January Jelly Beans 2014!

My daughter *loves* the movie Cars, for a while there it was her favorite movie. Right now her favorite is a Winnie the Pooh one.
I love the Tigger movie. Can't wait for Ani to be a little older to see what her favorite movies are. Actually I can wait - don't grow up too fast!! :haha:
I know exactly what you mean! These past two years have gone by so fast! My son is getting so big and he amazes me every day with the new things he learns. I just wish he could stay a baby forever! LOL But he's starting to become such a little man. :)
New, my monster did go for a nap, but I couldn't get to sleep. typical!
I'm hoping to be able to breastfeed this one, I tried with Alex, took the first feed fine and just wouldn't feed after that (we went home same day) he would latch on and come straight back off, we went back for the doctors check the next morning and they kept us in for 3 nights. I decided to formula feed after the 2nd night, I was so stressed which wasn't good for either of us and I was gutted but no use dwelling on it.

Off for an earlyish night now. I need to get my laptop fixed so I can keep up with everyone, my phone isn't exactly the best lol.
I BF Ani for 6 weeks but I simply didn't produce enough. She got enough because she was on the boob practically 24/7, but when I had to go back to work, I tried pumping with a very expensive, electric machine, and literally got less than an ounce from both breasts combined after 45 minutes. It was a huge relief to switch to formula. Her diaper went from wet to soaked because she was drinking so much.

I've found out since then that there are supplements that can help stimulate supply, so I'll attempt BF again and even try supplements. But at the same time, if I have to switch to FF, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Hi gals!

Naaxi- good luck tomorrow on your repeat beta.

I want to breast feed as well. I don't know if it'll be possible because I have somewhat flat nipples...maybe they'll pop out by then :shrug:

I went to my regular OB today and did the urine test. Then they gave me all the prenatal paperwork to fill out and bring back tomorrow. I think we'll set up the 7 week appointment then. I have my beta on Friday with my RE, and then an appointment with her on the 24th. I think she's going to do a TV ultrasound then to look for the sac. I'm feeling extra tired today.
I'm going to try BFing my LO, I BF my first for about a week, it was such a struggle, I got thrush (poor Em had it in her mouth and I got it on my nipple, she had 3 courses of treatments before it went, her whole mouth,tongue, inside of cheeks were white,totally covered) then I got mastitus and needed antibiotics so I sacked it and FF. i was so upset when I had to stop, hadnt realised how much pressure I'd put on myself to do it.
So this time I'm just going to do it for as long as I can and not stress if it doesnt work out :thumbup: xxx
I'm sorry to hear about your ladies struggles with Bfing but at the same time it's a relief to me as well. I had to the hardest time and was devastated when I finally gave it up at 8 weeks. This time around I'm going to try again but will not put as much pressure on myself.
I am planning on BF'ing again. We had our ups and downs with it, but 2.5 years later and I think I will need to wean our little man (he only has some milk at night now), because I just don't think he will do so by himself as he loves the comfort and cosyness of it too much. But I am really hoping for a few months break before doing it all again...
I plan to bf. I have heard of so many people having a hard time though that I don't have my mind set on it. My mother bf all 6 of her kids with out much trouble, so I am hoping its a genetic thing. lol
I'd like to BF until at least 6 months, but I have no idea how easy or not that will be, given that this will be our first! :)

How many of you have already told people? What are your "policies" for telling?

Myself, we're waiting until after the five week mark, and then I'll tell my parents and a couple close friends, and DH might tell his dad (I haven't asked him if he's going to, but he did with the last pregnancy). For everyone else, we'll wait until 2nd trimester.
We're on the same page as you! We told DH's parents and a few close friends right around 5 weeks. We'll tell the rest after my 12 week scan.
As of right now we are planning to wait until the second tri to tell anyone. I wouldn't doubt if we end up telling family sooner though
I plan on breast feeding until weaning but I know it might not work for us, and I won't beat myself up over it.

My parents and brother know because they knew we were having IVF as does my neighbour, but that's all.

Em xxx
We've told his mom, my mom, and a close friend that had infertility issues and who is now pregnant as well. I think we'll wait until 8-12 weeks to tell everyone else.
My parents, sister and her boyfriend know as we see them every day. Everyone else we're waiting until after the scan to tell them, including the inlaws, last time I was 7 weeks when we told our families, MIL put it straight onto Facebook! I hadn't even announced it so we're telling her after we've been to his dads and telling her to leave it off Facebook until we've had time to do it ourselves!

Had a rubbish night with Alex again last night with him tossing and turning and then chatting to himself. And we have ants in the living room, yuck! OH has put an ant bait under the sofa so that should get rid!

Have my midwife appointment next Tuesday :) UK ladies, would this be the booking in appointment or not? I'll be 6 weeks. last time I had to go to see a midwife at a clinic and they arranged my booking in appointment for a couple weeks later at home, not sure if it will be the same this time around?
We haven't told anyone apart from our little one yet and are planning on telling people after the scan.

However, our little one now speaks to the belly and kisses it, so I am a bit worried he might give it away before. :blush:
We haven't told anyone apart from our little one yet and are planning on telling people after the scan.

However, our little one now speaks to the belly and kisses it, so I am a bit worried he might give it away before. :blush:

That is so cute!

I hope everyone is having a good day. I dropped off my paperwork to the regular OB and they scheduled my first appointment for 13 June. I should be 8 weeks by then :thumbup:
We've only told a few close family besides my husbands boss. He told him before anyone else. The only reason though was because in his job they have "blackout months" which means they can't take any leave without a lot of notice and extreme circumstances. And December and January are their blackout months so he wanted himt to know right away so hopefully he can take time off when the baby arrives. Other than that his mom knows, my parents and my brother and sister and their SOs. I'll probably tell my grandmother when I hit the 2nd trimester but I'm not sure about the rest of the family. Last time I waited until my 20 week scan just because I was so worried that as soon as I told, something would go wrong. I may do the same thing this time as well. I'm not 100% sure yet but I'll figure it out eventually. That's probably when I'll tell work as well, just like last time. :)

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