IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hi Natp18, Glad you got to see Jackie she is great and as the time goes on she becomes more like a friend and a counsellor all rolled into one. I think they started me on 3 vials of menopur but I was close to over stimulating so hopefully they will change that next time as half of my eggs were immature. We go to see Mr Kingsland on the 14th September to see when we can start again I can't wait but I think my OH would like to wait a bit longer but I don't want to i'm too impatient and the money is sitting there (My poor wedding fund is taking a beating LOL). Good luck with the stimms I felt fine on them it was just a relief to stop down regging XXXX

AfricaQueen thats fab news they say it comes in 3's :happydance:
I read that book I thought it was good probably would have been more helpful if I'd have read it before my 1st cycle but never mind.
I also got another book from the Library it's called The infertility Survival guide by Judith C Daniluk and I think it's really good, It's all about coping with fertility treatments I just can't get enough of reading about it (it's quite sad really). Good luck with the new job that will be a great way to take your mind of things and you'll be starting treatment before you know it xxxx
Thanks Bugs :) how are u doing?

When u have EC at the LWH do they give you sedation or a general? and if its sedation, can u feel anything during it? im starting to get a lil nervous of even more pain after what i have already been thru... i would go thru it tho to get our baby of course xxx
Hi hun, I'm fine just had to get another course of anti biotics for this water infection but other than that i'm raring to go xx

For the egg collection they put you to sleep, They let your OH come in with you and then once they are set up and before you go to sleep they chase him out. I didn't feel a thing and when i come round I was talking nonsense, I've heard some women say they are in pain afterwards but I felt fine I had a little nap when I got home didn't need any painkillers or anything. For me the transfer was worse coz you have to have a full bladder and they seem to take forever getting stuff ready XXX
hello ladies

how are you all doing

Africaqueen - i had sedation. dont think liverpool use a general for EC anymore. i was well away and didnt feel a thing. think i was out for about 30 mins. i was sore after but they felt like really bad AF cramps and i found it hard to stand up straight for the first day from all the prodding around they had done (they did get 23 eggs from me) but they do ease after a few days. i have heard of ladies who have had less eggs say that they were fine after no discomfort or anything so it is different for everyone. xxx

bugs - how are your feeling hun xxx

Nat - good luck with starting stims on thursday. i was also on 2 vials with my first cycle and will probably be the same this time around as it worked well for me. dont worry if it doesnt go exactly to plan as mine never did. xxx

AFM - well found out yesterday that we dont have to wait for a donor as they already have one for us :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:. so just waiting for AF to show. she is due in a week and hopefully have a fresh cycle end september/october cant wait to get started. they are sending me all the forms as mine are now out of date. so wont be long and i will be on the icsi rollercoaster again. may seem strange but really cant wait to jab myself everyday think im going :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy: :haha::haha::haha::haha:

hope everyone else is ok and good luck at what ever stage you are at :dust: :hugs::hugs::kiss:xxx
Wrightywales thats great news no waiting around yay, I feel the same I can't wait to get started i'm even more anxious coz one of my friends is starting her 1st IVF in the next few weeks and i'm so jealous Ha Ha. I feel a lot better i'm finally going back to work next week but they are letting me go back part time and i'm only in for 4 days then i'm buggering of on holiday so my next appointment will be here before we know it.

Good Luck with your meds hun xxxx
Wrightywales thats great news no waiting around yay, I feel the same I can't wait to get started i'm even more anxious coz one of my friends is starting her 1st IVF in the next few weeks and i'm so jealous Ha Ha. I feel a lot better i'm finally going back to work next week but they are letting me go back part time and i'm only in for 4 days then i'm buggering of on holiday so my next appointment will be here before we know it.

Good Luck with your meds hun xxxx

thanks. when are you hoping to start again hun? are you going anywhere nice on your hols?
We're going to Fuertaventura it's a bit of a freebie it's my mum's friends apartment and my mum has paid for our flights so we are very lucky. I can't wait there's going to be lot's of this:munch: and this :drunk:

We're hoping to start again in October it would be towards the end of October when we started meds thats if they'll let me, I keep having lot's of dreams lately about twins so I'm taking it as a sign XXXXX
Hi Natp18, Glad you got to see Jackie she is great and as the time goes on she becomes more like a friend and a counsellor all rolled into one. I think they started me on 3 vials of menopur but I was close to over stimulating so hopefully they will change that next time as half of my eggs were immature. We go to see Mr Kingsland on the 14th September to see when we can start again I can't wait but I think my OH would like to wait a bit longer but I don't want to i'm too impatient and the money is sitting there (My poor wedding fund is taking a beating LOL). Good luck with the stimms I felt fine on them it was just a relief to stop down regging XXXX

