January TTC-ers

I hope you don't have to wait too long for AF Disney....fingers crossed you'll have AF in the 30's again!! I am nearing the end of cd17, but I don't know if I maybe ovulated today with my bit of cramping this morning, or maybe Tuesday as I didn't do an OPK, but did one on Wednesday and it was stronger than Monday's, but still not positive, so I really don't know. So I could be 4dpo, or 0 haha so it's going to be a matter of waiting for AF! My cycles are 28-31 days so earliest she could arrive is 6th feb, but I imagine I'll test around 8th/9th if I can wait. This is only my first cycle but I am hoping to wait until AF is late. Last month we had a mishap but it was too late in the cycle, but I had loads of symptoms so the wait was so horrible, had to stop myself from getting a test each time I went to asda lol so this month I'm going to try wait it out too! What cd will you be on 7th, 30ish? Fx for us both Disney!! So exciting! We've bd every other night (apart from mid week - we BD'd monday, and didn't get to be until Thursday then) so I hope if I did ov on Tuesday then Monday night would save us lol but it does make me think we could be out this month! Me too, it's great :)
Omg bubble what a crazy situation. I know how u feel. My sister had an IUD in and still got pregnant! It's like "REALLY!!!"

Well we will all be happy soon enough and maybe just maybe we can laugh about all this. Blahh I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel though ughh!

Let's figure out your testing date ... when was your period? Do you know when or if u O'd?
Thanks mummy kp!! I'm SO excited for us too!! It sounds like u did a lot of bd I wouldn't worry! I really think u covered your bases. So I really don't know when to test because I'm irregular but I just always thought u were supposed to test 2 weeks after O. Is that not right? Lol
2/7 would be CD 32 for me. It was an estimate but it is 2 weeks from yesterday which was my high peak day (which is supposed to be assumed O within 48 hours I think) . I know that doesn't mean it's a def. On another thread the girls were telling me that my temps looked promising g and that I need to wait till I temp tomorrow and then my chart should give me cross hairs which will tell better when I may have O'd.
Maybe I should wait to test with you or later? Any thoughts r welcome!!
BTW mummy - I actually do hope I have to wait a long time to get my AF. I'm hoping to wait at least 9 months ;) lol
Hi Disney,

My last period was on the 4th January and ovulated according to an ovulation testing stick on the 19th.

I'm trying my best to not over think everything, I have two children already, my daughter is 5 and my son will be 4 in a few weeks, I feel guilty when I get so upset about not falling pregnant. It's just hard for people to understand that whether its baby number 1 or 10, its still so heartbreaking when it doesn't happen as you hoped it would!

Thanks for listening to my moans, I feel a huge relief being able to type it all down and get it out haha x
Haha that's true Disney, it would be nice if AF didn't show up for the next 10 months lol. Well I guess you could test around 7th if that'll be cd32 :) sounds good to me, and I imagine if you were pregnant a BFP would show up then, 14dpo.

I hope we've covered our bases, but I am still a little wary of Tuesday & not DTD on the Wednesday like we should've with every other day. I'm struggling at the thought of waiting another two weeks for AF. Last night I was feeling really down about it, wishing I was pregnant already etc. I hate waiting!! But then I keep telling myself if we don't catch this month then maybe we will next month. I'm trying not to get down about it or stress as that's the worse thing I can do right now, but I have no patience and want to be pregnant now!! Lol. & I feel like this in cycle 1, imagine if it takes as months/years!!

Bubbleonboard if I were you I'd test around 4th/5th Feb if no sign of AF. That gives you just over two weeks from O, so if AF arrives you don't waste money on a test, but if no AF by then & you are pregnant a BFP should show up!

I'm already wishing the next two weeks by so 8th feb is here sooner!!
I doubt I will be able to hold out that long, I'm 6dpo today and im already going insane!

I feel like two week waits control my life! 2 weeks to see if im pregnant, then come on, then 2 weeks to ovulate again then its just a vicious circle that seems to be never ending!! x
Thanks mummykp. I'm sure I won't even be able to hold out that long lol. But then on the flip side I HATE seeing bfp's - I always say I won't be let down by it "because it may just be too early" but in thr past it has always been a huge let down. On top of it, my husband seems to be so excited and positive and then when I get my first bfp, he changes because I think he is thinking that's it's a def bfn. He always tries to act like he isn't let down but I can tell. He is cute foe trying tho lol. This month I will just have to stay busy on here with u guys and try to make it as long as I can.
I hear u on having no patience! I don't either lol. I wouldn't worry about DTD. It sounds like u did it quite a but. I am not one to speak though as we did 4 days in a row and then last night I was too sore when he went in so I couldn't do it. Too much bd I guess lol ... sorry tmi. I am nervous though because I don't know when O was. My OPK said peak fertility Friday and we did bd that day and 3 days prior but I'm nervous because I feel it was pertinent for us to BD yesterday too. I am hoping I am not sore today and we can bd today! I will see ..

