IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hey gemz, wow must have been amazing seeing your little baba on the 3D scan!! I got all excited just seeing follicles so can't imagine how I'll feel when/if I get to see my baby!!
My trigger shot was fine- I'm a diabetic so used to taking daily injections anyway! They don't bother me in the slightest!
Can't wait to have collection tomorrow- have been some what uncomfortable the last couple of days- not excruciating pain, but painful when standing after sitting for a while and when one of the dogs decides to sit on me! Infact quite sore now just lying down on the bed!!Also got very sore boobs (wasn't expecting this until starting progesterone pesseries!!)
Did anyone else have pain before EC?! Starting to worry about OHSS and all sorts! My hubby is being great though, being very caring and looking after me! He even hoovered up today! Ha!
Another question- when do I start these pesseries? Is it after collection or transfer? Presuming they will tell me tomorrow at LWH. Oh god I am scared!!!!!!
Hi hun, yes it was pretty amazing!

Don't worry about the agony I had that too! It's only when you really are Ina lot of pain I think you need to worry. Drink lots of fluid and you'll be fine!

As for the pessaries, you start them after ec, don't worry as the nurse will give you all their information you need. I think it was the next day I started mine - can't remember exactly when. You've got to do them in the bum until et then you can do them vaginally if you outs want (I alternated them)

Hoe this helps

Gems. X x
Hi everyone,
So on way home from egg collection- hubby has popped into McDonald's as I'm starving!!! The procedure went well- they managed to get 18 eggs! So pleased with that. However, they are concerned about my lining- it measured at 6.7, said that its quite thin and also when they were cleaning my cervix(?) they noticed some brown blood, so really need to keep an eye on it to make sure it's not starting to break down. They want me to have a scan before ET, but we won't know when until embryologist calls us tomorrow or Wednesday I presume. Any advice ladies on what I can do to help...... I'm booked in for acupuncture tomorrow, have heard Brazil nuts and raspberry leaf tea can help.....
Hi Kate

18 eggs is fantastic! Yey you! :) fx you get a great fertilisation report

I've not experienced that issue with the womb lining before so I can't help you there I'm afraid

Gem x
KateAnn - 18 eggs is amazing! Well done you. No wonder you were feeling uncomfy!

I can't help on the lining issue either I'm afraid, my lining was 20mm at my day 10 scan so I'm actually worried about it being too thick. My consultant thinks it is 'beautiful' (weirdo!) but I have googled and some drs seem to think too thick a lining can prevent implantation. I had a thick lining in both my previous transfers...oh well we shall see.

I haven't had any more contact from the HC today and they said they would only call if the embryos weren't looking good for blasto transfer, so all set for Wednesday.

Oh my word, well my lining is very very thin compared to yours captain, at a very small 6.7!! From what I've read it needs to be at least 9mm before they will do the transfer. It's all a bit gutting to have gone through all this for them to say 'no sorry, we'll have to freeze' but I suppose FETs have good success rates too and what's a few more months in this whole long process?! I still have a few days so hopefully it will grow some more, although not looking hopeful! I've eaten 4 Brazil nuts and almost threw up!! Yuck! The raspberry tea leaf was ok though! Please thicken, please thicken, please thicken!!!!
Well 10 out of 18 eggs have fertilised! So now I just need to hope and pray for my lining to thicken up!!
Hope you are all doing ok?! Xx
Kate that's brilliant news!! Well done keeping everything crossed x
Hi kate ann... I was told its 7mm for tranfer... Mine was 8mm.. I asked mr Kingsland about it and he said that although the lining is part of it.. It's not the whole story and that he thought I was a bit hung up on my 8mm! 18 is wonderful! I only remember being in the wheelchair afterwards high fiving the nurses at my 16!

Capt... So excited for you for tomorrow.. I had a glass of a 20 pound bottle of wine the night before mine! Hoped it was the last one I could have but here I am with a Pinot noir today :-(

Good luck both of you xxx
Captain how did your transfer go?

