January TTC-ers

Thanks Mrs. Gj. We BD'd tonight which is great that we are on track! I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I kind of can't wait till tomorrow to see if I'm still flashing (high fertility) or solid smilie (peak fertility). I pray its not back to low fertility! That happened once or twice before. Ahh I just want to go to sleep so I can wake up lol!
Keep us updated on your TWW. I need to keep busy lol. I actually have dreams a lot too I think its because I'm surrounded by others that are all pregnant and it's probably my hopes for myself too (and being on here hehe)

Mummykp - Yay I have a cycle buddy!! Do you use OPK's? I am DTD every other day too. I'm not sure if I should do it everyday or not yet because I'm just high fertility and not peak yet. I'm sure it can't hurt but I don't know. I will see what happens when I OPK tomorrow morning. I came off BC last January and my cycles were irregular ever since. They were irregular before I went on though as a teenager which is why I went on. But they are coming much more frequently now. Recently being under 35 days in a cycle. This cycle so far is on track to be in the early 30's as well (fx!!) as long as everything goes as it is right now. How long are your cycles, are you regular?

Lozzie- So excited for you! Keep us updated on your symptoms! Do you think you will be able to wait till the 2nd or will you test early? My husband always says "how can you wait, if I was a girl I'd just test everyday". He loves to have me pee on a stick lol. Of course because its not HIM lol
Sorry to post again but I'm so excited I got another flashing smilie today!! Hopefully 1 more day and then it will be a solid smilie indicating O day! Fx!!!
Disney-Glad you got another flashing smiley! Fx it turns solid for you!
Hm I had that when I was waiting for AF last month! But it could still be a good sign Mrs Gj. Are you 8dpo now? Do they say ib can be anything from 6-12dpo? You still have a chance, don't get yourself down yet!
7 dpo today. Trying to hold of for another 10 days to test as that would mean af is late. Part of nee wants to test early since I Od early in my cycle, but I don't want to see a bfn just to get af a say later. Really crossing my fingers I'm one of the lucky ones to get IB and that I get it this month :)
P.S. A 16 day LP is just mean... I know its only 2 extra days but mannn
Did you o on cd11 Mrs Gj? Wow that seems so early!! I can imagine it's horrible having a 16 day LP, those two days make all the difference! Are you feeling patient enough to not rest until late AF if that's the case? It's so hard waiting, but I will also be waiting until AF is due rather than testing before, even though the wait kills me!! I am due to O Friday/Saturday and can't wait to get the TWW out of the way already lol cd14 ATM, no signs of O but then again I have never noticed cramping from O. Keep us posted on any symptoms/IB :) fx for you!
I O'd CD 13. 28 day cycle +1 day for AF due +1 day for AF to be late. (which would normally be CD 2)
Fx AF won't arrive & you'll get that BFP :) so excited for you ladies, just as excited for you all as I am for myself!!
fx for you Disney, then you can join us in the TWW at the same time as MummyKP it seems! :happydance: So far mine has been unremarkable but that's not surprising considering i'm only a few days in. Hoping I dont start symptom spotting over the next 11 days :haha: it'll be hard not to I guess!

I love coming on here to hear your updates ladies, I am super excited for us all :flower:

Thanks Lozzie!! I hope to join you soon! I was right on for the past 3 days with my "flashing smilies!" I was SO happy to get another one today. Tomorrow I should have a solid smilie! FX FX FX!!! I'm nervous though! Trying to stay positive! We really have been BD'ing quite a big lately. This is the "most compliant" we have been while TTC. I'm almost a little nervous if it doesn't happen this cycle but we are SO positive so I think we will be okay (I hope). We are both enjoying Bd too which is great lol!
Any updates on how you are feeling today? I am crossing everything for you! lol! You are so supportive and I want you to get your BFP!!

Mummykp - how are you doing? Are you using anything to tell if you O? I am hoping to O tomorrow! FX FX FX!! So nervous! I will update tomorrow after I OPK

Mrs. Gj - how are you doing ... where are you at now?

I am SUPER excited for everyone as well!
Disney it's the next day... Did you get your positive opk yet?

Lozzie- How are you holding up? Are you feeling positive about this cycle? When is AF due?

MummyKP- what about you hun? Any signs you're getting close to Oing?

I totally agree, I'm just as excited for you girls as I am for myself.

Here is my update - I know I tried not symptom spotting but there's a couple things I couldn't help but notice.

Wednesday (7dpo)- moody. That night at work I got overly upset at using a different station. It normally would have upset me but I totally was MORE upset than normal. Kind of like how I am on AF

Thursday (8dpo)- Rachel Ray was on the TV from someone else watching it and I totally treated up when they announced the winner if the contest. Wtf. I cry at sad movies but this? There was NOTHING to tear up about but I was just so overwhelmingly happy for the girl who won.

Then later that night I was trying to console a

Facing her husbands first deployment and some of the things I remember and I Brooke or in tears. This is a sad topic but my husband is no longer military and I no longer have to worry about deployments and it wasn't even an in depth talk just a quick couple of things I remember that were hard and ways to cope.

Today (9dpo)- mild cramping in my pelvic area. No sharp pains but enough that I wish I could use a heating pad on it. I won't unless I get AF next week but gosh heat is such an awesome natural remedy.

