July 1st anyone else in July2013

Yes, I would have loved to have started a family sooner but didn't find anyone worth settling down with until I was in my late 20's and then he took forever to come round to the idea of a relationship let alone marriage. He is a good dad and can't wait for number 2 to arrive. I was 34 when we had DD and will be almost 36 and a half with this next one. I am not sure how I will survive with 2 little ones as DD is hard work!
Hope41more- congrats and welcome!!!

drhouse- I haven't noticed a pattern yet with my little PER active between 1700-2000. I actually felt him from the outside for the 1st time! Very exciting. OH hasn't felt him yet since the little guy seemed to do more sleeping and less moving yesterday.

As for having a child a bit later in life, I didn't meet the love of my life until 38. Almost exactly 1 year later, we conceived this little boy. OH will turn 40 one month before our son is born and I'll turn 40 a couple months later. I have had a happy life so far, but I feel like the last year and a half is just the start of the best part of my life.
Welcome Hope41more.... Boys are going to boost the population in July 2013.

I can also relate to the awful heartburn. I just want to swallow ice to make the burning stop. But it does not matter how cold the drink it comes right back after a second.

Libbysmum... I took Zantac with my last DD and it helped a lot, I took it every morning.

I am getting nervous when I see everyone talking about their little guys moving. I will be 21 weeks Thursday and nothing, but a big belly. I go back Monday for the additional scan because they could not get him to move last time. They want to look at his spine. Maybe he is just lazy.

Hope everyone has a great healthy week.
Welcome Hope41more.... Boys are going to boost the population in July 2013.

I can also relate to the awful heartburn. I just want to swallow ice to make the burning stop. But it does not matter how cold the drink it comes right back after a second.

Libbysmum... I took Zantac with my last DD and it helped a lot, I took it every morning.

I am getting nervous when I see everyone talking about their little guys moving. I will be 21 weeks Thursday and nothing, but a big belly. I go back Monday for the additional scan because they could not get him to move last time. They want to look at his spine. Maybe he is just lazy.

Hope everyone has a great healthy week.

I've been lurking forever....and I felt the need to chime in here.....try not to worry about movement. I'm having my 3rd baby (4th pregnancy), and I didn't feel this little guy until 20 weeks exactly. Even then, the movements were SO small. My placenta is anterior, so there's a bit of extra cushioning...plus a few extra pounds;) Also, when we went for our NT scan, he slept through the whole thing, no matter what we did to try and wake him up. At my next u/s he was moving around like crazy. Good luck at your ultrasound today...so exciting to see baby:)!!
Welcome Hope41more.... Boys are going to boost the population in July 2013.

I can also relate to the awful heartburn. I just want to swallow ice to make the burning stop. But it does not matter how cold the drink it comes right back after a second.

Libbysmum... I took Zantac with my last DD and it helped a lot, I took it every morning.

I am getting nervous when I see everyone talking about their little guys moving. I will be 21 weeks Thursday and nothing, but a big belly. I go back Monday for the additional scan because they could not get him to move last time. They want to look at his spine. Maybe he is just lazy.

Hope everyone has a great healthy week.

