July 3rd. Seems like forever away. I still have absolutely no pg symptoms and that really has me worried.
nice number jump Peachy!!!

I can relate to the worry. I do not really have any symptoms either and I am 6.5 weeks along.

I am starting to get heartburn and a little nausuas in the morning but that is it and it just started yesterday. I have an u/s schedule for tomorrow morning and I am just praying to see those 2 little heartbeats.

Some people say the lucky ones dont get bad symptoms....I just pray for some so I know everything is ok!!

I know it sounds wierd but today I have been having headaches and that freaks me out beause right before I miscarried I had headaches.
Peachy- I didn't have any symptoms until 6-7 weeks so try not to stress.

Wanna- I didn't even know headaches were a symptom of pregnancy but I got them also. I don't think it was until 8 weeks but I had them everyday at 2 pm like clockwork. Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound results tomorrow.

Dandan- so sorry to hear but glad you are taking steps for next time.

AQ- glad you are making plans to enjoy your break. We went to Puerto Rico last summer before we started IVF in the winter and I'm so glad we did.
Wanna- Hope you are wrong about the headaches because I get them too. I hope everything looks perfect tomorrow I can't wait to hear your results!

Linemanswife- Thanks. My acupuncturist told me symptoms are a good sign this morning so that just made me more nervous. Even with my 1 ectopic I had sore bb's right away. aDid they check your progesterone/estrogen levels? They checked my progesterone with my 1st beta but not this one and never my estrogen which seems weird because if it weren't importabt they wouldn't have me taking it twice a day.
Peachy- they checked my progesterone only during the first beta. It was so high that they didn't check it again. To my knowledge, they never took my estrogen levels and I was on estrogen also. My boobs were really sore but they starting getting sore right after I started the progesterone and before there was any chance of pregnancy so I just marked it up to the medicine. Neither of my sisters had IVF, but neither of them ever had any kind of sickness or other symptoms. I would tell you to enjoy a symptom free pregnancy, but I know that the symptoms can be so relieving. I didn't even want to get on nausea medicine because I welcomed the morning sickness.
DanDan, sorry to hear your news :hugs: and here is to September.
And then there were two......

Phoned the clinic for a day 2 update and apparently 2 of the embryo's are poor and abnormal and unlikely to be good enough for transfer 2mrw, however, the other 2 are "top quality" so fingers crossed they stay that way!!

This means we don't qualify for a day 5 transfer as we've technically only got 2 possibilities as it stands. They also said that it's likely they would be happy to put both back in because we had 2 put back in last cycle which didn't work so they believe 2 again this time is the best option.

Transfer is 2mrw morning so I'm enjoying my last day not being PUPO in the garden :)
I think two is better than one!! And top quality- that's awesome! Just wait and see how the other two do.. two of mine that they said were poor turning out to be my best on day 6. Either way though, two is great! Are you transferring both?!
Thanks BabyD. I won't give up on the "poor" two completely in that case! :)

Apparently the choice will be totally up to us 2mw about whether to transfer both, but they sound as though they are recommending it, so it does make sense. It would be so reassuring to have at least 1 frozen but I don't think I want to transfer 1 and risk that the other doesn't make it to blast/freeze. Best off inside I reckon!

Hopefully the top 2 (now called my superstars!) are still going strong 2mrw....a day seems to make a lot of difference and I'm anxious that come 2mrw they'll all be classed as poor :-(
Lineman- Yes the weird thing is I did have symptoms with my fresh transfer (which failed) darn drugs.

Bumpsparkle- I think 2 sounds great and I'm sure they will keep doing well over night try not to worry! Hope transfer goes smoothly tomorrow you'll be pupo in no time!

Babyd- How did your ultrasound go? Sorry if you already posted and I missed it
Hello all!

Went for my U/S this morning and #2 is gone.....however we heard #1s heartbeat at 120bpm!!! I am meauring at 6 weeks 3 days but really I am 6 weeks 5 days....is that concerning? My doc didnt really say anything about it. I am so pumped we heard a heartbeat!

BabyD - how did your scan go?

