IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

That so exciting haj!! :happydance: When reading about your eggies I thought to myself what is compact?? Then I saw that you were wondering the same thing. Hmmm thats interesting. At least many of them are doing great. Are you putting two back on Monday or one?

Oh and yes for D2 those sound great!

I have to try to figure out what compact means. were going to be putting 2 back. so on monday ill be pupo with twins!!!:baby::baby::baby:
Haj - Congrats on great embies growing. Sorry I dont' know what compact means either. Good luck on Monday, so exciting!

Daisy - I am so sorry about your cycle. I posted on the other thread too :hugs:

Dancing - So sorry your first cycle did not work out. I hope you get some answers when you go meet with you re.

Drsquid - I hear ya about the lupron. I can't take it and I have a really bad headache too

AFM - picked up my bag of meds last night. Holy cow it was alot of stuff! Monday is u\s and b\w and then hopefully start stims. I am excited to get on with it and hopefully feel better from the lupron.

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend :flower:

Yayyy for starting stims!!!
Daisy - so sorry things aren't working out for this cycle :hugs: Fx'd that IUI does the trick!

Haj - great news about all your little embies! (embys?) I hope they all continue to grow happily over the weekend and are ready for ET for Monday! :D

Girls, what does PUPO mean? I'm sure I could figure it out if I thought about it for long enough but decided I'd save myself the bother and just ask you! Just when I had got a handle on all the ttc abbreviations here comes IVF with a whole new set!:haha:
Daisy - so sorry things aren't working out for this cycle :hugs: Fx'd that IUI does the trick!

Haj - great news about all your little embies! (embys?) I hope they all continue to grow happily over the weekend and are ready for ET for Monday! :D

Girls, what does PUPO mean? I'm sure I could figure it out if I thought about it for long enough but decided I'd save myself the bother and just ask you! Just when I had got a handle on all the ttc abbreviations here comes IVF with a whole new set!:haha:

Thanks hun!!! PUPO-Pregnant until proven otherwise
Haj! This is amazing news! I have total confidence you'll get a BFP from this cycle, whether its with a fresh transfer or FET. Congratulations! So many embryos - that is so great.

Mrs.C - I am OK with canceling. I think doing IVF with only 3-4 eggs sounds pretty bleak (at least to me). If that is the very most I can produce, then maybe next time we'll go for it. But for now I feel good about giving the stimming phase another try to see if I can do better next time.

Blue - I'm excited for you to start your cycle. :flower:
daisyq: sorry for cancellation :( maybe youll get bfp with iui fx!
haj: report sounds great! monday pupo!!
bluestorm: yippie for starting stimms! not much longer now.

afm: had cd2 scan and labs. they rechecked everything. so scan gave me good news and bad news. good news my afc= 26! so that was exciting. now bad news: my small fibroid is now huge! so my story is long but here goes:

so the tech comes in to do my scan. She sticks the probe in and immediately you can tell something is not right. She knows I am a PA in interventional radiology and ask if I know what i am looking at. I only use ultrasound for a few procedures at work, mostly chest and abdomen, so my pelvic ultrasound interpertation isnt that great but i know its abnormal. I say what is all that weird fluid in my pelvis? She says wow your endometrium is very thickened and this isnt normal. Asks me when was my d&c, how have my periods been, etc. I answer the questions then she is like well this could be retained products. Then she checks blood flow and its minimal here so not retained products. She then proceeds to tell me that the ining is very abnormal and thick and that the dr will need to fix me before my ivf. I said well that changes things and she says sorry. I just don't feel like what she is telling me is right so I say well you know I have a fibroid, right? I then told her the RE said it most likely started degenerating after d&c which explained the pain for 4-5 weeks. She starts scanning again and says you know what, this is your fibroid and its degenerating and filled with fluid. oh here is your endometrium and its competely normal. she measures it and it was fine, not thickened or anything. My heart about sank when she said it was abnormal so im happy about this but pissed about jumping to conclusions. She then measured the fibroid and its at 9cm! Freaking huge now! it was at 5.5 but it wasnt doing anything to uterine cavity and today it seemed to be distorting it some. Since it was 630 am my re wasnt there so the nurse said she would show him and ring me back, which she didnt. I called at 230 and left a message but they are not calling me back today. The tech i had was one thats never scanned mey before and i hope next time its the normal girl. I dont know whats going to happen now with my uterus. He may want to cut me open which delays things for several months. IDK just waiting for answers. Im starting bcp tomorrow regardless and will just continue until cycle time. I tried to get my egg retrieval date from july 16th to earlier but the nurse said they are full already but will see wht she can do. Im going to keep asking :) I told her I really wanted to do it before my birthday so hopefully. I hve my saline ultrasound scheduled may 30th. sorry for the long post! im off in a bit to plan a baby shower.

