IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Scooby: re. my protocol, we did try this protocol but with Clomid instead of letrozole before, and I ovulated prematurely. So we're hoping it doesn't happen again with the letrozole. Oh, I wish you patience til the next scan... It's hard to have to wait so long! Glad the pop drops help with the MS--I hadn't heard of them but they sound handy! :thumbup: Oh, also glad NY state is starting to come to its senses... From a European perspective, the US treats its employees remarkably badly on average...

Wish: I can't wait to find out how many there are in there either! Sorry about the queasiness... On the one hand, it's such a pain, and on the other it's so reassuring... :wacko: So glad you'll get your DH for twice as long! If you did go back to work there, would you still get the benefit though you're already pregnant? That would be awesome!

Disneyfan: excellent that the cold is gone! I'm so sorry about the allergies... I haven't been taking allergy medication for the past 3 years, just in case we manage to get pregnant... :wacko: Fortunately in NY at the moment the pollen is not so bad. I did buy an air purifier for my bedroom in London, and I think that's helping? Not sure... June is usually the worst month, so I'll see if it's working when I get back... I'm really glad your DD has finally moved--I hope she gets used to it rather quickly and starts loving her new room soon. 32 weeks is really amazing! You're so close now... :thumbup:

AFM: Mixed news from the scan today... Two of the follicles definitely grew, to 13.6 and 13. Then the scanning doctor counted four more: two at 9 and two at 8. So yeah, I think two of those "10mm follicles" from last time were probably cysts... and then maybe I have a couple of other small follicles that aren't growing, or are only just starting to grow? Either way, realistically it looks like two follicles is what we can hope for now. Fortunately they're close in size, so hopefully we won't get the premature ovulation I got when I had a much larger lead... Lining is at 4.8, which is only a little better than last time but at least all the blood is gone from the uterus and now all of that thickness is actually proper lining. So yeah, kinda mixed. At this point I'll take anything that's not a complete disaster... :shrug:
wish- Wow, 4 or 6 months would be amazing for maternity leave! Would you seriously consider going back to work there? I'd be very tempted too! The nice thing about the NY thing is it's family leave, so it's for both women and men. It's also applicable for taking care of a sick relative, which is really nice.

klik- After what happened with me I definitely think it's quality and not quantity that matters. If you have two bigger follies growing at the same rate, those are probably the best ones of the bunch this cycle and the two most likely to become your baby. :baby: As far as your lining, have you ever tried the full-fat dairy thing? Whole milk, ice cream, etc. is supposed to help. Good luck!!!

AFM, still haven't actually gotten sick but my stomach is increasingly funky in the mornings. I just had some ginger peach tea and that helped a bit.

I've been giving childcare some thought, and I've come up with an idea that may work. Since DH and I work at the same place, one of us could work 6-2 and the other could work 10-6. This would mean Moobley would only need daycare from 10-2 each day. Additionally, I'd like us to both work from home on Fridays. I think it's more realistic that we'd get work done if we're together, because we can switch off taking care of the baby so one person is always available to answer phones, etc.

So that would mean only 16 hours of daycare a week instead of 40. Additionally, each of us would get alone time with the baby and also alone time at work. We figured we could switch off shifts every other day, so Mon/Wed I could work the early 6-2 shift and Tues/Thurs I could work the 10-6 shift. What do you guys think?
Very creative, scooby!! I'm onboard! Haha

Klik - also on board with that! Lining can scoot up quickly so I'm sure that will work out. And you're only less than 3mm from mature follies so those will get there too!! 2 it is and I love scooby's thoughts about quality. I am sending soooo many positive vibes to your follies! Grow little ones!!!
Hi, ladies!

Scooby, I like your plan... Gosh, I didn't know someone has to be in from 6am! That's early! But I think it's pretty ideal, because you each get time alone with the baby, you each get time alone at work, and then you also get time together both at home and at work. Pretty darn cool! Of course you can always adjust as needed... How are you? Gosh, Wednesday feels like forever away...

Wish, how are you doing? I really cannot wait for your first scan! I'm sooooo curious!