I bet your little one is ok, but its easy to worry. I've been feeling the slightest of movements for a few weeks now but it's only been in the last week that the movements are definitive. I'm pretty certain I was feeling him before but there's no doubt now, and I'm about 3 weeks ahead of you. Also at our last 2 ultrasounds, the little guy didn't move at all. They had to prod him a bunch to get him to shift enough for the anatomy scan. I hope your little guy wakes up for his scan on Monday and that everything is perfect!
All the best for the upcoming scan. I got my next hospital visit next week. They may or may not do a scan. I hope they do...I would love to see the little man again.
Has anyone seen the dvd "the business of being born"? It is a documentary about childbirth. I saw a little bit on youtube yesterday. It is quite an eye opener.
I saw that documentary... Very interesting!
My little guy is active in the morning and at night time when I'm laying in bed. I sing to him and he seems to kick a little more when I do. It is such a weird feeling! I really didn't start feeling him until about a week and a half ago.
I have to say I'm happy time seems to be going a little faster now in second tri. Thank goodness!
That is true Beach gal...I am so surprised how fast this trimester is travelling!
Had such a stressful afternoon rounding up identification and other required documentation for a house we are trying to apply for! Just when we were getting it done DD grabbed a pen and drew all over the only copy of the form we had so I had to run around looking for the white-out to try and hide all her artwork.
DH was not very understanding and lost his cool at her and I and I was just about in tears because it isn't like a 19mth old knew how important the form was and it isn't that hard to add a footnote to the agent to say sorry our toddler drew on it. I said 99 percent of people would understand but he said they will think we wont look after the house if we can't even keep the form tidy...ugggh my emotions aren't up to reasoning with him right now! Sorry for the vent!
Vent away girl! I'm sorry you had a stressful afternoon. DH could have made it a little less stressful for you by being a little more understanding :)
My stress will come soon enough... Ill be selling all my furniture and belongings, except what can fit in my car and driving home across the country at approx. 32 weeks pregnant!
Hi Girls, I felt baby move at 13wks and now I can feel him all the time, if its not a kick I can literally feel him curling in a ball and can see where he is when lying down. Everyone is different though so i would not worry just yet.
I'm looking for a new house myself, went looking before mine is up for sale and found one that i want and worried someone else will buy it :( Need to get mine on the market asap. I have a 3bed but need one i can extend to a 4bed with baby on the way. The 4beds are out my price range and with OH being a bricklayer one i can extend above a garage for example would be ideal.
Libbymum-we are here for you to vent. In my opinion most men are not very patient! In this case right and wrong is not black and white either- bet she has been given paper to draw on before so to her why this paper different? Sounds like he just took his annoyance out on her without thinking- men!
beachgal- your move is an even bigger one- have you found a place to live back home? You moving to be closer to family?
My 20wk scan is tomorrow I am worried and nervous-hope baby is ok.
Yes she has paper to draw on all the time so to her she didn't know any better.
Oh beachgal I do not envy you! Can you mail some boxes prior to your move? I did that when I was overseas and sent 3 big boxes via mail home...it took about 2 months for them to come but it was better than getting rid of stuff I really didn't want to part with. Maybe you could find out from the post office or courier service?
Hope you find a place soon!
Hope- try not to worry about your scan (I know, it's almost impossible!)
I'm so lucky to be moving in with my parents. I never thought I would say that at 37yrs old, but I will take all the help, love and support I can get! I live in the middle of nowhere for work currently and I had the drive 4hrs for my 12 week nt scan, and 1 hr for my 20 week scan. So I will be happy to be back in a city where everything is much closer and easier to access!
I'm also going to be a single mommy so this extra help is a huge blessing for me and my little man :)
Has anyone else had times when they felt their belly tighten up? Is that BH?
I never had Braxton Hicks with my DD so don't really know. Sometimes it gets tight when the baby is doing his somersaults or putting pressure on my organs. I felt so queezy last night and achy I hope that I am not coming down with something.

About to take DD to playgroup. She loves it but insists she wants to wear her gumboots. LOL funny girl.

I agree Beachgal it will be nicer to have family around for support. I have never appreciated my mother as much as I have since having a baby. It is life changing. And Grandma loves her Libby to death. All my other siblings are scattered around Australia so we don't see them much at all so it is nice to have grandma within a half hour drive.
Good luck on your scan Hope. It is so exciting seeing the little one on the screen.

Libby...I had my DD do the samething. They just don't know better yet. At least it was on the paper. Men are just to uptight at times. It does no good getting everyone all worked up over something so easy to fix. I hope he apologized for overreacting.

