IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

klik - My clininc will do beta #1 on 5/31 and freeze, then beta #2 on 6/2 to compare the results. Official OTD is 6/2. But, I'll be POAS a week post FET. Will you be POAS or wait it out until your OTD on 6/8??

I wish you luck tomorrow at your lining scan!! ((BIG HUGS)) I hope the extra estrogen did the trick!! I have a few suggestions to help build your UL. Go for a gentle walk today to get the blood flowing to your uterus. Eat blood nourishing and iron rich foods, such as protein. Remember to eat meat lean and organic only. Besides animal protein, other good blood builders include: rice and oats, lentils and other types of beans and legumes, green leafy vegetables (i.e. kale), cabbage, celery, mushrooms, and nuts and seeds. I also drink 100% pomegranate juice 8 oz daily up to the day before transfer. I hope this helps you klik, GL!! :thumbup:
amanda - I read your entire blog tonight and I must say it moved me. It felt very familiar and inspiring at the same time. There were parts in your journey that were very relatable. I appreciate your candor. I love the affirmation, "The odds are in your favor." I believe this to be true. Eventually, we'll come out on the winning side of infertility. It's bound to happen, the odds are in OUR favor.

You have an amazingly supportive husband, an awesome therapist and 6 beautiful frosties. Stay the course my friend. You're putting in the work now and hopefully will see the result(s)... your baby or babies!! :winkwink:
Asterimou: it's good to take your time... And please don't worry, I don't think you're being negative at all! Each of us is different, but we're all good people, and whichever way we manage to build a family I'm sure it will be a happy one. I think adoption is a wonderful option, and I'll definitely be cheering for that to be as straightforward as possible if you decide to go down that path! On the other hand, if you decide to try another assisted conception route, I'll cheer for that too! Just do whatever you feel is best! If you're ever in London and want a hug in person, let me know... :hugs: Also, thanks for the wishes!

Amanda: Hurray on AF arriving!!! It's so nice to feel there's movement again, isn't it? Here's hoping for no cysts! And this time, I hope your embryo sticks and stays stuck! :dust:

Boopin: thanks for the wishes and the ideas... My little update is below. The thing is, my natural lining is usually nice and thick, so I'm annoyed at having gone for the medicated option and getting a WORSE result than what my body does by itself! Oh, well. But I love that you're eating so well! I am, too, on the whole, and I'm sure that helps overall. I'm really glad your lining is gorgeously lush! :dust: I won't be POAS before June 8th. If I get a BFN before OTD, I will HATE having to still take all the medication while believing it's all for nothing. So I can't--it's unhealthy for me. But I totally understand the wish to know beforehand! I hope your first POAS already gives you good news!!! :dust:

My update: lining scan went pretty well--I went from 7.5mm to 9mm in two days! 9mm I'm comfortable with (the clinic is happy with just 8mm). I'm sure the extra tablets of estrogen helped, but what I feel strongly helped is that they took me off the agonist a bit early, so my natural hormones could help, too! I mean, I've got no follicles, so I guess I'm not making estrogen, but I'm sure my whole hormonal environment has been oversuppressed. Sonographer got a bit ahead of herself and said the lining was "over 10" but then had to correct herself and say it was 9. Still, I'm happy! :happydance:
Boopin' thanks! I found blogging/journalling has been really helpful :) I haven't written much, but I will be updating much more once this next cycle gets started.

Klik, 9mm is awesome!! :dance:

AFM, clinic is closed today (forgot their schedule changed and they are now closed on Wednesdays. I'm a little bummed, but it's not the end of the world, tomorrow's only CD3, so shouldn't be a problem to have my scan tomorrow. One more day of waiting. Oh well!
klik - Congrats on the UL growth of 9 mm!! That's a cozy lining. And it has a few more days to grow. Yayyyy!!
Nice lining Klik. It would be good to meet in person one day. What part of London are you in? I'm off on travels with work again now but will let you know when I next plan to be in the big smoke ;)
Amanda: Thanks! :hugs: That is so annoying that the clinic is closed on Wednesdays! Best of luck at the scan today! :dust:

Boopin: Thanks! :hugs: I just bought some pomegranate juice, thinking of your list. Wishing us both the BEST of luck on Monday and beyond! :dust:

Asterimou: I'm in North London, in Islington. Do let me know if ever you are around and have time and the inclination to meet up... You may well prefer to preserve your anonymity, and I totally respect that! Are you going through a bit of retrenchment now or are you actively pursuing something?

