IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

klik - I'm so sorry to hear that your cycle is being cancelled. I'm hoping that the specialist will have some ideas for you. It's incredibly frustrating to have your body work against you and have to face 2 cancelled cycles. Hang in there and don't lose hope. :hugs:

Wish - I'm feeling warm fuzzies for you. :thumbup: It really does sound promising! I'm trying my hardest not to be a bad influence and get you to test. :winkwink:
Wish keeping my fx for you tomorrow!

Klik, I'm so sorry, totally sucks.

So I tested and got a bfn. I'm trying to stay hopeful that this will eventually work, but that's getting REALLY hard to believe.
Thanks, Wish! I don't mind the questions at all. The specialist in question is Dr Davis, at Cornell, in NYC. His clinic gets mixed reviews, but he himself gets only rave reviews as far as I can see... My doctor is quite disturbed that I've gotten an early LH surge--says it's worrying that my brain and ovaries are so out-of-sync. But I've kind of noticed (when I was doing my own ovulation monitoring) that travel tends to do that to me. I need to tell him that before he refuses to treat me any longer! In my experience, my LH surge is indeed early--it seems to be happening around day 9 or 10, but for me it should be more like day 13. Then again, follie growth seems particularly slow this cycle, so the two seem to just be totally out of sync... :wacko:

Wish, best best best of luck today (well, it is Friday here already). I hope your symptoms are accurate... I hope this is happening for you, and that it sticks this time. :dust:

Disneyfan, thank you so much! I will not lose hope, I promise! :thumbup:

Amanda, I am so sorry! Hopefully just too early, but of course that is really discouraging... When is OTD? Good luck... :hugs:

Let me share my most recent wacky update: it was a different doctor who cancelled my cycle and instructed me to take norethisterone (following protocol) but my doctor asked if I'd be willing to come back in today for another scan to see if the follicle growth has caught up with the LH levels. Mind you, I don't think it has--I don't feel like I have high estrogen levels right now... so I'm pretty sure it will be cancelled, though of course I will go in to check. On the plus side, though, my doc said better not to take the norethisterone, and to wait for my brain and my ovaries to get back in sync by themselves. Which means we can at least try naturally... and a little bit of hope is better than none! Then again, if I get a cyst next cycle, I'll be pretty upset. :wacko: Still and all, I am sure we will all get there eventually, in our own ways!
Amanda - I'm so sorry! :hugs::hugs: Try not to lose hope. We're here for you! :hugs:
klik - It's still Thursday here, but I hope your scan brings you good news today (your today). It's great that your doctor is wanting to do things naturally. Fingers crossed that there will be no cysts next cycle should it come to that! :dust: :hugs:
I'm sorry Amanda. I know you didn't feel this was your cycle. What are you planning next? Hang in there, you may still get your little one. Big hugs, I hope you're okay. I did find counselling and listening to positive affirmations helped xx
I went in for my bloodwork this morning and picked up tests on the way home. Both were BFN. I'm feeling pretty duped by my body. DH is home today too so I basically just yelled down the bad news to him and went into my office to work. I can't....ugh....I CAN continue to take it but I just can't take it, yanno? So tired of BFNs. I really thought this was it. I'm so confused as to the signals my body was sending.
so Amanda - I get you, girl! this whole thing just blows. I really don't want to have another convo about what meds to shoot up with next for the fight to make over 3 follicles so a cycle won't get cancelled. I don't want the pressure of paying for the meds time and time again out of pocket. I'm so tired. And I've only been doing this (IVF) since last May. So then I feel weak b/c I haven't been in this anywhere near as long as others have.

sorry for my diatribe. Kinda just string of thought typing right now!

klik - I'm so happy with how things turned around for you!! FX'ed that you can make something happen naturally! and at the very least, that you can get some insight into why your LH and ovaries are out of sync. Good luck with your scan!
Oh Wish, I'm so sorry!! I felt the same thing after my last BFN, so I know exactly what you're feeling. :hugs::hugs: The whole process is so draining in so many ways, so what you're feeling is completely normal. If you are up for another cycle, we'll be here rooting for you along the way. Try to do something this weekend to help take your mind off of things. Hang in there!

