IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hey guys, I've been laying low for the past week, having a rough time with all these bfn's. AF arrived yesterday, so went in this morning for my scan. Low and behold they found a 13mm cyst on my right ovary. Which meant I had to have it drained, which was less than pleasant. I swear my strength just keeps getting tested throughout this whole process.

Klik so sorry your cycle got cancelled, totally sucks.

Disney hopefully the extra estrogen pills are the key!

Wish, i know how far away may seems, but good idea to take the time and spend it on yourself in the meantime.

Hugs all around!
Hang in there, Amanda - we can totally do this. It's so hard, I agree. But we pick ourselves up and soldier on b/c that's all we can do.

klik - ugh, sorry about your cancelled cycle. Like you said, it wasn't a surprise but still. More time wasted.

disney - excited for your FINAL scan tomorrow and your cush lining!

yeah - all I've done are fresh transfers before this one FET. We only had one frozen embryo, so that's it unless we can make more. We've done the following:
May 2015 - transferred 2 fresh, 1 implanted, ended in m/c after 7 weeks
Sept 2015 - fresh cycle but downgraded to IUI due to one follicle growing only
Nov 2015 - fresh cycle, resulted in only one good embryo to transfer
Jan 2015 - first and only FET

re: my rescheduled appt - I'm never one to make any noise so I did call up and ask if the doc could have a phone consult with me this time instead of me having to come in, if that would be possible before she goes on vacation on 2/22. So we didn't have to push off the cycle. Still waiting to hear back - her admin said that she was completely booked but she'd email her to ask if she'd be willing to move things around or something. So I'm working on it. :)

klik - I agree - we all need a big high five or hug or award for all we're going through! :)
Thanks, ladies! I'm hoping this is it! I increased to estrace 3x/day startung yesterday. Of course, stupid me left her meds at home when she went into the office (I normally work from home, and my office is 1.5 hours away). I had to call my doctor's office and request that they call in a small RX for estrace to the pharmacy a few blocks away. :dohh: Good news is, I got my meds and was able to take them. Bad news - I am now starting to feel itchy. My doctor thinks it's either a result of so many vaginal ultrasounds, or it's the start of a yeast infection. Yay me. :dohh: I was told to start using monistat and to keep her posted. :growlmad:

klik - I agree - we've all been through road blocks and struggles. We deserve a medal and some better luck. I'm hope the specialist you've reached out to has some good ideas for you! :dust:

Amanda - bummer about the cyst. I'm glad they we able to take care of it for you, though I'm sorry about the discomfort. Is that resolved enough to move forward? Best of luck! :hugs:

Wish - Keep working on your doctor. Good for you for pressing. I'd hate to see you have to wait. :hugs:
Oh god Disney, like I'm sure a yeast infection is just what you needed right now. Boo! Hope it clears up soon!

Wish, you said it.....pick ourselves up and power through. As hard as it is to do, it's our only choice, as the alternative, stopping everything, seems like a much worse idea now. Hopefully your dr comes through!

Klik, we totally deserve something for all of this!!! Hugs for sure!! The support from all you ladies has been so incredibly helpful as well. So thanks!!!

So after they drained the cyst, we resume the cycle as normal, so I start liveries and gonal-f tonight for my 3rd and probably last iui, before going back to IVF. Next scan is on Tuesday, so hopefully there are no more surprises.
Thanks, Amanda. I started a course of Monistat 3 tonight. Yay me. :dohh: I hope this medication wouldn't have any impact on our embryo should we (finally!) be able to transfer next week. Lining check #4 is tomorrow. This has got to be the last one! :wacko:

I'm glad that you were able to continue with this cycle. Fingers crossed for a great scan on Tuesday and a successful transfer!!
Disneyfan: frustration upon frustration--I'm really sorry... Best of luck today. I'm really rooting for ya. Hopefully you're over the hard bit now, and things will run smoothly from now on. :dust:

Amanda, I'm really sorry about the cyst, and the unpleasantness of it... OTOH, I'm very glad you get to use this cycle--who knows, it might be the one, and hopefully you won't have to go back to IVF at all! I know you don't believe it right now, but I'm hoping that BFP hits you when you least expect it... :dust:

Wish: you're right. It's so hard, but we just get back on our feet and fight another day. I'm really glad you're trying to arrange a phone consultation. I've developed some sharp elbows on this journey, and I wish I'd done so earlier... I really hope your doc finds a way to make some time for you, and you can get going again asap! :thumbup:

