IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Sharkey- congratulations. It is wonderful news. 1 beautiful little heartbeat. Xxxx

Mrse- I hope you get some answers tomorrow. Being in limbo like this is so cruel. I hope and pray you get some wonderful news. Sending you love. Xxx

AFM- waiting for AF to arrive ( probably next Thursday/Friday) call the Hewitt and start round 2!! Fx fx fx xxx
Congrats Sharkey that's lovely news x

MrsE hope you get the news you have been waiting for tomorrow you deserve it you have had an awful time over the last few weeks!

afm Im back at the Hewitt tomorrow for my consultation so hoping I can get started soon - I think Im AF will arrive tomorrow though so panicing that I will have to wait a whole month more before we can start - fx if af arrives tomorrow they can get us started what do you think? my appointment isnt until 3pm
Sharkey- FAB news! so happy for you x

MrsE- Thinking of you and wish you lots of luck tomorrow x

Lindy- Lots of luck and i hope its 2nd time lucky for you. Let me know how u go x

Melbram- Good luck to you too! finally starting eh? x

Hi to everyone else x

AFM- My doc requested the support letter for additional funding end of april and still nothing so im calling the hewitt tomorrow and want to know why. I am DETERMINED to do everything in my power to get another cycle. It is down to the crap nurses/midwife at my local hospital that i have no tubes left after all :( xxx
Hope so Africa!

Hope you get the funding and they confirm it soon! x

GL with your scan today MrsE x
Melbram - good luck with your consultation hope AF doest rear it head until 9pm tonight and then you can get started. Got what's left of my fingers crossed for you xx

AQ - you go girl and don't let them tell you no. Love it woman on a mission!!
AQ- how did you get on calling them? Hassle hassle hassle them! Xxxx
Hi ladies - well no miracles for me I'm going to lose this baby. They hope I will lose it naturally in next 2 weeks otherwise got scan in two weeks to check and then d&c if not.

So we got the answer just not the one we desperately wanted. I'm very upset, sad and angry.

Got my follow up appt with HC on 5 July so looks like I will be starting again August time x
Oh MrsE :hugs: I'm so so sorry. Sending lots of hugs your way :sad2:

Aw MrsE that's rubbish news :growlmad: I hope you get some answers on your return appt

afm: AF arrived this morning so Hewitt are going to ring me back tomorrow to see if they have any slots available for this cycle [-o< she was a bit concerned that my iron was low last year and this hasnt been re-tested - I hope I dont have to have it re-tested dont want more delay!! Also as I had my cervix lasered few years ago will have to do a trial transfer - FX I can finally get started! when I was referred this time last year didnt think it would take this long - probably naiive I know lol
So so sorry mrse. It is so difficult waiting. Sending you love and hugs. Xxxx

Good luck melbram.
MrsE- I am so sorry. I just glad it was not ectopic as makes the whole sadness of losing the baby even worse as life threatening too. I know its little consolation but im glad you are physically ok. The mental scars will always be there but does get better over time. You have a bad time coming up but we are all here for you and i know exactly how you feel as do many of these girls sadly x

Melbram- I had a trial transfer too before 1st cycle to check it would go smoothly as i also had laser treatment for pre cancerous cells years ago. Happy to report that i didnt feel a single thing ;-) x

Lindy- How are you doing? your starting again soon arent you? x

Hi to jules, Sharkey and all the gang x

AFM- Called the hc today and was fuming when mr drakney(spelt wrong) secretary told me my file has gone missing in the move!!(they are moving files to bigger area) and that's why they hadn't responded to my gp in over a mth! i was livid and told her its my life and i want it sorted today, and within 10 mins she called back and said they had 'found' them so obviously they were never lost, they had just forgot to do the letter. She said that Mr D is going to dictate the letter of support to her tomorrow and will be sent to pct on monday and a copy faxed to my gp so as im going for a smear with gp tomorrow i will get her to call them an ensure its done tomorrow. Taking no chances now! honestly as if ttc through ivf was not stressful enough! ah well the ball is slowly rolling so fingers crossed xxx
AQ- keep pestering them. You shouldn't have to but sadly you do. I would also find out what the pct timeframe is for responding ( they will have a set protocol). Fx you get your 3rd round. I am waiting for AF number 3 which Should arrive next Thursday...... Bring on round 2!!!
Africa that is awful even worse that they tried lying to you! :growlmad:

afm: drugs appt booked for the 15th June - its finally happening :happydance: cant wait to get jabbing now :thumbup:
Lindy- Yep they will know me very well at the pct ;-) woman on a mission! lol x

Melbram- whoop whoop for drugs appt! so glad you are getting started x

AFM- Seen my gp today for my annual smear and she said if she does not receive a copy of the support letter by monday she will chase it up and she also said it may help my plea to enclose a personal letter for the pct with all the medical stuff so going to get one done tomorrow and pass it in on Monday xxx
Hi Africa - have you heard anything yet????

My meds are being delivered next Friday - cant wait now :)

Hello to everyone else! x
Melbram- No as my gp not received letter yet and i dont know if the letter has been sent to pct so il be calling the hewitt again tomorrow and i hope its been done or il be fuming. Need to get the ball rolling for sure. Need something to get my teeth into and beyond desperate to get started again now. How are u? xxx
Hi ladies!! Not been on here for ages sorry. I've had a tough few weeks :-(
Hope everyone is well. Have read all the past post scine I was last on.
MrsE, so sorry to hear your news x
Africa - How are u hun? Sound like ur on a mission! Good for U!! x
Sharkey, how r u doing?x
Melbram and Lindy, not long now!!
Hi to everyone else on here.x
AFM- Well I'm waiting to ovulate so I can go in and have my NK biopsy done! I will then be starting on my 4th attempt!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaa! Will be starting my injections on the second day of my next period which is due in about 3 weeks! Drugs due to arrive end of this week.I'm on the short protocol again this time round. If NK cells test come back as high then I will also have treatment for that. Feeling very nervous about the whole thing, don't know why, I should be an expert by now!! hehe.
Sooo here we go again girls!!! xx
Hi ladies

Sorry I've not been on for a while I started the physically miscarriage last Friday, by the night I was in so much pain like my uterus was in spasam, hosp told me it would be like a bad period anything else then come in cos of eptopic risk. Anyway I took codeine and paracetamol but they were not touching the sides plus had hot water bottle. I wa in so much pain I couldn't eat my dinner and was bleeding a lot couldnt go an hour before was back on toilet. Then all sorts of tissue started but won't going into all that - needless to say the hosp hadn't prepared me in the slightest for any of what I would see or pain. Found out the following day after not sleeping all night that it was light contractions it's what your body has to do to expel everything out. I was touch and go about going to hosp cos my hubby was really worried.

I'm still bleeding not as bad but how long will this go on for?

I've booked a councillor appt for after our scan next week - never had it before but given my close friend is 8 mths preggo and I have my nieces 1st birthday in two weeks and I can't even sit in the garden with next doors baby son crying or making noises without cryin I need to do something.

OH has booked us two weeks in Cyprus at his parents house - but they won't be there. I'm not fussed about going to be honest I just can get excited or make decisions about anything right now. Is this normal?? Also I still cry everyday when does this stop?

I feel like I've lost the plot cos I'm not a crier or indecisive usually and Im gettin angry with myself cos I'm not behaving myself but just don't know what to do about it and none of my friends have had mc so they can't help. Any tips would be helpful xx

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