Hey all, I'm having no luck with this ttc lark! The last and only time ive had sex this month was 5 days before the big O. We didn't even do it over Valentines as our 4 year old has croup! Worst week of my life, but cant be helped I guess.
Congrats on all the bfp! I'm still dreaming about that being me soon, this is month 9 of trying but I guess you cant even class this month as a trying month ha ha!
Guess I'm fed up of people thinking that I should just be happy as I have a son and a daughter and they're healthy, people think I'm mad!
So, heres my story - My daughter is from a previous relationship, her dad was my first true love and unfortunately an arsehole - he left when I found out I was pregnant and has never been back since - shes 5 now!
My son is with my fiancé, I met him in my last few weeks of pregnancy but we never officially became an item until after my daughter was born - I fell pregnant with my son pretty quick, there is only 16 months between them in age.
Unfortunately I suffered post natal depression with my son until he was 2

There are no words to describe the pain I went through, hearing him cry but not wanting to be near him, I still have nightmares!
Part of me feels like not falling pregnant is a punishment, but I guess the reason why I so badly want another is to feel the happiness and love everyone should feel when they have a baby, not heart ache or depression! Feel like I deserve that and so does my Fiance.
Sorry to rant, having a bad night I guess! My son turned 4 today and I always get emotional on birthdays haha!!
Hope everyone is well