oh i wanted to add that the clinic changed meds for the microflare lupron. i now will have to do gonal f and menopur. darn! menopur burns badly :( oh well. looks like i will be on 300 gonal f and ? dose of menopur. This is assuming he doesnt want to do anything with my fibroid. Will see. Maybe at next scan it will be smaller.
MoBaby, I’m so sorry to hear about the bad news at the doc today. You’ve had enough of that this year. I hope you get good news soon about your start date.

Blue, hope all goes well with the start of stims!

Daisy, so sorry to hear about the cancelled cycle. I think you are making the right decision about converting it to IUI. You want the best possible chances when you are investing this type of energy, $, etc.

Drsquid, I feel you about the lack of gym getting to you. I haven’t worked out since starting stims and am feeling like a lazy slob!

Mrs stru, I hope those follies grow well over the weekend! You’re almost there!

Haj, your day 2 report sounds great. I’m not sure about the term compact. But I do know that when I had my transfer, the re did not want to transfer 5 of my blasts because they were “not well compacted.” They preferred to transfer the early blast and morula with good compacting. I’m not sure if that is helpful at all!

MrsC, I meant to say this yesterday, but thanks for keeping the first page looking so beautiful…it will be even more so in a few months when filled with BFP’s!

AFM, not much to report. Just 3dpt here. Beta in 6 days, but not sure when I will test at home. I’m so afraid! And confessions time: I cannot stop googling things like, “success with early blast” and “success with morula.” I need to step away from the keyboard! Also, I harassed my nurse yesterday just to confirm that I have one frostie since that is not what I was originally told (I was told I had none). She probably thinks I'm a freak!
Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

Exciting!! We are on the same track! I have 8 fertilized eggs... 6 are 4 cell, 1 is a 5 cell and 1 is a 2 cell.

hhmm.. compact.. i'm not sure. I think looking at your numbers, you are doing good. .. according to what my doc told me today. He said on day 2 he would like for them to be 4 cells. .. they dont want them to grow too fast or too slow!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! xoxo
Day 3 update 6-8 cell re said they are very happy with what they see!! 5 day transfer scheduled for Sunday. Eeeeeeek.... I'm def in an emotional bubble...
Asia, that is SO great! I am so excited for you. :flower:
Ladies had anyone been constipated during this process? Tmi but I usually go like 3 times a day. Before er I was having a little trouble going. But know I haven't gone since er on Wednesday. I neeeedddd to go, my stomach is killing me!!!
Ladies had anyone been constipated during this process? Tmi but I usually go like 3 times a day. Before er I was having a little trouble going. But know I haven't gone since er on Wednesday. I neeeedddd to go, my stomach is killing me!!!

I had it really bad. I used a enema. Once I did I was back to normal. My RE said ok, but just make sure first. The first one hurt like hell, but it really made me normal again.

I am sure you are just as excited as I am about the upcoming transfer. Yay we are crossing one more hurdle!!! Can't wait to share our successes... Our time is here!!

Any others have upcoming transfers??? I am praying for all you wonderful ladies!!

I know I missed some newbies, important pupo updates, ER, bfp updates, and I will recognise you all, when I catch back up. Personals from my phone is not the easiest to do...

Haj it's from the progesterone! Re warned me about this and told me to take colace.Asia! Your report is awesome!! Pupo soon!
Ladies had anyone been constipated during this process? Tmi but I usually go like 3 times a day. Before er I was having a little trouble going. But know I haven't gone since er on Wednesday. I neeeedddd to go, my stomach is killing me!!!

Another thing I have to look forward to!!:haha: All joking aside though I'm learning so much about what's ahead of me from reading about all you ladies experiences :thumbup: The information pack the FS gave us is great and I've found some good websites but nothing beats hearing the details from those who are personally experiencing it... So thanks girls!:flower:
Ladies had anyone been constipated during this process? Tmi but I usually go like 3 times a day. Before er I was having a little trouble going. But know I haven't gone since er on Wednesday. I neeeedddd to go, my stomach is killing me!!!

i was too right after the transfer for a few days. now everything is back to normal. i am wondering if i should worry.

