January mommies!! ITs our turn!

Even the pads (for after delivery) our hospital gives you some to take with you but they recommend that you have some at home becuase you'll go through so many of them...
I went through about 45 pads (incl the ones I was given at the hospital), if that helps you plan :) After about 2 or 3 weeks I was wearing regular sanitary pads. Before I had C I looked at the pads and thought "no way can I wear them; they're HUGE!" but after having had stitches they offered extra padding and they were incredible :thumbup: :haha:

Yeah they showed us at the class the kind of pads that we'd be using after the delivery (regardless if we have a c-section or not because the excess fluid/blood has to go somewhere) and also recommended that we buy the pad covers (they looked like puppy pads) to go on the bed for the first weeks when we sleep. I'd always heard that you needed pads for after but didn't really grasp the concept until that class. I guess in my mind I was thinking panty liners but no, you need the HUGE pads and they said it could last up until 6 weeks.
Mine lasted about 4 weeks, but within a few days the flow had slowed to that of a regular period (I have heavy periods, but not insane heavy), so it's nothing like the gore you imagine. The bed pads were amazing; we had an entire pack given to us by someone, so I used them while I was bleeding heavily, and then we just put them on the crib under the sheets for the nights C peed through :thumbup: I love those things :)
welcome mamma et bebe congrats on ur baby girl!! maybe you will have a new year baby how cool!!
mrscupcake how are you? i really hope you get your birth the way you want it
Lorettaclair your dd is soo cute!! wow twins this time congrats!!
Hubbly bubbly you made me laugh with that forcepts quot haha
paula, steffy how are you ladies?
Emzy that is exactly my plans lol I just cant stick to anything haha
Even the pads (for after delivery) our hospital gives you some to take with you but they recommend that you have some at home becuase you'll go through so many of them...
I went through about 45 pads (incl the ones I was given at the hospital), if that helps you plan :) After about 2 or 3 weeks I was wearing regular sanitary pads. Before I had C I looked at the pads and thought "no way can I wear them; they're HUGE!" but after having had stitches they offered extra padding and they were incredible :thumbup: :haha:

Yeah they showed us at the class the kind of pads that we'd be using after the delivery (regardless if we have a c-section or not because the excess fluid/blood has to go somewhere) and also recommended that we buy the pad covers (they looked like puppy pads) to go on the bed for the first weeks when we sleep. I'd always heard that you needed pads for after but didn't really grasp the concept until that class. I guess in my mind I was thinking panty liners but no, you need the HUGE pads and they said it could last up until 6 weeks.
Mine lasted about 4 weeks, but within a few days the flow had slowed to that of a regular period (I have heavy periods, but not insane heavy), so it's nothing like the gore you imagine. The bed pads were amazing; we had an entire pack given to us by someone, so I used them while I was bleeding heavily, and then we just put them on the crib under the sheets for the nights C peed through :thumbup: I love those things :)

I agree that you dont have to bring everything for the hospital. I only brought the clothes i was going to wear home, the babies comming home outfit and blanket some slippers and i think that was all lol The hospital had EVERYTHING lol. I heard too that the bleeding can last up to 6 weeks but i just bled for i think 2 then i got my period again at 3 weeks lol so i hope that it works like that for you ladies too!!
I feel absolutely exhausted today... I am currently sat working from home because I just can't muster the energy to go into the office this afternoon :( I have been up since 6am, mucked out my four competition horses, walking up the field to feed my clients' horses and my youngstock and then collpsed in a heap feeling very sorry for myself!

I cannot believe how the tiredness has suddenly hit me. I feel as though my legs are made of lead and I am starting to get out of breath really quickly. I can't see how I can stand feeling like this for the next 9 weeks!

I am also starting to panic because so far we have not really got a nursery. We put a new wooden floor down a few weeks ago, but it still needs painting, the woodwork touching up and all the furniture putting in there (and some still to buy).

I haven't even thought about a hospital bag yet... Perhaps it would be a good idea to start thinking about that though. I have also just changed doctors as I have been really unhappy with mine for a while now due to various big mistakes. So it will hopefully be better because I have not yet seen the midwife from the old surgery!!!

