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IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

Hereshoping,I still keep fingers crossed hun! have you had any symptoms at all, cramping, sore BBs....????? Why are you guys going through IVF, if you don't mind me asking?
My story: :winkwink:
About 3 years ago (just after we got married) we went to see a FS because we had been trying for about 9 months without any luck so the tests were done and basically everything was fine apart from my weight - which he thought was preventing me for ovulating (basically fat cells confuse your body into thinking it has ovulated just before you actually do and it turns everything back off again...) and also he wanted me to be fitter/heathier for pregnancy.
So I was sent off to lose weight and come back for him to 'kick start' everything (ovulation) and let nature take its course. About 4 months into this healthy lifestyle I developed hip and shoulder issues which needed surgery and serious pain meds and pain treatments. This meant I had to go back on to BC in case I got pregnant because the meds and scans/xrays would be dangerous.
After I recovered from the surgeries I got back to training and we called the FS once I got to the weight he wanted (basically I lost 45kg in 2 years with 12 months me not being able to train etc.)
So we went to see him in March this year and right there and then he said go straight for ivf rather than just meds as at this stage it was unlikely it would happen naturally. Statisticially I had just flipped out into the more 'challanging' age bracket because of the delays with surgery etc.
So because we didn't have forever to work things out naturally we agreed straight away.
The fact that we responded well to the treatment stimms, fertilisation rates etc. looks pretty good so we are hopeful we will be ok. In fact my chinese doctor figures we should be ok without any assistance especially since my egg production was positive and DH can do his bit no problem either.... but the we need to give it a chance.
I will work with both Western and Chinese medicine to get the best from both but this time I think we will give more time to getting ready for the cycle.
HH, I'm sorry you're not getting good signs, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's just a false alarm. Like some of the other girls have said, lots of girls assume they're getting their AF when they're actually pregnant. Sorry you've got the horrible wait over the weekend.
I just did a test (an internet cheapie) - don't know why really, not expecting anything to show up this early, but I think I can see a really, really, really feint line and DH can see it too. You can only see it at certain angles but it's definately in the right place and it's not a shadow, it's the pink colour. I'm 7dp2dt - is there any chance this could really be a line or are we totally deluded?
sounds like good news MrsR32. Did you check the trigger was out of your system before you did that test?

I admit i caved in today and did a cheapie test. not told my DH cos he made me promise I wouldn't but I couldn't concentrate on my work. Anyway it came up a big fat nothing :nope: I know all the theory its too early etc but I think hand on my heart its not worked. I'm not telling DH I've done it tho, I feel guilty I didn't listen but at least its gearing me up to the fact that its more than likely not worked.

Good luck MrsR32 with your increasinging line :) x
I did a test at the beginning of the week to check the trigger was gone and it came up with nothing which I thought was strange as it was still quite early for it to have completely cleared my system. Maybe it was just a dud test and today's one is showing the last of the trigger shot. I wish I hadn't tested now as I'm getting my hopes up and I wasn't before.

Mummy, don't think that a negative at this stage means game over, just pretend you didn't do it and look forward to doing another one nearer your OTD x
I just did a test (an internet cheapie) - don't know why really, not expecting anything to show up this early, but I think I can see a really, really, really feint line and DH can see it too. You can only see it at certain angles but it's definately in the right place and it's not a shadow, it's the pink colour. I'm 7dp2dt - is there any chance this could really be a line or are we totally deluded?

MrsR - after what I have just been through with internet cheapies i think you should just throw them away! I have had pink lines, faint lines, grey lines and I have posted them all on here and EVERYONE could see them. They were all BFN! Even last night i posted one and that was BFN today as well.

Two months ago i posted a picture of one that had a strong pink line (visable from 4 ft away...) about 30 people said it was BFP and congratulated me and then AF arrived 3 days later. really, a lot of people will tell you they are NOT reliable. Your body produces a certain amount of HCG anyway and therefore you may always be able to see the faintest of faint lines at some point.

I wish you every success but use a decent test and dont trust these hun :hugs:
sounds like good news MrsR32. Did you check the trigger was out of your system before you did that test?

I admit i caved in today and did a cheapie test. not told my DH cos he made me promise I wouldn't but I couldn't concentrate on my work. Anyway it came up a big fat nothing :nope: I know all the theory its too early etc but I think hand on my heart its not worked. I'm not telling DH I've done it tho, I feel guilty I didn't listen but at least its gearing me up to the fact that its more than likely not worked.

Good luck MrsR32 with your increasinging line :) x

Hun, im sorry to hear that.... its not over yet though as they say!

I don't think we are having much luck on here right now :nope:

I hope one of us gets a BFP at least... you are still a while away from your OTD so dont panic!

Meanwhile I have given up and accepted that it didnt. I knew this at 10dpo cos i always show around that marker and this time the line was not enough to convince me (and i was right) strange as i still have symptoms but it just goes to show that symptoms dont mean anything with IVF!!!

Good luck for when you test again (when will that be do you think?) :hugs:
I hope it's the start of your bfp MrsR!!!!
Mummy!!!! you cheeky thing!!!!!:) promise you don't take it seriously!!!!
I know I know :blush: want to tell DH really but he'll tell me off! :rofl: I've been googling and more often than not people who get bfn on 8dp3dt remain the same but a few do get bfp's. Let hope you and me are these few brum! :)

I may test sunday morning unless DH wants me to test in morning as he wont know I've done it already! Got a twinge at the moment on the right hand side. It's a sharp pain. Thought thats too late for implantation but it feels same as what I had a few days ago. Ahh I duno I despair really!

