Jan/Feb 2023 Bundles of Joy!!!

Hello, hope all are ok, feel like I haven't come onto B&B in ages, but I think it's only been a few days lol. I'm back working a couple of days a week before going full time again September - before going on maternity leave #2 with this one in January lol.
Still having trouble sleeping, and I can't seem to nap in the day but occasionally I've had a 6 hour night which is good for me! I've had a couple of round ligament pains - luckily no more than that so far, I hate them. And I haven't melted in this UK heatwave so that's also a bonus! Ha
I had my scan today and got to see baby! They are quite happy, heart rate is 161 bpm, measuring a few days bigger than my actual dates at 8 weeks 5 days (2.1cm)

Such a relief to see their little heart beating and to know they’re in the right place and doing just fine :cloud9: Time to start letting myself get excited now!


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I had my scan today and got to see baby! They are quite happy, heart rate is 161 bpm, measuring a few days bigger than my actual dates at 8 weeks 5 days (2.1cm)

Such a relief to see their little heart beating and to know they’re in the right place and doing just fine :cloud9: Time to start letting myself get excited now!

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Aww yay… glad you are getting to the excited parts! Happy baby is ok and healthy!
AFM: I’m not doing the best right now. I had a hip surgery 2 years ago because I dislocated it in a bad car accident. I haven’t had any problems from it til now. So I can’t do anything, I’m in pain all day. I’m limping around and once I’m resting the pain just shoots thru my leg. There’s nothing I can take and nothing I nor a dr can do. It’s really depressing. Now I really feel like dead weight to my husband and I’m so not happy. My primary suggested physical therapy and I have a walker again. He’s worried and doesn’t want me to get hurt or the baby. So that’s that, can’t work right now. Can’t do shit. Hope you all are better than me.
AFM: I’m not doing the best right now. I had a hip surgery 2 years ago because I dislocated it in a bad car accident. I haven’t had any problems from it til now. So I can’t do anything, I’m in pain all day. I’m limping around and once I’m resting the pain just shoots thru my leg. There’s nothing I can take and nothing I nor a dr can do. It’s really depressing. Now I really feel like dead weight to my husband and I’m so not happy. My primary suggested physical therapy and I have a walker again. He’s worried and doesn’t want me to get hurt or the baby. So that’s that, can’t work right now. Can’t do shit. Hope you all are better than me.

Oh no, that sounds really hard. Pelvic / hip pain is the worst. I have rheumatoid arthritis and my hips get really bad during flare ups so you have my full sympathy. Have you got a good full body pillow? This can make all the difference to getting comfortable while resting.

It sounds like you are being quite hard on yourself - you’re not a dead weight at all; your growing your husband’s child! You can’t get more productive than that! You cannot help your situation. Hopefully things improve with time and physical therapy, but in the meantime take the rest your body clearly needs and don’t beat yourself up about it. I hope you can be a bit kinder to yourself.

I’m off work at the moment too with “morning” sickness, which is pretty much an all day event at the moment - hoping it improves as I get closer to the second trimester!
Oh no, that sounds really hard. Pelvic / hip pain is the worst. I have rheumatoid arthritis and my hips get really bad during flare ups so you have my full sympathy. Have you got a good full body pillow? This can make all the difference to getting comfortable while resting.

It sounds like you are being quite hard on yourself - you’re not a dead weight at all; your growing your husband’s child! You can’t get more productive than that! You cannot help your situation. Hopefully things improve with time and physical therapy, but in the meantime take the rest your body clearly needs and don’t beat yourself up about it. I hope you can be a bit kinder to yourself.

I’m off work at the moment too with “morning” sickness, which is pretty much an all day event at the moment - hoping it improves as I get closer to the second trimester!
Thank you for the kind words. I do have a body pillow. Guess I should go back to using it. I hope your sickness eases, I didn’t have the vomiting morning sickness. I stayed feeling nauseous and on the toilet lol. Have you tried ginger. I see they have all kinds of things, gum bracelets etc
I had my scan today and got to see baby! They are quite happy, heart rate is 161 bpm, measuring a few days bigger than my actual dates at 8 weeks 5 days (2.1cm)

Such a relief to see their little heart beating and to know they’re in the right place and doing just fine :cloud9: Time to start letting myself get excited now!

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Yayyyy so happy for you darling
AFM: I’m not doing the best right now. I had a hip surgery 2 years ago because I dislocated it in a bad car accident. I haven’t had any problems from it til now. So I can’t do anything, I’m in pain all day. I’m limping around and once I’m resting the pain just shoots thru my leg. There’s nothing I can take and nothing I nor a dr can do. It’s really depressing. Now I really feel like dead weight to my husband and I’m so not happy. My primary suggested physical therapy and I have a walker again. He’s worried and doesn’t want me to get hurt or the baby. So that’s that, can’t work right now. Can’t do shit. Hope you all are better than me.