AFM: I've asked my doc to call me twice (phone follow-ups are supposed to happen pretty quickly at my clinic), but haven't heard from him yet... I think he's sick of me! All I want to tell him, though, is about my upcoming consultation with Dr Davis. I keep trying to remember he's not a god but can't help pinning lots of hopes on that appointment. Well, at the moment there's little else I can do apart from BD occasionally, just in case, and otherwise wait for AF... and, of course, live vicariously through you gals! Big hugs and good luck to all! :hugs:
klik - when is that appt with Dr Davis scheduled for? I'm so hopeful for you! I love that you've developed sharp elbows. Stinks that we have to but hey - we're not the ones making money out of all of this. I hate to sound crass b/c I know our docs have to have gone into this practice for the love of it, but they see many people, we just see them. So we have to be squeaky wheels!

disney - good luck today!!

amanda - so glad your cycle can continue!! You and Disney are up next!!

afm - heard back from the nurse yesterday who had not yet heard back from the doc. So she put me on the cancellation list in case someone cancels and in the meantime, hopefully the doc actually responds to her email and says she can fit me in at some point next week. I mean, seriously - her appts do NOT last very long. I know she is also in surgery some days and whatnot - she does it all. She did my D&C last June and she's done a transfer for me. But still....a 10 min convo? For a patient you've been seeing for almost a year?? Throw me a bone!

one good note - I think the estrace weight is dropping off! I dropped 2lbs overnight and I'm back in my comfort zone! WOO!
No time for a full response right now, but I wanted to give a quick update from my cell. I'll respond to the previous comments in a little bit. :flower:

My stubborn lining measured 8.9 at my RE's initial look. :dohh: She measured it in a different direction, and it was 10, so she was happy. Transfer is scheduled for next Thursday. FINALLY! :thumbup: I hope this is the start of a swing in a new direction for the luck of this thread!
woohooo!!! congrats, disney! one more hurdle crossed!
Disneyfan: congratulations!! You must have been crestfallen at the first measure, but 10 sounds nice and thick. Well done! :thumbup: Wow, Thursday--it's just around the corner, finally! So exciting! :dust:

Wish: appt w/ Dr Davis on March 7th. We'll probably decide quite last-minute whether or not to fly--I don't want to miss a cycle, if AF does come before then. I'm glad your weight has come off... and I agree, I think your doc should find a way to make the time. Squeak away, girlfriend! :thumbup:

I'm now kind of enjoying the time off... that frightens me a little, as I really don't have time to waste, but it's not as if months are going to go by and I'm just not going to notice that I haven't had any cycles. So I might as well enjoy it, huh?
Agreed! Enjoy while you can! That's what I'm doing, as it's looking more and more like I'll just keep the 29th appt and skip a cycle. Oh well.

Disney - hope the yeast infection is clearing up for you! Those are so not fun.
Aw, Wish, shame if you do indeed skip a cycle... :hugs:

Disneyfan: indeed, hoping that yeast infection is going away... :hugs:

Amanda: best of luck on your scan tomorrow! I hope everything looks good... :dust:

I had a bit of a panic last night, comparing local DOR-friendly clinics' numbers with the DOR-friendly ones in the US. I've pretty much convinced myself that I need to get myself stateside asap. I don't have any more time to waste! So much for enjoying my time off--now I'm feeling extremely impatient! :wacko:
amanda - good luck tomorrow!

klik - I get the impatience feeling!! do you mean for Dr Davis or for another clinic? how much time will you have to spend here, do you think? I guess I don't know how all of that works - going to a different country for assistance. What's the plan?
Thanks guys! I've had one hell of a weekend, as my grandfather went into the hospital Thursday and passed away this morning. Honestly, fertility has been the absolute last thing on my mind.
Hi ladies. Busy weekend here, and I left my iPad at my parents house for most of it, so it hasn't been easy to get on here. Thanks for all of your words of encouragement. Being itchy :blush: is no picnic. Still not 100% gone, but it's loads better than it had been. I hope it is fully gone in the next couple of days. Thursday will be here before I know it.

