*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

For breast pump, I really like the Medela pump in style. That is the one I currently use and it works perfectly. I am using the equipment with the medela pump which also works really nicely. As for bottles, I talked to a nurse about it and they all recommended Dr. Brown's. So those are the bottles I will be getting. I want to have bottles so that other family members can feed Riya sometimes and not just me.

I used a medela pump in style with my first and I'm getting another of the same with this one. I used the bottles with the medela with slow flow nipples.
I'm planning on buying the medela pump with one or two bottles once baby gets to about 4 months. I'd like to establish BF and get into a nice rhythm with it before expressing. I feel like if I have all the stuff for doing bottles in the house from birth, I'm going to be more tempted to give up on BF, especially if we have the issues that came up last time. So to avoid even having the choice, I'm holding off on buying it.

My thinking is that if feeding goes haywire any sooner than that, there's 24 hour supermarkets around that sell everything you need to bottle feed, so if i really, really need to, DH can always get a hold of some essentials. Baby won't starve!

On another note: our pram arrived :happydance: I got it set up with the carrycot and it looks adorable...made it all real for DH I think! Hope everyone is doing great x
woop buddy thats fab! IF hes anything like my dh there will be a teddy strapped in there soon with a nappy on :haha:

i get my pram on the 11th november! Cant wait!

today dh is a complete and utter tw@t! came to bed... snored like a bloody pig and then at 4am decided he wanted a drink... so he noisily went and got one... then for some stupid idiotic reason went into the boys room and turned their music mobile on then noisily went to the toilet... 10 minutes later and voila... im the idiot whos got to be up with them while he gets to go back to freaking sleep! And he wonders why im always so tired!!

Getting horrible sharp pains aswell so i know fine well im going to be one grumpy woman today! x
Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/
Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

Welcome to the group.

Have you spoken to your midwife/hospital about your wishes after the csection? Will you oh be there to hold while they sort you out? Talk it through with them so you can find out why they have whisked babies away, and why you don't want that to happen.
Hi Jenna xx
Tara, kick him out of bed and get yourself some sleep xx
Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

Of course it's not too late to join! Welcome and (belated!) congrats :flower:

We've used TT CTN bottles and the ones that came with my medala swing pump. Have stocked up on bottles, as even though I will be exclusively bf'ing again I do want to try and get baby used to taking expressed milk from time to time. DD2 was a nightmare and refused a bottle until she was 10 months old! Made me going anywhere without her very, very difficult!
Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

Welcome to the group! :wave:
Congrats as well!
Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

Welcome to the group.

Have you spoken to your midwife/hospital about your wishes after the csection? Will you oh be there to hold while they sort you out? Talk it through with them so you can find out why they have whisked babies away, and why you don't want that to happen.

Thank you ladies!! Glad I'm not too late :)

I haven't gone back to the Dr. since finding out - My next appt. with him is Nov. 5th and I'll express my concerns then. We're touring the two hospitals on Tuesday and I'll be asking them how their policies are, etc. I'd rather have her skin to skin while they stitch me up. If I can't, then my husband will definitely be in there to hold her where I can physically see them both!
Welcome! No worries about updating. There's plenty who just stalk or only comment occasionally. There's also a secret FB group if that interests you at all.

I don't have any experience with placental previa. I hope the hospital will let you have what u want!!
woop buddy thats fab! IF hes anything like my dh there will be a teddy strapped in there soon with a nappy on :haha:

i get my pram on the 11th november! Cant wait!

today dh is a complete and utter tw@t! came to bed... snored like a bloody pig and then at 4am decided he wanted a drink... so he noisily went and got one... then for some stupid idiotic reason went into the boys room and turned their music mobile on then noisily went to the toilet... 10 minutes later and voila... im the idiot whos got to be up with them while he gets to go back to freaking sleep! And he wonders why im always so tired!!

Getting horrible sharp pains aswell so i know fine well im going to be one grumpy woman today! x

Oh my goodness...sometimes these men just don't think do they!? I don't think they realise how tired you get just being pregnant, let alone looking after LO's too. I'd be sooooo grumpy if DH did that to me, like , an all day grump rather than a pre-cuppa-tea grump :haha: Hope you got a bit of a lie in today to make up for it! X

Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

Hi and welcome! I don't have any experience with placenta previa, but like tthe other ladies have said, I know you can ask a lot of questions about what happens after the section. I know some women who've been able to have skin to skin after a section, so it's definitely worth asking about their usual practices and policies. There's nothing wrong with stipulating it in your birth plan as something that's very important to you, and requesting that you get that contact if there's no reason not to. I hope the hospital visits go well! X
buddy - i went back to bed when i got him up. much needed nap! :D

Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

hey hun! :hi: I cant remember what thread i was in with you but welcome hun!!

i dont have previa but i have had a section. Google a "natural section". They do everything much slower when you want it that way. With Ethan they they dropped the drape as they were pulling him out and stepped him out instead of just pulling him straight out.. so head, and then his shoulders came out and slowly the rest of him and they lifted him straight up so DH could get a photo of him and i could see him. They delayed cutting the cord for 2 minutes. Then they put the drape back up and DH went with the midwife over to the warmer and they cleaned him up and DH got to shorten the cord. Once he was weighed and clean he was wrapped up and brought straight to me. I was asked if i wanted to old him (wrapped in the blanket) but i said no as i was being suffocated by my boobs :haha: so DH sat beside me with him <3 They took dh and baby through to the recovery room while i was moved beds and then i was took straight through with them (10 minutes max.. but im a big woman so a thinner woman would be done a lot quicker). I got my skin to skin once in recover and it was amazing.. he was put straight on the breast and fed like a champ :D I aboslutely loved my section and have now decided i want to book a repeat section for this one as i dont want to be induced. xx
buddy - i went back to bed when i got him up. much needed nap! :D

