IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

You're too sweet klik!! ((HUGS)) back at ya!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Aster - I'm sending you positive vibes!! KMFX for you, GL lovely!! :dust:
Amanda- Thank you! I'm so glad you're sticking around :) When is your next scan? Are you planning to do a 3D scan or anything like that?

Disney- Thanks for the tips on Home Depot, I will definitely check that out. How are you feeling? Better I hope!

Aster- Congrats on being PUPO!!! It's so sweet that you're cheering on your embie. Just remember, we're all here cheering you both on too! :friends:

Wish- I take naproxen sodium (Aleve) before any type of procedure where they have to pass a catheter through my cervix because I've had issues in the past too. It helps with the discomfort and cramping a lot. Maybe that would help? Yup, we're moving into a house. We're in a duplex now so it will be REALLY nice not to have to share a wall. (My neighbor's son is learning the saxophone so... yeah.) Glad you had fun with the dog. Mine always cheer me up too!

klik- I hope you're all healed up in time for your vacation, and I hope you have a very fun & relaxing trip! I found these & thought of you & your circus classes lol. :juggle::fool:

Boopin- Anything new with you? I think I need to start stalking your journal ;)

Sava- How are you doing hun? Did you end up doing the IUI this month?

AFM, we... still haven't started packing. :blush: Work has been nuts this week and someone dropped a heavy box on my DH's toe yesterday so he was in a little pain. On the plus side, my OPK was positive at 13DPO today, so it looks like everything is back on track since my surgery. Woot! Trying for this elusive Christmas BFP for the 3rd time now lol :xmas4:
Asterimou: indeed, maybe the little one inside you just needs to go at its own pace! I hope so... I totally understand your wish to move on, if this doesn't work, and I love how you and your DH have been able to talk it out... :hugs: Still, a cavitating day 5 morula, which I think is what you've got, is nothing to scoff at! Loads and loads of embryos only make it to blast on day 6. Go on, little one, take your time, but do keep growing strong and snuggling in there! :dust:

Boopin: have you got any symptoms?! Or are you just coasting along? I just saw on your thread that your next beta is on the 11th... that feels like ages away! Take care of yourself and that little one inside you! :hugs:

Scooby: thanks for the emoticons! Sadly, the last class is tomorrow and I'll have to skip it, because exercise can apparently easily interfere with the healing process... So, no more circus for me until I've either had a baby or give up flying to NY to try. Lol, I'm pretty sure in your place I wouldn't have started packing either! Excellent about your OPK!! This Christmas will be different--you'll have space in your womb for a little one, and, soon, in your house, too! FX'ed!!! :xmas16::dust:
Whoa - I've been away and so much has happened! Congrats to all the bfps out there! (And fx you'll be joining them soon, Aster!)

My scan is tomorrow morning (finally!) so we'll see where we are then. Looks like my trigger/IUI will be sometime this weekend!
klik, bummer about circus classes ending, but I'm sure caring for a baby will be workout enough :) Have they given you any possible explanations for what happened yet? Do you think it could have been the progesterone? I remember you were concerned about them weaning you off too soon. Are you & DP still deciding what your next step is? You must be getting excited for your trip!

sava- I thought it your IUI must be coming up soon. Good luck to you today! FX for lots of follies. Let us know what happens :)

AFM, now I'm not convinced my positive OPK was truly positive yesterday. It's weird, it seems to have gone up and down and then back up again? I hate OPK's, I really do. They're so subjective. I should have temped this month but temping stresses me out lol.
good morning!

aster - please tell little embie Auntie Wish is cheering him/her on too!! You got this, little one - hang on tight to mama!

amanda - I'm so happy you're sticking around too! It actually makes me feel bad when ladies get their BFP and then graduate on up to the other threads and sorta forget about us and the last X months/years we've spent cheering each other on. You're a success story for this group, we're here to cheer you all the way through!

