July 1st anyone else in July2013

Oh Myra, I am so sorry to hear of your illness. I was always told not to eat deli meat unless I cooked it or microwaved it first. How very scary for you all! I hope you feel better soon and they find out for certain what is making you sick. I was worried last night we had Japanese food and not sure what ingredients they use etc...always worries me when I haven't prepared it myself.
I got really sick after eating pizza a couple of weeks ago with vomiting and the runs...it was not good. I think they didn't prepare it right or the meat was past it's date or something cause the next day after DH had the leftover pizza for his lunch and felt sick after it.
How is everyone else doing? Hope all is well with all you ladies. I am about to go take a nap while DD is sleeping.
Oh Myra, that sounds really stressful. I hope the tests are negative for listerosis. We had an outbreak here in Aussie and two ladies lost their babies. There is a really good Australian food guide for pregnancy. Just google NSW health guidelines for food in pregnancy.

Its pretty restrictive, no sushi, no sushimi, no rare meat, no soft serve icecream, no deli meat.... etc ....etc.... but its a good guide and will keep you and the baby safe.
Hey Dr house...DH and I are always at logger heads about the ice-cream. He doesn't see why it is any different to regular ice-cream and all I can think of is must be something they make it with. I was really fearful about having a frappe from Mcdonalds because it tasted like it had ice-cream in it but apparently it's some kind of thickener that makes it taste creamy. I didn't eat sushi or sashimi but I did have miso soup which was delicious...I wasn't sure if tofu was on the list or not but I did eat a little tofu.
Myra- how scary for you! But your doctor seems to be right on it which is excellent. Great that your little one is doing well through it all. I hope you feel better soon.

Weirdly the NHS here in the UK says that deli meat is ok but it does point out that women are warned against it in US and Aus and suggests to avoid if you want to be very cautious. I've been cracking on with the deli meat, personally. Maybe that needs a re-think.

Either way it sounds like you and bub are through the worst of whatever this is so hooray for being toughies and for having a good doc!
Thanks, ladies! I'm very happy to have been released from the hospital this afternoon and it was great to come home, take a long hot shower and then nap in my own bed. While I still don't have a ton of energy, I'm feeling SO much better! I'll stay home from work tomorrow and then go back on Tuesday- by then I should be more ready.

drhouse- I'll look up the food guide you mentioned.

and I'm sworn off deli meat for the remainder of the pregnancy (even if it turns out it didn't cause this!)
my sister is actually in hospital today with gastro...so weird. I don't really know if she ate something bad or what. Glad you are out of hospital and back home.
Our internet has been down all day. So annoying. I had so much I wanted to get done online but was not able to do any.
Tomorrow I am going to have a coffee catch up with one of my past co-workers. Should be nice. DH is off Friday so he will be able to come to the hospital with me for the appointment :)
I hope your sis gets over it quickly, Libbysmum! No fun!

Hope you and DH have a good appointment :)
Myra so glad you are doing better... Other then poor Myra everyone sounds good. That is great.
I am finding having a baby at 40 is more work then having a baby at 30. I had my scan on Monday and got to see the little man yawning twice on the screen. My urine was +3 for sugar, which it was the same there 2 weeks ago. Our little guy is weighing in at 1 pound 5 oz. On Wed. I had my regular OB appt. I ended up having to do a 24 hour urine for protein. I went to the hospital with it Friday morning and found out I had to do a glucose test and EKG. I ended up staying 5 hours, with the results to do a 3 hour glucose test Sat. morning. They were fine with the EKG and protein test. The doctor's office just called and had to leave a voicemail. My test was high and I have to call back. I am upset I will have to switch doctors. I just called my DH at work crying. I went through this with our DD, it was hell. I had to do 8 finger sticks a day. Please insulin medication.
I just wanted a healthy pregnancy and to enjoy the excitement of my last pregnancy. I will let you know what happens when I call back. (they are at lunch)
All went well. They did more blood tests and urine but I heard nothing back so assume it was normal. Measured exactly at 24 weeks so that was re-assuring as I feel bigger than I did with DD.
She has an awful cold right now with a nose drip like the Bellagio and a horrid cough so no playgroup today!
Still waiting to hear about the house we applied for...They told us they would call Monday but we got no call so I am worried it has fallen through :(
Julie- I hope you get good news from the doctor's office! Hoping for an easy rest of the pregnancy for you.

A friend sent me a link for a free nursing pillow.

Go to https://www.nursingpillow.com/

When you're ready to check out, just enter the code WTE, and you'll get 100% off the nursing pillow of your choice (you'll just pay for shipping)
I found out that I do get to keep my regular OB, but the downside is I have to go to three seperate places for medical treatment. Tomorrow is my diabetic class, and will pick up my testing strips and machine. I asked when I would see the doctor for the diabetes, was told about 3 weeks. That seems long to me on this issue. What do I know.