Hi Ladies - I've been debating whether or not to join since I'm such a horrible updater.. but why not! Is there still time? Baby girl is due Jan. 12th, but at this point I have complete placenta previa (with not a lot of hope of it moving since it went from partial to complete in 6wks) so baby will be here either Jan. 1st or 2nd depending on when we can schedule a section. Reaaally hoping for the 1st - My husbands birthday is May 1st, and I'm Dec. 1st so I thought it would be cool to have her on Jan. 1st.

Anyone else with placenta previa or know they're having a c-section? I'm having such a hard time dealing with the section and the only reason is because I'm scared I won't be able to bond with her - I want her in my arms as soon as they get her cleaned up and I've read so many sites that say they let you see her face and then whisk them away to a room over to put them under a warmer. I'm going to absolutely freak out if they do that. =/

hey hun! :hi: I cant remember what thread i was in with you but welcome hun!!

i dont have previa but i have had a section. Google a "natural section". They do everything much slower when you want it that way. With Ethan they they dropped the drape as they were pulling him out and stepped him out instead of just pulling him straight out.. so head, and then his shoulders came out and slowly the rest of him and they lifted him straight up so DH could get a photo of him and i could see him. They delayed cutting the cord for 2 minutes. Then they put the drape back up and DH went with the midwife over to the warmer and they cleaned him up and DH got to shorten the cord. Once he was weighed and clean he was wrapped up and brought straight to me. I was asked if i wanted to old him (wrapped in the blanket) but i said no as i was being suffocated by my boobs :haha: so DH sat beside me with him <3 They took dh and baby through to the recovery room while i was moved beds and then i was took straight through with them (10 minutes max.. but im a big woman so a thinner woman would be done a lot quicker). I got my skin to skin once in recover and it was amazing.. he was put straight on the breast and fed like a champ :D I aboslutely loved my section and have now decided i want to book a repeat section for this one as i dont want to be induced. xx

I had no idea this was even an option and it's absolutely incredible. I think I'll add it to my just in case senarios!

Welcome Jen!

Everyone looks like there are doing fairly well over all!!

Not horribly bad on my end. My belly button seems to have herniated. And it's sore as anything but I knew this was a possibility and had a plan for it.

Anyone taking zofran still? I have an rx and took it for the first time yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Sure it kept me from projectile vomiting however I can't decide if the gas it gave me was worth the trade off. :-/
hi ladies, i attached a picture of my almost 2 year old from church recently...i love this picture. I also saw a couple pictures of me from my mom's 50th birthday party that i actually liked.- this is rare because i usually feel like i look huge in pictures, but ive lost weight this pregnancy and i can see it in the pictures. As soon as my mom sends me the picture of myself at 27 weeks (last week) ill upload it.

Jenna- At the hospital im using, if you have a scheduled c section they still encourage skin to skin immediately following delivery. With emergency or urgent sections, they dont allow it because the mom is usually under general anesthetic then. They will allow the father to do skin to skin in this circumstance. I was induced with my daughter and im hoping to be induced again as i had a great experience.

I have my glucose tolerance test in the morning and im not looking foward to it...Yuck!

I also realized that i only have 12 weeks left and a 2 year olds party plus christmas to plan along with getting ready for baby. I havent bought much this time around.

I need a support belt! Any suggestions? There are so many to choose from.


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Adorable picture Hopeful! Can't wait to see one of you and your lovely bump!

Here is one of Riya I got tonight. She is finally able to wear clothes and is up to 1275g now! She just barely fits into preemie clothes, but we all think that's adorable lol.


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Hopeful & Kiwi- beautiful pics of your dd's!! And glad Riya is doing so well kiwi! She's growing nicely!

Jennuuh- welcome:) I have no experience with placenta previa(sp?) But I will be doing c-section due to twins and my previous section with dd.
Its best you speak to your hospital/doc and make it clear as to how you feel. Skin to skin would be nice, but not all hospitals allow that with c-sections. So be sure to find out if yours does!

Sethsmummy- glad you managed to get some sleep after what dh did! Men!!!

AFM- love my new house!! It just feels so right! Its just a bit difficult getting places as its a huge house compared to the apartment I come from and the huge tummy ain't helping either,lol.

Is anyone else getting BH continuously? It happens all the time to me, like 15minutes apart! And its starting to hurt a bit now!

I forgot to upload the pics from my last scan(a week ago!) So doing it now. Its zoomed in so not that clear. One baby is looking at you and the other is sucking her thumb:)

Oh and I go for a 4D scan tomorrow, did I mention its FREE?? All included in the hospital plan when I booked my bed. Will also be getting a whole lot of other goodies and they gave me a list of all the things I'll need for when packing my bag.

So I'll update again with the 4D pics and I might upload the video too:)

Hope everyone is well!


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