AFM i only had 2 transferred afterall, i am 7 dpt and waiting. trying to remain calm and positive. i have been getting little pains below, asked the doc and he said it's normal. to only worry if i see blood. that comment made me nervous too. sometimes i get so nervous i think i am going to get sick. i am sure that isn't helping me...
Thought I should update! :thumbup:

My first stimming ultrasound on Thursday showed that I was responding slowly to the follistim and my estrogen level was pretty low. I did have about 5-6 follies around the 10mm mark and a little under. So, they upped my dosage from 300 nightly to 225 twice a day (450). Nurse said she sees this all the time and next time they check me (upcoming Wednesday) they should see definite growth in the current follies and others that have popped up. We can only hope! Grow, follies, grow!!
We're looking to start ICSI in July or August but it depends on my AMH levels. However, we're going to Ireland on holiday for a week in August and don't know what to do about that yet. We'll wait and see how fast things go but may cancel holiday if it messes up ICSI plans. Not sure I want to wait till Sept just because of a holiday...
We're looking to start ICSI in July or August but it depends on my AMH levels. However, we're going to Ireland on holiday for a week in August and don't know what to do about that yet. We'll wait and see how fast things go but may cancel holiday if it messes up ICSI plans. Not sure I want to wait till Sept just because of a holiday...

Hi! :hi: From one newbie to another - Welcome!! I'm quite similar to you, have a holiday planned for Aug so things are a bit up in the air at the moment. Very much doubt we'll be cancelling though - you might be glad of the holiday to look back on in the coming months? That's my reasoning anyway. Also the holiday is paid for now so don't want to just waste the money... Funnily, I'm actually living in Ireland - maybe you could come on your hols and take my apt with my FS!!!:haha: Are you looking at long or short protocol or do you know yet? If my FS decides on long protocol then I'm hoping to be able to start the bcp just before my hols and then I'll be onto injections when I get back so the month wouldn't be totally wasted... Would that be an option for you?
AFM - picked up my bag of meds last night. Holy cow it was alot of stuff! Monday is u\s and b\w and then hopefully start stims. I am excited to get on with it and hopefully feel better from the lupron.

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend :flower:

Yay for picking up meds! I'm excited for you that you are getting started. :thumbup:

Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

That so exciting haj!! :happydance: When reading about your eggies I thought to myself what is compact?? Then I saw that you were wondering the same thing. Hmmm thats interesting. At least many of them are doing great. Are you putting two back on Monday or one?

Oh and yes for D2 those sound great!

I have to try to figure out what compact means. were going to be putting 2 back. so on monday ill be pupo with twins!!!:baby::baby::baby:

I look forward to hearing how it goes on Monday. Not much longer now! :thumbup:

afm: had cd2 scan and labs. they rechecked everything. so scan gave me good news and bad news. good news my afc= 26! so that was exciting. now bad news: my small fibroid is now huge! so my story is long but here goes:

so the tech comes in to do my scan. She sticks the probe in and immediately you can tell something is not right. She knows I am a PA in interventional radiology and ask if I know what i am looking at. I only use ultrasound for a few procedures at work, mostly chest and abdomen, so my pelvic ultrasound interpertation isnt that great but i know its abnormal. I say what is all that weird fluid in my pelvis? She says wow your endometrium is very thickened and this isnt normal. Asks me when was my d&c, how have my periods been, etc. I answer the questions then she is like well this could be retained products. Then she checks blood flow and its minimal here so not retained products. She then proceeds to tell me that the ining is very abnormal and thick and that the dr will need to fix me before my ivf. I said well that changes things and she says sorry. I just don't feel like what she is telling me is right so I say well you know I have a fibroid, right? I then told her the RE said it most likely started degenerating after d&c which explained the pain for 4-5 weeks. She starts scanning again and says you know what, this is your fibroid and its degenerating and filled with fluid. oh here is your endometrium and its competely normal. she measures it and it was fine, not thickened or anything. My heart about sank when she said it was abnormal so im happy about this but pissed about jumping to conclusions. She then measured the fibroid and its at 9cm! Freaking huge now! it was at 5.5 but it wasnt doing anything to uterine cavity and today it seemed to be distorting it some. Since it was 630 am my re wasnt there so the nurse said she would show him and ring me back, which she didnt. I called at 230 and left a message but they are not calling me back today. The tech i had was one thats never scanned mey before and i hope next time its the normal girl. I dont know whats going to happen now with my uterus. He may want to cut me open which delays things for several months. IDK just waiting for answers. Im starting bcp tomorrow regardless and will just continue until cycle time. I tried to get my egg retrieval date from july 16th to earlier but the nurse said they are full already but will see wht she can do. Im going to keep asking :) I told her I really wanted to do it before my birthday so hopefully. I hve my saline ultrasound scheduled may 30th. sorry for the long post! im off in a bit to plan a baby shower.

oh i wanted to add that the clinic changed meds for the microflare lupron. i now will have to do gonal f and menopur. darn! menopur burns badly :( oh well. looks like i will be on 300 gonal f and ? dose of menopur. This is assuming he doesnt want to do anything with my fibroid. Will see. Maybe at next scan it will be smaller.