I had my very first PIO injection yesterday--my DP is needle-phobic so a nurse did it for me at the clinic (after my scan). I was terrified, but actually it was totally painless while she was doing it. What relief! Still, now I feel the muscle's soreness when I'm walking around. Tomorrow I'll try doing it by myself (in the thigh, which is more realistic for one person alone)...
klik - I inject PIO standing up in front of the bathroom mirror. I position myself by standing side ways (leaning against the sink counter) and bearing my weight on the side I'm not injecting. That seems to relax the muscle. The mirror will help with guiding the needle to the right spot. Before I do this, I apply a cold pack for 10-15 minutes to the injection site. This will numb the area real good. You won't feel a thing, trust me. Inject the PIO slowly and wait 10 seconds before pulling the needle out. Apply a heat pack/pad after and gently massage, so that the PIO can absorb into your muscle easier. If you have some bleeding just apply pressure with a paper towel or tissue until it stops and then reapply the heat. A small amount of blood is normal, so don't be alarmed.

P.S. Make sure to rotate your injection sites. This will give your muscles time to rest. If you inject only on one side it can cause redness, bruising and lumps.

You got this klik!! YOU CAN DO IT!! :hugs:
Klik, PIO takes some getting used to, but it's not so bad! Let us know how it goes in the thigh! Never heard of that.
klik - glad your lining cushed up!!! I'm so excited for your transfer!!

boopin - you too!!

amanda - glad things are getting going for you as well!!

aster - goodness, do not think that those feelings are 'negative'. they are realistic and everyone has their threshold. We actually have enough in our lifetime max for me to try one more IVF and I just can't do it. For me, the odds are no different from trying naturally so it doesn't make sense to jack myself up with meds again only to get one 'good' egg. That's why i'm going to try medicated IUI - same as trying naturally, basically, just with 5 days of drugs (not injectables, something I can pick up at the drug store, etc - just easier!) and we're going to look into adoption too. I feel somewhat 'negative' or like I'm giving up by not looking closer into Donor Eggs as well - it just seems like it's too much. I don't have the time to sink myself into looking for a lawyer, an agency, paying for screenings (what if they fail? back to the drawing board...), more meds (not as much since I wouldn't be the one stimming), etc. It just feels like that process could take another 6 months before I even get the possibility to transfer an embryo into me and then....it may not take. That's too much for me to handle at this point. So I think I'm pretty sold on adoption and continuing to try with IUI. Maybe we'll get lucky and result in my ORIGINAL hopes of having one, adopting one!! :)
Good luck to you - any decision you make will be the best for YOU, so feel ok with it. If you want to PM me or anything, please feel free to!! :hugs:
Hey guys! Quick update: I had my scan this morning, and no cysts!! :dance:
My RE suggested we do a endo scratch tomorrow, to help with implantation. I've heard great things about it, but most people do it the cycle BEFORE an IVF/FET, not the same cycle. I'll be CD4 tomorrow. I've read a few things that suggest it's ok/good to do it the same cycle, and I trust that my Dr's wouldn't have me do something that would hinder my chances.....but a little confused. Anyone with any experience?
Hi ladies - still on vacation but stopping in for a really quick check in. I just wanted to send big hugs to Aster and wish the ladies who are gearing up for FETs good luck!!

Klik - I've heard that PIO in the thigh hurts a lot more than in your butt. If you use ice to numb the area, be sure to apply heat after like Boopin said or else it will clump and you will end up with knots from the oil. I use a small battery operated back massager on the area for several minutes after the injection to help spread things around. Also, if you find yourself getting itchy at the injection sites after a while, I've found swabbing the area with another alcohol swab to help eliminate that issue. If you decide to go for the butt, make sure that you stick to the upper outer quadrant -- it hurts less there. The area is in the upper area if you draw an imaginary line at the top of your crack and down the center of the "cheek". Forgive the image of a butt drawing. :haha:


Either way, whichever site you choose to inject from, watching YouTube videos of PIO shots should help.