AfricaQueen thats fab news they say it comes in 3's :happydance:
I read that book I thought it was good probably would have been more helpful if I'd have read it before my 1st cycle but never mind.
I also got another book from the Library it's called The infertility Survival guide by Judith C Daniluk and I think it's really good, It's all about coping with fertility treatments I just can't get enough of reading about it (it's quite sad really). Good luck with the new job that will be a great way to take your mind of things and you'll be starting treatment before you know it xxxx

Aww Ta hun
Yeah she was nice Jackie.
I am all confused hun ,you said half of your folicles were immature but isnt menopur meant to make them more mature? If so shouldnt you be on more vials next time?.....but then again I dont understand it all. I just thought the more menupor I was on the more mature eggs I would get but iam guessing Iam abit wrong lol.
Aww I hope all goes well on the 14th Sept and they let you start again asap,have you been told how long they usally make you wait?
Aww I am sure your OH is just wanting you to be ok,you definately had a rough time of it hun. Aww poor wedding fund,I think when we use our NHS treatment up its all gonna have to go on the credit card :cry:
When was you hoping to get married? If your paying for treatment have you ever thought about going abroad where its cheaper?
I am still on my down reg drugs as well as menopur,was that the same for you?
I am really scared about the sedation,I dont wanna wake up and feel anything,I am also scared about talking as I dont wanna waffle aload of chat ...more so about my angels as I am still very emotional about loosing her and all this treatment....so scared what my sub conscious may say...and I have read people waffle rubbish whilst there doped up.
Keep me updated hun

Nat x
hello ladies

how are you all doing

Africaqueen - i had sedation. dont think liverpool use a general for EC anymore. i was well away and didnt feel a thing. think i was out for about 30 mins. i was sore after but they felt like really bad AF cramps and i found it hard to stand up straight for the first day from all the prodding around they had done (they did get 23 eggs from me) but they do ease after a few days. i have heard of ladies who have had less eggs say that they were fine after no discomfort or anything so it is different for everyone. xxx

bugs - how are your feeling hun xxx

Nat - good luck with starting stims on thursday. i was also on 2 vials with my first cycle and will probably be the same this time around as it worked well for me. dont worry if it doesnt go exactly to plan as mine never did. xxx

AFM - well found out yesterday that we dont have to wait for a donor as they already have one for us :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:. so just waiting for AF to show. she is due in a week and hopefully have a fresh cycle end september/october cant wait to get started. they are sending me all the forms as mine are now out of date. so wont be long and i will be on the icsi rollercoaster again. may seem strange but really cant wait to jab myself everyday think im going :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy: :haha::haha::haha::haha:

hope everyone else is ok and good luck at what ever stage you are at :dust: :hugs::hugs::kiss:xxx

Aww Thanks Hun

what didnt go to plan with your treatment hun,is there any pitfalls I should be looking out for?

Sorry for asking hun,you got 23 eggs but how many embies? Why has it come to the point you need a donor now? sorry you may of told me before but my memory is shocking at the mo. I am glad you have got a donor ready to go x
Hope AF comes soon so you can get cracking on icsi

Nat x
We're going to Fuertaventura it's a bit of a freebie it's my mum's friends apartment and my mum has paid for our flights so we are very lucky. I can't wait there's going to be lot's of this:munch: and this :drunk:

We're hoping to start again in October it would be towards the end of October when we started meds thats if they'll let me, I keep having lot's of dreams lately about twins so I'm taking it as a sign XXXXX

Awww have a fab time

Nat x
I hope you don't mind me posting on this thread ... I have been pointed here as am interested in talking about donor eggs.

Is anyone going through this or about to. This is now the only option for me and my DH after 2 missed miscarriages and a failed go at IVF.

Thanks, KMor

hello hun

Sorry dont know alot about egg donors,but I hope everything goes well and I am sure alot of the other ladys can give you info on egg donors.
Keep us updated on your treatment hun
Nat xx
Hi girls.

Has anyone read 'The complete guide to IVF' By Kate Brian? i got a copy yesterday fro the library and started reading it last night. It is FAB! Explains every part of IVF inc emotions and behind the scenes what really goes on.

