January 2020 Garnets

Saw a consultant today at hospital and all going well, but was told I was going to be induced at 40 weeks, if not before. I’m feeling a bit crushed and emotional! I’ve been envisioning a lovely natural labour at home, before popping up the hospital near the end (it’s only ten minutes up the road) and the thought of being induced is terrifying me. I just found the contractions awful and intense last time with no build up, and I was hoping to avoid that. I know I have to do what’s best for baby, and of course I will, but I am really hoping he just decides to come a little early instead!
Anyone been told they will be induced?

Sorry you're feeling so stressed Red. :( Why do they want to induce you?? I actually wanted to be induced at 40 weeks with DS because there is a history of stillbirths on my mom's side of the family, but they said absolutely not. They don't seem overly fond of inducing people where I live but in some areas it seems to be done a lot more. Hopefully you will beat your induction date and baby will come on his own, but I can understand why it would be stressful to have that hanging over your head.

I just saw my O.B. and learned that I'll be having my c-section on either the 16th, the 17th or the 20th. I'm so happy to have some idea of when it will be, but poor DS, his birthday is on the 12th!! We'll have to make it extra special for him this year because once Baby is here they'll probably be having combined birthday parties from then on...

I knew all along that I was going to choose the elective c-section over the vbac, but my O.B. told me that with the circumstances of my last labor my chances of a successful vbac are only 50% when most people who are eligible for a vbac usually are given a 60-70% chance of success which definitely reinforced by belief that the c-section is the way to go!
OnErth did you find being induced worse than your natural labour?

FitMama I didn’t ask why - assume it’s because of my history but it does seem strange when everything has gone okay so far. I guess I can discuss it further nearer the time and hope I get my way!
That’s so nice you have a few dates! It must be lovely knowing pretty much when baby will be here! How many weeks will you be then? 37?
Red I will be in my 39th week when I go for the c-section. :)

That seems totally strange that they'd want to induce you when you haven't had any issues at all with your current pregnancy. Hopefully they will let you go into labor naturally!
I had a 100% successful VBA2C. It took fighting and finding the right ob but it was worth it.

Red, I've never had a natural labor. Ds was epidural asap then section, dd1 was epidural then section. Dd2 was epidural and then normal birth. This baby will be all natural, no epidural. I do know the contractions I did feel with dd2 were painful but I was also strapped to a bed and that didnt help.

This midwife and OB are fine with a 2nd vba2c. I worried maybe my cancer would make that a fight but because they didnt cut my uterus, I got the Ok.
Fit mama, in May..dd1 has the 22nd and DH is the 18th. I tried combining but dd1 hated it. Haha

This baby could come in December and share around dd2 (shes the 22nd). That would be early but not impossible!
Going for it - That’s interesting that you had a little spell like that too. I mentioned it to my doctor and she said it was very common, especially in the second trimester.
That’s wonderful that you stay home with your kids. Good luck with moving again soon! I hope you can get all settled before baby arrives.
I’m glad your cervix length was OK. Mine was 4

red head - that’s nice you can take a full year. I hope you don’t have to go back early. That’s also really nice you get a top up for 3 months. I don’t get any sort of top up and will be living on 33% of my income for the majority of the leave. It will definitely be tight, but we have been planning for it for quite a while so that it would be possible. I am sorry that you are disappointed about being induced at 40 weeks! Who knows - maybe you’ll go into labour sooner!

Ashley - That’s good they’ll be keeping an eye on it but I’m glad it was still within normal range at your last scan.
Fit mama - I hear you on the close birthdays. My dd2 was born on Jan 27 and my due date is the 28th! I’m really hoping they don’t share the exact day, but I know they’ll be getting combined birthdays for at least a few years regardless. Tbh I feel quite guilty about it!!
I was induced with dd2. I asked for it though due to anxiety. She was fine as was I. I dont know that I'd ask again but it's better than a 3rd section!

