I feel your pain on heartburn and having trouble sleeping! Thankfully, tums seem to do the trick, although I do have to take them several times throughout the day and sometimes in the middle of the night. As far as bending over, my bump still isn't that big so it isn't bothering me too much. But, I pretty much only wear slip on shoes because I hate having to tie my shoes...lol.
I should be getting my 1-hr glucose test results back tomorrow at my doctors appointment and he wants me to schedule another ultrasound for next week. Everything seems to be going well, but my doctor wants to keep a close eye on me because of being put on bp medicine at 22 weeks. I'm okay with getting another scan because I wasn't sure if I would get another one.

He has me going weekly for ob checkups though, which is kind of annoying but it's reassuring to hear weekly that everything is going well. I had my first NST last week and apparently he's going to have me do one at each appointment. It takes about 20 minutes, but it still only makes the appointment 25-30 mins so not too bad. Plus it's kind of nice hearing the heartbeat for that long and seeing just how many times she is moving.
As far as prepping for baby...I think we are doing okay. We have most of the big baby items, and maybe more bigger items than we actually need, lol. We're having our first shower this weekend, another shower next weekend, and then my work is throwing me a small one and my husband work is throwing him a small one as well. I'm hoping we get a lot of the smaller items that we still need at those. I feel like we have a pretty good start on what we need but I still feel unsettled. The nursery is nowhere near finished though because we're waiting for my dad to put down new baseboards before moving all the furniture in. I think maybe once we get the furniture in and I get to decorate, I'll feel more ready.
Here is what we have so far: (A lot has been given to us, thankfully!)
Crib and mattress, changing table/hutch, chest of drawers, glider chair (all for nursery)
bassinet, rock n play sleeper rocker, pack n play, bouncer, swing, baby glider thing, baby rocker thing, high chair, baby bath tub, bumbo seat, infant car seat and one base
Wide range of diapers, wipes, a few towels/wash cloths
a few receiving blankets, a few heavier blankets, crib bedding set, 3 crib sheets, 2 bassinet sheets
several types and sizes of bottles, insurance should be getting me a double breast pump
Sooo...I'm thinking I still need: swaddling blankets, more sheets, breast feeding items (breast pads, ointment, bags, etc), bath and diapering items (wash, rash creme,etc), monitor for nursery, projector mobile for crib, matress pad, changing pad and cover, nursing pillow (boppy?), car seat cover...and I'm sure more...
I get stressed thinking about it. Does it seem like we're off to a good start? Are there any major things that I'm forgetting? Sorry for being so long, I think I'm starting to panic as it's now November (almost!)