Unfortunately for me, my hubby isn't all that big on Christmas. He had a huge falling out at Christmas with hs family one year, ended up leaving and hasn't really enjoyed it since; plus he holds the whole Santa thing against his parents (didn't like that they lied about it). Its tough for me because Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. He puts up with my love of decorations, tree and lights, though so I love him for that. He just doesn't usually go to my family gatherings. I usually put up my Christmas tree and house lights the weekend after Thanksgiving and leave them up at least until January 1st. Last year though, my poor christmas tree stand (fake tree) broke a few days after Christmas while my sons and hubby were standing there looking at some ornaments and it fell over. Some of my ornaments broke but luckily neither my son nor husband were hurt though it did frighten my son. So this year I'm not sure what we are going to do. I have a smaller tree that I can put up...but I'd really like to get a nice new big one. But with how far along I'll be, I'm not sure I'll bother this year and just suck it up and use the smaller one. LOL Unless I can find a good deal on a new one.

Hubby promised me last year I could get a new one this year so we'll see.
On a separate note, I had my OB appointment yesterday afternoon, after waiting over 1.5 hours to see the doctor (Got there ~2:15 and didn't see her until after 4


It went well despite the wait. I'd gained 3 lbs since last time (4 weeks ago) but that time I was down 3 so who knows how much I've actually put on if any. LOL I got to hear the hb, though she didn't tell me what it was, and she measured my fundal height for the first time (27 cm). I also spoke with her about my back pain and she also told me it was my sciatic nerve. And funny enough she gave me the same advice as I got from you ladies here and on FB for how to deal with it, even down to googling the yoga stretches!

I did get a little bit ribbed by the nurse for not getting my glucose test done but she said next week would be fine. I'm thinking I'll go tomorrow though to get it over with. I go back to see her in 3 weeks and then after that I'll start going every 2 weeks. So all is looking good so far!