Let hope the weekend brings good news all round x
Mrs R, I would ditto what Sammy has said re- IC's. I have had false neg when preg, and false pos when not. Take them with a pinch of salf. Personally I don't bother with them anymore. Can you get hold of a FRER? Now, as far as I am concerned, they are the dogs bollocks of HPT's :thumbup:

Sammy, I remember your test a few months ago, and it def looked pos. Do you think that was a chemical, or just a false pos? When's your OTD? Don't loose hope yet. What symptoms are you getting? You have been preg so know what it feels like.

Mummy, when's your OTD?

I don't envy you girls, and am dreading my up and coming 2ww. I am definately not going to test until OTD as it made things so much harder this time round. I am definately going to hold off.

:dust::dust::dust: to you all, and good luck for some BFP's :flower:
Hereshoping.... I think you've been amazing.... Loosing all that weight!!! such ashame you had the complications..... And I think You're right, your embies were great, so no reason Why it wouldn't work! Hang in there hun, you still have a chance....
MrsR.... I keep my fingers x-ed that line gets more and more visible!
Mummy, I know we are both going to be pregnant! Get off the internet, DON'T put yourself through what I went through! If you look at FF and the BFP charts with IVF, quite a number of Ladies have had bfns until days 13, 14.. And even later... I am positive!
I also had a sharp pain on my left earlier this afternoon... No idea what that is....
How are we doing with ECs and ETs?
Babydust to all!
MrsR, I hope that line gets super duper dark for you!

Mummy, don't listen to that bfn! Still 6 days until your OTD! :hugs:

I am so sorry HH that you are going through this. :hugs:

As for me, we put back 2 8 cell grade B. doc said they looked great! So I am PUPO! :happydance: !!!

I already am freaking out my uterus contracted already and pushed out the embryos out... :blush:

Let the 2ww begin! :dust:
Mrs R, I would ditto what Sammy has said re- IC's. I have had false neg when preg, and false pos when not. Take them with a pinch of salf. Personally I don't bother with them anymore. Can you get hold of a FRER? Now, as far as I am concerned, they are the dogs bollocks of HPT's :thumbup:

Sammy, I remember your test a few months ago, and it def looked pos. Do you think that was a chemical, or just a false pos? When's your OTD? Don't loose hope yet. What symptoms are you getting? You have been preg so know what it feels like.

Mummy, when's your OTD?

I don't envy you girls, and am dreading my up and coming 2ww. I am definately not going to test until OTD as it made things so much harder this time round. I am definately going to hold off.

:dust::dust::dust: to you all, and good luck for some BFP's :flower:

caline - yeah i know they are a right load of crap!!! Maybe it was a chemical, i dont know... well tenseness in my uterus, small pulling pains, nothing much else apart from twinges... all symptoms I have had from the start and have continued. i cant see it turning into a BFP two days before OTD on Sunday. Oh well.... onward!!! I wouldnt mind but they dont sedate you here for EC and it hurts like hell and im dreading that to be honest. I have a feeling AF is going to be a RIGHT killer this month!!!
Hi girls,

Sorry to hear that some of you are getting negative results. I'd say it's not over until the fat lady sings but I won't patronise any of you. We all know our bodies and we know what is there and what isn't. MrsR I hope this is it for you.

Went for Day 9 scan today and if this cycle hasn't gone on for long enough it has to go on even LONGER. I now have thirty-six follicles, 19 one one ovary and 17 on the other. I had to have a blood test to find out whether or not I can continue on this cycle. I am hyperstimulated but they needed to know if it was to a dangerous level. The test came back high but not yet dangerous. I have been told to lower my dose of stims right down and go for an evaluation on Monday. If all is well I would then have EC on Wednesday.

Even the biggest follicles are only 14mm at the minute. There are some around 10 but that's nowhere near big enough. I just have this awful feeling that this cycle is going to be long and worthless :(
Hi girls,

Sorry to hear that some of you are getting negative results. I'd say it's not over until the fat lady sings but I won't patronise any of you. We all know our bodies and we know what is there and what isn't. MrsR I hope this is it for you.

Went for Day 9 scan today and if this cycle hasn't gone on for long enough it has to go on even LONGER. I now have thirty-six follicles, 19 one one ovary and 17 on the other. I had to have a blood test to find out whether or not I can continue on this cycle. I am hyperstimulated but they needed to know if it was to a dangerous level. The test came back high but not yet dangerous. I have been told to lower my dose of stims right down and go for an evaluation on Monday. If all is well I would then have EC on Wednesday.

Even the biggest follicles are only 14mm at the minute. There are some around 10 but that's nowhere near big enough. I just have this awful feeling that this cycle is going to be long and worthless :(

Hi curlysue - i really hope your cycle stabilises hun and im sure it will so dont panic. I was the opposite and only got 11 follies and i think two of them were too small so they never drained them. I got six eggs in the end and they all fertilised so that was good and it was successful (although it never worked out past 20 weeks but thats another story!)

We cant all be lucky twice eh? Maybe its not my turn this time... i know people have got BFP's late, this is true. For me though i normally show by CD10 so im convinced FET failed. I'm ok about it now though, had a bit of a fit for a couple of days and OH is still stressed about it but we will get back on track i suppose. I hope everyone else's situation turns around... it doesnt stop me wishing everyone else success like they did me. Fingers crossed for everyone! :hugs:
I think i can feel AF coming... i hope not cos i dont have any Puregon until Tuesday.... and i'm not due til Sunday :cry:
Sorry some of you girls are having a bad time! I really hope everything works out well for you all. Thinking about you all during this really frustrating time!

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