Big hugs for all of you ladies who've gotten disappointing news lately!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm so sorry Wish. Try to be kind to yourself, but a good cry is probably in order. I know you must be so tired of doing this but I'm sure you can dust yourself off for another round. Just take some time out though. Big hugs xx
Oh, Wish, I am so sorry! Oh, no... I know what you mean, you can take it but you can't. I really do. Darn it! Please do consider one thing, when you have the ability to consider anything at all: please consider using a clinic that will NOT cancel you if you make fewer than three follies. That is just cruel and unusual punishment. You only need ONE, and it drives me crazy that women get cancelled after all that emotional, physical, and financial investment just because they're only producing one or two follies. Since my situation is driving me bonkers too, I happen to have asked a question on a different forum (dedicated to over-40, high-FSH folk) regarding which clinics in the US are best for DOR. Here is the link to the thread: https://www.network54.com/Forum/53068/thread/1454584989/last-1454687269/View+Thread -- all the clinics I mention in the title would not, as I understand it, cancel a cycle even if there is one egg to retrieve. None of them are in NH, though, sadly... Anyway, the other women in the forum have then added lots of really good information. Maybe it's too much for you to process right now, but maybe you're like me, and numbers and planning make you feel better. Either way, I am really sorry. I was really hoping it would happen for you this time. But it will happen. Your personality shines through in this forum, and I'm certain you will make a good mother, someday. Not as soon as you hoped, but still... hopefully soon. :hugs: Also, thanks for the encouragement and wishes!

Disneyfan: thank you so much for the wishes! :hugs:

My update: today's scan went meh. No follicles of any notable size, but then my LH stopped increasing and my oestrogen went up just a tiny bit. I now have another scan on Monday. Because why not? Who knows, maybe I'll just have a slow follie that will eventually make a baby...
wow, thank you so much, klik!! your message is so thoughtful and sweet. :hugs: Thank you to all of you for your kind words. This whole process...ugh. Gotta keep the end result in mind at all times, though.

I'm going to read into your other thread too - the clinic I go through is a 'center of excellence' for my insurance so we are charged a VERY good rate and don't have to pay as much out of pocket for them.
They actually didn't cancel the one cycle I had with less than 3 follies, but I was downgraded to an IUI. I thought this was a good approach - they put me under for egg retrieval and I know they don't want to go through the surgical process for less than 3 follies since there may be no eggs at all. I'm ok with this mindset but I'll look into your research as well.

I'm going to be doing a patch protocol next time, I guess. No details yet, I have my appt with the RE to go over them on 2/18. So going into an immediate next cycle is out. I probably have to get all of the estrace and crinone out of my system anyway.

I'm sorry that your scan was 'meh', but that sounds better than 'bah!' :) I hope tomorrow shows more growth and you can get on your way!
good luck to you this week, as well, disney!

we need some good things to happen here!!
Thanks, Wish! :hugs: to ya! My next scan is on Tuesday. Fingers crossed!

Good luck today, klik. I hope you receive favorable results from your scan or a positive next steps plan to move forward with. :hugs:

Hi to all of the other wonderful ladies that may be lurking.
Wish: you're very welcome! Ah, I understand, it's great that your clinic is covered in your insurance and you at least don't have to pay everything out of pocket... Also, the conversion to IUI does seem a very sensible approach. I have a wish for the most interventionist approach possible, but that's not exactly rational... We've seen a couple of IUI successes on this very thread! I hadn't heard of a patch protocol before, but I think it's about the method of estrogen delivery? I'm not even on estrogen--I think there's a big difference there between US and UK (or maybe it's a natural cycle IVF thing, perhaps...?) It's so funny, I research and research and never get to the bottom of anything! But hey, we'll get there someday, somehow. The 18th is not that far away... next week, in fact! Also, thanks for the wishes! :hugs:

Disneyfan: thank you so much for the wishes! I hope everything runs smoothly tomorrow. I hope your lining is nice and thick and ready for a little blastocyst! :hugs:

My scan sadly did not go very well (bah!)... "no development." The sonographer wanted to cancel the cycle there and then (before the blood test results, even), but I want to talk to my doctor first, just in case. There's a hint of "menopause" in all this, but hopefully this is my body reacting to long airplane trips (it's done that before--once, I skipped a period altogether). Anyway, I need to tell my doc I'm going to be unfaithful to him--after all I need the clinic to send all my info over to Dr Davis so he can use his presumably amazing abilities to come up with the best possible protocol for me. I shall keep you posted... in the meantime, waiting for Disneyfan results, Wish and Asterimou's next appointments, and any developments you lovely lurkers might have!
I'm wondering about menopause myself. I kinda just want someone to tell me it's happening and then maybe we can toss all of this stuff and look into adoption. I've been having night sweats for well over a year now. If a room at a party is slightly warm, I'm sweating and need to step outside. But I don't have hot flashes just sitting around my house, so maybe this really is just at parties! haha

yeah, I mean - IUI will most likely not work for us. I think I need someone to insert the damn sperm into the damn egg and hope for the best. But I know DH isn't going to want to travel around the country for better options - he's more practical in his ways and is like 'if it's not going to happen to us here, then maybe we become realistic and look into other avenues (like adoption)'.

