Ivf/ICSI successes or natural bfp after IVF/ICSI. Anyone welcome :) x

Good luck today Jamie Cant wait to hear your good news and to see pics :) xx

Janey - i had a scan at 7 weeks and she looked like a blob and then 12 weeks and she looked like a baby. The change really did amaze me and OH cried and think i was close lol xx

Gemz - Hope your infection clears up soon. Ive been lucky and not had any UTIs so far just have other issues instead lol xx

AFM - Well been to meet my diabetic consultant and she seems lovely. She is happy with my blood glucose levels so far and not putting me on medication yet as they seem quite stable except when I try something different but got to try otherwise I would never know if I can or cant eat it :) I asked about being induced and she said if normal sized baby will induce between 38 and 40 weeks and wont let me go over 40 weeks but if I have a bigger baby like peanut and/or on medication then big posibility they will induce me before 38 wks to reduce any risk of her getting stuck or other complications during birth so she could be here by christmas but final desicion on that is upto my gynae consultant so will be asking what he thinks a week on Tuesday when I next see him. I have a scan same day so looking forward to seeing peanut again.
OHs Mum took me and we were both sat watching my belly as peanut was moving around and kicking :) she definitely getting active. Some days more than others :)

Hope everyone else is doing well :) xx
Hey ladies. Long story short my princess is here. Will give u all the details later/ tomorrow.

Here she is... All 10lb 5oz! On only tramadol and paracetamol!!

Woohoo! Yay, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you, she's gorgeous! Our first birth on the thread :) x
Woo hoo! She's beautiful! Stunning! The first of many births on this thread! Such a big weight too! I'll forgive the fact you forgot to tell us her name as your drugged up! ;) lol, only messing! I'm eagerly awaiting details of birth and of course her beautiful name!

Congratulations to you and OH! X x x x
Awww Jamie massive congratulations, she's beautiful :cloud9: Hope you are doing well and enjoying lots of cuddles with your princess. Enjoy this special time, it's so precious and goes so quickly. Can't wait to hear all about it, I love a good birth story :baby:

Hi to everyone else :flower: I'll catch up with personnels in the next few days xxxx
Hey ladies so here's all the dirty details you have been after ;)

I went in to be induced at 8am, was given an internal check am my cervix was still posterior, so they placed a pessary/tampon type thing in me and I was told it would be a 24 hour waiting game as my cervix wasn't playing ball!

Comes to 7 o'clock and I'm getting mild contractions but nothing else, quite sore so I ask for paracetamol. at 8pm my oh has to leave me :( so I go get a bath and have a little read.

Finally get my paracetamol at 9, and at 11 contractions get worse so I'm put on a monitor to check them, how often and how painful etc. midwife says I may be overstimulating to the tampon as I had quiet a lot in a short space of time. So at 12 I was given a tablet called tramadol to "help me sleep".
Sleeping wasn't an option at all and when checked on I told the midwife I was having lots of contractions and she told me " ooh everything just coming together nicely. It's your first baby so she won't be in a rush, and everyone takes pain differently"

Oh right sorry!! I felt so alone and child like.

So 2 o'clock comes round and my contractions are a lot worse, I buzz the midwife and ask for something so I can sleep and she gives me an internal and says I'm 2 cm dialated, "step one of a long night"...I wish the midwifes would shut up!!
I'm given a needle diamorphine @ 4 o'clock,which apparently should just make me drowsy but the pain was keeping me awake.
I ask for some thing else at 6 because I'm skwirming round on the bed, and I'm told I can't have nothing, so decide to have bath. By this point I'm shaking all over and standing up is an effort,
Cue me running bath and waters popping! My membrane falls out it's that powerful. So calling midwife to bathroom and I can barely stand, at this point I just want to poo!

So cue the midwifes swapping over!!! Ohh just my luck! I was left on my bed rolling round throwing up on my own for 30 minutes until I buzzed a midwife and told her I needed something doing now!! So she sort of looks at me and says she will give me internal to check! Oh jamie your fully dialated we need to get you to labour ward, you don't need a poo that's baby's head!!

Mad phone all to oh at 8.10. And the midwifes telling me to push, but I was a bit annoyed (as u can imagine ha) "I'm not pushing, he's not here he will be here soon, this is your fault for not believing me" oops!
Wasn't allowed gas and air as they wanted me to push through the pain and not relax,

Oh runs in the door with my mum at 8:35 and my beautiful little chunk came at 8:51.
I have 2nd degree tear, which is quite a big sore but I'm still on cloud 9, I'm so in love!