AFM: I've made peace with the fact that I only have 2 follicles. In fact, I'm somehow super encouraged by the fact that they're so close in size: 17mm and 17.5mm. They're right next to each other, in my left ovary. There's a 10.5 in my right ovary, and doc says if that one starts growing significantly we'll wait a little longer while it grows, but realistically chances are I'll trigger tomorrow and we'll just grab those 2 juicy ones. Lining was at 5.9, and doc said he'd be quite happy to transfer even with that thickness. Usually his personal cut-off is 6mm but "what's 0.1mm between friends?" He seems not to think thickness is particularly important, and he noted the lining is trilaminar. He was quite welcoming of me calling him again tomorrow, when we know what the lining will be like, and I'll take him up on that... Lining has stopped yo-yoing in thickness--I think it's because I'm laying off the raspberry leaf tea... Oh, Scooby, I try to have some whole milk product every day, just to fend off osteoporosis for the future... So yeah, let's see how things go tomorrow...
klik- I'm so happy to see such a positive update from you. KMFX for you and your 2 juicy follies (and the smaller guy in the right ovary)!! Grow, grow, grow for your mama!! Nice trilaminar uterine lining, too!! Well done!! xx :thumbup: :happydance:
Yeah me too!!! I think it sounds like things are looking wonderful for you!! I'm so excited to hear how the lining is today!!

Man, BNB is at it again with their page ads that you can't click through. I'm on my phone.
What I've learned this week - bloat is a sonofabitch.
Thanks, ladies!

Boopin, how are you feeling? Inconclusive diagnoses can be such a pain... I can't wait to see what your RE has to say... :hugs:

Wish: I get the impression you're used to being super lean, so I guess a lasting pregnancy will be an adaptation for you! :hugs:

I have mostly good news, though of course I can always find something to be anxious about... My two large follicles are growing fine: they're at 18.5 and 19, or something like that. My lining gave me huge relief--it was 7.7, which feels like going back to normal for me... But in my right ovary, one of the follicles has decided to grow a bit, so it's at 12.5, and the scanning doctor figured we might as well try to grab that one. LH is nice and low but I don't want to fry the big ones to try to grab the small one, or risk another premature ovulation... Anyway, so far so good--let's see what happens! We've also decided to throw a last-minute party tomorrow, since the Airbnb where we're staying has a large roof terrace. Most people I invited didn't even know I was in town, so I think only a tiny handful will attend, but it will be nice to see people and share the nice roof terrace with them... Any of you gals want to come to NYC? :winkwink: You'll be more than welcome at the party! :hugs:
Also posting from mobile site because of ad. Klik I just wanted to wish you good luck! This sounds really excellent & I'm so hopeful for you! :hugs:
Omg if I was closer I would!! How fun! Totally take advantage while you can!
And what a wonderful update, I'm so excited for you!! Way to go in the lining. What a relief.

I'm used to being around 135 at most (I'm 5'8" or a little under) so all of this weight gain from meds has been killing me (only around 140 now but it's so noticeable) and yeah, this bloat is shocking!! I know I have to get my head into a different space but it's not there yet. I'm not used to eating EVERY time I'm hungry.
My browser has an ad blocker so I'm blissfully ignorant of all this ad stuff...

Thank you, Scooby!

Wish: Wow, yeah, at 5'8'' and 130 you'll really feel any tiny deviation both in weight and in bloat... I'm sorry it's uncomfortable... I'm sure you'll slowly "grow" into it, in every sense of the word... :hugs: Shame you're all the way in NH--it would be super nice to meet you in person!

This is going to be the least-planned party ever--we haven't even bought anything yet, and I just did a load of laundry that I need to spread out all over the apartment to dry. Tomorrow morning will be pretty rushed, but in a really nice way (hopefully--unless the scan is bad, in which case I'll be moping around all day).
Hey, ladies! I hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weekend! I wanted to share my news... Today's scan was pretty good--LH is still quite low, which is great. The two juicy follicles are at 21 and 21.5, and the smaller ones on the right ovary have really started to grow: they're at 14.5 and 13. We're going to push at least one more day, maybe two if LH will allow it... Lining didn't thicken, though--it's at 7.5 today... I forgot to take my Floradix yesterday--hopefully remembering today will help... FX'ed!
Klik that sounds really excellent! I hope LH stays nice & low so you can give those little guys a chance to catch up! Enjoy the party tonight, I wish we could go. We're at the food & wine festival in Valhalla. So yummy but SO HOT. A terrace party this evening will be lovely once everything cools down. Have fun!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends. I'm 7 weeks today. Hooray blueberry week! Lots of cramping today but no bleeding so I think Moobley is just growing. :)
ohhhhh I've been meaning to comment on that Food & Wine fest!! that's so right up my alley, but would be torture not to drink! what did you have to eat?

Yeah blueberry week!! I turn 7 weeks tomorrow. Moobley is working hard in there!

I was actually light on symptoms yesterday but I wonder if it's b/c I did another 3mi hike/walk. I'm hoping everything is ok. I imagine I'll be a basketcase by Thurs.

klik - how'd the party turn out?
Thanks, ladies!

Scooby, that sounds delicious! I hope you had a blast! Actually the party was mostly during the day, as most of my friends have kids and therefore curfews... So I'm really glad it was yesterday and not today! We would have been roasting...