Hope you’re ok huny?. They need to get on top of that pain for you darlin before baby gets bigger and it becomes worse x big hugs beauts x
Hope you’re ok huny?. They need to get on top of that pain for you darlin before baby gets bigger and it becomes worse x big hugs beauts x
I wish. They say it’s nothing that can be done because of the baby. So I may have a bed rest future ahead of me which will devastate me but I’m gonna pray on it. That’s about all I can do
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster in this group I am currently 15+3 and just having a nose to see what sort of prams/pushchairs are around for a newborn and an almost 3 year old but not having much luck. I need one that can be used as a single pram when my son (will be almost 3) isn't in it and I want a tandem not a side by side (one where they're not squashed). I know I'm fussy but I know what I need I've looked at the Cosatto Wow XL, Cybex Gazelle S and the Uppababy Vista but I'm not sure any of those are going to suit my boy, he walks well but if we were to go for day trips etc then he will need to go in a pushchair as he gets tired and I've looked at buggy boards but since baby is due mid January, I'd rather him be warm and cosy in a seat that I can put raincovers on and blankets around him. Anyone have any other suggestions please? I'm in the UK if that makes any difference :)
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster in this group I am currently 15+3 and just having a nose to see what sort of prams/pushchairs are around for a newborn and an almost 3 year old but not having much luck. I need one that can be used as a single pram when my son (will be almost 3) isn't in it and I want a tandem not a side by side (one where they're not squashed). I know I'm fussy but I know what I need I've looked at the Cosatto Wow XL, Cybex Gazelle S and the Uppababy Vista but I'm not sure any of those are going to suit my boy, he walks well but if we were to go for day trips etc then he will need to go in a pushchair as he gets tired and I've looked at buggy boards but since baby is due mid January, I'd rather him be warm and cosy in a seat that I can put raincovers on and blankets around him. Anyone have any other suggestions please? I'm in the UK if that makes any difference :)

Hey love I have a suggestion hope you don't mind as I thought of this when I had my last baby my little girl was then 18 months not really walking how about a seat you attach to the pram, like a buggy board but it's a seat, found a pic lol xx

Hey @Bumblebeee welcome and congrats. No need to be a lurker anymore lol. You @cazza22 and myself are all due around the same time. I don’t exactly know the different push carts you guys have there, we just call them strollers lol all I know about are the ones joined for either twins or the bigger kid and baby. I know I’ve seen one where the kid can sit on the back, I’ve seen one with a bike in front but of course that won’t work for the cold lol I’ll Google them
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster in this group I am currently 15+3 and just having a nose to see what sort of prams/pushchairs are around for a newborn and an almost 3 year old but not having much luck. I need one that can be used as a single pram when my son (will be almost 3) isn't in it and I want a tandem not a side by side (one where they're not squashed). I know I'm fussy but I know what I need I've looked at the Cosatto Wow XL, Cybex Gazelle S and the Uppababy Vista but I'm not sure any of those are going to suit my boy, he walks well but if we were to go for day trips etc then he will need to go in a pushchair as he gets tired and I've looked at buggy boards but since baby is due mid January, I'd rather him be warm and cosy in a seat that I can put raincovers on and blankets around him. Anyone have any other suggestions please? I'm in the UK if that makes any difference :)
I used to have the Jane Powertwin for my 2 under 2 it was the best buggy I’ve ever had we loved it xx Congrats and welcome huny :)

hope everyone is all good? I’m ok been feeling baby wiggle in there so much now :cloud9: so reassuring x sickness has subsided pretty much completely too x
Thanks @MrsKatie
@cazza22 i wish I could feel the baby. I don’t even know what to look for lol. My first kid was lazy so I didn’t feel anything til about 20 weeks or later. I think this lil girl is similar. They too comfy in there hahahaha
Thanks @MrsKatie
@cazza22 i wish I could feel the baby. I don’t even know what to look for lol. My first kid was lazy so I didn’t feel anything til about 20 weeks or later. I think this lil girl is similar. They too comfy in there hahahaha

lol I think I have a lazy baby too - at my scan the sonographer kept asking me to cough to get the baby to move, but they stayed asleep the whole time :lol: As I recall (though it's been a while - 13 years since I was pregnant with my twins!) early movements feel like gas bubbles. It's like when you've had gas trapped in your bowel and it starts to move along lol - Early movements are just little flutters but they get stronger with time. I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks with my twins, but they didn't feel like proper kicks until around 22 weeks.
lol I think I have a lazy baby too - at my scan the sonographer kept asking me to cough to get the baby to move, but they stayed asleep the whole time :lol: As I recall (though it's been a while - 13 years since I was pregnant with my twins!) early movements feel like gas bubbles. It's like when you've had gas trapped in your bowel and it starts to move along lol - Early movements are just little flutters but they get stronger with time. I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks with my twins, but they didn't feel like proper kicks until around 22 weeks.
Lol wel I had Weightloss surgery years ago so the gas is like times 20 so I really wouldn’t know a flutter at this point lol even when I don’t eat gassy foods, I’m still gassy lol

my baby too didn’t move during scan. She had her back to us, the tech pushed her around and that was it. It looked like she waved her hand and that’s about it. I’m like dang is she sleep? The tech just laughed and said possibly

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