Ivf/ICSI successes or natural bfp after IVF/ICSI. Anyone welcome :) x

Jamie, glad midwife went well (sorry its late!) I'm not sure, it might have been too many if that makes sense... They were very rich and yummy thou!

Wrighty you are correct, the majority of anything (in this case a baby) is average. Think about bmi for a sec as everyone understands that. Below 17 your seriously underweight and therefore in the small 5th percentile 18-20 is under weight but that's a big chunk of the population therefore that's about 11th-25th percentile. Now the average bmi is 20-25 that's about 50% of the population therefore this is the 25th - 75th percentile. About 20% are over weight with a bmi of 25-30 so that's 76th-95th percentile, then finally you've got those who are dangerously obese with bmi of more than 30 so that's 96th-100th percentile!

With your baby measuring between 50th and 90th percentile, that means at the lower level she falls in the average size, but if she continues to grow at current rates, she's going to be in the small proportion who are large!

Did I explain that well?
Hi ladies, anyone else suffering from insomnia? I can't remember what a full nights sleep is. Also, I'm ruining hubby's sleep too. He's on days for a change and when I do sleep (on hour chunks) I've been snoring my head off and waking him too! I suppose it's good practise, but I'd love some :sleep:

How is everyone else? X

Jamie - can't believe how close you are! X
Hey ladies how is everyone doing? Hope your all ok.

Sorry I've been AWOL I literally have nothing to report. Apart from being cranky and whingey ha. Just counting down the days now!

Harley I haven't had a full nights sleep in months! My mum just told me to get used to it. If it's not through lack of being able to it was because I had to get up and pee! I think later in when baby gets heavier they put so much pressure on you it's quiet uncomfy. I find drinking warm milk before bed helps (with heartburn too) but then I wake up to pee! Can't win ha xxx
Hello Ladies

Harley - yep im struggling too. It doesnt help having to get up 3-4 times a night to pee but i guess that peanut preparing me lol. x

Jamie - Im same as you not much to report lol sorry to hear you are not sleeping well either x

Well like i said nothing really to report bump is getting bigger and more and more in the way lol starting to have Braxton hicks and they seem to make me really really wanna pee even if ive only just been lol not sure if thats normal. Looking forward to my long weekend away starting Thursday going to Ireland on a plane. My first time ever flying lol. OH dad is having to take us to the airport as OHs car has boken down and we havent managed to get it fixed yet still not totally sure what is wrong with it its definitly something electrical and its possible the cam sensor or crack sensor need a specialist to come and have a look for us :/

Hope everyong else is well :) x
Hi ladies

Hope you're all well..... Glad baby is well Wrighty. I feel sad for you, Harley & Jamie that you're not getting much sleep so I'm going to make the most of mine... Sorry to rub it in.... You can get your revenge when your bundles are here and I'm like a roly-poly xxxx

How are you Gemz & sugar? Xxx

I had my scan today & I'm 8 weeks & 1 day, little bean looks normal with a good heartbeat. So we're delighted & shocked that it's tripled in size... Wonder if that's the reason why I'm so fat?! Lol roll on 12 weeks so we can tell everyone.
I'm feeling ok but having slight nausea before lunch so feel like I need to eat more to get through it but feeling blessed little bean is good & I'm not too poorly.

Lots of love to you all xxxx
Wrighty hope you have a lovely weekend away :)

Janey glad your scan went well, we were 7ish weeks with ours and it's amazing the size of your little one.
As for sickness I found eating smaller and more often helped a little. But I got unlucky and had really bad ms and HG. So not much else helped ha. X
Hi girls, sorry I've been AWOL! I've been mad busy at work and building works going on at home so been on randomly!

Everything's fine with me, other than my sickness decided to come back for a few days, I'm super shopped out too! Mums taking me to krakow next week as a treat for my birthday last month, so will be really nice to spend a few days quality time with her - knowing that come the new year I won't be able to have that luxury!

Oh this will make you laugh. Hubby and I were talking the other night about trying to get john bishop tickets for his tour next year. Hubby agreed that it would be awesome, and it said we'd need a baby sitter. There was total silence down the phone as if it was an alien concept, when I pointed out that baby would be here then, it was like the penny dropped after some silence.... Oh yeahhhh he said. Couldn't stop laughing! Ona bright note I felt baby kick when my hand was on my belly, so hoping hubby will have that experience AT&T he weekend! :)

It seems that we are all having trouble sleeping! I'm waking up in the middle of the night to pee, but the other night I woke up and had terrible pains in my leg - shooting pains / pins and needle type. Wasn't pleasant at all. Have any of you got a maternity pillow? Seems to be helping me a bit, but does take a good chunk of the bed over!

Janey, I had pretty bad sickness back then too. Int he end the doctor gave me anti sickness tablets so they really helped too plus changing eating habits - smaller sizes more often. If it doesn't shift see the doctor! I had my scan at 6 weeks and baby was measuring a few days behind. When we got to 12 weeks the difference was amazing - plus again at 20.

Wrighty, as your past 20 weeks, depending onthe airline they may be funny with you. I've of gone the doctors to get a note to say I'm fit to fly aaa I'm going with Ryanair and their always little sods. Make sure you were those rather attractive flight socks to prevent DVT, move around the plane when you can too. I did this at 13 weeks, so about to experience it again. Most of all have wonderful time and make the most of the break before these things becomeS a thing of the past at least for a while

Jamie / Harley other than lack of sleep how are you both?
Hey ladies hope your all well.