Interesting! So have you had more than one section? I had an emergency section with DD1 after failed vontous and forceps and it sounds like a section will be my best/safest option this time. Interestingly they won't induce me due to the risks to my scar reopening.

Wow Ashley that's incredible...what happens when it's effaced? Your at risk of early labour? Do they give you a stitch at all? Yes my cervix wasn't an issue last time so didn't think it would be. That's a good idea to keep asking and monitoring it.

Red why will they induce you at 40 weeks? I've heard mixed things about induction. I suppose we all just do what we have to and is best for the baby.

Mother of Pugs hope your scan went well. Looking forward to seeing the photos :-) We had one with DD1 so might look into it again!

I'm so exhausted by all this house stuff already. Such an emotional trip and lots to do still but I've got all my baby things from the loft!
Goingforit- no. I think the cerclage/stitch is usually just for those who start to efface around the 20th week? I could be wrong. My OB’s just never seemed too concerned that I start to efface by 28 weeks. They don’t even tell my to go on bedrest. Just to take it easy. We will see what happens this pregnancy. My next appointment I will be 24+4. In the past I was around 3.5 at that point so hopefully I will be that still. I know most women who are on their second or later pregnancy will be some efface by 32 weeks. It’s just that most women don’t get checked that early so they don’t know. I just seem to thin out a bit earlier. I have no clue why. I am not active because I get so nervous about a preemie yet I still efface early. But maybe it wouldn’t matter either way. Not something I want to put to the test though!
The last few days I’ve been feeling Braxton Hicks several times a day. Not too bad yet though. Hoping they hold off from coming kind of regularly for a long time. But I’m not counting on it!
How is everyone feeling? Nausea gone for all of you by now?
I’m still dealing with mild nausea. Thankfully it’s much better.
Anyone else just get so uncomfortable sitting too long? I do after about an hour. My back starts to hurt.
Baby kicks are starting to hurt sometimes. Earlier today I was actually to the point that I was kind of annoyed that she kept kicking so much. I just wanted her to give me a break! Lol. I do mostly love the kicks though! I just felt like she had been kicking for such a long period of time and they weren’t soft. I can just imagine how much stronger they will be in the next 2-3 months!
Goingforit - I don’t know why they want to induce me - he didn’t say. I guess because of my history and the risk of still birth but not sure. Hopefully it won’t be necessary.
I hope your house stuff gets sorted soon!

Ashley that all sounds like it must be nerve wracking for you, but you seem to handle it well :) hopefully it’ll be calm for you! I’ve been having BH for a few weeks now but not every day yet luckily.

Ashley glad you’re feeling better. I get uncomfortable too. And same with the kicks! Baby is so low, he actually keeps kicking me so low it feels like it’s in my vagina!!! Lol!! I thought he was going to fall out haha! And I was trying to have a serious conversation at work but couldn’t keep eye contact! I hope he moves before they get much stronger!
Interesting! So have you had more than one section? I had an emergency section with DD1 after failed vontous and forceps and it sounds like a section will be my best/safest option this time. Interestingly they won't induce me due to the risks to my scar reopening.

Yes I had 2 sections and then a induced VBA2C. 05, 06 and in 07. They do not usually allow or like to induce sections but my OB had done them with success and didnt do a full blown induction. If the normal woman gets 60cc pitocin every 30 minutes, I got 30cc every 30.

I did a lot of research because having a 3rd section was NOT an option for me or one I was willing to do just because. Even this baby, I'm doing research because things change in 11yrs. My OB had a very low (5%) section rate and my midwife has a low transfer rate. I feel like it's a good team for the birth I want.

Theres ICAN, it's an organization that can help educate (unbiased) on vaginal birth after sections.
Im feeling normal and ready to fast forward time.
Here is our boy :cloud9: I can't believe I have made something so cute! 4d scan was an amazing experience. Baby boy spent most of it with the hands over his face refusing to move them but we did at least get some good photos right at the beginning. He's currently breech which explains all the kicks in my cervix/butt area :haha:

Ashley2pink - I'm with you on the BH and back ache. Makes me a bit nervous as I know they are only going to get worse. Hope your nausea goes soon.