Lol bubble board - I know it really does seem to control everything. At least we can try and pass the time on here. Do u usually hold out the whole time or test early?
.. I'm getting excited slightly (lol) for people to test!!
Ive never held out the whole time lol.

I guess I would rather a bfn a few days before my period then wait all that time hopefully to get af!

I start trying around 8dpo, but the last few months ive not tested at all due to the amount of bleeding I had!

We didn't even bd that much this month as my bf has been working so much, we done it 4 days before I ovulated and on the day I ovulated so I don't feel too hopeful this month anyway :(

Next month im going to have to have words with my other half and get him more on board! He wants a baby probably more then I do but hes so laid back hes practically horizontal!! I get the whole 'it will happen when the time is right' seriously!!!!

I guess he just wants me to calm down and stop worrying but I don't think he realises just how hard that actually is

Just popping in to say hi ladies! On my mobile so I will give you all a proper update when I get a chance to get on my computer. Loved reading your posts though :D

Don't worry bubbleonboard, doing it those 4 days before & on the day can make all the difference, so you never know!! I feel the same though, like I might've missed our chance! But we shall see.

Same for you Disney, sounds like you got it in lots before O so fingers crossed for us all!!

I would love to test earlier than AF, maybe like 3rd/4th feb, but DH would prefer I wait it out until AF shows up/doesn't show up. He doesn't understand it like us ladies though lol

My DH is very laid back too bubbleonboard, he's very much it'll happen when it happens.....argh!! I'm the least laid back person ever haha I like to plan everything down to a T, hate not knowing plans lol and don't like leaving things last minute! So waiting around sucks....I just wanna know!!

I can see this TWW being horrible!!

Hi lozzielaula, great to hear from you, can't wait to hear how you are doing :) xx
Righto I'm back from work now and finally awake after falling asleep on the couch! I am so not good at early mornings :haha:

Bubble, I think the 4th of Feb would be a good time to test as well, if there is no sign of AF first. I started my last AF on the 5th Jan, and I am testing on the 2nd (if I can hold out that long) because that's roughly 14dpo for me. However I'm not long off bc pills so I might not be regular this cycle. I do think I O'd, so there is a chance, but I'm gearing myself up for that BFN at the end of the month.

Disney, I'm also getting quite excited to see us all test all around the same time as well! Nervous too, though, I hope for the best for everyone :flower:

I also hear ya on the frustration about everyone falling pregnant. I'm actually the first out of my group of friends who is TTC, but I'm also the oldest so I figured that's why. However, my work is FULL of ladies who are pregnant and I find it really hard to sit and listen to them talk about scans, baby buys, and names. I really just want that to be me and I get so jealous :dohh: I dont think some people understand how hard it can be when you want what they have so much, and I am so not looking forward to my reaction if (and probably when) I get that bfn! And this is only my first cycle as well, sometimes I think I might just go mad! :haha:

MummyKP, I am also such an organiser, do you find it so frustrating that this is one thing we really dont have complete control over? Because I do :haha:

I have been feeling very tired the last couple of days. The dull pressure in my lower abdomen has eased off, but I have been running back and forth to the bathroom to pee an awful lot more than I usually do. I have also been very very warm, so I'm not sure if that's promising or not? We'll see on the 2nd I guess (although I'll probably start testing from the 31st lol )

Lozzielaula you may have more chance to catch as it's the first month off bcp, and I know a few people that have caught straight off as you are more fertile, so fx for you!!

I seem to have lots of pregnant ladies on my FB, fed up of seeing a new baby announcement daily! Lol.

Yep find it so hard not having any control over this, it's my worse nightmare!! Lol. I am such a control freak with everything!! I'm hating every minute of this, apart from the BD'ing, and this is only cycle 1! God help me if it takes us months!!

Being tired & going to the toilet lots is a good sign :) I have also been super tired, but way too early for me to get signs yet! So I think its just from lack of sleep and working loads! I've had some very mild cramping today on and off, dunno what it's a sign of tbh as thought I O'd already, but I've also had some EWCM again today too?! Very odd!!