Today is the first day of spring. Wish the temp proved that. Take care all.

Libbysmum, hope you heard on your new home. Glad the appt went well.
Hey Julie, Glad you got some good feedback. Been real busy with house hunting. Finally we got approved on a place. It is about another 15-20 minutes drive from where we are now...a little further for DH to travel to work unfortunately but the house has a nice yard for DD.
Been busy cleaning today as our current agent wants to show people through this place before we move out. I don't feel comfortable with strangers seeing my stuff let alone mess and judging me or my family. I will be glad when it is all over! DH is outside mowing and raking up leaves in preparation. He was really annoyed he didn't get to sleep in and relax this morning. I don't blame him at all but it can't really be helped. We need to go to the post office later and to the new real estate so we can sign the lease agreement.
So exhausted!
I been locked out of Babyandbump...DH accidentally signed me out and I couldn't remember my password. I had to get another. Had a very clingy toddler who is still getting over her cold. She wouldn't give me a moment alone today. Very unlike her usual happy confident self. I think perhaps the packing up boxes is disturbing her. I don't think she understands what is going on. Hopefully we can get her settled quickly after we move. Right now she refuses to even sleep in her cot. It's hard on both me and DH.
I hope things get better for your DD Libbysmum. It is so hard to do anything when your little ones are sick.

I have not felt well and my blood sugars results have not been normal. They are very high. I emailed the nurse and sent over my few days of readings. Within 15 minutes she called and the doctor is putting me on insulin shots. I am so upset and scared. I can't imagine giving myself injections. I will meet with her on Wednesday and she is going to teach me when and how to give myself shots. I truly didn't need this.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. Here in Ohio we had a storm last night and have about 4 inches of snow. Isn't it suppose to be spring?
Hi ladies - hope everyone is doing well!
My friends at work are throwing me a small baby shower tonight. It's somewhat of a surprise - I only know the date and time and ended up finding out its a beach theme :). I have some anxiety over it - what if no one shows, being the centre of attention - eeeks, and hopefully no questions about FOB as he's not involved and I'm single (which they all know but im hoping they just don't bring it up) hopefully all will go well!
I was also put on modified duties at work - only 4hr shifts allowed, which is stressing me out more. I'm trying to fit 8-10hrs of work in 4, and its a struggle. But when I work a full day I'm physically exhausted and sick :(
I go back April 16th to the Drs to have another checkup. I'm wondering at what point she will just write me off completely. I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with it :(
I've been also prepping for my drive/move home across the country and slowly selling my furniture as the days pass.

What about you ladies? How's everyone doing and feeling?
I hope you have fun at your shower today!! I'm not a fan of being the center of attention either and would have all the similar worries as you're having. I'm sure it will all be fine and you will end up enjoying yourself!

AFM, I was put on bed rest at home on Wednesday since ultrasound showed my cervix shortened to 4mm (should be above 3 cm). They gave me 2 days of steroids to help with his lung development. Then my water broke Saturday morning so we came straight to the hospital. I was on the labor and delivery floor for observation that whole day. Once my contractions (they were minor) subsided, I was moved to the antenatal floor where I'll stay til baby is born.

We've made it through the first hurdle by not going into labor in 1st 48 hours.(most women deliver in 24-48 hours). Doc said the next spike in deliveries usually occurs at 1 week after membrane breaks- so that will be the next milestone. Majority go into labor w/in the week (or have to be induced because of infection). But if we get through the week w/o delivering, there's a good chance he will be able to hold on for several more weeks. They are treating me with antibiotics to prevent infection.

We've already met with doctors from NICU who told us what to expect for delivery and his treatment after he is born. He would likely stay in the hospital until end of June, his due date.

It's scary~ going to hospital to have a baby is supposed to be exciting (at least it was when I imagined it)...not like this. I'm working on revising my expectations and I don't need exciting any more-- just for him to be healthy. Each day longer that he stays in, the better it will be for him on the outside.
Oh god maya you poor thing. Did you have a reason to go into prem labour e.g the listeria you had? Have you had a LLETZ or a cervical procedure? You must have been so scared. I am so pleased that at 28 weeks with steroids your baby has really good outcome likelihoods, even though he may need a stay in NICU. I hope your hubby is looking after you well and you are having lots of distraction to keep your mind off things.

Beach gal, it is harder than you think isn't it. I am beginning to feel really tired too. Only ten weeks till my mat leave. when are you finishing?

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