Oh and I'm home :) Babies feeding well so after check ups I was allowed home at 6pm last night! Great being at home like a little family.

Just want to thank you all for your support and kind words not just yesterday but through out my whole process!

So once again here's a pic for you, my little/large tilly-rose
Awww, am soooo happy for you.

Sounds horrible about not believing how far you were, this seems to be a common thing. One of my friends ended up giving birth alone in a corridor as they didn't believe how ready she was, she said the worst thing was her husband missed the birth :( but her little girl was fine too, which is the main thing.

Hope you're not going to leave us now you've had your little lady, we need advice now you're experienced :) x
Thanks Harley.

I think they just assumed its generally a long process, I was told when I went in I wouldn't be getting checked again until 9 am Friday as that would be 24 hours. How wrong they were!
Don't worry I'll be sticking round, can't wait for all you mommas to have your babies :) x
Jamie, what a story! It totally sucks that they didn't believe you, but thankfully it all turned out well in the end! I'm surprised they didn't keep you in for another night or so given that you had a tear. I'm proper petrified of labour (totally random question but what did you wear?)

The pictures are stunning though, so I bet you that she was worth the pain. I'm guessing in no few months you won't even remember it! And you'll be pestered with questions from us all!

Have you sent hubby on a mad dash to shops to exchange stuff as she's a big baby? My mate did that about a month ago but in the opposite way, hers was 4'10 so tiny baby given she was early

Not much to report here, except one of my really good and oldest friends has been broken into. Apparently they've hit 23 houses in the area in 3 days, and what are the police doing.... Nothing! Sodding typical. Worst thing is, is her direct debit bounced the other month and the insurance sent her a letter but she didn't open it, so the *******s cancelled the insurance! They stole about 3 grands worth, so not only has she got to replace all the stuff 7 weeks before Christmas she's not covered. Proper fuming. She lives round the corner from my mum, so of cours I'm now worried about her too. It's disgusting.

My water infection is not giving me as much pain now, so reckon the antibiotics are finally working, still tired but that goes with us all I imagine!

Night all, take care and love to all x x x
Congratulations Jamie such a beautiful little girl you have there!! X

I had my first scan today, I have 1 baby with a beautiful heartbeat! X
Awwwwwwww! So gorgeous Jamie! Love her chubby cheeks :) x

Zoie - massive congratulations, sorry had missed ur post :)
Had a midwife appointment this morning, my blood pressure has shot up and she is a bit concerned so has told me to finish work now. The midwife will be coming out to recheck my blood pressure tomorrow and has told me to keep an eye out for signs of pre eclampsia :( I hope it's gone down tomorrow.

Hope the rest of you are all ok :) x
Awww Harley sorry to hear you got high BP hopefully it will come down xxxxx

They're fantastic! She's stunning! Where did you get them done? We've started looking now best one I've seen so far is gary hill photography over the water, but not had response from him yet

Harley, really sorry to hear your BP has gone up. That was like me last week when I. Had a water infection - is there anything they think that's causing it? I'm glad they're keeping on top of it though for you - at least there being cautious. I'm sure you'll be fine. How you feeling no now?

Wrighty how you getting on?

Janey have you had your scan yet - getting rather confused as of late?

Missx glad your first scan went fantastic, it's so nice seeing the baby's heartbeat on screen!

Afm, well I've had a proper nightmare of a day! I've booked a private scan which was tomorrow at 4D4U, and at 2 today, they phoned and cancelled (given that I've already paid it all up front you can imagine how pissed I was on the phone!) turns out they're machines broke. Managed to get in to before the stork on Sunday, so all is not lost, but they told me that they've had women phoning all week because it's been broken since Monday! Got back on the phone to them fuming asking why I was informed earlier,a nd when I could expect my money back. She was really vague claiming that she wasn't involved in the business was doing a favour phoning round and letting people know. When I asked to speak to someone in charge the owner is abroad! What a load of rubbish! Ive lodged a complaint with the bank to recoup the money - so word of advice to anyone not yet booked a private scan and want to don't go there!

On top of that, my tooth kicked off again! Cue emergency trip to dentist, and had no choice but to X-ray it. I was really worried, still am but the dentist was great. said the risks are really small and that if we don't get to the bottom of it, can cause preterm labour. End result I've had a root canal (my first one ever!) so feeling rather sorry for myself!

Love to all, hope everyone has a lovely weekend x x x

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