scooby - oh great!! that'll be awesome being in your own house! We own a duplex and lived in the top half for a few years and I HATED IT. And no one was learning the sax while I was there. I just could not wait to get our own yard/house/space. Oh I'm so excited for you!
And thank you for the advice - I am going to take 800mg of Advil before I go.

sava - ooooh, good luck!!! I hope you have great results at your scan today!

klik - AH that's right - the Australian/US/Brit spy combo you guys are! Yes, it does sound like a wonderful trip. Probably great to have family down there too but I'm surprised they are taking you to a tourist trap! Either way, have an absolute ball! Just know I'll be totes jelly up here in snowy New England! We're supposed to get an arctic blast over the weekend, and DH is saying an awful snowstorm on Mon/Tues. And we're supposed to go to the Patriots game Monday night!

boopin - how are you feeling? I hope you're doing well! What comes next for you? I guess I should hop into your journal too!

disney - what do you get to do next? you have less invasion in your first tri when things happen naturally, right? how are you feeling?

nothing new going on here - went in for more bloodwork today just to make sure the estrace is doing its job. Monday's went fine - supposed to be over 50 and I was at 80. Today I imagine it's supposed to be over 100, so we'll see if it is. No idea when I go in next and the biopsy is a week from Monday. SO not exciting in these parts!! :)
Hi ladies <3 I'm still here, just laying low... lol!! Afm, symptoms atm are fatigue, constant thirst, sore nipples and frequent urination. My headaches have subsided, so I'm very happy about that. My 3rd beta is this Sunday and first ultrasound scheduled on 12/20. Pray for me ladies. I need all the positive vibes that I can get. KMFX!! [-o&lt;

I hope everyone's having a nice week. Happy Holidays!! xx

P.S. Stalk away scooby. You're more than welcome to!! :xmas4:
Aster - Hang in there! You're definitely not out yet, and we're all pulling for your success! :hugs: :dust:

Scooby - Best of luck with the packing! And your Christmas BFP!! :hugs:

Klik - I'm sorry that your classes are ending. I hope that your bleeding/spotting is tapering off and that all is clear for your upcoming (amazing!!) trip! :hugs:

Sava - Good luck with your scan!!

Wish - I hope your blood work comes back perfectly. :thumbup:

Amanda - I hope you're doing well!

Boopin - How are you doing?

AFM - I'm still getting over my cold. I'm so over coughing. :dohh: Right now, I'm waiting until my first ultrasound next Thursday to see what's going on in there. I feel more pregnant than last time, which I hope is a good sign. My RE is still overseeing me until the time that she normally graduates her patients to their OBs, which I'm so grateful for. She's really the best! :thumbup: It's definitely weird to not be on any extra medications or have to do and PIO or other progesterone, but no complaints here. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd ever be in this situation. I'm still cautiously optimistic at this point and am trying not to get too excited yet after what's happened over the past year, but we still feel very blessed right now. I try not to be concerned about the foods, beverages, medications, and theme park rides I decided on before I tested, too. :dohh:
Boopin - good luck with Sunday's beta! waiting for those days can be so painful!

Scoobs - packing is the WORST! I can totally understand putting things off a bit. And I cannot even begin to describe how much I hate opks. They are ridiculously subjective! I finally switched to the clearblue digis because I couldn't take the questioning any longer.. but then one month I got a false + on one. (as in, it was + WAY on the early side, so I inseminated, and then it was + again 5 days later, which would be my normal o time. So I'm pretty sure the first "positive" wasn't accurate.)

Disney - were you going for a natural try this month or was this a complete surprise? That's awesome that you're able to stay with your RE. I'm sure they're all really excited for you as well.

Wish - I hear you.. checking things off the list is important though. Hang tight, you'll get there!