Amanda - I'm so deeply sorry for loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope all goes well with your scan if you're still planning on going. :hugs:

Wish - I'm still hopeful that your doctor will make time for you and that you won't have to wait so long. Don't be afraid to keep checking. :hugs:

Klik - Your appointment with Dr. Davis will be here before you know it. Hopefully your cycle starts when you want it to and that everything is synced up nicely and falls in line together. :hugs:
Amanda: I'm so sorry for your loss... It sounds like it was a hellish experience. It's difficult to focus on creating a new life while also having to deal with death. Nevertheless, I hope your scan went well yesterday... :hugs:

Wish: still no joy with your doc? I hope she's gotten back to you by now! My plan is... to play it by ear! I spoke to my usual RE, and to my surprise he did not immediately dismiss the idea of running Dr Davis's protocol, whatever it may turn out to be. He just asked to see the specifics, and then we can chat about it. The reason why that's surprising is because my clinic's numbers are very good (for the UK), and when that is the case there is always a question in my mind: does patient selection play a role in those excellent numbers? Here in the UK, natural cycle IVF gets segregated into its own category, so we DOR folk don't taint the numbers for stimulated IVF... But the minute there's a tiny dose of stims, it's a different story. So I had kind of convinced myself that my doc would say "no" to any stimulation, which is sad because I actually like him a lot, and find the clinic efficient, and would prefer not to have to fly back and forth like some migratory bird. So, for now, I am hoping for a natural pregnancy this cycle... if that doesn't happen and I get my period before talking to Dr Davis, I'll do a natural cycle IVF here... and once I have Dr Davis's protocol, if I'm not already pregnant, I'll do my best to implement it at my clinic. If that's not possible, off to the US I go, I think. Sorry that's so verbose!

Disneyfan--thanks very much for the wishes! I hope the itchiness has improved by now... I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed for your transfer tomorrow!! Best of luck, and lots of sticky dust for you and that little girl-blastocyst of yours! :dust:
Thanks, klik! I'm hoping this is the one!!

:dust: on your consult with Dr. Davis! I'm glad that your current RE is willing to work with you and discuss and ideas or plans offered by other physicians. :thumbup: It would be great to avoid the extra time and and money associated with traveling overseas. Even better would be a surprise natural BFP and not even have to worry about appointments anymore. Good luck!
awww, lovely, disney!! Congrats!!! stick, little one, STICK!

amanda - I'm so, so sorry that your family had such a tragedy last weekend. I think the only silver lining to any of that, from what I can tell, is that he really didn't suffer. Was he sick before he went into the hospital? I hope you and your family find comfort in celebrating his life.

klik - that's wonderful that your doc is open to Dr Davis' ideas! what a load off your shoulders to not feel like you have to morph into a migratory bird! :) I'm so excited for you - I hope this is the key!

sorry I've been MIA - had that business trip out to CA. I was constantly around my coworkers or literally crawling into bed b/c of the time difference messing me up.
Good news - I DID call the office to see if she had left me a message about a cancellation and even though she hadn't, there was one that fit absolutely perfectly into my travel schedule! So I had the phone consult with the doc literally 15 mins after we left the client meetings yesterday, and before the Uber driver got to the door (he was about 45 mins late) so I could have my call with her outside and away from my colleagues!
We discussed the next protocol - a patch protocol which really is the same as an antagonist (I'll be doing menopur/Gonal-F and either cetrocide or ganerelix) except instead of suppressing with BCP, I'll lightly suppress with an estrodiol patch. I start that 7 days after I ovulate this cycle and after AF gets here, I'll have a Day 2 scan to make sure I'm properly suppressed and then I'll start stims. I really hope I respond quickly to the stims - it gets so expensive to keep ordering Gonal-F!
So yesterday was cd10, I usually ovulate around cd17 and I'll start the patch a week after that. So around March 3, should get AF around 3/6, day 2 scan 3/8 and then start my stims either that day or the day after.
Wish - thanks!! :hugs: I'm so glad that you were able to talk to your doctor and come up with a plan that doesn't involve waiting! My protocol during both IVF cycles included a mix of Gonal-f, Menopur, and Ganirelix. The physicians assistant at my RE's office showed me how to mix the meds into a single syringe so that I only had to do one shot per night (2 on the day I had to add in the trigger). Be sure to save thos Gonal-f pens. There will always be more left in them, and your doctor's office should be able to help you draw it out into a syringe for you. :thumbup: March will be here before you know it!

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