Hi all!

Ashley - sorry you still have some mild nausea. I would say mine is gone now, but I still have mild aversions. Still can’t handle the smell of coffee and some other things as well. It is definitely a relief not to be nauseated anymore. Sometimes you don’t realize how bad it was until it’s finally gone! Sorry some of your baby kicks are hurting you. I guess probably because of my anterior placenta none of mine are that strong. I’ve found that this past week they have finally gotten stronger and are more definitive but I’d still like them to be stronger. I like being able to feel them on the outside haha.

red head - haha, that is awkward about your baby kicking you down below while you were trying to have a conversation with someone!

Mother of pugs - what a beautiful scan photo! It really is remarkable how we manage to make such cute little creatures. I always wonder how my own kids got so cute. :)

AFM - is anyone else still really irritable a lot of the time? Or am I the only rage monster? I tend to just be so grouchy for my entire pregnancy. I’m quite sick of it, and I’m sure everyone around me is sick of it too.

I finally have regained some energy the last couple weeks and can cope without naps on some (not all) of my days off. However, with that, my insomnia has come back and I’m usually up for 2-3 hours in the night. So annoying! My hips are also quite stiff when I walk or do stairs, and I get out of breath SO easily. I feel so out of shape. :/ I have been trying to walk 2 km per day for a challenge we are doing at work, though. It is nice to get a bit of exercise, and 2 km isn’t long.
OnErth thanks for the info on vbac I shall look it up and have a good read. I do need educating on it.

MotherOfPugs awww how gorgeous does does he look!!

Thanks for the luck for the house. We think we've done all we need to so will be making the 460mile trip back to Scotland later today. Fx my DD can be entertained or sleeping for a lot of it as the journey down was relatively painful.

Sorry to hear about the aches and pains...I hope that they do not get worse for you.

My sickness seems to have made a bit of a come back but I can't figure if that's just my body telling me I'm over doing it.

Red yes that would make sense! It's nice to know they do cater for individual needs. Xx
Motherofpugs that’s such a gorgeous picture! His little nose!

Literati sorry you’ve been irritable and uncomfortable. It’s not surprising with your insomnia! Pregnancy is hard! Well done on the 2k a day! I’m glad you’ve got some energy back.

Going for it hope the drive isn’t too stressful and you feel better soon!
Going for it - sorry your sickness has made a bit of a comeback. Could definitely be that you’re working yourself too hard. I hope your DD will be good for your long trip. I am not a fan of travelling long distances with kids.

Red head - thanks. The energy is definitely fully gone again today. I find now I am much more physically exhausted. It feels hard to lug my big, water-retaining body around everywhere. I’m so worn out and not sure how I’m ever going to make it to maternity leave. How are you doing these days?
Thank you Literati and red the journey home was okay. Dd wasn't as bad as on the way down South. Having a few restful days now to help us both to feel normal again.

Literati awww sorry to hear this. My bump definitely has heavy days and I'm not little! Can your work help ease your burden/workload at all to make things more manageable?

Anyone got any nice ideas of things to drink? I've gone off tea/coffee and am getting bored of blackcurrant squash!
Thank you Literati and red the journey home was okay. Dd wasn't as bad as on the way down South. Having a few restful days now to help us both to feel normal again.

Literati awww sorry to hear this. My bump definitely has heavy days and I'm not little! Can your work help ease your burden/workload at all to make things more manageable?

Anyone got any nice ideas of things to drink? I've gone off tea/coffee and am getting bored of blackcurrant squash!

I have been drinking cranberry ginger ale while it's in season. Not the healthiest but yummmm.

Sorry you've been so uncomfortable Literati, hope it passes so you don't have to spend the rest of your pregnancy feeling like this. :(

I full on laughed out loud when I read my ticker description for this week. Yes, share the wealth Baby. :haha:

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