I'll check back in soon. We drive home on Saturday, and I already know that DD will be extremely upset when it's time to leave. She's in pure heaven here, and I'm in heaven watching the joy in her face. :cloud9:
My DP overcame his terror of needles and did the injection for me today! I am in awe, and super, super grateful! Not sure if he'll manage it again, but I'm truly amazed!

Boopin': Wow, you're legendary! The nurse who showed me the thigh method told me she'd only ever had ONE patient who managed to do it herself in the buttocks, and yes, it involved a mirror. You are an unbelievably competent woman! :thumbup: I'd feel too stressed out, I think--I'd go for the thigh even though it hurts more... Also, my clinic said it helps to hold the ampoule in your hand for 15 minutes to get it to body temperature and thin the oil... Thanks so much for all your pointers! :hugs:

Amanda: YAY for no cysts!!! :happydance: I don't know what to tell you about an endometrial scratch in the same cycle... my clinic did it in the previous cycle, so no experience... But I doubt your clinic would suggest it if they thought it could be deleterious!

Wish: Ooooh, I love your original plan, and hope you do indeed get lucky and it comes to fruition! One of your own and one adopted sounds wonderful! :hugs: Also, I'd never thought of how complicated DE could be... Lawyers... Ugh!

Disneyfan: you sound like you're having such a grand time! :thumbup: Yeah, you're right, from experience I can now tell you the thigh injection hurts more, and for a lot longer, than the butt one. DP did watch some Youtube videos and that really helped. I'm so impressed with him! He did say he thought he might throw up afterwards, but he didn't. Thanks for all the pointers! :hugs: Enjoy the rest of your time there! It's lovely that your DD is having the time of her life!
Yay for no cysts Amanda!

Thanks for your supportive words everyone and making me feel I'm not a negative Nellie. I just had my follow up consultation and it has given me even more to think about. He said sperm DNA fragmentation could be an issue but treatment would be antioxidants so we can just put DH on some multi vits. It may be good to transfer my embies on day 3 in future as they could develop better in me as they seem to not like the lab. He also suggested an endo scratch and endoscope if we go again. Due to my blocked tubes he said I could have them clipped to avoid any fluid in the womb but said it didn't seem like that was my problem. He also said I may want to consider specialist tubal surgery to unblock them if I want to leave the IVF path. He said I had a 50% chance of unblocking.

He suggested I test for natural killer cells and thrombotic risk profile so we can understand if they are factors before starting again. He was actually really helpful and made me feel like I wanted to stay with this clinic. It is 5 min walk away so does make it easy. But those London clinics have much better success rates. Decisions decisions!
good luck in whatever path you choose, aster! I agree - way too many decisions sometimes.

yikes! butt shots!! I hope you girls are walking ok this weekend ;)

congrats on no cysts, Amanda!

klik - thanks!! I kinda like my idea too. Watch, we'll have 2 kids by this time next year. WOO!

disney - glad you're having a great time!! hard not to in such a happy place. I've been in love with Disney stuff since I was a kid. I wanted to be one of their animators as my career at one point! Then they changed over to graphic design in most of their movies and my drawing talents were not as needed. Literally, the year I left for college, it all changed!
Wish: I agree the DE route seems a long one and if it didn't work it would hit hard. I haven't even paid for my first 2 cycles as we got them on NHS but it was so stressful even without the financial pressure. I will be talking to my social worker friend on Sunday about adoption so will pass on any tips I get. I love the idea of giving someone in need a good life. Staying in the system shows statistically they will have a tough life, so adoption really is a beautiful thing to be able to do. I also intend on adopting my second if I have success with IVF, so we're very aligned.

I've pretty much talked myself into round 3! Yesterday was hard though, literally balling my eyes out but I think that release (and AF coming) has helped me calm down today and see the light.

Good luck FET ladies, I've lost track of transfer dates so keep me updated:dust:
Cheering you on for lucky #3, aster!!! You got this!! and I love your plan regardless :)
Quick reply, just had my scratch. Was short but excruciating, may have been the worst procedure yet as I was not medicated or sedated. Here's hoping it helps!!!!!
Hi Amanda- I've been advised for an endo scratch as well. I didn't realise they were painful. Was it just painful at the time? Hope you're feeling better now and that it makes the difference. You got so far last time, hopefully these few changes will get you your full term baby :)

Id love to read your blog - is there a link to it?

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