ASM...I've had a new, weird symptom pop up. I'm not even sure if I would call it a symptom, but it has to be pregnancy/soon to be motherhood nerves kicking in. I live in a rural area and on a back road. On my way to work, I pass at least 5 deer along the road before getting to the main highway. It has always been that way, and I know to take it slow and keep my eyes open. I'm now starting to develop this completely irrational fear of hitting them. People around here hit deer quite frequently, so it wouldn't be unheard of with the deer population for me to hit one, but suddenly...I'm petrified of it! I'm so scared that I seriously have major anxiety in the morning all because of the fear of hitting a deer. I live on a back, curvy road and I take it nice and slow, so if heaven forbid I did hit one, it would mess up my car, but the chances of me or the baby being injured is pretty slim. So why on earth am I suddenly so overtaken with the idea/fear of hitting one? Do you think it's just weird overprotective mama bear instincts kicking in?