That's my update. I don't know if I'm preggers but while I'm sensitive, this is ridiculous and I have no clue why I'm this sensitive and cryey especially when AF isn't even due for a week and I don't PMS before she's here, only while she's here and not to this degree.
Aw thanks Disney, I have everything crossed too :haha: keep us posted on when you get your solid smiley, and keep up the BDing! I hope we are all successful very soon in our TTC journeys, whether that's this cycle or the next few. Just glad I dont have to go it alone, I am glad for the company xx

I am doing fine Mrs.Gj, 6DPO for me and not sure how I am really feeling about this cycle. Could go either way I guess, so I'm not getting my hopes up. If I am to get any symptoms they should start round about now, but I'm trying not to symptom spot too much. All I have felt today is really tired, and a dull pressure in my lower abdomen. Not really like cramps, but noticeable when I move around. CM has also gone back to almost EWCM which is unusual for me at CD19 but that could just be my body acting up because I've not long been off birth control. AF is due 2nd Feb for me. Also those symptoms sound promising for you, although I guess they must be quite annoying :flower: are you definitely waiting till AF is due to test? I was working out when I could test early, although I know I'm better to wait till at least the 31st but I am sooooo tempted!

Thanks lozzzie and mrs.gj for being such great supporters.
I got my solid smilie!!! So O either today or tomorrow. I bd ' d tonight and for the past 3 days. I plan to keep bd'ing if we can. We r still enjoying it lol. Sorry tmi...
Mrs Gj your symptoms sound promising!!! :) :)

when r u guys planning on testing?
Hi, can I join? I'm only 5pdo but im nervous as hell!
This is month 8 of trying but my first month with no bleeding inbetween my periods. Ive had scans and tests done to check why I was bleeding and they ended up putting it down to stress.

Anyway, Christmas was a happy time and I guess my body relaxed as on the 4th on January I had a 4 day period and no bleeding since!! Ive had two blood tests done aswel this month to double check for anymore problems but I'm hoping now the stress has died down that I can try and enjoy this experience!

Im struggling, everyone seems to be pregnant my end, I've never felt so broken in all my life :(

I've got ages until I can test and I cant help but feel its going to be a negative anyway - can anyone try cheer me up? lol x
Bubble on board- I'm so sorry to hear about all your stress. The holidays are never destress ing as much as they should be. It is a stressful time and busy on top of ttc. I DEF know how u feel!!! Everyone is pregnant around me too. My very last friend just told me she was pregnant too. And then a week later my sister told me she was pregnant. It's like seriously someone is testing us! I was very stressed for the past year about ttc and finally this year have started to relax more and actually enjoy ttc for a change. Thankfully my husband has as well. I still waiting to see if I O'D already on my temping charts (have to wait another day to get my cross hairs). But my OPK'S showed peak fertility yesterday. So we shall seee... I hope I am officially in the tww by the end of this weekend!!

When are you planning on testing? I know u said u were 5 dpo. I know tho waiting even 1 day to test feels like ages and ages! Blahh
This is a great group of girls so we r here for u to keep u positive and bd'ing lol.
Baby dust and Fx for you!!! :) :)
I also just learned how to put my temp chart on my signature so I'm kind of excited lol. This is my first month trying temping so we will see... :)

How is everyone else?
Lozzie and mrsgj any updates?

SOO excited for you guys!!! BTW who is first to test?
Hi ladies,

So great to read your updates!

Disney so glad you got your + OPK, great news!! Fx for you! What cd are you on & how long are your cycles?

I think Mrs Gj is first to test....followed by lozzielaula. My next AF is due around 7th/8th feb, so we shall see. I'm not sure if I've even O'd....I used up some OPKs I bought which I hadn't used and didn't get much out of them....Monday was faint, didn't test Tuesday because I had car issues, Wednesday it was darker but still not as dark as control line, then they were faint again Thursday and Friday. According to my apps I was due to O yesterday/today, so we've carried on DTD every other day in case. I had some slight cramping this morning but dunno if that's a sign of anything!!

Bubbleonboard fx for you...8 months of trying sounds so long :( you aren't out until you get that BFP though so try not to get yourself down about it.

So fab to have you lovely ladies on board :) xx
I am CD 18 today. My cycles r irregular but for the past few months have been in the 30 ' s. So not too irregular. I had a peak on my OPK yesterday too!! We really are in sync this month lol! I've actually had a little cramping too. I also don't know if that's a sign of anything.
I was going to test on the 7th ' ish. Lol. Do u normally hold out the whole time to test? We BD ' D quite a bit this week and will try and continue through the weekend if we can. We r actually still enjoying it ... lol sorry tmi. My husband usually hates planned bd but this month is strangely different for both of us..

So excited to have a cycle buddy!! :)
Hi Disney,

Im so glad I'm not the only one dealing with all these happy pregnant people!

Whats worse is my best friend's bf didn't want a baby so she just come off the pill behind his back! What should have caused a lot of trouble turned out to be good and hes over the moon! - I feel awful that I kind of hoped she would have atleast had a little grief over it. Instead everyone is so so happy for them!! Me and my bf are desperate for another baby and it just doesn't seem to want to happen for us :(

I have no idea when to test, I don't even know when I'm due on! I came on on the 4th Jan and that's been my first proper period in months!

When should I test? any ideas? xx

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