IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Well that's another thing... No idea at all what my AMH was because I didn't have any blood tests done! They just went off what my bloods were when we first started consultations for infertility which was 12-18 months ago.

No I didn't see the embryo be transferred by ultrasound, it is all done with the sense of touch. Fair enough these doctors are qualified to do that kind of thing but still it doesn't put the patients mind at rest.

Oh no? I thought they would have redone ur amh but then again they didn't rescan me until baseline. My ultrasound previously to that was 12 months n let's face it a lot can change in that time!
Oh right I must have watched videos on YouTube from America then lol xx
I don't know if other hospitals in the UK do ultrasound guided transfer but the womens definitely don't. I've watched loads of youtube videos too and they all seem to be in America.

I'm not sure either to be honest Tina, it's a question you can ask womens xx
Hi ladies

Ohh Tina I'm sorry to hear that I really thought it might have been good news for you! Lot's of emotions after failed IVF isn't it, I kind of knew deep down it hadn't worked but quickly accepted it. It's strange in a way as I kind of didn't think it would work, I think after 2.5 years I just couldn't imagine a test turning positive if that makes sense. I'm very much what will be is meant to be now, nothing we can do other than hope, just goes to show it's so up and down.

ES I hope your feeling a bit better and it's given you some answers so at least you're not in the unexplained category now so least you can move forward and start getting better and on track.

I have my follow up two weeks today although I'd going to ring up and see if they have an earlier appointment as the one I have is slap bang in the middle of the day! She did mention on the phone about doing an un-medicated FET next time but they will speak to me at my appointment. It's difficult really as my cycle was very smooth and I had no issues everything went to plan which was why I was a bit upset as to why it didn't work but as I've said a few times it's not 100% guaranteed is it.

I hope your ok Nici xx
Oh and Tina they do ultrasound at Birmingham women's hospital for ET, I was speaking to someone from there but sadly that didn't work them either and got a BFN so I guess it's no better in some ways xx
Hi Tina,

I completely agree with you, would definitely ask to have ET with ultrasound although they do not routinely do it at the Women's. It will help them to keep the transfer short and to put the embryo in the right place. The less time the embryo spends outside the incubator and womb, the better and the higher the chance of a successful attempt.

When I had the transfer at the Women's, they also did it without ultrasound. This resulted in the fact that at first attempt, the embryo got stuck in the syringe, which they checked under the microscope, then everybody went frantic and they had to put him in another solution, in a syringe again and then thank god it worked on the 2nd attempt but this could have all been avoided with ultrasound.

I am sending you lots of positive thoughts and keep my fingers crossed that some tweaks with you next attempt will result in a lovely pregnancy.
Hello all looking for some info on IVF at Liverpool Women's Hospital how do i start it,
paying privately as the Dr will not see us cos i was prego 6/7 moths ago but MC - looking for all the info on IVF at the mo -if anyone can inbox me about how much about??

Thank you all xxx
Hi Kim! It seems I'm not the only one then whose transfer went tits up! It has really angered me, I think they should do everything they can to ensure 100% that the transfer is smooth and the embryo actually ends up in the uterus. It is a question I will be asking the consultant "can you be 100% that the embryo went into my uterus?" I don't think he can answer yes.. I mean how can you if you're going off touch? It baffles me.

Tracey, hi and welcome to the thread! Well to start off, you have to have a transfer from your doctor or have had investigations done at the womens and been told that you require IVF. The cost for us was almost 6 thousand because we needed ICSI as well. On top of that cost though have been consultation appointments which can cost up to £250 a visit and blood tests, another £50 and embryo freezing which has cost £675 I think, so it is very costly. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. What is your background history?

Vicky, good to hear that you are dealing with everything well :) I know what you mean about never expecting to see a positive after so long. I feel that way too. We have said that if the FET doesn't work then we will look into another hospital, though I know the womens has the best success rates. Just can't understand why they cut certain things out of their protocol

I've got my follow up tomorrow, I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes

Tracey, hi and welcome to the thread! Well to start off, you have to have a transfer from your doctor or have had investigations done at the womens and been told that you require IVF. The cost for us was almost 6 thousand because we needed ICSI as well. On top of that cost though have been consultation appointments which can cost up to £250 a visit and blood tests, another £50 and embryo freezing which has cost £675 I think, so it is very costly. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. What is your background history?

