Jan/Feb 2023 Bundles of Joy!!!

Hey ladies. Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m doing better. Still wishing I was home but it’s all for baby. We’ll leave when she’s ready. We’re just taking one day at a time and I’m pushing myself to overlook these women lol baby is awesome. Still gaining but she won’t stay awake thru bottle feeds. That’s what they want. Soon as she can handle that. We’re outta here
Glad Journei’s thriving! You’ll be out of there in no time. Keep your head up mama.
Hey ladies. Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m doing better. Still wishing I was home but it’s all for baby. We’ll leave when she’s ready. We’re just taking one day at a time and I’m pushing myself to overlook these women lol baby is awesome. Still gaining but she won’t stay awake thru bottle feeds. That’s what they want. Soon as she can handle that. We’re outta here

Sounds like you are absolutely smashing it huny, you and your little queen :cloud9: x I hope you're feeling stronger my lovely x. Ignore any negative vibes from catty women they don't deserve your time doll. Thinking of you xxxxx
Looking amazing @cazza22 Almost that time… are you nervous or excited?
Oh im absolutely shitting myself hun :rofl:. Can't get over how nervous I am for this c section. I think my other kids I was just going through the motions and not really thinking about it but this time I've been petrified something might go wrong on the operating table :sad2:. I'm soooooo uncomfortable now. Baby us so low and I need to pee like ALLLLLL the time. The tightenings I'm having are next level painful too so I don't think I'll be pregnant much longer.
How are you huny?? How is Journei? :cloud9:
Oh im absolutely shitting myself hun :rofl:. Can't get over how nervous I am for this c section. I think my other kids I was just going through the motions and not really thinking about it but this time I've been petrified something might go wrong on the operating table :sad2:. I'm soooooo uncomfortable now. Baby us so low and I need to pee like ALLLLLL the time. The tightenings I'm having are next level painful too so I don't think I'll be pregnant much longer.
How are you huny?? How is Journei? :cloud9:

I’m sure everything will be fine. I think it’s normal to have those feelings. Everything seems to be going smoothly and timely for you so that’s good. I’m excited to see if it’s a girl or boy lol

I’m ok… having to be strong for myself and my husband. He’s not doing good being away from me, 3 weeks is a long time and we still can’t leave yet. I mean I can but I’m not leaving my baby and he’s working. I may go home for a day and spend a night with him. Not sure yet but we’re missing each other something bad.
Journei is good. She’s such a cutie. All the nurses love her spunk and how much hair she has. She has a lot of hair lol. She doesn’t like ppl touching her tho, she loves her sleep lol. As far as growing she’s with the curve and doing everything right. She’s still not full term but they say she’s learning fast. I’m just praying we get out of here before the new year now.
We go home tomorrow ladies!!! I’m so happy. My baby is off the feeding tube and doing great, she is now 5lb 6oz. I haven’t been able to sleep lol I’m too anxious lol. Hope all is well with everyone and the babies
Hey lovely ladies!!! An OG BnB member here wondering if I can jump on this group……I recognise a few names here…..hope you’re all doing well in pregnancy and or with your little bubbas and their weight gains!

I’m Jai - this is baby No 4 due 11th Feb. have DD 13, DS 10 and DD 5….xxx
Happy new year ladies sending you much love from my family to yours xx
Omg @realbeauty86 hope you're all settled at home now with Journei x no idea how I missed ur update xxx

Happy new year all our lovely ladies in the group from me and my babies x. We meet our bundles this year eeeekkkkkkkk x so excited now.

I'm booked in for my elective section January 9th so unless my waters go naturally this week?, we have a week left with our last ever Bump :cloud9: x can't wait to know if we have a boy or girl in here xx

Omg @realbeauty86 hope you're all settled at home now with Journei x no idea how I missed ur update xxx

Happy new year all our lovely ladies in the group from me and my babies x. We meet our bundles this year eeeekkkkkkkk x so excited now.

I'm booked in for my elective section January 9th so unless my waters go naturally this week?, we have a week left with our last ever Bump :cloud9: x can't wait to know if we have a boy or girl in here xx

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What an amazing photo babe you look amazing eeek to think you are nearly die to deliver is crazy, I keep thinking I would have had mine 22nd Dec and even that's crazy to think aswell can't wait for updates from you all who are ready to deliver soon xx
What an amazing photo babe you look amazing eeek to think you are nearly die to deliver is crazy, I keep thinking I would have had mine 22nd Dec and even that's crazy to think aswell can't wait for updates from you all who are ready to deliver soon xx

I can't lie babe you have been on my mind as I knew you would have been due over Christmas. I know a rainbow baby will never replace the ones we've lost but I'm so so happy that you have yours cooking away perfectly in your tummy Tdog :cloud9:. Hope the weeks keep flying by beauts x

This has been the fastest pregnancy on earth. I'm sooooo excited, scared, apprehensive and all the feelings right now. We've had very long walks and lots of sex trying to bring baby on but nothing yet x will keep you updated x
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I can't lie babe you have been on my mind as I knew you would have been due over Christmas. I know a rainbow baby will never replace the ones we've lost but I'm so so happy that you have yours cooking away perfectly in your tummy Tdog :cloud9:. Hope the weeks keep flying by beauts x

This has been the fastest pregnancy on earth I can't lie. I'm sooooo excited, scared, apprehensive and all the feelings right now. We've had very long walks and lots of sex trying to bring baby on but nothing yet x will keep you updated x

Awww babe thank you so far so good I'm 10+4 now been dreading today tho as that's when I found out I lost little peanut but have to thank my lucky stars right now xx

These pregnancies have gone so so fast and your little bundle will be in your arms before you no it, I can't wait ro see if :pink: or :blue: xx
Omg @realbeauty86 hope you're all settled at home now with Journei x no idea how I missed ur update xxx

Happy new year all our lovely ladies in the group from me and my babies x. We meet our bundles this year eeeekkkkkkkk x so excited now.

I'm booked in for my elective section January 9th so unless my waters go naturally this week?, we have a week left with our last ever Bump :cloud9: x can't wait to know if we have a boy or girl in here xx

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Wow so you’re C-section is now scheduled when mine was and on my bday lol that’s funny
I was trying to remember if I added a pic of my sweet girl yet. Lol. I just let the world see her on fb and everyone’s in love with her already lol. She’s great. Eating more and fussy smh. She is so dramatic lol def a little diva. My hands will be full for sure

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