Sorry to hear that your appointment went a little crazy. It's horrible that we have to tell the people who are suppose to know it all what is really going on. Hopefully you won't have to have surgery and they can figure out how to fix what is happening. So about the menopur... how bad is it really? Thats the one med I know I will be on. I look at my calendar and it looks like I will be on it for a few weeks. Have you found anyways to make it not burn so bad? Oh and when is your birthday? You said you wanted ER done before then so I thought I would ask. :flower:

MrsC, I meant to say this yesterday, but thanks for keeping the first page looking so beautiful…it will be even more so in a few months when filled with BFP’s!

AFM, not much to report. Just 3dpt here. Beta in 6 days, but not sure when I will test at home. I’m so afraid! And confessions time: I cannot stop googling things like, “success with early blast” and “success with morula.” I need to step away from the keyboard! Also, I harassed my nurse yesterday just to confirm that I have one frostie since that is not what I was originally told (I was told I had none). She probably thinks I'm a freak!

Thans so much :flower: It will look so much better when it is filled with everyones BFP's!

My fingers are crossed for your beta. What ever you decide about testing I hope it brings a BFP. Testing at home would be a hard decision. Just thinking about it stresses me out. :haha: I was reading another thread and most of the girls got their BFP at home 5dp5dt. :shrug: Not sure it that helps or makes the decision harder.

Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

Exciting!! We are on the same track! I have 8 fertilized eggs... 6 are 4 cell, 1 is a 5 cell and 1 is a 2 cell.

hhmm.. compact.. i'm not sure. I think looking at your numbers, you are doing good. .. according to what my doc told me today. He said on day 2 he would like for them to be 4 cells. .. they dont want them to grow too fast or too slow!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! xoxo

Sounds like you have some great ones waiting for you as well! Please keep us updated n how they are doing.

Day 3 update 6-8 cell re said they are very happy with what they see!! 5 day transfer scheduled for Sunday. Eeeeeeek.... I'm def in an emotional bubble...

:happydance: Only one more day and you will be PUPO!! I'm very excited for you.

Ladies had anyone been constipated during this process? Tmi but I usually go like 3 times a day. Before er I was having a little trouble going. But know I haven't gone since er on Wednesday. I neeeedddd to go, my stomach is killing me!!!

I have heard that some juices can help as well. The main one being prune juice. :wacko: I don't know how it tastes but I'm sure it's not the best in the world.

AFM i only had 2 transferred afterall, i am 7 dpt and waiting. trying to remain calm and positive. i have been getting little pains below, asked the doc and he said it's normal. to only worry if i see blood. that comment made me nervous too. sometimes i get so nervous i think i am going to get sick. i am sure that isn't helping me...

I hope the wait isn't to bad for you. What is your test date? Fx for you and a BFP. :thumbup:

Thought I should update! :thumbup:

My first stimming ultrasound on Thursday showed that I was responding slowly to the follistim and my estrogen level was pretty low. I did have about 5-6 follies around the 10mm mark and a little under. So, they upped my dosage from 300 nightly to 225 twice a day (450). Nurse said she sees this all the time and next time they check me (upcoming Wednesday) they should see definite growth in the current follies and others that have popped up. We can only hope! Grow, follies, grow!!

Thanks for the update. Sounds like they made a good choice in changing your dose. Good luck on Wednesday! Grow follies, grow!!

We're looking to start ICSI in July or August but it depends on my AMH levels. However, we're going to Ireland on holiday for a week in August and don't know what to do about that yet. We'll wait and see how fast things go but may cancel holiday if it messes up ICSI plans. Not sure I want to wait till Sept just because of a holiday...

Welcome :hi: Before you cancel your holiday I would wait and see how your schedule for meds go. Theres really no telling until you know whats going on. That is the hard part though. I hope all goes well for you. Have you had your consult yet?

AFM~ Nothing going on here but I'm living through all of your excitement and preparing myself for Tuesday. Good luck to all of you and keep up the positive thoughts. :hugs:

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