I can't sleep :( I have restless legs and terrible Braxton hicks. I can't get comfy and my little princess is having a little rave! Plus I'm feeling slightly AF'y if that makes any sense ha!

Sorry for the rant hope your all doing well and feeling better an getting more sleep than I am. Xx
Jamie don't worry about your rant! I'm not sleeping, but doesn't appear as bad as you. I went to the body shop and spent 19 quid on bubble bath and some night spray which contains jujube and camomile called deep sleep and I've finally slept - might be worth a try? I'd not you've got less than 12 days to go, so your nearly there

Big hugs x x x
Ooooh, I'm really excited for you Jamie, hopefully it won't be long until you get to meet your little lady :)

I'm not sleeping either, hubby is back on nights, so at least I won't be disturbing him! I ended up sobbing my heart out at about 5 this morning cos I was so overtired lol.

We spent the weekend buying wardrobe, chest of drawers etc and having carpet fitted up the stairs, the landing and the nursery. We've finished painting the nursery pale blue and put up clouds and a tatty teddy hot air balloon light shade, so cute. Just have the wooden aeroplane mobile to put up and get the rocking chair from mum's, so excited! Going to wash all the baby clothes and bedding this week and maybe pack the baby's hospital bag if I'm feeling organised :).

Hope the rest of you had a good weekend too :) x
Oooh I'll have to give it a try gem. I slept a bit better last night but I'm unsure we there that's because I had just been sick the whole days food ha.
Plus I'm sleeping in my bed in my living room which just feels strange. Hopefully be back in the room today as it was getting plastered/painted etc. 3 bedroom house and I'm sleeping in the living room! (My fault though, 1 is now babies room and the other is a dressing room/closet for me :) not that I can see me managing to keep hold of it when Missy's a bit older)

Harley all sounds very productive! Bet u can't wait to put all the last finishing touches in.
Once our new bed arrives (today hopefully) we don't have anything to do.
I have packed, and re-packed, and triple checked the hospital bags haha.

I have the midwife tomorrow so hopefully she will tell me missy is getting ready.
Love to all xx
Hi girls, hope everyone is well!! Can't keep up so sorry if I miss anyone out :wacko:

Jamie sounds like your little lady is getting ready to make her arrival :happydance: so exciting! I never got as far as you, but the week before my tummy felt 'off' and I had lots of braxtons. Funnily enough I never had the insomnia thing, although I soon made it for it after lo was here!!!! Can't wait to see your princess xx

Janey great news on your scan :baby: I found that once I was at 12 weeks the time seemed to go quicker. Are you finding out what you are having? xx

Gemz I had the pins and needles thing in legs and hands at night, it went as soon as I gave birth. I tried maternity pillow but it didn't really do much xx

Hi to Harley, wrighty and everyone else xxxxx

Afm I'm busy busy with my new house and my little man. He's 18 months this month and its such a lovely age. He gives hugs and kisses and is saying a few words, sooooo cute :cloud9:

Have a good week everyone xx
I may not get the chance to come on in the next day or so but I'm off to krakow! Mums booked a few days away for me so I can have some good quality time before baba arrives

Susie lovely to hear from you, how's the little one doing?

Jamie good luck with mw tomorrow

Hugs to all x x
Hello Ladies

Gemz - Hope you have a lovely time xx

Holiday was lovely. nice to get away for a few days. Easyjet were fine about me being pregnant. Flight was only 50 mins which i was glad about the seats were so uncomfortable. Got really spoiled while in ireland which was really nice :) I have my 28 wk MW check up on Monday OHs mum is taking me as OH is having the Tuesday off for the 28 wk scan. looking forward to seeing peanut again and think she is still more breech position although she does move around.

One of the ladies on the January thread im part off has given birth early at 27 wks due to pre-eclampsia her little girl is gorgeous she will need to stay in hospital for a while until shes a little bigger and put a bit of weight on as she only 1lb 6oz
Susie I am having way more bh's and I do feel quite iffy throughout the day, more so after I've had my tea. Hope she's getting ready. Your little one sounds so adorable! Can't wait for all my precious moments.

Gemz have a lovely few days, wish I thought of it.

Wrighty glad you had a good holiday, I do have a thing for the Irish male voice ;) bet you can't wait for your scan!
Sad to hear about the early birth but happy to hear the little girl is stable and I have every faith she will be home soon, hope both mum and baby are as well as can be, send all our prayers to them x
Has anyone seen Jamie around? Just wondering if her little bundle has made an appearance yet :) x
well her profile says she was on at 17:09 today ive not been on much so havent seen her
Hello ladies

Hope you are all well

Not sure if i like the new BnB :/

Seen my midwife today Peanut has a heartrate of 134 think she was sleeping lol. Fundal measurent was 31 cms so above the 90th centile thats 5cms bigger than 3 weeks ago. She hurt me taking blood but glad its sorted. Got weighed and ive put on a total of 8kg/1 1/2 stone since i found out i was pregnant hadnt thought id put that much on but never mind gonna need to lose it after peanut is born. She seems to think peanut is head down although she also said she found it hard to really tell guess we will find out at the scan tomorrow but i know she still moves around lol
Oh what's going in here? This is strange haha.

I'm still here ladies and still mahoosive! Tried staying away for a while as everyone one is cue jumping!! Grrrr!

Hope ur all ok.
Good luck with scan tomorrow wrighty xxx

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