IVF March/April '16

Good luck today Jren!!

Danser that's a great number of follies!

Tina I'm a bit in the same boat as you. First IVF had 13 eggs, 12 mature, 6 fertilized, 1 put back on day 3 and 1 made it to day 5 to freeze. Both the fresh and following frozen cycle were negative, but dr said that was mostly due to poor quality sperm (DH has azoospermia) this time round we're using a donor, hoping that works better!
woohoo danser great news! How far into stims are you?

Pinkwaters, what happened with your first IVF cycle if you don't mind me asking? How many frosties did you guys get?


That was on the morning of day 5 of stims.
Amanda, sounds like you had a good number of eggs because I have heard that the average is 12 but your fertilisation rate was lower than average.
We were told that my OHs sperms that were used were of good quality even though he has a lower than average count and low motility, I was surprised.

I think our problem was that the eggs weren't mature enough

Just got out of surgery about an hour ago. 32 eggs collected. Won't know anything more til tomorrow. Pretty excited. Not in much pain. Just cramping. So glad to be done with all the injections etc. now the waiting game...

I sure hope all you ladies out there are doing well and get the outcomes you are hoping for :) xoxo
Good luck bump! So glad you've moved on from meds! Hope everything goes well at this point!

Tina I still haven't decided about the embryos, whether I'll transfer one or two. The first time ivf I had bleeding and was on bed rest for the one embryo to stay. I really want to get three but worried about triplets even though I highly doubt it. With my 11 follies I'm hoping we get enough eggs. I'm feeling the cramps today and the bloatiness. Tomorow is the final day for injections then we'll be monitored for egg collection. Yikes
Thanks Amanda. They retrieved 11 eggs. I have low amh so we are happy with that number. We will find out how many fertilized with icsi tomorrow.
woohoo jren! 11 is a great number, crossing my fingers that a good number fertilise

Just had my second scan, follies are still growing, (only day 4 of stims) but already have the triple stripe which I've never had before!! Very excited and hope it stays that way!
I'm on day 7 now, my scan yesterday showed 11 follies and I'm staying positive. Two more injections today and another scan tomorrow. I reckon we'll be scanning every two days now
My dr reckons retrieval should be around Saturday or Sunday, I'm going to talk to work today about taking a few days off for the retrieval and embryo transfer, I don't want to state reason though ;/
My dr also seems to be on the same page as us with embryo number, she thinks if we do have three good ones we should proceed with transferring them all back
Fingers Crossed

Jren how are you doing?
Great news on the triple stripe Amanda! How are you feeling from the stims?

Jren, any update on your eggs fertilising?

Bump, hope you're holding up okay after collection, amazing number of eggs by the way! You must feel like you've had a brick removed haha

AFM - my period came yesterday, my meds are being dispatched shortly and I'm booked in for a meds appointment to go over how to inject on 4th April

Pink, sounds like everything's going nicely!

I'm on stim day 6, starting the antagonist this morning, and go back in for another scan Tuesday. At my scan on Friday there was one follicle growing faster than the others (~11mm) when the others were under ten, so hoping that's ok, as the nurse made a stupid comment about how hopefully ther will be more than one. So that's made me all nervous. I'm trying to think though, that if there was any kind of problem, that the doctor would have adjusted my meds, which he didn't. Anyways, I guess we'll see Tuesday! As for how I'm feeling? Like crap, today is better, but yesterday I had quite a bit of pelvic pressure, but today seems to be better. I definitely feel uncomfortable though!!! And have a full headache, so I've gotta drink more water for sure.

How is everyone else? Bump and Jren, any news on fertilization or transfer days yet?
I trigger tonight and ER is on Tuesday. I'm pretty nervous, mostly hoping that most of the eggs collected are mature eggs.
If your doctor hasn't changed anything Amanda I'm sure you're doing great.
On my first cycle my doctor wasn't too happy and she increased my meds immediately after first scan.
My head is the same, severe headache and I'm loading up on coconut water hoping it helps. I informed work about the situation due to extreme dizziness and fatigue. I just feel like I'm pregnancy light headed and bloated already! I'll see dr again tomorow and we'll see what she says next. So far so good.

Good luck Tina!

Really hope so Danser! Good luck! It's all too exciting and nerve wrecking haha I'm glad we can vent here!
Amanda-Glad your feeling a little better! Feeling good definitely seems to fluctuate throughout this wild journey :) Don't worry about that nurse. Your right, if something wasn't right the Dr. probably would have adjusted something.

Tina-So glad your almost there! I bet your excited!?Do you know what your doses are?

As for me-32 eggs collected, 26 fertilized and 25 are multiplying perfectly as of today. My Dr. says that is unheard of LOL! DH claims it's his "super sperm." So just going to let him keep on thinking that indefinitely LOL. Makes him feel involved at least.

Dr. plans on a 5 day ET Tuesday. I feel really well. Protein and lots of Smart Water seems to help with the bloating. Hoping they will let me transfer Tuesday. I feel really well, but do have a 4 month pregnant looking stomach because of the bloating...anyone have any experience with what the Dr. finds acceptable? My Dr. commented we would see how I was feeling by the time the ET day came. I "feel" fine, but nervous she will make me freeze all just because of the bloating?
Bump, that's superb! Have you decided on how many to transfer?
My coconut water is easing the bloat but with my first IVF cycle the bloat was much worse and the doctor still proceeded with the transfer. Don't know if that helps but I hope they don't freeze and do proceed with the transfer.

I still have an irritating cough I'm trying to get rid off before egg retrieval this weekend, funny I had the same cough twice before and I don't get sick often. It must be an IVF stress thing.
Morning girls,

bump amazing news on the embryos!! You would definitely think that you will have your take home baby in one of those. I hope that lots make it to day 5.
As for my doses... I think we are going to be on 150iu of Merional which is the equivalent of Folistim in the US. I was previously on 75iu so my meds are essentially being doubled.

Danser, best of luck for Tuesday!

I'm starting to get nervous as ER gets closer. I'm really worried we won't get any embryos to blast again. This whole thing sucks so badly.
Out of 11 retrieved, 10 were mature and 8 fertilized. On my day 3 update yesterday I had 6 embryos going strong. Our transfer is tomorrow and I'm praying we have a few to freeze and can transfer the two that we planned! She didn't seem worried about the 6...so whatever that's worth!

I do have diminished reserve so we never expected a ton of eggs or embryos. I feel thankful that we still have 6.
Hi ladies! Mind if I join?

Just had an appointment with my RE today and starting my third IVF (4th if you count my cancelled cycle) sooner than expected. I'll be starting Lupron on day 21 of my cycle (April 6th). I am doing the short Lupron protocol, I guess it is. And starting stims with AF. Anyone do or on this same protocol? We are trying something new to hopefully get more embryos. I have high fsh/low amh, and got endo removed via lap in December, so hoping the surgery will make a difference now in my egg quality.

I'll need to catch up on you ladies!!! FX for everyone!

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