I had my last withdrawal bleed 16-18 September. The first cycle off the pill was 37 days, the last one was 39 days, and I'm on cd31 of the 3rd cycle with no ov as yet
How about you Quartzbaby?
This is my second time coming off micro. I came off in april as was getting really bad headaches with it and feeling sick. Strange as had been on it previously for 9 years with no probs. Doc said sometimes the second time round you body just doesn't like it. so have been using condoms since april as we knew we wanted another and didnt want to mess my body around again. So this time round i started charting in september and according to ff have o each month but before september i don;t know if i did o but had cycles ranaging from 27-45. for the last three months they have now been 31 days. bearing in mind this second time i had only been on it for about a year if that.
My first time on micro i had been on it for nearly 9 years. I came off it in march 2007 had bleed quite quick and then my cycles were all over the place. my first two or three where 50 plus days long. Then 40 something then 30 somthing they never really sorted them selves out properly and then i fell with my little one in the august 2007 so 6 month later. So looking at your cycles length and i assume its you first time off micro you are doing really well so chin up girl lots of

throught out the month and relax. I have just realized i have written an essay

but i hope it helps . good luck lots of
