Shelli, I wished you luck on FB but I thought I'd do the same here.

Good Luck to you and I hope everything goes OK.
I hope you guys are feeling better, del and desp!

Besides it being painful to walk most of the time now, I haven't felt too bad. This morning though I felt a little light headed when I was getting ready for work. I was getting my son some milk and I had to sit down for a minute. Yuck! But that's the first time I've felt like that. And I haven't felt too bad since. Hopefully I just stood up to fast or something.
My Heartburn had picked up again lately too. Not sure why; I haven't changed my eating habits. It had stopped for a while but then right when I ran out of Tums, it decides to hit full force. Luckily the tums still helps when it hits for a while anyway. When I eat again, it pops back up and I'll need more tums. I'm looking forward to that part being over!
We got our outside Christmast decorations up yesterday. It was fun to see how excited my son got while we were putting things up. He's much more excited this year than last.

I'm not sure what we are going to do for a tree this year. The tree I've had for years decided to fall down and break on us last year (lost some ornaments too

) so that had to be thrown away, unfortunately. And where we put up the tree last year was in the dining area when we didn't have a table. But now we have a table and no room for a tree. I have a little 4 ft tree that I used to set on my desk in my office when I lived with my parents that I'm thinking of putting up instead. We have a bay window behind the couch and I think the tree would look pretty there. It's just a lot smaller than what I'm used to! But with things being what they are this year, I think it makes more sense so there won't be as much to put away later.

Still haven't decided yet. I just have so many ornaments (enough for multiple big trees..) that i'll be hard to pick and choose!

I think whatever I do, it'll look nice. Just got to get used to the idea. LOL