Oh hun im sorry you are feeling lowsy i hope you start to feel better. :hugs: Dont worrie these 9 weeks will go fast then you think!!
Hi there siobahn! How is your bump treatin you!!
Hey ladies! :) i'm 34 weeks today.. kinda scary to think i'll be full term in just 3 weeks!!! eeek! feeling pretty nervous to say the least!
34 weeks wow. Does anyone feel like time is just flying by?
I'll be 32 weeks on sat due jan 21st, started to get sooo fed up with peoples comments on me and my bump don't think it helps that I'm a hairdresser and have every client say what they think! Its like everyone sees something different to, I'm small, I'm big, I'm all up front, I'm all around, I'm high, I'm low, and the best of all today your only a little person so you don't want your bump any bigger!! Well really and what the hell can I do about it!! My bump is what it is! Ahhhh feel better now....
Hi ladies... just lit an incense stick at home and all of a sudden had a massive flare of Braxton Hicks... how wierd, I'm gonna remember that in January to induce labour lol!

I am well, bump is well... suffering stomach acid and heartburn, but hey hoooo.

4 weeks and 3 days till January :)

I'll be 32 weeks on sat due jan 21st, started to get sooo fed up with peoples comments on me and my bump don't think it helps that I'm a hairdresser and have every client say what they think! Its like everyone sees something different to, I'm small, I'm big, I'm all up front, I'm all around, I'm high, I'm low, and the best of all today your only a little person so you don't want your bump any bigger!! Well really and what the hell can I do about it!! My bump is what it is! Ahhhh feel better now....

oh hun feel free to rant all you want :flower: You are exactly right your bump is what it is. I do hear so many different statments about my bump and hey it is what it is :hugs:
Hi ladies... just lit an incense stick at home and all of a sudden had a massive flare of Braxton Hicks... how wierd, I'm gonna remember that in January to induce labour lol!

I am well, bump is well... suffering stomach acid and heartburn, but hey hoooo.

4 weeks and 3 days till January :)


WOw that is interesting maybe i will be giving that atry as well. And tell me about the heartburn that seems to be the worst things right now
Hi Everyone, I'm due 16th January.

Hoping not to go any later than that though as have suffered with sciatica, torn stomach ligaments and pain through most of this pregnancy.

We are still team yellow at the moment as the lady at our scan couldnt get a good enough view of baby's bit to make a decision. Therefore we havent even picked a definate name for our LO!

Has anyone been suffering with sharp stabbing in their lady bits? I think its just because my baby is really low but they are really starting to hurt now especially when walking.
Stabbing pains are normal LM, its just baby moving down and hitting your cervix.

I cant belive its January very soon :D....starting to get very nervous lol I am starting to get period pains a few times a day and even they hurt! I have such a low pain threashold lol but its all worth it :)
Anyone know why this forum got moved?

probably because it still isn't january yet or even the end of december so they don't want this in the 3rd trimester yet, let the december ladies have their month and then it's OUR TURN!!!
O yeah I just noticed it got moved too! I wonder if they will move it back!! X
Very happy today.. had 34week appointment, bump is measuring exactly right for my dates, and bubs is 3/5 engaged in head down position so he is being a good baby and preparing for birth in the correct position! :) only bad thing was protein in urine which has been sent off to be checked, but mw said it might be a uti or could just mean i need to drink more, and she isn't concerned about pre-eclampsia as my bp is normal. Anyways hope all you ladies are ok :)
Anyone know why this forum got moved?

probably because it still isn't january yet or even the end of december so they don't want this in the 3rd trimester yet, let the december ladies have their month and then it's OUR TURN!!!

i see they moved november here too :shrug: how anoying i hate having to leave the third tri forum to come here lol i feel too there is less people involved in this thread.
Welcome LM!! your due a few days before me!! How old is your dd?
Paula i too have been feel a few period type pains latly lol im glad im not the only one as i was starting to get worried. You just calmed me down lol
victoria i hope they move it back this is just anoying!!
steffy how do you ask?
cal i am very happy to see that your appointment went well today!! He is already showing obedience lol. I too had protien in my urin but didnt have a uti or anything so they said that they would watch it as i have great bp

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