IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I just popped back in to catch up on how everyone that was on the thread at the start was doing but crikey, it huuuuge so I am never gonna make my way thru all the posts, anyone care to summarise lol?

Hope you ladies are all doing ok and there are some bfps in here!

SmileyKez: Nice to hear from you, wow you are in your second trimester now congrats!! Hope you are feeling well. Mrs C has done a great job keeping the front page updated so you can get all the news there.

Jenn- Sounds like we will be pretty close with our cycles. I start Lupron July 9th and go from there.

I’m SO sorry if I missed anyone! AFM, I had my IVF consent appointment with my RE today. We talked about what it might look like with different numbers of follicles and she told me not to be upset if I don’t get too many follicles due to the DOR. We also talked about how many they would transfer and everything. Now, I go for my suppression ultrasound in a week. I am on BCP until next Tuesday then I start the microdose of Lupron a week from this Friday. I’m ready!!

It's so exciting isn't it! You protocol seems close to Ash's mine is completely different. I started nasal spray today (5 times a day) that for 15 days then bravelle and Menopur for 12-15 days. Are you doing a five day transfer or three? Have you thought about how many embro's you will put back?

So ET was yesterday afternoon. One was just developing to a blast and the other was still a morula at the time of transfer... The doctor said it could be better...
But what I found quite comforting - I was given two pictures of the two little ones transferred and at 12:36, both were morulas (so on the picture) ... at 15:20, at the time of transfer, one had progressed to the blastocyst stage - so, apart from finding that fascinating, I am still hoping that the development is good and that we will get some implanting :)

DH was so sweet! When he came home, he stroked and kissed my belly and said "grow, little ones, grow" (... not to sound crazy, but I have been doing the same *lol*)

Oh - and when I mentioned my bloating (which has been quite severe and actually yesterday, I was sore on my left side) the U/S showed that my left ovary is quite enlarged. But since the Dr. did the transfer, I am guessing he wasn't too concerned?

Sunday I go for my first blood test FX'd

Congrats Bubu!! I think that's great that they give you pictures, and AWE your DH sound so sweet! Good luck with your blood tests!!!

HEY girls soo.........i rang my clinic yesterday morning and earlyest they will test is tommorrow morning at 10.45 am so i will no for defo but i done another test on sun and they line was nearly as dark as the second line it was actully really like the second test that hopeful put up iam really anxious for tommorrow i cant wait:happydance::cloud9::happydance:

HOPEFUL & SQUID-:wohoo: a very big congrats :happydance:

Good luck tomorrow Tiffttc, here's hoping for a high beta.

*hugs* to all. just a quick one as i have to run off to work (first day back after 2 weeks at court and i have to go to court again tomorrow). did another test this am

Looks Great Drsquid. :happydance:

Hey ladies, had my first round of IUI today, second one is tomorrow, after my ivf cycle got cancelled! DH's specimen was great! I wish I was confident of the outcome!

I'm still so extremely depressed that the cycle was cancelled and I'm just praying I have a much better response to the next protocol.

We are starting again in August!

One try and remain positive I believe you will get your BFP!

Never: I stress a lot about the age thing too. I always get excited when people my age or older get pregnant. My clinic will do IVF up to 45 and I know they value having a high success rate so I know they wouldn't do it if the odds were low. IVF will work for you I just know it!
never2late, it's a sacrococcygeal teratoma, very rare tumour attached to the tailbone area. Our daughters was very aggressive with a large blood flow so we went in for intrauterine surgery to help reduce or eliminate the blood flow (to help her heart pump), the surgery went well but she passed away a few hours after. I'm still not over it but with time it's getting easier to at least hide my emotions.
hi guys glad to see these bfps and new joiners and all the exciting cycles startibg! i see a lot more bfps this summer!

today i began having some left pelvic pain. i had had it fow a few days but when i pee. today when i noticed the dull ache i decided to ask one of the ultrasound techs i trust to scan my left side. he scanned me and said lets find the uterus so i had to explain that its only on the right. Anyways on the left i have a freaking hematoma! it was fairly large. There is nothing that can be done about it so I will have to wait for my appt next week. Im going to have him scan me thurs/fri to see if its resolving. annoyed though.
mo- bummer but as long as it is getting smaller, it will go away on its own. hope it stops hurting soon.

