Back in February I was carrying Ani down the stairs. I was so tired, and I missed one of the stairs in front of me. I fell and dropped her. She tumbled down about 6-8 stairs and landed on her back. She was crying immediately - that part was actually good because she never lost consciousness. A small voice remembered in 1st aid that a crying baby was a good sign. Her poor face was bloody. I picked her up (not smart if she had broken something but I instinctively did it) and called 911. EMT's came and assessed her, thought she was okay but brought us to the hospital just to be sure. She was monitored for 4 hours, and they were confident that she would be okay, however I had to check on her every few hours to make sure she woke up in case there was a concussion. She ended up with a lacerated upper gum because her lower teeth had just come in. Her upper lip swelled up and she looked like a duck. Then it scabbed and she looked like Hitler with a tiny scab mustache.
I felt SO awful. I was so scared. Worst day of my life. But the EMT's, doctors, and nurses really helped my baby, and helped me hold it together.