Beach... Good luck on your move.
Nope he didn't but he did cool down after I gave him the white-out.
Hope please let us know how the scan went? All good?
How has everyone else been doing? I been getting lots of kicks from our little one. It is so reassuring to know he is moving around.
We had DH home this morning as he doesnt work until tonight. Maybe we can get out and do something as a family- the weather at the moment has been so unpredictable so hoping for a change in it. We had discussed going to the coast to visit a friend and her new baby this weekend but neither of us are keen to drive in the rain.
Hi Girls, Thanks for all the well wishes!!
Scan went great and baby got a big health tick :) So relieved. I had got myself all worked up and was really scared as I know a few people who got bad news at their 20wk scan (one just last wk) and were also treat badly. I was lucky sonographer went through all her checks with me one by one which eased my nerves and made the experience enjoyable. She was shocked at how active he is, he really does not like an preasure on him and would squirm and move around. Was nice to see and feel him moving on the outside at the same time as seeing him on the inside!!! Oh she also confirmed he was a boy. Mind I had no doubt from my gender scan potty shots.
beachgal- I hope you don't mind me asking but are you going to be a single mam out of choice or has your relationship ended? Will be nice for you to go home and have your family spoil you and your little boy :) The company and help will be lovely for you. Hope the move goes well.
Yay Hope, so happy to hear it went well!!!
Fob and I were in a casual relationship...when I told him he freaked out and demanded I terminate the pregnancy and became angry and nasty. I decided to cut off contact and do this on my own based on his reaction and desire to not have any part of it. In a way I'm relieved because I'd rather have someone 100% there and not just "sort of" there.
So long story short, I'm happy to be a single mommy and being able to make my own decisions will be pretty great :)
Oh, on a funny note... I sneezed and peed myself again. Lol, thankfully I was at home!
You never know who may pop into your life that will be a good partner for you and a great father figure for the baby in the future if you are open to that happening. I have some friends who were doing the single parent thing for a while and are now with a completely better person than they would have been if they had stayed with the other guy. In some regards I am slightly jealous of you as my DH can be an ass sometimes.
Hey ladies,

I've been away for a bit but thought I'd drop in and say hi!

Beachgirl what a horrible reaction from FOB. And well done for making your own choice. I admire your strength and determination. What a wonderful experience he will miss out on sharing. But it's good to know you have a supportive family who will be there for you and your little one.

Talking about funny sneeze reaction... For some reason I can't just sneeze and make a noise when I sneeze out any more. I have this involuntary and slightly scary sounding gasp/wheeze thing afterwards when my body obviously wants air in FAST. It sounds bloody awful but there is nothing I can do to stop it. It's kinda embarrassing but my colleagues find it hillarious so that's softened the embarrassment a little... at work anyway.
Hi there-

I've also been away the past few days for the latest updates.

Glad to see you had a great scan, Hope.

And beachgal, wonderful to have such a great, supportive family. Sounds you'll be in good hands whenever you need help with the little one.

afm, I'm doing much better but am in the hospital. I was admitted Thursday night with either a very bad stomach bug or food poisoning (listeriosis). Before that I had a fever for 2 days, and had barely eaten for 3 days- zero appetite and nothing would stay in me (food or liquid). Doc thinks potentially listeriosis because of deli meat (though my usual ob doc had told me it was fine to eat). It takes 3 days for blood work results to come back confirming/denying presence of listeria...at which point it could be too late for baby so doc wanted to be proactive and admit me immediately to start me on heavy antibiotics (6x/day via IV). She said if it turned out I didn't have the bacteria, the antibiotics wouldn't hurt and either way the IV fluids would make sure I stayed hydrated.

They've been checking baby's heart rate every 4 hours just to make sure and he's doing fine! It hasn't affected him at all! I'm doing much better today & food is finally staying in me properly. So we get to go home tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance: I'll be on oral antibiotics for 2 weeks but will be able to get unhooked from this IV and sleep in my own bed with OH. Can't wait!!

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