I think you're right about the patch protocol. I need to do some research and understand more about it.

I'm sorry about your non-progression today. That's crap. Let us know what happens when you talk to your doc. I hope it's the plane rides too.
klik - I'm so sorry that your scan didn't going well. Fingers crossed that Dr. Davis will come up with a new plan that brings you the success we all want for you!

Wish - I hope that your RE can help you come up with a new plan, too. The 18th will be here before you know it. That's great that you get good rates through your insurance. My insurance has a lifetime max of $7,000 for infertility, and I blew through that during IVF #1 (thank goodness that lifetime max doesn't include the medication costs). We had to pay for IVF #2, the genetic testing, and all 3 FETs (including this one) completely out of pocket. Add to that the fact that my transfer keeps getting pushed back and I'm going to be billed for each lining check/office visit...:dohh:

I pray that both of you ladies find success before menopause actually sets in. :hugs:

Lining check is tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed that I finally get good news! I'd like to change the course of luck in this thread back around. :flower:
good luck, disney!! you're our next hope for good news!! :)

yikes, that is a low lifetime max for this stuff!! I feel you, though - we hit our Rx OOP max in the first IVF too. I didn't know to shop around so I just went through our regular pharmacy and, apparently, they charge almost full price! I was doing Gonal-F too which is the kiss of death for costs, I've found. So all of my meds are OOP now.

welp - just found out that I have a business trip next week from 2/16-2/18 to CA, so I have to postpone my appt with my doc to 2/29. She is on vacation the full week after 2/18 so I have to wait until she's back. So now I can't start the patch until my next cycle. I think this puts me out to a test date of May now. Almost 1/2 the year gone by then! UGH! We said we were going to try for one more calendar year and then call it. We'll see about that, but geez. Guess I can go back to my boxing gym and maybe get into some kind of shape again, then!
So sorry for another delay, Wish! On the plus side, we've been having gorgeous weather in CA this week, so hopefully it will be nice when you are here. :flower: What part of CA are you traveling to?

No news from me. My stubborn lining is 8.6 - still just shy of the 9.0 minimum that me RE wants. :dohh: I go back on Friday to check it again. It's at least an hour drive each way without traffic. :dohh::dohh:
ohhhhhh boy - your lining is a stubborn bugger!!

I'm coming into Sacramento. i'm sure anywhere in CA is nicer than NH this time of year!!
ohhhhhh boy - your lining is a stubborn bugger!!

I'm coming into Sacramento. i'm sure anywhere in CA is nicer than NH this time of year!!

Thanks! My doc finally decided it's time to up my estrogen dosage to 2 pills 3x a day. I start that regimen tomorrow.

Sacramento is not too far from me, though I don't really live right there, either. Weather has been great, though. :thumbup:
Disneyfan, that is so frustrating! I'm really sorry... :hugs: I'm glad you're on more estrogen, though. I'm sorry you have to pay every time you check! And generally, that you've hit your insurance max... Feh... Well, next time, hopefully, will be IT, and you'll be nice and ready. Good luck!

It's been rough times for this thread, huh? I think we are now owed a break.

Wish, I don't think either of us are menopausal, but still, the fear looms large. My doctor said that usually cycles get shorter before they get longer--has either of those started happening to you? I think some women have low ovarian reserves for a long time before they reach menopause...

For myself, I do think I am in perimenopause--but I think I've still got a couple of years' worth of cycles in me. Maybe that's just wishful thinking... But yeah, for most of my adult life my cycles were super-regular, and now it seems they're easy to throw, and my hormones more easily become erratic. I will be shocked if AF doesn't show up all by herself within the next two months (unless, of course, I get pregnant naturally... hope dies last!!) But ok, I have to admit it's a possibility.

Wish, I'm sorry you maxed out on your insurance-covered meds. So frustrating... Might you possibly do a fresh transfer? Or is it only frozen? May is a long way away... and you're right, the idea of half they year gone, practically, before you test again is... hard to bear. :hugs:

My cycle did get cancelled, BTW, on Monday, but that did not come as a shock.

Tough stuff all around. I think we all deserve congratulations for being so strong and so resilient and putting up with so much frustration! :hugs:

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