Not long until you test lozzielaula, I'm jealous you're almost at the end of your TWW!
Wow I have missed so much! Welcome Bubbles! I agree that 14 dpo is a good time to test (hopefully af will be a no show) It definitely sound like your cycles are moving in the right direction without having cycle spotting this time. Fx for you.

Disney- it sounds like you got lots of bding in so I think you should have plenty of chance for those little swimmers to have been waiting there already when your egg released. Sons like you and MummyKP are cycle buddies this month. Pretty awesome to have a buddy. Today is Monday so welcome to your TWW :D Fx this is finally your month.

MummyKP, it sounds like you got lots of bding in this week too. I just read like 3 pages of posts so please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think it was you who said they have ewcm back right? Just in case your O wasn't this last week, I'd keep on dancin. Which is the fun part anyways. I'd also keep up with your opks if your doing those. Do you still have EWCM ? If so definitely continue bding! FX you catch the egg even if your not entirely sure, you've definitely been busy :)

Lozzie- Any symptoms yet? You're testing Friday right? Ahhh so exciting. Do you think you will be able to hold off until then? I need details! Are you 10 dpo now? If you are and you end up jumping on the stick early, fx for a bfp!

To all of you ladies: I'm sorry my thoughts or posts may seem choppy, it's hard to keep focus and so many posts straight. Is super early on the morning here and I'm on my mobile (which is actually what I'm always on so please excuse typos or weird autocorrects.)

I WANT UPDATES. please keep us all posted!

My next post will be an update about me.
Grrr was trying to get a pic of all my symptoms to load but no such luck. Am going to have to write it all out I guess... Most recent first.

Today: 12 DPO- moody (mild), cramps (mild), breast tenderness (mild), nausea (mild)

Sunday: 11 DPO- moody (moderate), cramps (mild), breast tenderness (mild), nausea (mild)

Saturday: 10 DPO- moody (moderate), breast tenderness (mild)

Friday: 9 DPO- cramps (mild), insomnia (moderate)

Thursday: 8 DPO- moody (moderate), cramps (mild)

Wednesday: 7 DPO- moody (moderate)

Currently 12 DPO, AF due Friday (16 DPO) I'm thinking ink going to test early but not sure if I should test today or tomorrow. I don't want to wait till Wednesday just for AF to show within a day or two as I'll feel like I wasted a test. But I also don't want to test too soon. Part of me is scared to test as I'm just worried it will be negative, because the chance of first cycle bfp is so low. Gahhh...
I had some EWCM yesterday yeah, but none since, but didn't have much the week I was due to O so very odd. I did an OPK yesterday after the EWCM and there was a line but it wasn't dark enough, pretty faint really, but we'll DTD tonight as haven't done it since Saturday morning. I haven't a clue what's going on tbh....just want 6th feb here already!!

Your symptoms look good, cramping, moodiness, sore breasts and nausea can be good signs! I'd be tempted to test by now if I were you Mrs Gj, being 12dpo you should get a faint line on a frer if you are. & if you don't then wait a few more days to see if AF shows up. Fx for you, will be waiting patiently for an update!!
Ooo Mrs.Gj your symptoms look so promising! I've just been really tired and had a dull pressure in my lower abdomen on and off for the last few days. I'm really uncomfortable at the minute. I've also been using the bathroom a lot more than usual, always feel like I'm bursting :haha:

Im going to try and wait till Friday, if I can. I'm currently 9dpo today, so I could test in the next couple days if the mood takes me but I doubt I'd see any results until at least Friday. I'll test each morning until AF shows (due 2nd)

Lozzielaula you also have great symptoms, fx for you both!! Roll on Friday for you, sounds promising :) I don't blame you for wanting to wait until Friday, I'd be the same and would wait it out too! I imagine I'll test around 6th/7th feb if no AF, but she could come any time between 6th-9th really!

So excited for you ladies, I want to fast forward the week for you!!
Argh some EWCM mixed with watery cm now....what the hell?! Anyone know what this could mean....maybe I havemt O'd yet? I'm almost on cd20!
I have no symptoms.

My friend asked me today if I would look after her baby when it's born whilst she returns to work - she knows how desperate I am for a baby and I'm really offended by her asking me!! I have two children on my own - currently at school but still!! I don't want to just become a convenience to her just because I won't have anything to do with my days as my children will both me at full time school!

Am I being silly or would you feel pissed off too? X

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