kelly- those are such horrible tumors. im sorry you went through that

jenn- the clinic should give pictures will all ivf.

fingers crossed for my iui friends

afm- still waiting. quest labs apparently couldnt finish my labs til after 6 despite having them drawn at 9:30 this am... sigh
one - I still have my FX'd for you that you get your bfp through this IUI but I know how it can be hard to be positive when 3 already didn't work. And if this IUI doesn't work at least you have a plan in place for August :) Do they already know what protocol you will be trying in August?

Thanks Ash, he didn't go into a detail but he did mention lupron.
never2late, it's a sacrococcygeal teratoma, very rare tumour attached to the tailbone area. Our daughters was very aggressive with a large blood flow so we went in for intrauterine surgery to help reduce or eliminate the blood flow (to help her heart pump), the surgery went well but she passed away a few hours after. I'm still not over it but with time it's getting easier to at least hide my emotions.

Hi ladies!! So I just got out of the ER. I was having such terrible cramping, so bad it had me doubled over :( So I went to the ER and they took some blood and did an u/s. The ER Doc was so cold! She said that if it was an early miscarriage that there was nothing that she can do. I knew this but she was just so rude! She came back and told me my beta was low, 427. Im currently 12 days past 5 day transfer and confused. Is this beta low? Does anyone know? Im praying everything is ok and this pregnancy sticks. They also found cysts on both my ovaries which could explain the cramping. Just looking for any info on betas. 427-good or bad? Thanks ladies!!! I go again on thursday to have it checked again.
Im currently 12 days past 5 day transfer and confused. Is this beta low? Does anyone know? Im praying everything is ok and this pregnancy sticks. They also found cysts on both my ovaries which could explain the cramping. Just looking for any info on betas. 427-good or bad? Thanks ladies!!! I go again on thursday to have it checked again.

Sorry to jump in on the thread; I've been lurking and following for months now.

The beta base has a list of beta numbers, but you'll have to add 5 days because it's only in DPO, nothing for IVF or FET.

That said, that looks like a perfectly good beta number for just 12 past transfer! Well within the normal, healthy guidelines. I don't think that particular doctor has dealt much with very, very early pregnancies.

So sorry to hear that you had to go to ER Hopeful :hugs: and that the dr was severely lacking in bedside manner :growlmad: I don't know too much about the numbers but I had a look at the betabase too and you are well above the median beta for 17dpo! Doesn't sound low at all to me! Best of luck tomor - will be thinking of you!

PS Welcome Chellesama! :hi: Will you be starting IVF soon?

Edit: Just had a look at the front page and Haj's beta at 14dp5dt was 456. Thats only slightly higher than yours and it was 2 days later and she's having twins! Try not to worry :hugs: Hopefully the cramping was just 2 little beans snuggling in nice and tight!!

I'm coming late to the party, I suppose: three failed IUIs, 3 failed AIs at home, one cancelled cycle due to NO response, one fresh cycle with donor eggs that failed, and a FET, as a surrogate for J&H. They like to say that they have severe male-factor, seeing as to how they're both dudes.

Thus far, the FET seems to be sticking, and I'm 7+5 today. But I had a major scare yesterday (baby seems to be fine, but I never want to see that much blood ever again) and right after calling the dads, and then my dad, I came right here!

These threads (Mrs. Max, Mrs. C's, and Mrs. Bear's in particular) are what got me through IVF! They're keeping me sane while I try to figure out what the meds are doing to me, and there are so many people here that I can spread my worry and good wishes on that it keeps me from worrying about myself too much!

Mostly, I posted because I was just in the ER 22 hours ago and had a great team who treated me like I was their sister, and wish Hopeful had got the same treatment!

Truly, ladies (and your OHs) I have been worrying and hoping for months for you now. I'm excited to see how everyone is doing and I really hope nobody minds if I keep stalking.

Hey ladies, had my first round of IUI today, second one is tomorrow, after my ivf cycle got cancelled! DH's specimen was great! I wish I was confident of the outcome!

