IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hi Aster! So I'm not going to lie, it was extremely painful....but for like 15 seconds. The pain was like the worst period cramps I've ever had, but then completely stopped after 15 seconds. So yes, it was brutal, but short. I usually get nauseous with PMS cramps, so when it was over, I was very nauseous and pale for about 10 minutes, but then it was ok. I guess if you don't usually get nauseous, then maybe it'll be easier for you. Honestly, the pain was excruciating, but the fact that it's so short.....well, we're strong, we can do ANYthing for 15 seconds, right? I would definitely do it again if I had to though, and studies show good things! So definitely do it, but just prepare mentally!
There's a link to my blog in my sig, but in case it doesn't work it's dreamsandembryos.wordpress.com. I'm going to be writing another post at some point today :) I definitely understand the tears, glad you are happy with your decision to start #3 :)

Hope everyone else is doing great!

Disney: your trip sounds amazing!!

Wish: I envy your drawing abilities! Drawing stick figures is difficult for me hehe

Klik: Yay for DH being able to do the shots! I'm sure it'll get easier and easier for him.

Boopin: I second what Klik said about you doing the shots yourself....amazing! I'm not sure I could twist that way, and then STILL get it in straight, let alone muster up the courage to stick that 1-1/2" needle in me. The SubQ ones are one thing.....You go girl!

Klik and Boopin: good luck on transfers which must be coming soon!!
Asterimou: those all sound like really positive possibilities. It's nice that there is a lot to do, if you wish, to have your own child. Again, loving the idea of one yours, one adopted... I'm glad you've talked yourself into round 3, although I have to admit I'm quite upset with your clinic for not doing semen analysis or doing day-3 transfers in the first place... Maybe NHS rules?! Hard to know... Though my RE keeps pushing for day 5 even when I only have one embryo! I mean, to me that's just mad! Sorry, I'm feeling frustrated right now, but the fact is, the doctors try to help us as best as they can with whatever information they've got, and they can't always make the right call the first or second time around... The important thing: I hope whatever you go for comes to fruition! :hugs:

Wish: Cool, you've got drawing talents! :thumbup: Do you still use them? Hey, I'll LOVE it if you have two kids by this time next year! What an adventure! :hugs:

Amanda: sorry the scratch was so painful! Did they tell you to have your bladder full? They totally neglected to tell me! Also, they said painkillers were optional and if I were to do it again, not sure what I'd go for... Bear the pain for 15 minutes, as you say, or take the painkillers beforehand? Ugh, so sorry about the nausea, though--that's a whole lot of discomfort for a little scratch! :hugs:
Amanda: I read the blog and can totally relate. I'm glad it's given you an outlet and it sounds like your counsellor has already given you some different ways to approach things so that's good. I feel really hopeful for you that at least one of those 6 frosties will stick xx

Klik: it annoyed me they didn't suggest pre natals for my DH. I remember asking them at the beginning but because the general semen analysis was 'normal' they said it wasn't necessary. Now they said it could be DNA fragmentation and if it is then all they could suggest was taking pre natals. So why didn't they just say that before I went through this twice!

The day 3 thing I understand a bit more as they are trying to select the best but with one embryo that makes no sense! My RE also said they can't prove an embryo is better in the womb or not as they can obviously never test the same embryo in the two different circumstances. He did say day 5 have a better success rate but that is attributed to them selecting the highest grade embryos. That aside he will allow me to elect a day 3 transfer this time. To be honest I think I'm swaying towards ARGC because I truly feel that round 3 is my last fresh cycle so I want to give it the best odds. If I get frosties I would do FETs but I don't feel me or DH can go through another fresh. So, the plan is to get pregnant this time!!

Boopin and Klik; when are your transfers? Hope injections are going okay.

Disney: will be good to have you back :) hope you had lovely hols.

Wish: I spoke to my friend about adoption and it was all really positive. In the UK we will be unlikely to get a baby but we'd be okay with that. More likely a 3 or 4 year old. If we took siblings then we could get a baby and a toddler all in one:headspin: It would take around 6 months for all the checks and can take up to two years to get a match, but could be as quick as just after approval, depends on who needs adopting at the time. I would get 36 weeks adoption pay off from work, which I never realised. It's the same as maternity leave. So we've decided to attend a few open evenings to learn more. I've always wanted to know more about adoption so this feels like the right time to investigate. I'm sure it's different in the US but thought I'd share xx
Hello Aster, My FET is Monday morning 10:15 PST. Injections are going a lot smoother the second time around. This time tomorrow I'll be PUPO. I'm happy and hopeful again. Thanks for asking. :hugs: I wish you all the best in moving forward with your next steps!!

klik - Thinking of you. <3:kiss:<3:kiss:<3

Disney - I can't wait to hear about your family trip!!