Hello and thank you for the welcome :)

a lil about us TTC for about 3/4 years now - not got any kids at all - bin a cupl for 11 years were both just hit 31 - took 18 moths for bfp but end in a ectopic pregnancy and about 2/3 years the last bfp ended in MC.
We did go and get bloods taking and scans on me but nothing much going on then my man took a sampel pot but at the time we were moving out to new place and miss are appointment i call them you (nhs) to tell them we miss it - got told to go back the drs in that time was in the new homes and trying to fix thing up - at that time befor we new it i got my bfp (MC) wen back the drs ask about IVF and got told because we fell prego in the last 6/7 moths thay cant help us, thay can only help us out if we do not fall prego in 12/18 moths says the drs - so we wud like to go privately and get test and all dune there an then and go from there.

Sorry i went on and on :blush::coffee:

Thank you all xx
Don't be sorry for going on and on! That is what we are here for :)

If I was in your situation I would personally wait another few months and then enquire again about IVF on the NHS. You are entitled to it if you haven't got any children and I would much rather do that than find thousands of pounds to pay for it.

First of all I would go back to your GP and ask for all routine tests to be carried out. Your partner definitely needs a sperm analysis to rule out any problems at his side and then you will probably need a HSG to check that your tubes aren't blocked and more blood tests.

If you use that as your starting point you can go from there when you know more about what the issue is that is stopping you from getting pregnant

I totally agree with Tina, get all the investigations together. And next few months will fly by believe me!
I can't really help you with the finance side of things as I'm having treatment through the nhs.
Tina, definatly ask about the ultrasound et before considering moving clinics. You would probably have to do all the investigation tests again I'm guessing? Just seems like a large step back after you've come so far! See what they have to say at your next appointment 😊
My appointment came through, it's not until next year but I read online that the endo clinic is only open every other Thursday between 12-4.30 so no wonder there is such a wait! xx
Hi Tina, every hospital is different and they all have different ways of doing IVF. Just remember that it's not 100% guaranteed anywhere it's all up to that little embryo to hatch perfectly and implant. They say a normal couple have a 30% success rate of pregnancy each month hence why HEFA suggest 3 rounds of IVF. I've read a lot of people having more than 1 go before getting a bfp. As much as I wished it had worked for me it's just a case of doing a fet now and see if that works for us. Let us know what they say tomorrow, I'm not expecting them to tell me a reason or anything it's just luck I think tbh!

Hi Tracey - as the other girls have said you'll need to have all your investigations done and you should defo be entitled to NHS if you have no children between you. It's a long and windey road though - good luck!

It will soon come round ES even though it probably doesn't feel like it to you :) xx
Keep us posted with how you get on Tina 😊
Thanks VLW, it will probably fly by I'm sure. It's just the initial thought but once I break the months down there's plenty going on to occupy me 😂😊 xx
Hello Girls,

Thanks for the getting back to me on the info :)
as for taking the NHS road it can take weeks for me just to get blood work looked at- we cud be seen as soon as 2 weeks with a appointment if we go privately - we both think its time to move on and look at IVF as time is on are hands lol - not like we cant pay for it - we have the pennys there and it what we both wud like to do move on

Best of luck all xxx
Best of luck to you traceyandlee 😊 keep us updated with what you do xx
If you feel in your heart that you want to do it now and you can financially do it then I wish you all the luck in the world hun :) :). I do agree with you that the waiting times on the NHS is ridiculous.

My BMI is 23, I was the same weight that I am now before I started IVF. I am classed as "healthy BMI" and it didn't work. I think it's luck of the draw!

I will update everyone later once I have been xx
Think my bmi was 20 or 21 when I attempted my first cycle. I usually float around the same weight xx

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