I'm still so extremely depressed that the cycle was cancelled and I'm just praying I have a much better response to the next protocol.

We are starting again in August!

There is still hope for the IUI :hugs: But the change of protocol has made a big diffirence for me so far. We got 20 eggs today at ER vs 12 for previous protocol. So keep faith inthe new protocol.

never2late, it's a sacrococcygeal teratoma, very rare tumour attached to the tailbone area. Our daughters was very aggressive with a large blood flow so we went in for intrauterine surgery to help reduce or eliminate the blood flow (to help her heart pump), the surgery went well but she passed away a few hours after. I'm still not over it but with time it's getting easier to at least hide my emotions.


hi guys glad to see these bfps and new joiners and all the exciting cycles startibg! i see a lot more bfps this summer!

today i began having some left pelvic pain. i had had it fow a few days but when i pee. today when i noticed the dull ache i decided to ask one of the ultrasound techs i trust to scan my left side. he scanned me and said lets find the uterus so i had to explain that its only on the right. Anyways on the left i have a freaking hematoma! it was fairly large. There is nothing that can be done about it so I will have to wait for my appt next week. Im going to have him scan me thurs/fri to see if its resolving. annoyed though.

Hope you get better news on Thurs/Fri :hugs:

mo- bummer but as long as it is getting smaller, it will go away on its own. hope it stops hurting soon.

kelly- those are such horrible tumors. im sorry you went through that

jenn- the clinic should give pictures will all ivf.

fingers crossed for my iui friends

afm- still waiting. quest labs apparently couldnt finish my labs til after 6 despite having them drawn at 9:30 this am... sigh

Cant wait to hear your beta results

one - I still have my FX'd for you that you get your bfp through this IUI but I know how it can be hard to be positive when 3 already didn't work. And if this IUI doesn't work at least you have a plan in place for August :) Do they already know what protocol you will be trying in August?

Thanks Ash, he didn't go into a detail but he did mention lupron.

I did Lucrin which is the equivalent of Lupron

Hi ladies!! So I just got out of the ER. I was having such terrible cramping, so bad it had me doubled over :( So I went to the ER and they took some blood and did an u/s. The ER Doc was so cold! She said that if it was an early miscarriage that there was nothing that she can do. I knew this but she was just so rude! She came back and told me my beta was low, 427. Im currently 12 days past 5 day transfer and confused. Is this beta low? Does anyone know? Im praying everything is ok and this pregnancy sticks. They also found cysts on both my ovaries which could explain the cramping. Just looking for any info on betas. 427-good or bad? Thanks ladies!!! I go again on thursday to have it checked again.

OMW girl, i sincerely hope you and bean are safe. The biggest thing about beta's are they must double in roughly 48 hours. Only then cna they determine if the beta is not progessing like it should.

I also think you still fine wiht that no!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:


I'm coming late to the party, I suppose: three failed IUIs, 3 failed AIs at home, one cancelled cycle due to NO response, one fresh cycle with donor eggs that failed, and a FET, as a surrogate for J&H. They like to say that they have severe male-factor, seeing as to how they're both dudes.

Thus far, the FET seems to be sticking, and I'm 7+5 today. But I had a major scare yesterday (baby seems to be fine, but I never want to see that much blood ever again) and right after calling the dads, and then my dad, I came right here!

These threads (Mrs. Max, Mrs. C's, and Mrs. Bear's in particular) are what got me through IVF! They're keeping me sane while I try to figure out what the meds are doing to me, and there are so many people here that I can spread my worry and good wishes on that it keeps me from worrying about myself too much!

Mostly, I posted because I was just in the ER 22 hours ago and had a great team who treated me like I was their sister, and wish Hopeful had got the same treatment!

Truly, ladies (and your OHs) I have been worrying and hoping for months for you now. I'm excited to see how everyone is doing and I really hope nobody minds if I keep stalking.


Fx'd everything is ok wiht you and bean :hugs:

AFM > Im back home after ER, we got 20 eggies. Im very surpriced to say the least!!!!!!!!!!!!

they gave me a drip for preventative measure against OHSS and also im on Dostinex 0.5mg for 4 days ( holly crap its expensive for 4 tabs was $100) as well as Predisone 10mg for 15 days.