I hope everyone's having a great weekend. ((HUGS))
Klik, No! They also neglected to tell me about the full bladder. As I was about to go in, the nurse was like, when did you pee last? I said about 20 minutes ago, and then she got this weird look on her face, and went oh....the dr likes you to have a full bladder, here drink this glass of water. I was kinda annoyed no one told me beforehand, wonder if it would have made a difference?

Aster, thank you so much, the blog is definitely an amazing outlet, like journalling, but then you feel like you actually have an audience, which is kinda cool. I haven't told anyone I know but hubby about it, and I think I'll keep it that way. I like the anonymity. :) I appreciate your words of encouragement :) I really hope you get pregnant this next cycle! And that you get some frosties as well. I don't know if it's the same there, but my clinic was much more conservative with my meds the cycle I was not paying. As soon as I had to fork out the $10 000 they upped my meds to try and get the most eggs possible. I've got really high hopes for you Aster :)

Boopin' yay!! PUPO today!! Good luck at transfer hun! How many are they putting back again?

Klik, your transfer must be coming up as well?

Disney and Wish: Hello! Hope you are having good weekends! :) (Still a weekend here for us, as it's a holiday!)
Happy PUPO Day, boopin!!! thinking of you today - I hope everything goes well!!

aster - thank you so much for sharing the info you got. I love that you're going to check it out too. I don't know really anyone (a friend of a friend, that's it) that has adopted so I don't really have anyone to ask. I need to start researching, though. Last week was such a bear at work, I didn't have any free time to look.

klik - are you PUPO today/this week as well??

amanda - ouch! that endo scratch sounds awful!! I'm glad you've read good things coming out of it, though - sheesh. Enjoy Victoria Day! we have an extra day off next Monday - looking forward to a 3-day weekend! It's the unofficial start to summer here.
Asterimou: indeed... hard not to wonder very hard why they didn't think of either testing or just pre-emptively recommending multivitamins (because why not?). Also, I appreciate reading about the adoption situation in the UK--it is of potential interest to us, down the line. I wish you immense amounts of luck with both ventures! I hope soon you have little ones to love! :hugs:

Boopin: Best of luck!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm thinking of you, too! Rooting for you like mad. I really, really hope our embies stick!

Amanda: apparently it's a LOT less painful on a full bladder, because finding the cervix with the catheter on an empty bladder is much, much harder (there's a curve that gets straightened out on a full bladder, and navigating a curve with a catheter is HARD). In that case, isn't cruel not to make absolutely sure to tell us?! That makes me angry, too.

Wish: Yes! :hugs:

So, the embryo thawed just fine and "expanded back to its original size, which is what we want," as the embryologist said. So hurray! I am PUPO indeed. (I told DP about this acronym and he loved it!) I also think I hit the bladder sweetspot this time--it was nice and full but I wasn't bursting. Very proud of myself!

OTD: June 7th, which is nicer than June 8th but still ages away. The assistant told me off for already having booked a "failure" follow-up with my doc for the 9th. I said my fondest wish is to have good reason to cancel that appointment! :winkwink:

Ok, off to sleep--embryo's first night in the womb! <3
Oh, I just remembered to ask: could someone give me specifics about the pineapple thing? Thanks!
Yay Klik!!!!! Definitely angry that they didn't tell me about the bladder thing if it could have saved me some pain! Oh well. As for the pineapple, I've heard that you cut the pineapple into 5 pieces (the core especially) and eat 1/5 of it each day starting from transfer until it's gone. I THINK it's the core that's most important, but I guess the rest (and actually tasty part) can't hurt!
klik - I'm using the pineapple method up to day 5 of FET. You can eat it whole or blend it into a fruit smoothie. I blend the flesh and core with coconut water. It's really yummy. It's the Bromelain in the pineapple core that's said to be beneficial for implantation. Whether or not it truly works, is still debatable. But, it definitely doesn't hurt. There are mixed reviews on this theory. I've attached a few links for you to read if you'd like.