Wish: that hike sounds lovely! I'm sure you're fine, but totally understand your anxiety... :hugs: I guess the work trip will be something of a distraction, but I can completely relate with your impatience...

So, the party was remarkably well-attended considering how last-minute it was and how almost everyone who came has kids! Maybe New Yorkers with families are more spontaneous than Londoners with families? I don't know... Anyway, I was having so much fun I kept forgetting to top up people's drinks! :haha: Maybe that was just envy...

As for the cycle, I'm really on tenterhooks waiting for the bloodwork results and instructions... The larger follicles grew a little but the smaller ones didn't... I think if oestrogen is still increasing nicely and LH is still low, they might push another day. If LH has started to rise and we have to collect and only two are ready, I'm ok with that--but my real fear is that this cycle is also fizzling and the oestrogen will either fall or plateau. So until I find out I'll be :wacko:...
Got the instructions... trigger tonight. Oestrogen rose nicely and LH still well under control, but I guess they don't want to fry the bigger follicles? Not sure what the thinking is--anyway, I'm just hoping something fertilizes this time around!
Klik - popping in to check on an update from you and I see that you are triggering tonight. I'm guessing they want to make sure they don't lose those nice big ones. Best of luck with the trigger and retrieval!!! :dust:

Scooby & Wish - 7 weeks is amazing. Enjoy it -- symptoms and all. You've worked so hard to get here. :hugs:

AFM - Officially 32 weeks as of yesterday. I have my next prenatal checkup tomorrow. After this one, I think (???) I start going in every other week until I'm 36 weeks, and then I go weekly until I deliver. I've been going every 4 weeks so far.

DD is sick... again. She's been fighting high fevers for over 24 hours now. No other symptoms, so we are giving her medicine and monitoring her for now. I really, really hope it goes away soon. It's exhausting taking care of a sick toddler, especially when you have no idea what's causing the high temperatures.

Work has been exhausting as I'm now officially training the contractor that was brought in to backfill for me. She has no experience and no real foundation for my work to build on, so everything is brand new to her (including working on a PC - she's used to Macs). The count down until the start of my maternity leave is definitely on.
Ugh - DD's fever is still present. I gave her (more) Motrin and have been staying up so that I can take her temperature once more and confirm it's going down again before going back to sleep. I just made an online appointment to take her in to the pediatrician tomorrow after my doctor appointment (so I need to drive in, go to my appointment without her, then drive home to get her before heading back for her appointment). I was really hoping the fever would alleviate itself without another doctor visit for her this year. DH and I will need to figure out our plans for watching her on Tuesday as I really need to train my backup (in the office since her ID badge isn't ready yet and she still doesn't have building access), and DH needs to attend training that he missed the last time the two of them were sick together (last month). Poor kid - I just want her to be back to normal as I know it's no fun being sick (regardless of the extra tv, popsicles/jello, and other special treatment). Whatever she has - we certainly don't want it, either.
Disneyfan: thanks for the wishes! At some point it will definitely be time to move on from this high-stakes gamble on these scant, old follicles... But for now I'm still at it!

I'm really glad you're at 32 weeks--that's a really comforting milestone! Also really glad they are taking good care of you, and scanning Sarah to make sure you and she are safe... It feels like you're in good hands, and like they'll make sure this delivery is a much better experience for you!

As for your DD, I'm so sorry she's ill... :hugs::hugs::hugs: I wonder if all the changes that have already happened and that are still to come make her more susceptible to getting ill... I'm so sorry she's suffering, and it really looks like the childcare situation is anything but simple at the moment... I trust you'll find a good solution, but I'm sorry you have to scramble to do that... And I hope you don't get whatever she's got! I'm glad she's going to the pediatrician--hopefully they'll be able to reassure you...

Your temporary replacement sounds... uhm... well, it sounds like you'll have a lot of work waiting for you when you get back :wacko:

I had my "retrieval training session" today, except of course I'm a total veteran so they don't make me actually sit in on the session. Still, I have to list, again, all my medication and all my supplements and all of my failed IVF cycles so far... *sigh* Anyway, all set for retrieval tomorrow! Looking forward, but feeling pretty nervous...
hi girls!

klik -exciting that you triggered and have retrieval tomorrow! I hope one of those littler ones surprises you and you can eek out 3 eggs. :dust:

disney - oh boy, you have a lot going on right now! Poor little DD, I hope you guys can find out what's going on with her soon. Yeah, you don't want to get it, for sure. Sounds like a bit of a circus with all you have going on with the training, DH's training, daycare, doc appts for you both. I hope it's a quick spike of activity and things even out quickly.

scooby - how are you doing? how was your weekend?

boopin - how are you doing hon? got your questions ready for Wed?

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