Will find out later how many is mature. And fertilization report on Friday.

Any input on things i can do to minimize the risk of getting OHSS
Tella - well done, that's an impressive number! How are you feeling?
Unfortunately, I have no tips for you re OHSS ... but I am guessing that resting up will help the area be a bit calmer? :hugs:
Hopeful: 427 sounds good to me. Call your re and let them know what's going on though. I don't think you are mc; I think the little bean is getting sunggled up in there!
hey girls so i just came back from my clinic appt. and it offical iam PREGNANT iam 4 weeks today they didnt do a beta i dont think they do them ovr here but iam booked in for my 7 week scan on the 7/16 :wohoo::bunny::wohoo::happydance::happydance::cloud9::happydance::happydance: iam soooooooooo happy

i hope the good news continues on this thread ye are all truly unbeliveable women and iam so glad i meet ye all and got to shared my experiance with ye all its a bumpy ride from start to finish but everyone on this thread will get there BFP :hugs::kiss::hugs:
hey girls so i just came back from my clinic appt. and it offical iam PREGNANT iam 4 weeks today they didnt do a beta i dont think they do them ovr here but iam booked in for my 7 week scan on the 7/16 :wohoo::bunny::wohoo::happydance::happydance::cloud9::happydance::happydance: iam soooooooooo happy

i hope the good news continues on this thread ye are all truly unbeliveable women and iam so glad i meet ye all and got to shared my experiance with ye all its a bumpy ride from start to finish but everyone on this thread will get there BFP :hugs::kiss::hugs:

Congratulations! Wish you a happy and healthy nine months
hey girls so i just came back from my clinic appt. and it offical iam PREGNANT iam 4 weeks today they didnt do a beta i dont think they do them ovr here but iam booked in for my 7 week scan on the 7/16 :wohoo::bunny::wohoo::happydance::happydance::cloud9::happydance::happydance: iam soooooooooo happy

i hope the good news continues on this thread ye are all truly unbeliveable women and iam so glad i meet ye all and got to shared my experiance with ye all its a bumpy ride from start to finish but everyone on this thread will get there BFP :hugs::kiss::hugs:

Congratulations Tiff - that's wonderful news!! :hugs: wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months! Keep us updated?
Hi ladies!! So I just got out of the ER. I was having such terrible cramping, so bad it had me doubled over :( So I went to the ER and they took some blood and did an u/s. The ER Doc was so cold! She said that if it was an early miscarriage that there was nothing that she can do. I knew this but she was just so rude! She came back and told me my beta was low, 427. Im currently 12 days past 5 day transfer and confused. Is this beta low? Does anyone know? Im praying everything is ok and this pregnancy sticks. They also found cysts on both my ovaries which could explain the cramping. Just looking for any info on betas. 427-good or bad? Thanks ladies!!! I go again on thursday to have it checked again.

Hopeful - from all that am reading in other blogs, 427 is a decent number. Please take good care and dont worry. Am positive that everything will turn out fine.:hugs:
Hi iamme28928,
We have - my DH had low everything (count, motility, morphology, occasionally non-existent in the semen). We even had 100% pathological (96% head and 4% body) sperm.
Thanks to some medication, they were able to get some sperm from him (frozen but also on the day of egg retrieval). I asked the doctor if that would affect our chances - and the answer was no. Since the sperm is injected directly into the eggs, it really is only the quality of the nucleus which plays a role.
I had my egg retrieval last week Wednesday. There were 14 eggs, 12 of which were mature for treatment via ICSI. 11 fertilised. Two days ago, I had to embies transferred - one was still morula, the other was just becoming a blastocyst. Of course, as with any fertilised egg - there is no guarantee of pregnancy, nor, should pregnancy ensue, that it will go to term - that is just biology and .... well hopefully luck and a few other things we hope to have (like praying, :dust: "mummy karma") :) :)

So - the answer to your question would be "yes", I believe. :hugs: and good luck.
Quick Update - ET cancelled due to moderate to severe OHSS. More details when I feel better. Keep me in your thoughts ladies. Good luck to everyone.
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