Hope we are all doing ok? Serendippy- sorry to see that your on cd6 :-( at least now u know u can get pregnant and chemical pregnancies are very common xxx

Thanks Hun ,Ill have a look out for that book..how are you? xx

Awww sounds like its all systems go for you hun!:happydance:
Do they give a general or sedation for the egg collection at the LWH?
I am actually doing really well this wk. Had 2 lots of fab news today! my dh passed his driving test and i got a call to say i got the job i went for and i start full time at the end of the mth!:happydance: I am sooo happy right now and so glad to be working. It will help take my mind off things a lot and also the extra cash will be very welcome. lol.

How u feeling? xxx

Yay big congrats on your new job :happydance::happydance::happydance:
what do you do? it will def keep your mind semi off things.Big congrats on ya DH he can drive you around when you get a big bump :flower:
They give you sedation at LWH but gonna try for General as I dont wanna waffle stuff whilst being semi conscious,so scared about what will come out of my mouth as I am still very emotional over loosing Lillie and scared of what my sub concious may make me say.I am also scared of waking up and remembering the pain. I have heard both are common whilst having sedation.
Yes so it seems all systems go at the mo,not enjoying the injections ,but i dont think its something you ever get use too.
How is slimming world going? I was considering it but I know as soon as I go back on carbs Ill gain it all again.

Keep me updated
Nat x
Nat- Thank you :) the job is as a call centre agent and iv done that work a lot in the past so really looking forward to it as i really enjoy chatting! lol
Slimming world is great when i stick to it! lol. Been on a biscuit an junk attack the past few days so back on it as frm 2moz :) You can eat loads of carbs on it. I snack on pasta and mostly have potato or rice with my meat so its fab for me cos like a big main meal as well as snacks. Got weighed today and stayed the same as last wk, so getting my arse into gear now and wanna lose 4lb this wk hopefully :) It is hard tho cos when im sad i want sweets... i think my new job will take over tho and keep me busy.

I dnt think u ever get used of injecting. my friend is diabetic and has been for 30yrs and she still does not like injecting. Its a means to a end for us though and pray we get the ultimate result for all our suffering xxx
Nat- Thank you :) the job is as a call centre agent and iv done that work a lot in the past so really looking forward to it as i really enjoy chatting! lol
Slimming world is great when i stick to it! lol. Been on a biscuit an junk attack the past few days so back on it as frm 2moz :) You can eat loads of carbs on it. I snack on pasta and mostly have potato or rice with my meat so its fab for me cos like a big main meal as well as snacks. Got weighed today and stayed the same as last wk, so getting my arse into gear now and wanna lose 4lb this wk hopefully :) It is hard tho cos when im sad i want sweets... i think my new job will take over tho and keep me busy.

I dnt think u ever get used of injecting. my friend is diabetic and has been for 30yrs and she still does not like injecting. Its a means to a end for us though and pray we get the ultimate result for all our suffering xxx

Aww cool,I have done that job for the last 4 years actually longer if you include the AA but last few years been working for CPW. I work in sales/retensions department. To be honest I use to like it but had enough of all the targets but talking to the customers is good.What area you working in, sales or customer service? Work will def help you hun. I am not ready mentally to be back at work yet with all the issues relating to loosing Lillie plus the icsi.
I know what you mean when ever I am sad and stressed I eat sweet stuff,like today my body had a shock from the chocolate I had to have tonight................had a terrible day,found out there is no further treatment for my friends cancer who is only 26:cry:....I got our credit card bill:cry:My brother and his GF who they have a child with,has got financial difficulties:cry:Plus the menopur is making me feel rubbish:cry:Plus its just been over 10 months since we lost Lillie and the days dont seem to get better:cry:And my moods are so terrible I am not only upsetting my OH but me too so I needed the chocolate lol
Dont be hard on ya self hun,you didnt gain weight at ya weigh in which is ace,will your doctor prescribe you Xenical weight loss drug to get it off quicker....I have used it through my weight loss journey and metformin,I think thats helped me too as well as the diet.
Gonna try and get that book you told us about this weekend:happydance:

Nat xx
hello ladies

how are you all doing

Africaqueen - i had sedation. dont think liverpool use a general for EC anymore. i was well away and didnt feel a thing. think i was out for about 30 mins. i was sore after but they felt like really bad AF cramps and i found it hard to stand up straight for the first day from all the prodding around they had done (they did get 23 eggs from me) but they do ease after a few days. i have heard of ladies who have had less eggs say that they were fine after no discomfort or anything so it is different for everyone. xxx

bugs - how are your feeling hun xxx

Nat - good luck with starting stims on thursday. i was also on 2 vials with my first cycle and will probably be the same this time around as it worked well for me. dont worry if it doesnt go exactly to plan as mine never did. xxx

AFM - well found out yesterday that we dont have to wait for a donor as they already have one for us :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:. so just waiting for AF to show. she is due in a week and hopefully have a fresh cycle end september/october cant wait to get started. they are sending me all the forms as mine are now out of date. so wont be long and i will be on the icsi rollercoaster again. may seem strange but really cant wait to jab myself everyday think im going :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy: :haha::haha::haha::haha:

hope everyone else is ok and good luck at what ever stage you are at :dust: :hugs::hugs::kiss:xxx

Aww Thanks Hun

what didnt go to plan with your treatment hun,is there any pitfalls I should be looking out for?