Kateann how you doing?

Love to all the gang x x x
Hi Gem,
I'm not doing too good tbh, I'm still spotting brown since collection on Monday and having Period like cramps. I'm not sure if this is common after collection or not. I'm worried because of my thin lining and that this could be the start of it breaking down. I know doing a FET at a later date isn't the end of the world, it's just so disappointing. We are meant to be having 5 day transfer on Saturday so won't know until then when they scan me, if we are going ahead or not.
Hope everyone else is ok! Xxx
Hi girls. We had our transfer today, 2 good quality embies and the transfer went fine although they had to have two goes at transferring the second embryo as it was still in the catheter when they checked. I was dying for a wee but just about held it together! I had 5 blasts in total but they are going to decide tomorrow whether any of the other 3 are good enough to freeze. I won't find out for a week or so though, through the post.

KateAnn I'm sorry to hear you are spotting, but if it is small amounts and brown it is unlikely to be your lining. Your lining would be red. It is more likely to be old blood, maybe disrupted at egg collection. Try not to panic hon, you are doing everything you can and no news is good news on the embies so they must be progressing well too xxx
Good morning!
I'm pleased everything went well for you yesterday captain! Did they tell you when to test? Also are you allowed to get up straight away to use the toilet? I really can't hold a full bladder for long!!
The spotting I was having was really light, so far so good this morning though, just a tiny amount that I could hardly see. Just worried as I do normally spot for a few days before getting my period. Really anxious for Saturday to arrive now- it's so hard not knowing if the transfer is going ahead or not! Arghhhhh!
Have a great day everyone xx
Hi all
Just wanted to pop on & say good luck to Captain & Kate... Lots of baby dust... I've been stalking the thread since Sept since my last post to see how you are all doing.
Captain fingers crossed for 2 sticky embryos, not sure if you've been through this before but try & stay positive, feet up... I laid on my back for 2 days with my legs over the sofa arm rest... Good luck xxx

Kate if it's any consolation I had terrible cramps for week after egg collection, after transfer & up to 10 weeks... I even had conversations with the nurses at HC, who said we under estimate the impact on our ovaries, it takes months for them to get back to normal... It felt like period cramping to me too, I know everyone is different but You had a similar number of eggs to me... Good luck, try not to worry xxx

Hope everyone else is keeping well, lots of love to you all xxx
thanks everyone!

Yes KateAnn you can go pee straight away after transfer, thank goodness! she was telling me that the most attempts that they have ever had to do to get the embryos out of the catheter is 4.....jeez i'm glad I only took 2! I could have just about coped with one more go, but not any more than that! She said she reckons it is the boys that play up and decide not to come out first time....!

Thanks for the kind words Janey, this was my third transfer after 2 failed cycles earlier this year (each with 2 great looking blastos transferred, no implantation either time). I have a son who was conceived naturally back when I was 35 but my body doesn't seem to want to be pregnant again for some reason :(

Anyway, the first cycle I just got on with things afterwards, acted as normal, my 3 year old doesn't really give me much choice! The second cycle I stayed in a hotel for an extra night and rested up on my own. This time, i'm back at work straight away, taking my vitamins and folic acid and staying off the alcohol but otherwise trying to be normal. I don't think there is any evidence that resting, or not resting, or whatever, makes any difference so i'm trying not to stress about it (I have a v stressful job which is the key thing i'm trying to manage with...). To be honest it is hard to feel optimistic or excited the third time around, difficult to see what might be different when it has always gone well up to this point. I want to feel more excited but at the same time I have a horrid feeling that we will be disappointed again. Even though EVERY time they have warned us that they think there is a real risk of twins.....BAH!

Sending lots of baby dust to KateAnn and Captain Best of luck ladies :) xx
Good luck girls! Keeping everything's crossed for you both!

I was lucky - I was knocked out at my transfer as my cervix was inverted so needed to be dilated and use a bit more force!

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