AFM - scan this morning went well.. I think. Our ultrasound techs don't always offer the most information and tend to lean on "you'll have to wait for the Dr. to call". C'mon lady, I know you know how many follicles I have - I don't need a dr. to interpret that! Anyway, she said I have multiple follicles on both side, and the right side appears to be the most mature one. I did get out of her that my lining is a 10, which I'm pretty pleased with. So I'm just waiting to hear from the Dr. to see what the next steps are.
Sava - Great news on your scan! :thumbup:

We weren't trying per se. We BD around when I assumed I was ovulating, but we've never gotten a positive result that way (the "free" way :haha:), so while we knew it was possible and we're always hopeful, we didn't actually think it could really happen this time. I've only gotten 2 prior BFPs before -- once with DD (our second IVF transfer) and again with our second try to transfer one of our then-remaining normal frozen embryos this past February (that pregnancy resulted in an empty sac that continued to grow).

Some of the ladies here have been here for over a year now. Here's a mini run down of my fertility history. We had been TTC for 2 years before we finally saw our first BFP.

  • 3 failed cycles on clomid
  • 1 failed cycle on femera + IUI
  • IVF #1 -- 4 blasts -- transferred 2 fresh on day 5 (5AA and 4AA) = BFN
  • IVF #2 -- 4 blasts -- performed genetic testing on all 4 plus 2 remaining embryos from IVF #1 -- freeze all --> 4 normals: 5AA, 6AB, 3BB, 5B-B
  • FET #1 Oct 2013 -- Transferred 5AA = BFP
  • FET #2 Dec 2015 -- Transferred 6AB = BFN
  • FET #3 Feb 2016 -- Transferred 3BB = BFP -- Blighted Ovum --> D&C
  • FET #4 July 2016 -- Transferred 5B-B (last normal) = BFN
Trigger tonight and IUI scheduled for Sat morning at 10am. Question for you ladies - if I had surged this morning, they would've picked up on that from the bloodwork this morning and scheduled the IUI accordingly, right?

I ask because, CD12 (today) was a common day for me to get a +opk (sometimes it was even CD11). So if I had surged on CD12 then my IUI "should" be on CD13 and Saturday would be past the window. I started with a lot of EWCM yesterday so that's why I'm wondering if today would've been a +opk or not.

I'm trying really hard not to think about it. The answer doesn't matter and none of my other IUIs worked anyway so I don't know why I'd even think to base what I'm doing now off of what I "usually" do.. It's just difficult not to over analyze.
It could be worth a call to confirm, but I'm guessing the blood work is guiding them as well. I think the trigger is supposed to help with the timing, but I'm really not sure. Good luck! :hugs:
Sava: Hmmm... I do know the timing for IUI is later than for TI, because the sperm is delivered straight to the uterus... But two days after a surge does seem like maybe pushing it. If you already had EWCM the day before, by Saturday morning you may well have ovulated... and eggs do survive for 24 hours, but it's silly to count on that. Still, I would really think they'd look at your LH to figure out the timing, and perhaps despite these signs you're actually a little late to O this cycle. I agree with Disney, I think it's worth a call to confirm, though, if only to set your mind at ease! It's good to know if they've actually thought this through... Good luck! :hugs:

Scooby: Oh, yeah, if I ever get as far as actually having a baby, I'm sure it will keep me active! It will be our own little domestic circus, I'm sure... I think my progesterone was still high enough when I found out about the MC that it couldn't have been the cause... We have received the histology results, which as expected showed no news (which is good news, though unsurprising). We have to wait another 3 weeks for the genetic test results, which will tell us if there was a non-survivable trisomy or deletion or whatever. I'm hoping that will be the case, because if it isn't then you have to start guessing what could have happened, and there are lots of shots in the dark and not much conclusive evidence... We'll have to look at clotting and immunes, though, if there was no major genetic problem. Apart from that, our next step is to do exactly the same as we just did--fly back to NY at the earliest opportunity and do a moderate-stims IVF. We've never gotten this close before... As for OPK's, I hate them with a passion. The only way they work for me is if I don't drink or pee for 4 hours and then test in the early afternoon, and even then I think it might only work when the moon is in Gemini or somesuch... Ugh. I used to get stressed out taking my BBT, but now I'm used to it... Still, of course, it doesn't predict ovulation... Just... try to have sex every other day--it's easier! :winkwink:

Wish: And I'm Brazilian! Yeah, we should have been spies. As for the tourist trap, I think DP's brother just wants to show us how OTT kitsch the whole thing is, but what I want is white sand beach! Oh well... The thing is, they don't know I've MC'ed, so they can't really guess that peace, quiet, and beauty is what we're craving right now. Speaking of which, peace, quiet, and beauty describes a lot of New England in the winter! And actually, this fall, I've been craving those spectacular colors you get over there--here we get a couple of red trees, and some yellow, but it does not compare to those amazing northeastern North America colors! But yeah, to be honest right now I want some warmth and some daylight, pleeeease! I hope your bloods went well today and your E2 is copious. It's the most fun hormone! Speaking of which, do you have to refrain from unprotected BD'ing, because of the mock transfer?!

Boopin: LOOOOOOOADS of positive vibes for you! :dust: I hope you can find some time to rest...

Disneyfan: it really does sound like you weren't expecting it--you were just living life. You know what, that's what people do, and they're fine! In fact, I think letting go probably helped. I'm taking, like, a suitcase full of OPK's and pregnancy tests with me on this holiday because I can't really let go... :dohh: I'm so glad to hear you're feeling more pregnant this time... and that your RE is looking after you! Have you scheduled your scan yet? Ooooh, I've got everything crossed for you! :dust: Also, I hope that cough clears off.

I think my spotting is done. But I'll wait til tomorrow evening before I call victory...
Sava, I'm sure they work it out from your bloods. It's hard not to over think every step, I sure did! Happy triggering ;)

I have told my little one what you said Auntie Wish, so hope it got through in:thumbup:

Boopin: I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

No symptoms as I go into 3dp5dt. Few twinges here and there but nothing dramatic. This time last cycle I was couriering a pessary from Brighton to London! Glad I've got this week off, nice not to be so stretched.
klik - ohhhhh right, you and OH are a regular melting pot just between the two of you! I love it!!! your children are going to be so beautiful! :) I'm sure your trip will be amazing and relaxing in its own way. I hope while with BIL, you can sneak away for an hour or two to have on your own.
Oh the colors in NE this year were AMAZING. I had to travel from NH to Albany, NY, through the mountains in VT, if you remember, and I almost went off the road a couple of times. Trying to take pictures while driving wasn't the best idea but it was hard not to. If we're all still on here next year and it's as brilliant, I'll take pics and post. Actually, I think there was a video made of NH this year...I can try to find.
No, no instruction to not BD, but I'm assuming we shouldn't. THOUGHHHH...I kinda want to! I don't know that there would be any interference - the biopsy will just be a few cells on 5dpo. And the actual chances of getting pregnant are probably less than 1%. So I'm not too worried about it.

sava - I'm with the girls - I would think the blood work would be more reliable than the OPK results and I always got EWCM a few days before I actually O'ed. I'm sure they got this down to a science! ;)

boopin - I'm loving every last one of those symptoms!!! take good care of yourself and try to enjoy!

disney - I'm excited too that you're feeling more pregnant!! this is it!

any exciting holiday plans for anyone this weekend? none for us - going to a yummy pizza place, hopefully, as a belated bday dinner for me. DH and I have spoiled ourselves this year so i didn't need or want anything more than that. :)
wish- I couldn't agree more. The yard is tiny but it's all ours! We took the dogs over for the first time last night to start getting them used to it. (They're both rescues & they've only ever lived at our current place, so new people & places freak them out a bit.) Tails were tucked and there was some crying at first, but by the time we left they were exploring every nook & cranny with their tails high. We plan on taking them a couple more times before the move so it won't be so jarring for them.

boopin- FX for the 3rd beta on Sunday! Continuing to send you positive vibes. Let the sanctioned stalking begin ;)

Disney- Eeek! I'm so psyched for your U/S on Thursday. "More pregnant" sounds like a great sign to me! FX for your little apple seed to grow into a jackfruit. That's awesome of your RE to let you stay there.

