Hi all, I hope you are well! I'm anxiously awaiting my last fertility clinic scan tomorrow. I'm so excited to move on to my regular OB. On a different note, my morning sickness in week 11 is at an all-time high! I had been hoping to get by without vomiting for the longest time, but that started last week. Now, I'm constantly hungry every 2 hours and if I let my stomach get remotely empty, I vomit, so that's fun lol. And if I don't eat whatever I'm craving, I vomit too so my diet hasn't been great. I'm also still having horrible chicken/meat aversions and just feel nauseous 99% of the time. I'm thankful for a flexible job because I've been having to use more sick days than I would have liked to over the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping that symptom gets better in the second trimester! We've also started painting the nursery so I am honestly just so excited. Since we've had so many scans, we are also announcing our pregnancy tomorrow to extended family and friends (and social media), so I'm just really excited. I know it's still a little early, but given the strong heartbeat and constant monitoring, my doctor is extremely optimistic about this pregnancy. I honestly never really thought I would get to this point.