Sorry for asking hun,you got 23 eggs but how many embies? Why has it come to the point you need a donor now? sorry you may of told me before but my memory is shocking at the mo. I am glad you have got a donor ready to go x
Hope AF comes soon so you can get cracking on icsi

Nat x

just ended up stimming for a few more extra days than hoped as my follies were slow growing but we did get there.

i had 23 eggs, 14 were mature enough for ICSI and got 11 embies. husband has a genetic disorder which causes azoospermia so donor was the way for us to go. xx
Nat- Its customer service, although i have worked in marketing and sales for most of my working life and had to meet some bloody hard targets, so really glad this is not target based as i dnt need the extra stress with everything else in my life :)

I am starting to get excited about 2011 now as it might be the year i actually get a fully established bump! lol xxx
How bizarre is this coz I work in a call centre aswell, Mine is customer contact no targets thank God. How strange on a small thread we all do the same job xxxx
How bizarre is this coz I work in a call centre aswell, Mine is customer contact no targets thank God. How strange on a small thread we all do the same job xxxx

Very strange! Il bet we all end up having babies close to eachother too:winkwink: I am glad mine is customer service an not targets this time too cos cnt take anymore stress right nw xxx
hi girls

its my first post on this thread but im also at the womens, ive been TTC for 3 years have had one failed attempt of icsi in feb/march they transferred 2 embies one 8 cell one 12 cell. im now in my 2ww of a FET, its been a medicated cylcle so twice as long as my 1st attempt of ivf which has made the whole exprerience alot more stressfull. i had 2 snow babies transferred on thurs just gone so only 9 more sleeps til i can test. if this one doesn't work i have one more free attempt prob around dec/jan.

Mr Aziz did all my investigations to begin with, i didn't particuarly like him he couldn't understand why id get upset in the appointments & wasn't very smpathetic but every time id go to see him there would be more bad news waiting for me so what could he expect??? i have found the hewitt centre much better & the nurses are lovely but i did prefer it when we had to use the back entrance while it was being done up....that way i didn't have to go past people taking home their beautiful new born babies.

goodluck to everyone hopefully we'll all be getting our :bfp: soon x
hi girls

its my first post on this thread but im also at the womens, ive been TTC for 3 years have had one failed attempt of icsi in feb/march they transferred 2 embies one 8 cell one 12 cell. im now in my 2ww of a FET, its been a medicated cylcle so twice as long as my 1st attempt of ivf which has made the whole exprerience alot more stressfull. i had 2 snow babies transferred on thurs just gone so only 9 more sleeps til i can test. if this one doesn't work i have one more free attempt prob around dec/jan.

Mr Aziz did all my investigations to begin with, i didn't particuarly like him he couldn't understand why id get upset in the appointments & wasn't very smpathetic but every time id go to see him there would be more bad news waiting for me so what could he expect??? i have found the hewitt centre much better & the nurses are lovely but i did prefer it when we had to use the back entrance while it was being done up....that way i didn't have to go past people taking home their beautiful new born babies.

goodluck to everyone hopefully we'll all be getting our :bfp: soon x

Hello Hun

Thanks for posting. Sorry to hear about your failed attempt , fingers crossed for this cycle..........arghhh I bet your so nervous,I am dreading the 2 ww if I ever get to that stage. I havent met Mr Aziz Thank God he sounds a nightmare!!! Hopefully I ll never have to meet him.I have found the Hewitt centre to be great up until last week when I was kept waiting over a hour for my baseline scan,I can understand delays but my appointment was at 8.15am surely they shouldnt of had that many probs in 15mins of opening. I hope I have no more long waits there more so when I just wanna find out whats going on.How did you find the wait for appointments?
Sorry hun ,not sure of what a medicated cycle concists of ? but dosent sound great with the long wait.
Oh please keep us all posted,chucking baby dust your way hun
Nat xx

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