Sava- I have mixed feelings about your situation because at this stage I think we all know our own bodies pretty damn well, and yet the doctors know the science and should have our best interests at heart. With me I had the opposite issue. I knew I was going to ovulate that Tuesday and wanted to trigger Sunday night. My RE was closed on the weekends, so I met her on Friday and she said no, don't trigger. I came in Monday morning (LH positive that morning) and did BW. That afternoon she called and said come in that night for IUI. I personally thought doing it Tuesday morning made more sense, because I always O at night. But I didn't speak up. So I didn't get to use the trigger (which was so annoying to get and expensive) and the IUI was 24 hours before I actually ovulated. All of that being said, hopefully, your doctor is more on the ball and your LH simply isn't high enough yet. FX this cycle is successful for you!

klik- lol at "domestic circus". I really hope you get some answers, but it's encouraging that your RE seems to be on the right track. Maybe just a little more tweaking is all you need to get your take home baby! I was just reading a blog about someone who had 7 miscarriages before she was finally put on Lovenox. She went on to have a healthy baby boy with IVF & then got a natural BFP after that. Sometimes it's a really easy fix! Hope your spotting is over for good :)

aster- Are you testing before your OTD? I hope you're enjoying your week off and relaxing as much as you can!

AFM, that OPK must have been positive because I got O pain last night just like clockwork and tests are light again. Whew! So I had my post-op today and it went really well. I decided to wait until February to start IVF. It's just way too insane with packing & holiday shopping to do all the prep we need to do by January. Our clinic requires we take 2 classes (IVF & meds) plus I need to get a sign off from my OBGYN because of my heart, plus I need to price shop for meds. No way all of that is getting done in time!

Good news is she's got my protocol ready & I booked all of the classes and appointments today. First day of my February cycle I'll go in for baseline bloods, start taking BCP and wait for the OK to start stims. I'm so excited!!! I think we're going to do assisted hatching but only do ICSI if needed. We're shooting for a 5 day transfer of two embies (if we have them). I also got to see pics from my surgery which were so cool. (I have them but won't post in case they gross anyone out lol.) Anyway, this gives us 3 natural tries which I'm pretty happy about, and I feel really good about starting in February :)
Asterimou: sometimes no symptoms are good symptoms! It's nice you have the week off... This is all so, so intense... :hugs: Good luck!

Wish: Ohhhh, NH through VT to Albany sounds like an ideal drive for fall colors! I was thinking... actually, an embryo transfer (mock or real) hopefully shouldn't interfere with a potential, even if unlikely pregnancy--after all, it should be done when the embryo hasn't even arrived in the womb yet... Anyway, there's me again with my pie-in-the-sky hopes! :haha: When was your birthday?! Happy belated birthday! :pizza:

Scooby: yeah, it's funny, my local clinic puts everyone on Clexane (a Lovenox equivalent) as a matter of course, but the NY clinic I've been using doesn't... Since I'm 42, though, chances are really high it was just a chromosomal abnormality, and they probably won't tweak my protocol in that case... It will just be a matter of hoping for better luck next time. I should hopefully find out in 2 weeks... Excellent that you're cool with Feb, and that you have some nice chances for a natural BFP before then! :dust:

AFM: in Singapore, hanging out at DP's cousin's flat. It's the middle of the night here, but morning in New Zealand, so I feel all virtuous for having "already" pre-adapted to our destination time zone (yeah, right--watch me be a zombie all day today). I think I can safely say spotting really has altogether stopped this time. I've decided not to check for O this cycle, just for an eventual negative pregnancy test every few days (I took an HPT first thing Saturday morning and it was definitely positive, but relatively faint, so we're going in the right direction...) Still, I'm getting what looks like EWCM, and wondering when it is that DP and I can get busy, just in case...
Oooooh, Boopin, I just went and stalked you! That is an awesome beta, and awesome doubling time! So happy for you!!! :dance:
Thanks klik :hugs:

Singapore & New Zealand both sound so exotic and exciting... have lots of fun (for me too) LOL. And I say... get busy anytime and anywhere you can get it!! :sex: :winkwink:

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