Bumpsparkle - Good luck with transfer. Dont worry that there are only 2 it only takes 1! Fingers crossed for you :)
Wanna- I am sorry about the twin it is very common for that to happen. You should be super excited about the heartbeat though that sounds wonderful and it's perfectly normal for measurements to vary and yours isn't even that much and who knows when the little bugger actually implanted. That's probably why he didn't even bother to mention it because it's just normal to him. :flower:
Wanna, I'm sorry about the twin, but so excited that you got to hear the heartbeat!

Bump, good luck for tomorrow.

Hi Peachy!

BabyD, any news?
Sorry I didn't post here ladies.. So the ultrasound couldn't have been better... I measured perfectly at 6w2d as I was yesterday and we saw a HB of 130! The HCG level wasn't as high as my RE would have liked and she said if it wasn't for my MC history she wouldn't be concerned but she was cautious... so I'm going back to her on Monday for my last sono before being released to my OB...

In the meanwhile, I have had the most awful morning sickness (all day)... nauseous constantly and throwing up intermittently.. last night I couldn't stop puking... so I called my OB and got Zofran, the dissolving tabs... and Oh My Goodness.... finally some relief; I seriously could cry that I'm not as nauseous anymore. I ate my first bite of food just now and I don't have to throw up. Suggestion for anyone suffering out there!!!
oh geez Baby D!!! I sure hope you are starting to feel better with the meds!! We are soooo close I am measuring 6 weeks 3 days today! (I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days but he didnt seem bothered by this). The heartbeat was 120. Did they give you an estimated due date? Mine is Feb. 9th :)

We have been cautiously excited too. I think anyone who has dealt with miscarriage feels that way.......

Your in my thoughts and prayers! Let's do this all the way together this time!!
I'm now officially PUPO with 2 little embies, an 8 cell and 6 cell, both with only slight fragmentation.

The 8 cell was described as beautiful which is lovely to hear and the 6 cell looked as if it was ready to divide again. They both look better fragmentation-wise than the 2 from the last cycle so fingers crossed.

Transfer was smoother and quicker this time and we think we saw the embies actually leave the catheter and enter my womb!

Everything seems to be going slightly better than last time but must keep the excitement under control as it's a long 11 day wait now, for an outcome that could still go either way!

Thanks everyone for your support so far, keeps me sane! :)
Wannabe- My EDD is Feb 9th as well!!! I'm 6w4d today... how exciting!!! When is your next appt? Mine is on Monday.. for my 7w1d and hopefully last RE appt before being released to my OB!!!!

Bumpsparkle- Congrats on finally being PUPO again!!! Enjoy and relax!! Hoping these two stick forever!!!
Bumpsparkle - congrats, relax and enjoy being PUPO!

Baby D - woohooo we are bump buddies!! I go back next Wednesday.... I feel like I am being so paranoid this time..... everything thing I eat or do I think could this be bad? Last night I walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes and immediately regretted it. (It was slow walking no power walking for this lady!) I thought it might give me more energy. Then I made a dessert and ate some of it and immediately regreted that thinking what happens if that was to much sugar!!! ( I have PCOS so have been trying to stay away from sugar) I think I am going crazy with being so cautious.

I have learned if I eat eggs in the morning I do not get nauseous!
Bumpsparkle - congrats, relax and enjoy being PUPO!

Baby D - woohooo we are bump buddies!! I go back next Wednesday.... I feel like I am being so paranoid this time..... everything thing I eat or do I think could this be bad? Last night I walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes and immediately regretted it. (It was slow walking no power walking for this lady!) I thought it might give me more energy. Then I made a dessert and ate some of it and immediately regreted that thinking what happens if that was to much sugar!!! ( I have PCOS so have been trying to stay away from sugar) I think I am going crazy with being so cautious.

I have learned if I eat eggs in the morning I do not get nauseous!

I'm jealous you're able to do and eat so much!! I was so paranoid last pregnancy, and did everything right... never missed a prenatal, ate lean meat and veggies, full breakfast and all healthy.. and I MC'd anyway. This pregnancy I'm so nauseous that I've thrown everything out the window.. I have a little guilt with taking the Zofran and chewable prenatals over the expensive swallow-able ones.. but I can't even function I've been puking so much! So i'm happy to report today that while on the Zofran, I ate three saltines with peanut butter and a ziplock of dried cereal. Oh and two preggie lolly pops.. doesn't seem like a lot, but it is for me! I told my DH that I feel like a pregnant bulimic woman... lol... So excited we're on this journey together!

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