Congratulations on being officially PUPO my 2ww buddy!! :happydance: :dust:

amanda - We put back 2 (4BA & 4BB) day 5 embryos. xx
Hi Ladies - It'll be hard to completely catch up, so I'll jump in here. Major congrats to Klik and Boopin for being PUPO!! I'm sooooo rooting for you ladies!!

Klik - My acupuncturist recommends eating the core of the pineapple over the course of 2 days following the transfer. I was told to swallow what I could but even just chewing on it is supposed to help. I've found that cutting it into smaller pieces makes it easier. I also needed to throw in regular pieces of the pineapple fruit while chewing on the core to help me get it down. The riper the fruit, the softer the core seems to be from my experience.

DD absolutely LOVED Disneyland. I grew up going there annually, and both DH and I are huge Disney fans, so it shouldn't be a surprise. :haha: (Wish - very cool to read about your earlier aspirations to be an animator! :thumbup:)
Boopin and Klik: congrats on being PUPO! Let those embies stick:dust::dust:
Thanks, dear ladies, for all the pineapple pointers and all the lovely wishes! I'm going to eat a couple of pieces with core (I've always eaten the core--it's one of my quirks) right now.

Disneyfan: it's wonderful you and the family had a great time! Looks like you had some real, quality family time!

Boopin: Yay, buddies! :hugs: Hopefully together on the road to our BFPs!!!

I'm kinda dazed. Right, pineapple time!
ahhhh!! congrats to you as well, klik!! PUPOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I did the pineapple thing last round and it wasn't so bad. And it technically did implant so maybe...

much much luck going out to you girls!!
Wish: better yet, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPUPO (emphasis on the first P)!! :haha:

I like pineapple. I have absolutely no beef with eating it for a couple days!

Oh, gals, one thing I've been meaning to say/ask about: my PIO is called Lentogest, I think, and I only have to take it 3x/wk (it's slow-release). Is this what everyone else is having? I feel really lucky I don't have to have it done every day! If it's not what you're on, though (when you are on it) maybe ask about it? Though I'm afraid one of your REs is going to say it's not as effective and then I'll be running worried circles around myself! :wacko:
HAHA I like that one better!!

so last week I had to get all of my baseline bloods redone b/c they expired. I had to run to the RE's office real quick today and decided to ask how they came out. Vitals are all fine, blah blah and then she gets to the FSH. Apparently that has DROPPED from 10+ down to 7+!! What in the world?! AMH wasn't back yet but I'm so curious now. How in the world does that happen? Makes me feel better about continuing on with IUI!!

I was on Crinone so I can't help in the butt shot dept! :haha:
Wow, Wish, that's an amazing drop in FSH! I wonder if it was the time off! Yeah, really glad you're still trying with IUI. Incidentally: do you have your estrogen numbers? Higher estrogen (like, if you have a functional cyst) lowers FSH. But hopefully it's not that.

My RE believes that, unless it's "artificially" suppressed by estrogen or progesterone, a lower FSH is an indication that the cycle is a particularly good one (healthy, responsive follicles). Will you do IUI this cycle? If so, and if he's right, then... well, who knows?! :hugs:
unfortunately, I can't do the IUI this month b/c my baseline labs had expired and now that I'm 40, I need a mammogram. So I have to get all of that done before I can start up again. I'm still going to suggest to DH that we try naturally. My mammogram isn't until June 23rd either, so that's most likely another whole cycle wasted if I can't get in earlier. Boooo...
I didn't get my e2 but I want to call to ask about AMH too.
Wish - I hope you can get in sooner. I'm also asking for my AMH to be tested once my next AF starts. I'm guessing that will be next week or shortly thereafter. We have no plans to keep trying through medical intervention if we are unsuccessful yet again this next time around, so I want as much info as possible that will tell us the likelihood of anything natural ever happening or how soon I should expect to start going down the menopause road.

How are our PUPO ladies doing?
I called and got the rest of my numbers - e2 is normal (46) and my AMH actually went up (.34 to .51) - what is happening?? obviously still not in the best range, but up is up!
Another BnB friend of mine got preggo with an AMH at .61, so it's very possible. I'll just keep the faith! And attack DH over the weekend ;)

So what is next for you Disney? When is your FET and what do you have to do to prep?

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